VBScript not working? Page setup wrong - excel

I have an Excel report program. When it prints, I want the date to be on the left.
I used this code
.LeftHeader = "Printed on &D &T"
However, I need to put a comment above in the "head" comment.
head = "In these quotes should be the date"
What should be in the quotes to print the date?

The following gives date as formatted string . You can modify it to suit your requirements
head = Format(Date(), "yyyy/mm/dd")


Extracting Data with .selectitem VBA-SAP

I am trying to extract the text from a topdown analysis in SAP using VBA. I basically need to move down the column, evaluate if the extracted text contains a certain character string, then extract the cell adjacent to it.
First: Does anyone know how to change this line of code (the script for that specific cell) so that I can extract its text to a variable rather than just select it?
Second: Does anyone know how to make this line variable using i as the variable?
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/cntlCONTAINER/shellcont/shell/shellcont[1]/shell[1]").selectItem " 5", "C 35"
In similar cases, I proceeded as follows:
myRow = right(space(10) & cstr(i) , 11)
myText = session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/cntlCONTAINER/shellcont/shell/shellcont[1]/shell[1]").getItemText(myRow ,"C 35")

Excel error: expected end of statement, what does this mean?

I am trying to write this formula into a cell via my script:
strFormulas(1) = "=IF(AND(I2<12.2,I2>=8.2),"t","f")"
And it keeps coming up as an error, even though it works just fine in the actual sheet if I manually input it into the cell. What is it expecting me to do here?
You need to escape quotes. Try this:
strFormulas(1) = "=IF(AND(I2<12.2,I2>=8.2),""t"",""f"")"
The issue that you are running into is that " is interpreted as beginning or ending a VBA string. So VBA parses your expression as
strFormulas(1) = "=IF(AND(I2<12.2,I2>=8.2),"
with "garbage" at the end. This "garbage" is what it is complaining about. If you need to include a " within a VBA string, use "".

How to handle Apostrophes ( ' ) using XPATH in QTP

chk this code snippet
Please refer the below code.
rv = “Are you 56' taller ?”
If I pass 20 fields ie, until [rv = “ Are you 56' taller ? "].
It’s not working because ‘ – apostrophe is used to comment in QTP
How to handle ' ( apostrophe ) in Xpath using QTP ?
Code Snippet:
rv = Replace (rv,"'", "\'")
rv = LEFT(rv,50)
If SVAL = "Yes" Then
Set oobj = Browser("xyz").Page("abc").WebElement("xpath:=//div[contains(text(),'"& rv &"')]/../..//label[starts-with(text(),'Yes')]")
i = i+1
End If
I really appreciate your reply.
Try with the character code chr(39) for apostrophe as shown below:
"Are you 56" & chr(39) & " taller ?"
As others mentioned this is not because ' is a comment in vbscript (not just QTP) but because you're ending the string too early.
You use single quotes for the string to compare to in the XPath and then the apostrophe closes the string too early. You should instead use regular quotes there too so that the apostrophe doesn't end the string too early.
In order to get a double quote in a string in VBScript write it twice "Like ""this"" for example".
So your XPath should look like this:
"//div[contains(text(),""Are you 56' taller ?"")]"
Rather than this:
"//div[contains(text(),'Are you 56' taller ?')]"
Or using your example:
Browser("xyz").Page("abc").WebElement("xpath:=//div[contains(text(),"""& rv &""")]/../..//label[starts-with(text(),'Yes')]")
(Note this has been tested and works)
Use &apos; rather than (') so that the string can be properly processed.
Supporting evidence -> click here.
This has nothing to do with the ' being the comment character. This is normal working code:
Msgbox "'I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.' Douglas Adams"
Your code results into an error because some characters needs to be escaped like <, >, & and your infamous '. To enter the line above correctly into an XML tag you need to do this:
htmlEscaped = "&apos;I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.&apos Douglas Adams"
Here you can find an overview to a set of the most common characters that needs escaping (while this is not totally true: if you are using Unicode/UTF-8 encoding, some characters will parse just fine).
Unfortunately VBScript does not have a native function that escapes HTML like the Escape function for urls. Only if you are on ASP Server, you can use Server.HtmlEncode but that is not the case with you
To generalize html escaping (treath everything as special except for the most commons) you can use a script like this:
Function HTMLEncode(ByVal sVal)
sReturn = ""
If ((TypeName(sVal)="String") And (Not IsNull(sVal)) And (sVal<>"")) Then
For i = 1 To Len(sVal)
ch = Mid(sVal, i, 1)
Set oRE = New RegExp : oRE.Pattern = "[ a-zA-Z0-9]"
If (Not oRE.Test(ch)) Then
ch = "&#" & Asc(ch) & ";"
End If
sReturn = sReturn & ch
Set oRE = Nothing
End If
HTMLEncode = sReturn
End Function
It could be improved a bit (you'll notice passing objects into this function will result into an error) and made more specific: the regular expression could be matching more characters. I do also not know the performance of it, regular expressions can be slow if used incorrectly, but it proves as an example.

Excel : Date format issue

I have few cells where I fill date in those using 'FormatDatetime' function,
Range("AX1") = FormatDateTime((Docx.getAttribute("r1ed")))
Range("AX2") = FormatDateTime((Docx.getAttribute("r2ed")))
Range("AX3") = FormatDateTime((Docx.getAttribute("r3ed")))
Range("AX4") = FormatDateTime((Docx.getAttribute("r4ed")))
If date is separated by "." all the cells would show like "12.1.2013",but if I change my system date format separated by "-","AX4" shows date as still "12.1.2013".but other shows correctly.
I need to have fix for this,since I use these dates' for calculation later in VBA.
Please suggest some answers.
I think your problem is that FormatDateTime() returns a string, change it to DateValue() instead. If the return from Docx.getAttribute() contains dots you'll need to replace them with slashes first.
'[AX1] is the same as Range("AX1")
[AX1] = DateValue(Docx.getAttribute("r1ed"))
[AX2] = DateValue(Docx.getAttribute("r2ed"))
[AX3] = DateValue(Docx.getAttribute("r3ed"))
[AX4] = DateValue(Docx.getAttribute("r4ed"))
Or, if there are dots;
[AX1] = DateValue(Replace(Docx.getAttribute("r1ed"), ".", "/"))
[AX2] = DateValue(Replace(Docx.getAttribute("r2ed"), ".", "/"))
[AX3] = DateValue(Replace(Docx.getAttribute("r3ed"), ".", "/"))
[AX4] = DateValue(Replace(Docx.getAttribute("r4ed"), ".", "/"))
If this doesn't solve the issue, can you please post more info about what Docx.getAttribute() is returning please.
Edit: Also, knowing the format you need the cells to contain would be helpful - I'm assuming proper dates will be acceptable - You might need a string with a date in a certain format. If that's the case you could wrap the above with something like;
[AX1] = Format(DateValue(Docx.getAttribute("r1ed")), "dd/mm/yyyy")
It might be that FormatDateTime() is betraying you, Format() might be more flexible

Format a cell as arbitrary currency regardless of locale, using VBA

This is really bugging me as it seems pretty illogical the way it's working.
I have a macro to format a cell as a currency using a bit of code to obtain the currency symbol.
Here is the code involved:
Dim sym As String
sym = reportConstants(ISOcode)
'Just use the ISO code if there isn't a symbol available
If sym = "" Then
sym = ISOcode
End If
With range(.Offset(0, 3), .Offset(3, 3))
.NumberFormat = sym & "#,##0;(" & sym & "#,##0)"
Debug.Print sym & "#,##0;(" & sym & "#,##0)"
End With
reportConstants is a dictionary object with currency symbols defined as strings. E.g. reportConstants("USD") = "$". This is defined earlier in the macro.
When the macro runs it gets the ISO code and should then format the cell with the corresponding currency symbol.
When I run it in one instance the ISO code is "USD" - so sym is defined as "$" - but it still formats the cell with a pound sign (£). When I debug.print the format cell string it shows $#,##0;($#,##0) so, as long as I got my syntax correct, it should use a dollar sign in the cell. But it uses a £ sign instead. (I am running a UK version of excel so it may be defaulting to £-sign, but why?)
Any help greatly appreciated.
I just recorded a macro to set the format to $xx.xx and it created this: [$$-409]#,##0.00. Looks like the -409 localises the currency to a particular country; it works without it - try changing yours to .NumberFormat = "[$" & sym & "]#,##0.00"
Btw guess I read your question somewhat after posting ;) Excel is well influenced by the regional settings of your computer for currency, language, dates... Using numberformat can force it to keep the sign you require. if it is a matter of rounding up you can try to: On Excel 2010, go to File - Options - Advanced and scroll down to "When calculating this workbook" and click on the "set precision as displayed" and OK out. 
Try this: given your values are numerics/ integers/decimals....
Range("a2").Style = "Currency"
Or you can use format:
Format(value, "Currency")
Format(Range(a2).value, "Currency")
(PS: I am on mobile, you may try these two links)
