In my .vimrc, I have the following mapping which I use to toggle comments using the excellent NERDCommenter plugin:
vmap <D-/> ,c<space>gv
map <D-/> ,c<space>
Works great for this TextMate refugee.
However, I'd like it to work in Insert mode as well. Roughly:
Use the same combo (command-/)
Switch to normal mode
Execute the toggle
Bonus points for saving the cursor position, I suppose.
My .vimrc skills don't extend to this. Any help?
Use imap to map commands in insert mode. I think the following should work.
imap <D-/> <esc>,c<space>
In vim you can use { and } to jump between paragraphs.
Can someone help me change those keybingings? I'm trying to make them Alt-Down and Alt-Up respectively.
I've tried this so far:
map <ALT-DOWN> <S-{>
map <ALT-DOWN> <S-[>
map <ALT-DOWN> {
but no luck.
I'd like the shortcut to work in all vim modes, including edit mode.
Taken from comments by #mattb above, the solution that (partially) worked is:
#all modes except insert
map <M-DOWN> <S-}>
map <M-UP> <S-{>
#insert mode
imap <M-UP> <esc><S-{>i
imap <M-DOWN> <esc><S-}>i
Note this on neovim, not vim.
PS credit for above is Matt's. Relevant links supplied:
Why alt key mapping not working in vim? but it works in neovim
How to map Alt key?
I am using easymotion plugin ( with vim.
If you use f/F motions in VIM (with easymotion plugin), easy motion highlights all possible positions when there are multiple matches, that way you can easily jump to the position you want.
But it doesn't work with y/c/d commands, how can I achive that ?
I have provided an example below for clarification:
This is some line.
Say I am working on the above line in vim and the cursor is at the i in "This". If I do "yfs" in vim, I would like easy motion to mark the three "s"s present to the right of the cursor. That way, I can easily yank/change/delete upto the s I want.
Thanks in advance !
You can, use something like this in your .vimrc:
" Find next occurence of a char using easymotion
map <Leader>f <Plug>(easymotion-bd-f)
nmap <Leader>f <Plug>(easymotion-overwin-f)
Now you can do something like y<Leader>fs and it will highlight the three s-characters. Selecting one will then yank from your cursor's position to that character.
If this does not work
This means that there are other key bindings that are using the same combination. You can check this with :map and then look for the key combination you are trying to map to the easy-motion. Removing that keybinding from your .vimrc or removing the plugin that created the binding should solve the problem.
If it's the YankRing plugin that's hijacking the y/c/d keystrokes, you can add the following to your vimrc to prevent it from doing that (Check :h yankring for more info):
let g:yankring_zap_keys = ''
I'm trying to create a mapping on Vim, that behaves like the following:
First of all I select a block of code or text using on Visual mode.
The I use this mapping to substitute the first column on each line for '#' effectively commenting each line.
Up until now I have the following:
vnoremap <Leader>c :normal! :s/^/#/<cr>
But for some reason it is not working. Nothing happens when I hit <Leader>c on a block of text. On the other hand, if I have:
vnoremap <Leader>c :normal! s/^/#/<cr>
it will for example subsitute:
The grey fox.
/^/#/he grey fox.
Any idea on how can I solve this issue?
:normal is an Ex command that allows to execute normal mode commands (from a custom command or function, or command-line mode in general). Your keys start off with :, so immediately switch from normal (or here: visual) mode to command-line mode. That doesn't make sense. Just define the mapping like this:
vnoremap <Leader>c :s/^/#/<cr>
The : will automatically insert '<,'> for you, and that's what you want here (to operate on all selected lines). You can also define a related normal-mode mapping that works on the current (or [count]) lines:
nnoremap <Leader>c :s/^/#/<cr>
If the highlighting disturbs you, append the :nohlsearch command:
nnoremap <Leader>c :s/^/#/<bar>nohlsearch<cr>
You can simply do:
vnoremap <leader>c :s/^/#/<cr>
The substitution command will get the range, '<,'>, automatically when in visual mode.
Note: you probably want to use xnoremap instead of vnoremap.
There is a better way
Commenting is a common problem, deceptively tricky, and already solved by many plugins. I prefer to stand on the shoulder's of giants and use a plugin. I personally use commentary.vim.
Ok here is what I want to accomplish:
In INSERT mode I would like emmet to autocomplete with the TAB key
Here is what I have tried
let g:user_emmet_expandabbr_key = '<tab>' (Only works in NORMAL mode)
Though the above code is useful, I need it to work in INSERT mode
I am transferring over from Sublime Text to VIM and I miss having the Emmet functionality so easily accessible. Any ideas as to how I can achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
Solved my problem by including the following lines in my .vimrc file.
let g:user_emmet_expandabbr_key='<Tab>'
imap <expr> <tab> emmet#expandAbbrIntelligent("\<tab>")
Now I can use the TAB key to both indent and activate Emmet snippets in INSERT mode :D
I'm guessing that the reason for your setting not working in INSERT mode is because <tab> is mapped to something elsewhere (most likely with some auto-completion plugins). You can try to find what's mapped by :verbose imap <tab> when editing HTML files and disable that, but I think the simpler solution is to override the mapping yourself, like this:
augroup EmmetSettings
autocmd! FileType html imap <tab> <plug>(emmet-expand-abbr)
augroup END
To know what is done above, see :h autocmd (and :h augroup). Basically it's telling vim to execute the specified command when editing html files. To know about other mappings you can use, see the doc.
Is there any key combination that simulate the Del in Vim insert mode? For the Backspace, there is the Ctrl-H which is very convenient, and make it easier than pushing the far away Backspace button.
Take a look at There are a few more built-in key combinations for various tasks.
Also you can set your own mappings using .vimrc for example your given example is just
imap ^H <Left><Del>
On my vim installation, Del in insert mode Just Works. :help i_<Del>
If Del isn't doing what you want, you can try :fixdel. :help :fixdel has a good explanation of what that tries to fix.
If you simply wanted to simulate Del via another Ctrl-key mapping (e.g. Ctrl-D), I'd recommend the following mapping:
imap <C-D> <C-O>x
Ctrl-O in insert mode will allow you to run a single normal mode command and automatically return back to insert mode. x deletes the key under the cursor.
You can map keys yourself in vim, including insert mode. The following article reveals more details:
Mapping keys in VIM