How can I search for a code snippet in all folders/files of a site? [closed] - search

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How can I search for a code snippet in all folders/files of a site?
I can't find the line of code I'm looking for. It's a large site and looking through file by file is not reasonable. How can I go about finding this snippet?
Other details:
It's a Drupal site
I use a Mac
Code editing software I currently have avail: Coda, Text Wrangler, Dreamweaver
Any help would be incredibly appreciated.

Just use grep - take a closer look at this tool here:
FYI: it is a command-line tool.
Also consider that Drupal may be storing something within the database, even the PHP code (which happens when you have PHP filter enabled for some contents and put PHP inline). Thus you may not find the specific code snippet within the code of the application and then you will probably need to look into the database.

While grep via a terminal will work wonderfully for OSX and *nix users, those on Windows may find that grep isn't available.
For Windows users who want a solution to this, you can try the following:
1) Using cygwin (, which can be installed with grep
2) Grabbing a copy of grepWin (; a grep tool with a frontend UI.


Is there any Linux alternative of windows desktop search tool "everything"? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there any alternative of popular windows desktop search "Search Everything (by Voidtools)" for linux. "Everything" is the only reason I have to stay with windows and not able to switch to linux as primary OS. I am looking for the alternative for quite sometime. I guess, someone who has already used "Everything" on windows, can only understand what I am looking for. Any help is appreciated.
Take a look at Recoll.
Recoll finds keywords inside documents as well as file names. It can search most document formats. It can reach any storage place: files, archive members, email attachments, transparently handling decompression. One click will open the document inside a native editor or display an even quicker text preview. The software is free, open source, and licensed under the GPL.
I don't really know what is your use case.
To have a index of all file names and search for them use
updatedb & locate
to find manually things in files use ( only as example ):
grep <search-string> -R *
find . -type f -exec grep <search-string> {} \;
Indexing source code:
ctags & etags
More information about text indexing:
Command-line fulltext indexing?
Hope this helps

making PDF file to flipbook [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need an open source html that convert PDF to Flipbook and I want to use it in linux server.
I've searched but found .exe document that doesn't work on linux server.
Thanks if you can help me to find one
There are a number of different ways of doing this but from your question it looks like you want to convert your documents on your server? FlexPaper supplies sample scripts in PHP and Java for how you can convert PDF documents to HTML5 and Flash in both GPL and commercial versions. You can give it a try here:
Plain HTML can't convert pdf to flipbook.. Program called ghostscript can convert pdf to jpg/png in linux but the flipbook it self have to be maid/viewed usually with flash.
You can have a try with this two programs runing over linux, I hope its usefull for you and

How can i use tcl to create xls file with multisheets and colored boxes as per requirement? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am using Linux operating System. and my most of the application is in TCL. I am thinking of adding a module to it for creating xls file with multiple sheets and colored boxes as per requirement. Is there a way by which i can created xls file? csv will not help me for the task. Any Help/Suggestion/Keyword will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
The excel formats are formidably tricky (only CSV is remotely easy to handle, and that's because it doesn't do much). I'd use Apache POI for this, even bearing in mind that it is Java code and so likely to be a bit awkward to integrate with your Tcl code.
If you were able to run on Windows instead, the TCOM package would let you talk to a running Excel instance to do the work more directly. That package is platform-specific though…
This i made it done by simple hit and trial of perl and half day learning of Spreadsheet::WriteExcel
Creating perl file using tcl data and at the end executing the perl script. Final output of xls file generated. Thanks everyone for your effort.

Colloborative programming with compiler [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Does anyone know of any software like Google Docs, or collabedit that allows you to edit realtime collaboratively and even compile a .cpp or other program over the web?
I haven't used this website, but seems like does the job.
It doesn't work for Java though.
I know of this website that will compile the code for you:
Unfortunately, I cannot help in the real time editing front.
I wrote a little webapp that does exactly that, i.e. it lets you compile Google Docs documents:
You can write C++ code into a Google Document (and do that collaboratively if you like), and then click on a bookmark (provided on the site) to compile your code, which will either start the download of your binary or show a compiler error message.

Code Snippet Managers for Linux desktops? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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In the spirit of
What are some good code snippet managers for Linux?
My quick search didn't turn up much. Eclipse, emacs, vim, Kate, and KDevelop all offer their own integrated snippet managers, but I'm looking for something more generic along the lines of CodeCollector or Snippets, ideally with the option of a CLI interface.
Even a pure CLI tool would be acceptable (maybe even preferable).
Have you seen jCodeCollector? It's a significantly less complicated clone of CodeCollector, but is multiplatform (java). It is available from
There is also Acire, a project started by Jono Bacon of Ubuntu fame, which is management library for useful python snippets. While full of useful tidbits, it is however, language and linux-specific.
I use snippets on the mac. I found a similar app (though not as beautiful...) called glipper. It is an gnome applet that was designed as a clipboard manager. It has a snippet collector built into it though (turn it on in plugins) that lets you save snippets forever. It is not very well organized...but it is a very simple offering that has a simple interface.
There is a plugin for Gedit that integrates with snipplr.
Gedit Snipplr Plugin
