I have a filter class defined below.
class CTAFilter(django_filters.FilterSet):
id = django_filters.NumberFilter(label="DSID")
class Meta:
model = CTA
fields = ['id', 'EmailID','id','Shift_timing']
Now I want to use this CTAFilter in normal template(table data)view and in download views.
I have observed that It is working fine for normal render view but when I am using it in my download views it is not working and I am getting all model data in the .xls file.
Please find the below questions which I have posted.
how to use Django filtered class data to 2 seperate view
I am not able to resolve this problem I have tried to check if I can define it globally so that the filter will work for all views(like RESTAPI).
Is there any way I can make my download view as a child view class of normal render view so that I will use the below code from the parent view(as it is working fine)?
cta_list = CTA.objects.all()
cta_filter = CTAFilter(request.GET, queryset=cta_list) allcta = cta_filter.qs
A>Normal View where the filter is working fine.
def retrievecta_view(request):
if request.method == 'GET':
allcta = CTA.objects.all()
allcta1 = allcta
allctagen = allcta1.filter(Shift_timing__exact='General')
allctamor = allcta1.filter(Shift_timing__exact='Morning')
allctseve = allcta1.filter(Shift_timing__exact='Evening')
allctatotal = allcta1.filter(Shift_timing__exact='Total')
# For filtering using 'django_filters',
cta_list = CTA.objects.all()
cta_filter = CTAFilter(request.GET, queryset=cta_list)
allcta = cta_filter.qs
paginator = Paginator(allcta, 50)
page_number = request.GET.get('page')
allcts = paginator.page(page_number)
except PageNotAnInteger:
allcts = paginator.page(1)
except EmptyPage:
allcts = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
return render(request, 'abcd/cta.html', {'allcta': allcta, 'cta_filter': cta_filter, 'allcta1': allcta1,
'allctagen': allctagen, 'allctamor': allctamor,
'allctaeve': allctaeve,
'allctatotal': allctatotal})
b> Download view where I am trying to use the same filter but it is giving me all records.
def exportcts_data(request):
response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/ms-excel')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="CTA_ShiftTiming.xls"'
wb = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8')
ws = wb.add_sheet('CTS_ShiftChange Data') # this will make a sheet named Users Data
# Sheet header, first row
row_num = 0
font_style = xlwt.XFStyle()
font_style.font.bold = True
columns = ['id','idk','Shift_timing','EmailID','Vendor_Company','Project_name','SerialNumber','Reason','last_updated_time']
for col_num in range(len(columns)):
ws.write(row_num, col_num, columns[col_num], font_style) # at 0 row 0 column
# Sheet body, remaining rows
font_style = xlwt.XFStyle()
cts_list = CTA.objects.all()
cts_filter = CTAFilter(request.GET, queryset=cts_list)
allcts = cts_filter.qs
rows = allcts.values_list('id', 'idk', 'Shift_timing', 'EmailID', 'Vendor_Company', 'Project_name',
'SerialNumber', 'Reason', 'last_updated_time')
for row in rows:
row_num += 1
for col_num in range(len(row)):
ws.write(row_num, col_num, row[col_num], font_style)
return response
I'm not quite following why you want to have separate view for downloads which ultimately should be rendering the same data as the normal view if they are using the same filter. Maybe it is just my misunderstanding so I'm not sure if this will help you but let's see.
First off let me explain a little background. This is a task management application and in there I have an html page where the person logged in can view all of their completed tasks. (Nice and simple.) However the user may have tasks from many different projects so I have created a dropdown list that allows them to filter by a single project. They may also want to only see a specific period of tasks so I have allowed them to set a date range by providing a start and end date. (Nothing startling or earth shattering here.) Once the parameters are set, the user clicks a search button and the filtered results are displayed. The page also has an Export button which downloads the results of the filtered list to a .xls spreadsheet.
So how do I do this? Well first of all, I am using Django-Tables2 for rendering my tables. I simple predefine the table in tables.py and throw it the data I want from my views and it takes care of everything. Therefore my view code is minimal and very simple and looks like this.
from django_tables2.export.export import TableExport
from .tables import CompletedTable
def completedlist(request, page='0', name=''):
#Check to see if we have clicked a button inside the form
if request.method == 'POST':
return redirect ('tasks:tasklist')
# Pre-filtering of user and Master = True etc is done in the MasterListFilter in filters.py
# Then we compile the list for Filtering by.
f = CompletedListFilter(request.GET, queryset=Task.objects.all(),request=request)
# Then we apply the complete list to the table, configure it and then render it.
completedtable = CompletedTable(f.qs)
rows = len(completedtable.rows)
if int(page) > 0:
RequestConfig(request, paginate={'page': page, 'per_page': 10}).configure(completedtable)
RequestConfig(request, paginate={'page': 1, 'per_page': 10}).configure(completedtable)
export_format = request.GET.get('_export', None)
if TableExport.is_valid_format(export_format):
exporter = TableExport(export_format, completedtable)
return exporter.response('Completed Tasks.{}'.format(export_format))
return render (request,'tasks/completedlist.html',{'completedtable': completedtable, 'filter': f, 'rows': rows})
As you can see, every time the user hits either the search or export buttons, I am recompiling the queryset in variable f with the following line:
f = CompletedListFilter(request.GET, queryset=Task.objects.all(),request=request)
I have predefined the .xls format in the html page with this code:
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" name="_export" value="xls" type="submit">Export</button>
So then I can test to see if the user clicked the Export button or not by getting the value of _export from the request like this:
export_format = request.GET.get('_export', None)
If the user did not click the export button, export_format will default to none. If they did, it will be .xls as defined in the html. Then I simply either export the data in line with the filters set by the user or I render the page with the same filtered list of data like this:
if TableExport.is_valid_format(export_format):
exporter = TableExport(export_format, completedtable)
return exporter.response('Completed Tasks.{}'.format(export_format))
return render (request,'tasks/completedlist.html',{'completedtable': completedtable, 'filter': f, 'rows': rows})
So there you have it. As you say your filter is working for the normal view I have not detailed my filter as that would seem to be unnecessary.
Maybe this solution is too simplistic for your requirements and yes, before I get shot down by other developers, there are several limitations, such as 'What if the user wants to use something other than .xls?' or 'What if they want to export more than one Project at a time?' Like everything, there is always room for improvement but when I'm bashing my head with an issue, I often find it helps to strip things back to basics and see what comes from that.
I am creating a excel VBA userform which requires many buttons to be created on the fly (ie as the requirement may be, runtime). I want to assign a subroutine to these buttons so that when they are clicked a subroutine should execute.
this is what I want to do
Set obj4 = usrform.Controls.Add("forms.commandbutton.1")
obj4.Height = 17
obj4.Left = 450
obj4.Top = 75
obj4.Font.Size = 11
obj4.Name = "compare" & (j - i) 'j and i are some variables in the code
obj4.Caption = "Compare!"
obj4.onclick = abcd
public sub abcd()
'some code here
end sub
but this code is not running. I read somewhere that here I cannot call a subroutine but a function. My problem is that I want a subroutine only as I dont intend to get something in return from it. But still for trial purpose I made abcd() a function in the above code and then my code was running but unsuccessfully as it was executing the function abcd without the need of button getting pressed.
Can anyone help me with this? I have searched a lot for this on internet in various forums.
Don't get hung up on subroutine v. function: if you don't set the return value of a function, it's the same as a subroutine.
When you set the onClick property, you give it the name of the function as a string obj4.onclick = "abcd" otherwise it will execute the function and save the return value.
I am fairly new to Word Addin development. Fortunately I was able to do almost everything but stuck at some simple issue I belive.
I want to insert plain text controls dynamically at the selected range. For this I am using the following:
currentDocument = application.ActiveDocument;
foreach(var field in myFieldsList)
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range rng = currentDocument.ActiveWindow.Selection.Range;
object oRng = rng;
var contentControlPlain = application.ActiveDocument.ContentControls.Add(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdContentControlType.wdContentControlText, ref oRng);
contentControlPlain.Tag = formField.FormFieldId.ToString();
contentControlPlain.SetPlaceholderText(null, null, " <" + formField.FormFieldName + "> ");
contentControlPlain.LockContentControl = (formField.TypeName.Trim() == "Blank");
Code seems to be working fine but when I try to insert the second field it complains saying:
This method or property is not available because the current selection partially covers a plain text content control.
I understand that addin is trying to insert next content control into the previously inserted plain text control. But I tried giving some other range and could not fix it.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
After adding every content control use
Application.Selection.Start = lastControl.Range.End+1
I am having trouble with the following simple code
BindingList<Car> tempList = new BindingList<Car>();
BindingSource bindingSource = new BindingSource();
bindingSource.DataSource = tempList;
dgTempView.DataSource = bindingSource;
Here, dgTempView is a data grid view
After the above lines execute, the column count in the datagrid view remains 0. And when I try adding a Car instance in tempList, I get an error saying that 'no row can be added to a datagridview control that does not have columns' . I am not able to understand what am I missing here
Found my mistake. The members of the Class Car were public instance variables and not properties. The moment I changed them to Auto Properties it worked :)
In my WPF program I have:
string queryString = "Select AccountID, ProjectName from Foo where IsEnabled = 1";
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(queryString, sConn1);
DataSet dsAccounts = new DataSet();
adapter.Fill(dsAccounts, "Accounts");
cbAccount.ItemsSource = dsAccounts.Tables["Accounts"].AsEnumerable();
cbAccount.DisplayMemberPath = "ProjectName";
When my program runs and I dropdown the ComboBox all the rows are there but they display as blanks. When I click on a row, my SelectionChanged event handler properly identifies the selected row and picks up the proper values.
I believe my problem is with the DisplayMemberPath.
What am I doing wrong?
This is not an answer but rather a workaround. This works:
cbAccount.DataContext = dsAccounts.Tables["Accounts"];
//cbAccount.ItemsSource = dsAccounts.Tables["Accounts"].AsEnumerable();
cbAccount.DisplayMemberPath = "ProjectName";
By setting the DataContext reather than the ItemSource then the DisplayMemberPath is being set properly.
The question remains open, there must be a way to properly set the DisplayMemberPath when one has an ItemSource rather than a DataContext.
I believe the problem is that your table accounts is not serialized to objects.
If you use a list of accounts instead of your tables then it works perfect with the ItemsSource and DisplayMemeberPath.