Difference between JSF view instances: new view, initial view, and postback view - jsf

I did some research on JSF view instances: new view, initial view, and postback view. But, I am still not quite sure about the differences. It's kind of confusing and I haven't been able to find a good explanation on that. Can somebody put some light on this one?

That was how JSF 1.0/1.1 works. They are explained in detail in this ancient IBM article. But you should forget and ignore the whole article (see also "Editor's notes" section on top which was edited in afterwards). It does not apply anymore since JSF 1.2 and newer (including JSF 2.x). There is only "initial view" and "postback view". The "new view" does not exist anymore.
An initial view is been created upon a GET request and an existing view is been reused upon a POST request. When a GET request results in a response with a <h:form> for POST, then the (partial) view is referenced by a hidden input field with name javax.faces.ViewState. This very same same view will be restored and used to process the form submit (the postback).


best practice for communicating between two beans that back the same page

We are making the transition to bootstrap pages. As part of this, we are making most of our dialogs into simple include files that get rendered on demand. The include files have their own backing bean to minimize code duplication.
The typical use case is when a user enters a page a datatable shows a list of things. The user selects one or more rows in the table and then clicks a button to perform an action. The page is re-rendered using ajax. The datatable is not displayed but the former dialog is. The user then does whatever bulk operation the former dialog does and clicks execute (or cancel). The page is then re-rendered with the datatable showing and the former dialog box not.
The problem here is simple; how do you set the render flags on the datatable and former dialog box? Each of the beans needs to set the render flag of the other bean. I blithely tried injecting each bean into the other and promptly got a circular injection error at runtime. I've gone to having a callback interface that the datatable beans implement. When the former dialog bean gets injected, the datatable bean sets itself up to be called back. This works but I am not sure it's the best way to do it. Being an old swing programmer, I considered using property change listeners, which are much more robust than the simple interface, but I'm not sure what the implications of using them in a managed bean environment are. I did check out the messaging API but it clearly doesn't apply to this case.
So, what's the best way for two view beans that are backing the same page to talk to each other?

Pure Java/JSF implementation for double submit prevention

We're using JSF 2.0 on WebSphere v8.5 with several component libraries PrimeFaces 4.0, Tomahawk 2.0, RichFaces, etc.
I am looking for generic mechanism to avoid form re-submission when the page is refreshed, or when the submit button is clicked once again. I have many applications with different scenarios.
For now I have considered disabling the button with a piece of JavaScript in onclick attribute, but this is not satisfying. I'm looking for a pure Java implementation for this purpose, something like the Struts2 <s:token>.
I am looking for generic mechanism to avoid form re-submission when the page is refreshed
For that there are at least 2 solutions which can not be combined:
Perform a redirect after synchronous post. This way the refresh would only re-execute the redirected GET request instead of the initial request. Disadvantage: you can't make use of the request scope anymore to provide any feedback to the enduser. JSF 2.0 has solved this by offering the new flash scope. See also How to show faces message in the redirected page.
Perform the POST asynchronously in the background (using ajax). This way the refresh would only re-execute the initial GET request which opened the form. You only need to make sure that those forms are initially opened by a GET request only, i.e. you should never perform page-to-page navigation by POST (which is at its own already a bad design anyway). See also When should I use h:outputLink instead of h:commandLink?
or when the submit button is clicked once again
For that there are basically also at least 2 solutions, which could if necessary be combined:
Just block the enduser from being able to press the submit button during the submit and/or after successful submit. There are various ways for this, all depending on the concrete functional and design requirements. You can use JavaScript to disable the button during submit. You can use JSF's disabled or rendered attributes to disable or hide the button after submit. See also How to do double-click prevention in JSF 2. You can also use an overlay window during processing ajax requests to block any enduser interaction. PrimeFaces has <p:blockUI> for the purpose.
Validate uniqueness of the newly added entity in the server side. This is way much more robust if you absolutely want to avoid duplication for technical reasons rather than for functional reasons. It's fairly simple: put a UNIQUE constraint on the DB column in question. If this constraint is violated, then the DB (and DB interaction framework like JPA) will throw a constraint violation exception. This is best to be done in combination with a custom JSF validator which validates the input beforehand by performing a SELECT on exactly that column and checking if no record is returned. A JSF validator allows you to display the problem in flavor of a friendly faces message. See also among others Validate email format and uniqueness against DB.
Instead of creating a token manually, you can use BalusC' solution. He proposed a Post-Redirect-GET pattern in his blog
Alternative solutions can be found in these answers:
Simple flow management in Post-Redirect-Get pattern
How can Flash scope help in implementing the PostRedirectGet (PRG) pattern in JSF2.0
<!--Tag to show message given by bean class -->
<p:growl id="messages" />
<h:inputText a:placeholder="Enter Parent Organization Id" id="parent_org_id" value="#{orgMaster.parentOrganization}" requiredMessage="Parent org-id is required" />
<h:commandButton style="margin-bottom:8px;margin-top:5px;" class="btn btn-success btn-block " value="Save" type="submit" action="#{orgMaster.save}" onclick="resetform()" />
public String save() {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
context.getExternalContext().getFlash().setKeepMessages(true); //This keeps the message even on reloading of page
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "Your submission is successful.", " ")); // To show the message on clicking of submit button
return "organizationMaster?faces-redirect=true"; // to reload the page with resetting of all fields of the form.. here my page name is organizationMaster...you can write the name of form whose firlds you want to reset on submission

A few questions reagarding UI components state and phases

Having gone through these excellent posts:
Why JSF saves the state of UI components on server?
Why does JSF save component tree state?
and midway the JavaEE6 tutorial I still have the following questions:
When I am developing a custom UI component whose values (styleClass, value, etc) are either defined statically(in the xhtml) or set via a bean, do I need to explicitly save/restore state in the extended component as well?
Is it correct to say that the scope of the UI components is view scoped?
How is the view identified behaviour? (If I navigate away from a view, the view gets rebuild the next time around. But if I open another tab, it is restored - at least the bean!)
When I am executing an Ajax call, I would expect that 'execute' part of the UI component would be restored&processed and the 'rendered' part would be restored&updated. After running into some problems with UI:repeat, it is not clear to which extend the component tree is to be restored and if is possible to partially edit.
As an example (I am not sure that it works like this): I define a UI:repeat that iterates over some values and creates some Ajax commandlinks. Whenever I call the command, it will restore the whole ui:repeat regardless of the Ajax scope (execute/render) that I have defined. So it will re-render the whole ui:repeat. Furthermore, I don't understand how it could ever -not- restore the ui:repeat as due to being a namingcontainer it will edit the id of my newly added component.
How can I define a build-time component (vs render-time) and why would I want to do this? (It seems that build time components are troublesome when mixed with rendertime, so why have both)
When I am developing a custom UI component whose values (styleClass, value, etc) are either defined statically(in the xhtml) or set via a bean, do I need to explicitly save/restore state in the extended component as well?
Yes. You normally use StateHelper for this.
See also:
How to save state when extending UIComponentBase
JSF custom component: support for arguments of custom types, the attribute setter is never invoked
Adding Custom Attributes to Primefaces Autocomplete Component in JSF
Is it correct to say that the scope of the UI components is view scoped?
Absolutely not. UI component instances are request scoped. Only anything which is stored via StateHelper is in essence view scoped (and restored into newly created component instances during "restore view" phase).
See also:
JSF composite component - weird behavior when trying to save state
Backing bean in composite component is recreated on every request
How is the view identified behaviour? (If I navigate away from a view, the view gets rebuild the next time around. But if I open another tab, it is restored - at least the bean!)
It's likely requested from browser cache. Try submitting a form therein. The chance is big that you get a ViewExpiredException. You need to tell the browser to not cache dynamic pages. Putting a breakpoint on bean's constructor would also confirm that it's never been invoked.
See also:
Avoid back button on JSF web application
Is JSF 2.0 View Scope back-button safe?
javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException: View could not be restored
When I am executing an Ajax call, I would expect that 'execute' part of the UI component would be restored&processed and the 'rendered' part would be restored&updated.
This is not true as to restore part. The "whole" view state is restored. Note that the view state does since JSF 2.0 not necessarily represent the entire component tree. You've found the explanation/answer to that already in the two links mentioned in your question.
How can I define a build-time component (vs render-time) and why would I want to do this? (It seems that build time components are troublesome when mixed with rendertime, so why have both)
This is called a "tag handler". I.e. just extend from TagHandler instead of UIComponent and implement according its contract. Tag handlers are useful if the sole goal is to build the view (the JSF component tree). They do not appear in the JSF component tree. As to when to create a custom component or a custom tag handler, check the "components" and "taghandlers" sections of OmniFaces showcase, it may give some new insights as to real world use cases of those things.
See also:
Custom Facelet component in JSF
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense?

Saving a view in JSF

Im having a question regarding retrieving the view state of a JSF page.
I have an application in which the user is able to search for persons in a
list and when the user press "show" button the same JSF page will be filled
with a list of the various persons.
Now when I choose one of the persons , another JSF page will show up with more
in-depth and detailed information about that person. Now in that page there is a
"cancel/abort" button displayed. What I want to accomplish is that when I press
that specific "cancel/abort" button the page should be redirected and navigate
back to the JSF page with the list as it was shown, so in some way the "view state"
should be stored (I assume only) but I dont know how it could be done...
I just wanted to check if anyone has been able to solve this kind of issue
in some manner.. ? (The JSF search page as mentioned above is declared as a viewscoped as
an additional information)
Thanks for all help..
You could make the bean #SessionScoped. That means that only one instance will be created by browser session, so when you get back you get the last state.
Of course, session scoped means that when you get back to the view even if it is not a "back" navigation, that info will still be there.

Populating a page from Data table in modal panel

I'm trying to get some data from a datatable in rich:modal panel
The whole flow is as follows
When clicking on search button on main page, a modal panel pops up with appropriate data & check box
Till this point the application is working fine
After clicking on ok button, selected data should be populated into main page. This is where the code fails
I tried stuff like getRowData, getValues, etc. but in vain. This could be done by keeping the bean in session scope but I have to keep this bean in request scope using Apache MyFaces JSF 1.2
Two ways comes to mind:
Pass an extra request parameter (the search string and the page number?) so that the bean knows which data to preload.
Make use of MyFaces Orchestra to create a conversation scope which lies in between request and session scope and is exactly the scope you're looking for this particular functional requirement.
