Facebook Like button that posts to page wall as well? - drupal-6

I have a online shop. On the home page there are products, with a like button. When a person clicks on the button, it goes to their profile and it says that they liked it. However, I also want when the user clicks like, that it is posted to my BUSINESS FACEBOOK PAGE as well.
1. Is this possible?
2. Is this possible using the standard facebook like button?
I am implementing this on a site with Drupal which is using the FBConnect module.

We can't do anything with that standard facebook like button. That's the way it is. However, we can achieve what you want by other means.
Since you're the owner of the business page, you can get the access_token for it, preferably with publish_stream permission. Then you can use edge.create event on the pages with the like button and detect that to publish on your business wall.
Check the links. For the access_token / authentication link, look for "Page Login".


How to implement an admin approval system for posting blogs in node.js and express application?

Okay. I might look silly to ask this question, but hold on and help me out.
I have made a Blog app using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. The user has to sign in to create a blog and post it on the site. But, now I want to design a system so that an admin has to approve the user's post before actually publishing that particular blog on the site.
I want to create an admin panel where he/she can see all the user's posts with username and userid. And, I want an approval button or such thing on every post, so that only after admin approves the user's post, it is published on the actual site.
Please suggest me the solution to achieve this.
PS: I do not know how to create the admin panel at all.
I understand you are new in Node.js. So you should know some basic knowledge like the basic API call, how to render a page, creating a Model and also Save, Update And Delete.
If you know about Model, View, Controller, and Routes. Then you can understand the following methodology.
First of all, the Admin Panel is a page like other pages that can only access Admin. For this, you can make a field in the USER model name isAdmin which probably by default False. If isAdmin == True then you can render those Admin Page. You can put a button on the home page which can only show when isAdmin == True. After clicking the button it will take you to that Admin page.
Then, you have to make a field named isApproved in the POST model which also by default False.
In Admin Page you can make a button Approve Post with other information when you click on that button isApproved field of the post will become True.
Finally, A post will show when isApproved == True. You can comment for further solution.

Direct link to newsletter - kentico 9

We are using kentico 9 at work for our website.
You can subscribe to our newsletter using a "box" which is integrated all the way down on our homepage.
However, I would like to have the opportunity to share a direct subscription link on social media so people can click on it and subscribe to the newsletter.
Now, I have to invite people to go on our website and to go down the page to subscribe which is inconvenient (nobody is going to do this).
I can't find a way to get a direct link (I'm not a developer).
Does anybody know how I could do it ?
Thanks in advance ! :D
If someone want to subscribe to newsletter, he/she must provide you with email address and I'm not sure that can be done with direct link, because you are not aware of user email address (your target group is unknown group from social media).
You can set up anchor in 'subscribe to newsletter' link, which will automatically scroll down your page to box at the bottom, but I don't think that is the best solution. Maybe, to create a new content page, with only purpose to subscribe users to newsletter (have some introduction text, and widget for 'newsletter' where users can subscribe). I don't know is that what you are looking for, but it is nicer solution then asking people to scroll down and subscribe to newsletter.
Best regards,
My suggestion would be to create a specific landing page with that signup form on it. This way you can have a link you share in social media that takes them directly to that page and allows them to put in their info (first, last and email) and sign up for that specific newsletter. This way it's a specific call to action on that page and allows for the user to only do one thing.

Kentico 8.2 Newsletter Link and unsubscribe link

I have created a contact form under Forms with first name, last name, and email that is designed to sign up people for a newsletter. I then created a page so when people click on the link placed on the home page it takes them to a page with the contact form.
Right now when I test the subscribe form out, the data does to to the "back office" where it can be retrieved. However, the information I entered is still in the text fields and, unless you notice the small flash of the web page, one might think nothing happened.
I'd like to know how (or be directed to somewhere in the Kentico 8.2 Documentation) I can make it so that the fields clear and a message appears saying "You have been subscribed to the newsletter." That message can either appear on a separate page on the web site, or send a message to the user email, or both. In the Email Marketing part under the templates there are Subscribe and Unsubscribe templates, but I don't know how to use those.
The other issue is creating an Unsubscribe link. Ideally that will open up to a new page saying "You have been unsubscribed." Kentico 8.2 has an unsubscribe page you can create where the user enters in an email address and then hits the Unsubscribe Request button, but I'd rather not do that. As it stands, I did create a page with that form and tested it, but it doesn't seem to work.
When you edit your form, under general tab, there are settings for what will happen after the form is submitted:
Display Text
Redirect to URL
Clear Form
Continue Editing.
Currently you're using the standard Forms application for something which can be managed through the Newsletter/Email Campaign module. Read the documentation more on how to configure this vs. using the Forms application.
Essentially the steps you will do are:
Create your newsletter following the directions in the linked documentation.
Place a newsletter subscription webpart on your page template and configure it to the newsletter you want them to subscribe to.
Use the out of the box unsubscribe feature to allow users to unsubscribe to your newsletter. No need to add any page to the content tree but you can if you want OR just use the OOTB functionality.
If you follow the documentation you should be able to get it setup properly vs. using an online form.

WebEngine "keep me logged in" functionality

Is there any way to store state, basically to have a "keep me logged in" functionality like browsers do?
I've been looking into the CookieManager, and search a lot but haven't been able to find anything on this.
I have a social feeds reader, in which if a user clicks on a link it is opened on a WebView. The thing is, that on every run of my app, when they click on a link pointing to a private facebook post, they need to log in to their accounts in order to view it, which is quite uncomfortable.
Appreciate your help.
I found this How do I persist cookies when using HTTPUrlConnection?
and this http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/networking/cookies/custom.html
which allowed me to create a persistent cookie handler.

LIKES done by me on my own page don't show up anymore after making an app to post to my page's fanpage

I really hope someone can tell me more about what's going on, because I spent days searching the net and for the life of me can't say what is going on.
Here's what happened. I have a website 4nieuws.nl . On every article's page I put a like button using the Javascript SDK. All worked well. On facebook I created a fanpage for the website, facebook.com/4nieuws and every now and again I would copy an interesting article there. The like button and Javascript SDK on 4nieuws.nl uses the APP Id from an app I created specifically for that purpose.
Then I thought I might automate to publish the most popular articles on the fanpage using the PHP api. I set about getting the proper authorization key using the sequence explained on this page: http://www.typeoneerror.com/articles/post/permanent-facebook-sessions-and-posting-as-a-page
For this to work I authorized the previously mentioned app to publish on the facebook fanpages that I am admin of. And this works.
Now for the strange part. Ever since I authorized the app, if I go to 4nieuws.nl and like a page, or even 'post to facebook', the button shows 1 more like. But the like message never shows up on my personal wall. My wife, logged in to her own facebook account, gets a notification that I liked a page, but when she clicks the notification she is sent to a Facebook 404 page. When I subsequently reload the article, my 'like' is not there anymore.
Has anyone ever come across something like this ? I'm a bit anxious because I am not sure if other peoples likes on 4nieuws.nl are working as it should. I do see likes on pages but have no idea if those likes are actually registering on peoples walls.
Any help greatly appreciated.
