QNetworkAccessManager from ThreadPool - multithreading

A very fundamental question. The documentation mentions that all methods in QNetworkAccessManager are reentrant. If so, is performing a get() method in a QRunnable without locks legal? My code would look something like this:
class MyClass: public QRunnable
void run()
QNetworkAccessManager nam;
QNetworkReply* reply = name.get(request) // No Read-write lock.

From the Qt documentation:
[...] a class is said to be reentrant if its member functions can [simultaneously] be
called safely from multiple threads, as long as each thread uses a different instance of
the class.
Since you're using a different instance each time (the one you create on the stack in run()), you're on the safe side.

As a side note to this ,if you just want the GET request to be asynchronous, QNetworkAccessManager is already asynchronous (says so in the docs).


QT Multithreading Data Pass from Main Thread to Worker Thread

I am using multithreading in my QT program. I need to pass data to the worker object that lives in the worker thread from the main gui thread. I created a setData function in a QObject subclass to pass all the necessary data from the main gui thread. However I verified the function is called from the main thread by looking at QThread::currentThreadId() in the setData function. Even though the worker object function is called from the main thread does this ensure that the worker thread still has its own copy of the data as is required for a reentrant class? Keep in mind this is happening before the worker thread is started.
Also if basic data types are used in a class without dynamic memory and no static global variables is that class reentrant as long as all of its other member data is reentrant? (it's got reentrant data members like qstrings, qlists etc in addition the the basic ints bools etc)
Thanks for the help
Edited new content:
My main question was simply is it appropriate to call a QObject subclass method living in another thread from the main gui thread in order to pass my data to the worker thread to be worked on (in my case custom classes containing backup job information for long-pending file scans and copies for data backup). The data pass all happens before the thread is started so there's no danger of both threads modifying the data at once (I think but I'm no multithreading expert...) It sounds like the way to do this from your post is to use a signal from the main thread to a slot in the worker thread to pass the data. I have confirmed my data backup jobs are reentrant so all I need to do is assure that the worker thread works on its own instances of these classes. Also the transfer of data currently done by calling the QObject subclass method is done before the worker thread starts - does this prevent race conditions and is it safe?
Also here under the section "Accessing QObject Subclasses from Other Threads" it looks a little dangerous to use slots in the QObject subclass...
OK here's the code I've been busy recently...
Edited With Code:
void Replicator::advancedAllBackup()
updateStatus("<font color = \"green\">Starting All Advanced Backups</font>");
worker = new Worker;
QList<BackupJob> jobList;
for (int backupCount = 0; backupCount < advancedJobs.size(); backupCount++)
jobList << advancedJobs[backupCount];
The startBackup function sets some booleans and updates the gui.
the setupWorker function connects all signals and slots for the worker thread and worker object.
the setData function sets the worker job list data to that of the backend and is called before the thread starts so there is no concurrency.
Then we start the thread and it does its work.
And here's the worker code:
void setData(QList<BackupJob> jobs) { this->jobs = jobs; }
So my question is: is this safe?
There are some misconceptions in your question.
Reentrancy and multithreading are orthogonal concepts. Single-threaded code can be easily forced to cope with reentrancy - and is as soon as you reenter the event loop (thus you shouldn't).
The question you are asking, with correction, is thus: Are the class's methods thread-safe if the data members support multithreaded access? The answer is yes. But it's a mostly useless answer, because you're mistaken that the data types you use support such access. They most likely don't!
In fact, you're very unlikely to use multithread-safe data types unless you explicitly seek them out. POD types aren't, most of the C++ standard types aren't, most Qt types aren't either. Just so that there are no misunderstandings: a QString is not multithread-safe data type! The following code is has undefined behavior (it'll crash, burn and send an email to your spouse that appears to be from an illicit lover):
QString str{"Foo"};
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
QtConcurrent::run([&]{ str.append("bar"); });
The follow up questions could be:
Are my data members supporting multithreaded access? I thought they did.
No, they aren't unless you show code that proves otherwise.
Do I even need to support multithreaded access?
Maybe. But it's much easier to avoid the need for it entirely.
The likely source of your confusion in relation to Qt types is their implicit sharing semantics. Thankfully, their relation to multithreading is rather simple to express:
Any instance of a Qt implicitly shared class can be accessed from any one thread at a given time. Corollary: you need one instance per thread. Copy your object, and use each copy in its own thread - that's perfectly safe. These instances may share data initially, and Qt will make sure that any copy-on-writes are done thread-safely for you.
Sidebar: If you use iterators or internal pointers to data on non-const instances, you must forcibly detach() the object before constructing the iterators/pointers. The problem with iterators is that they become invalidated when an object's data is detached, and detaching can happen in any thread where the instance is non-const - so at least one thread will end up with invalid iterators. I won't talk any more of this, the takeaway is that implicitly shared data types are tricky to implement and use safely. With C++11, there's no need for implicit sharing anymore: they were a workaround for the lack of move semantics in C++98.
What does it mean, then? It means this:
// Unsafe: str1 potentially accessed from two threads at once
QString str1{"foo"};
QtConcurrent::run([&]{ str1.apppend("bar"); });
// Safe: each instance is accessed from one thread only
QString str1{"foo"};
QString str2{str1};
QtConcurrent::run([&]{ str1.apppend("bar"); });
The original code can be fixed thus:
QString str{"Foo"};
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
QtConcurrent::run([=]() mutable { str.append("bar"); });
This isn't to say that this code is very useful: the modified data is lost when the functor is destructed within the worker thread. But it serves to illustrate how to deal with Qt value types and multithreading. Here's why it works: copies of str are taken when each instance of the functor is constructed. This functor is then passed to a worker thread to execute, where its copy of the string is appended to. The copy initially shares data with the str instance in the originating thread, but QString will thread-safely duplicate the data. You could write out the functor explicitly to make it clear what happens:
QString str{"Foo"};
struct Functor {
QString str;
Functor(const QString & str) : str{str} {}
void operator()() {
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
How do we deal with passing data using Qt types in and out of a worker object? All communication with the object, when it is in the worker thread, must be done via signals/slots. Qt will automatically copy the data for us in a thread-safe manner so that each instance of a value is ever only accessed in one thread only. E.g.:
class ImageSource : public QObject {
QImage render() {
QImage image{...};
QPainter p{image};
return image;
Q_SIGNAL newImage(const QImage & image);
void makeImage() {
emit newImage(render());
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
QApplication app...;
ImageSource source;
QLabel label;
connect(source, &ImageSource::newImage, &label, [&](const QImage & img){
return app.exec();
The connection between the source's signal and the label's thread context is automatic. The signal happens to be emitted in a worker thread in the default thread pool. At the time of signal emission, the source and target threads are compared, and if different, the functor will be wrapped in an event, the event posted the label, and the label's QObject::event will run the functor that sets the pixmap. This is all thread-safe and leverages Qt to make it almost effortless. The target thread context &label is critically important: without it, the functor would run in the worker thread, not the UI thread.
Note that we didn't even have to move the object to a worker thread: in fact, moving a QObject to a worker thread should be avoided unless the object does need to react to events and does more than merely generate a piece of data. You'd typically want to move e.g. objects that deal with communications, or complex application controllers that are abstracted from their UI. Mere generation of data can be usually done using QtConcurrent::run using a signal to abstract away the thread-safety magic of extracting the data from the worker thread to another thread.
In order to use Qt's mechanisms for passing data between threads with queues, you cannot call the object's function directly. You need to either use the signal/slot mechanism, or you can use the QMetaObject::invokeMethod call:
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(myObject, "mySlotFunction",
Q_ARG(int, 42));
This will only work if both the sending and receiving objects have event queues running - i.e. a main or QThread based thread.
For the other part of your question, see the Qt docs section on reentrancy:
Many Qt classes are reentrant, but they are not made thread-safe,
because making them thread-safe would incur the extra overhead of
repeatedly locking and unlocking a QMutex. For example, QString is
reentrant but not thread-safe. You can safely access different
instances of QString from multiple threads simultaneously, but you
can't safely access the same instance of QString from multiple threads
simultaneously (unless you protect the accesses yourself with a

MFC Thread-safe singleton

I want to create a thread-safe singleton using only MFC. I prefer to avoid boost::thread, and I can't use std::thread on VS2010.
Also, VS 2010 has C++11 limitations (if not, it would be much easier since I think it supports thread-safe static variable initialization).
So far, I have tried this solution but I'm not sure how thread-safe it is.
From my understanding, a problem would be that the static CCriticalSection was initialized after the singleton instance is created and some trouble would appear if two threads get an instance and generate two singleton objects.
In my case there will be only two threads running simultaneously, one main thread and one worker thread. The main thread will get the first instance, and the worker threads will get instances from time to time afterwards.
In this scenario, is this class thread-safe enough? Am I missing something?
In case that there's no way to do a thread-safe enough singleton class with MFC only I'll consider boost. Any advice or suggestion is highly appreciated.
// Singleton.h
class CSingleton
static CCriticalSection m_cs;
static CSingleton& GetInstance()
static CSingleton instance;
return instance;
virtual ~CSingleton(){};
CSingleton(){}; // Constructor
CSingleton( CSingleton const& ); // Don't Implement
void operator=( CSingleton const& );
// Singleton.cpp
// Initialize Critical Section
CCriticalSection CSingleton::m_cs;

Qt "no matching function for call to connect", modifying Qt Fortune Threaded Server example

I am trying to modify the Qt Fortune Threaded Server example to read text from the connection and then echo it back. I defined tcpSocket in my FortuneThread.h file as follows:
QTcpSocket tcpSocket;
My new run function for the thread looks as follows:
void FortuneThread::run()
if (!tcpSocket.setSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor)) {
emit error(tcpSocket.error());
connect(&tcpSocket, SIGNAL(readyREAD()), this, SLOT(readCommand()) );
Which compiles and runs, but once I connect I get this error (referring to the connect line):
QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
(Parent is QTcpSocket(0x1eeb920), parent's thread is QThread(0x1bb3f90), current thread is FortuneThread(0x1eeb8f0)
QObject::connect: No such signal QTcpSocket::readyREAD() in ../fortune/fortunethread.cpp:60
Can someone explain the cause to me? Since tcpSocket is defined inside the FortuneThread class (which is run as a separate thread), and "this" refers to FortuneThread, I assume both objects are inside the thread? How to fix this?
Your socket object has been created in the main thread, but you're accessing it from a different thread. You need to create it inside of the thread's run() method. The location where the socket is defined doesn't matter. It will be created from the main thread when the C++ runtime library is doing static object initialization.
QTcpSocket * tcpSocket;
void FortuneThread::run() {
tcpSocket = new QTcpSocket;
I agree with Kuba Ober. You should read that great guide about Qt threads, objects and events. In particular, section called Signals and slots across threads. Authors recommends split controller and work parts into different essences.
Second issue in your code — case sensitive signal name. Change it to readyRead.
A problem with the Qt Fortune Threaded Server example is the way in which it uses threads. As the developers of Qt say, "You're doing it wrong"
The issue is the inheritance of QThread. The QThread class is not actually a thread, but a thread controller class and the only reason to inherit this, is if you want to change the behaviour of controlling threads.
The problem you're seeing is due to thread affinity; which thread an object belongs to.
If a thread is inherited like this: -
class FortuneThread : public QThread
QTcpSocket tcpSocket;
An object of FortuneThread is then instantiated from the main thread: -
FortuneThread* ft = new FortuneThread(parent);
The thread affinity for the thread and the objects it has instantiated (tcpSocket) is now the main thread, so the tcpSocket is running on the main thread, which is what the error is stating. At the point the run function is called, the connect is coming from the FortuneThread, but the tcpSocket is on the main thread.
The better way to solve this is to create your class, derived from QObject and move it to the thread: -
// Inherit from QObject, not QThread
class FortuneSocket : public QObject
public slots:
void Run();
QTcpSocket tcpSocket;
QThread* pThread = new QThread(parent);
FortuneSocket* pFortune = new FortuneSocket(parent);
connect(pThread, &QThread::started, pFortune, &FortuneSocket::Run); // Qt5 connect style
// move the fortune socket to the thread: -
Now, when you start the thread with pThread->start(), the FortuneSocket object and all of its members are running on the new thread.
Using threads this way also means that you can move multiple objects to a single thread, rather than having one object per thread. Note that creating more threads than CPU cores is pointless!
Finally, there's a more in-depth article on how to use QThread, here.

QThreadPool::jobQueueSize() ? QThreadPool::finishedJobCount()

Is there any way to know how many jobs it has finished executing ? e.g. why there is no method like QThreadPool::jobQueueSize() or QThreadPool::finishedJobCount() or QThreadPool::waitingJobCount().
I see Nither do QRunnables offer any such functionality. like started() or finished()
Should I do a Hack like. in QRunnable::run()
* Assuming _controller has a link to all the Runnables. and I've a finite number of QRunnables that I recycle in my own Way.
void MyRunnable::run(){
QThreadPool is a singleton and uses the interface implementation idiom. Which means that the actual implementation is performed by QThreadPoolPrivate class and QThreadPool is just the interface.
First alternative:
You need to patch QThreadPoolPrivate to get the methods that you want.
Next you need to patch QThreadPool to return its hidden QThreadPoolPrivate implementation
so that you can access this internal class
Second alternative :
Patch the constructor of QThreadPool to inject your own implementation that provides the methods that you need.
In both cases you need to patch Qt's source code.

Thread synchronization question

I am playing around with threads. I have a question and I think its a very basic one:
I have a class:
Class Message {
public WriteMsg(string msg)
I create an object of this class
Message msg = new Message();
Now I create ten threads and pass this message object to the function executed by the ten threads. Each will pass its thread index to the writemsg , which will be written out to stdout. I wrote and tested the application and its writing thread index 1 through 10.
As you can see I have not implemented no kind of synchronization. If the class is doing just the functionality mentioned above, do I need a lock mechanism when accessing the object in the threads ?
You need synchronization among threads if they are working working with shared variables.
In your simple example there is no shared variable. So no synch is needed
It depends on what you're doing if it's methods that modify or read from non-atomic objects than yes. For your case it's not necessary.
