View clipboard contents - excel

Does anyone out there know how I can view what's actually being copied from Microsoft Excel when I select a set of cells an click "copy"?
I would like to see what, if any, styles, html, etc are actually being copied from the product. I am extending Dojo's Rich Text Editor and need to make sure that when the data is pasted, it is properly pasted into the editor.

I was able to do this with a quick java application.
If anyone is interested in this, please reply to this answer.


Center Conditional Icon Set Icons over Data

I the only answer I've been able to find on the web is that you can't do it. I know that is not true at least with Excel 2016 because Microsoft did it them selves in the College Move Checklist template.
The problem is I can't seem to find the settings to get it to work. I've been through all the rules and formatting but can't find it. I was able to copy and paste it to work in some of the items I needed it for but I needed to make it from scratch for others.
Does anyone know how to acheive this?
Edit the conditional format and check the "Show Icon Only" checkbox. This will remove the data from visibility and show only the icon, which will then adhere to the alignment you specify.
This answer from the comment by Axel Richter

How do I take the title of a website and add it to an Excel spreadsheet using AppleScript + Excel

I'm pretty sure this is an easy task, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for.
In short, I would like to use a keyboard shortcut take the title of the current page I'm on, and save it to an Excel document, basically creating a log of websites. If possible, I would like to add a link to the title that is saved in Excel.
I know how to add the Applescript as a service or workflow and such, but I can't wrap my mind around how to code this. The farthest I've gotten is grabbing the name of the website, but have no clue how to paste it to Excel, add a link to the title, then go to the next line.
Thank you for any assistance you may have.
Try these two lines of AppleScript
tell first document of application "Safari" to set pageTitle to name
tell first document of application "Safari" to set pageURL to URL

sharepoint 2010 dataformwebpart drop down list filter

I have two connected DataFormWebparts on a site page, with one web part filtering the data in the other, and this works fine as long as the design style allows the options to be clicked on i.e. the information is laid out in text format.
However If I change the style to be a drop down list then the filtering no longer works. I'm assuming this is because there is no longer a hyperlink to trigger off the event, but is there a way to make it work in this format?
jquery to the rescue. hide the links. show the dropdown and with jquery or javascript, trigger the link click on dropdown index change. try to google out. hope these hints help
faced same issue. i did this as i had less time

How to create an "Add Attachement" column in sharepoint 2010?

Googled and looked here for a while with no answer found so far.
I am currently trying to have a column work similar to the edit button. With the edit button you click the icon and you are redirected to the edit page. I want something the users can click to go straight to the add attachment section. It does not need to be a button, even though it would look nice. We also have designer so that is an option as well.
Any suggestions or link on how I can try to make this work? Any help is appreciated.
Could you not Create another ECB item just like the edit button with the name add attachment
Pass the ID of the item via query string.
Pick this up in c# and work your magic to add an attachment?
This is how to create an ECB menu item
Hope this helps

What does EMBED function mean in Excel Controls?

I am adding a button in an existing Excel file. I noticed that the existing buttons has the EMBED formula specified to it. What does the function mean?
Honestly there really is not much documentation available on this "function". It is one of those things which are exposed unnecessarily when it really shouldn't have been. We are not supposed to enter this manually.
When you select a CommandButton and place it in Excel, you will see
in the Formula Bar. This text is necessary and should not be deleted. It is Excel's way of telling itself that an object has been inserted.
