How to create a log file that "pop_front"s? - linux

Suppose I have a console program that outputs trace debug lines on stdout, that I want to run on a server.
And then I do:
./serverapp > someoutputfile
If I need to see how the program's doing, I would just log into the server and do:
tail -f someoutputfile
However, understandably over time, someoutputfile would become pretty big.
Is there a way to make it so that someoutputfile is limited to a certain size, and only the most recent parts of it?
I mean, the hard way would be to make a custom script/program that cycles the output between different files, but that seems like overkill.

You can truncate the log file. One way to do this is to type:
at the shell command-line. It's a redirect with no output and it will erase all the contents of the file.
The tricky bit here is that any program writing to that file will continue to write into the file at its last output position. So the file will immediately gain a "hole" from 0 to X bytes, where X is the output position.
In most Linux file systems these holes result in sparse files, which don't actually use the space in the hole. So the file may contain many gigabytes of 0's at the beginning but only use 500 KB on disk.
Another way to do fast logging is to memory map a file on disk of fixed size: 16 MB for example. Then the logging writes into a memory pointer which wraps around when it reaches the size limit. It then continues to write at the front of the file. It's a good idea to have some kind of write position marker. I use <====>, for example. I find this method to be ridiculously fast and great for debug logging.

I haven't used it, but it gets good reviews here on SO, try logrotate
A more general discussion of managing output files may show you that a custom script/solution is not out of the question ;-) : Problem with Bash output redirection
I hope this helps.


Efficiently inserting blocks into the middle of a file

I'm looking for, essentially, the ext4 equivalent of mremap().
I have a big mmap()'d file that I'm allocating arrays in, and the arrays need to grow. So I want to make the first array larger at its current location, and budge all the other arrays along in the file and the address space to make room.
If this was just anonymous memory, I could use mremap() to budge over whole pages in constant time, as long as I'm inserting a whole number of memory pages. But this is a disk-backed file, so the data needs to move in the file as well as in memory.
I don't actually want to read and then rewrite whole blocks of data to and from the physical disk. I want the data to stay on disk in the physical sectors it is in, and to induce the filesystem to adjust the file metadata to insert new sectors where I need the extra space. If I have to keep my inserts to some multiple of a filesystem-dependent disk sector size, that's fine. If I end up having to copy O(N) sector or extent references around to make room for the inserted extent, that's fine. I just don't want to have 2 gigabytes move from and back to the disk in order to insert a block in the middle of a 4 gigabyte file.
How do I accomplish an efficient insert by manipulating file metadata? Is a general API for this actually exposed in Linux? Or one that works if the filesystem happens to be e.g. ext4? Will a write() call given a source address in the memory-mapped file reduce to the sort of efficient shift I want under the right circumstances?
Is there a C or C++ API function with the semantics "copy bytes from here to there and leave the source with an undefined value" that I should be calling in case this optimization gets added to the standard library and the kernel in the future?
I've considered just always allocating new pages at the end of the file, and mapping them at the right place in memory. But then I would need to work out some way to reconstruct that series of mappings when I reload the file. Also, shrinking the data structure would be a nontrivial problem. At that point, I would be writing a database page manager.
I think I actually may have figured it out.
I went looking for "linux make a file sparse", which led me to this answer on Unix & Linux Stack Exchange which mentioned the fallocate command line tool. The fallocate tool has a --dig-holes option, which turns parts of a file that could be represented by holes into holes.
I then went looking for "fallocate dig holes" to find out how that works, and I got the fallocate man page. I noticed it also offers a way to insert a hole of some size:
-i, --insert-range
Insert a hole of length bytes from offset, shifting existing
If a command line tool can do it, Linux can do it, so I dug into the source code for fallocate, which you can find on Github:
case 'i':
It looks like the fallocate tool accomplishes a cheap hole insert (and a move of all the other file data) by calling the fallocate() Linux-specific function with the FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE flag, added in Linux 4.1. This flag won't work on all filesystems, but it does work on ext4 and it does exactly what I want: adjust the file metadata to efficiently free up some space in the file's offset space at a certain point.
It's not immediately clear to me how this interacts with currently memory-mapped pages, but I think I can work with this.

Read contents of large files without using "cat" command in linux

I'm trying a more efficient way of reading file contents in Linux without using the "cat" command, especially for larger file contents, as in such cases cat just shoots up the memory and CPU on the server.
One thing that comes to my mind is using a grep -v "character-set-which-is-unlikely-in-the-file" filename
But using different character sets every time and hoping it would not appear in the file, wouldn't be efficient.
Any other thoughts ?
If you just want to read through the file, so it gets cached, the simplest way is perhaps this:
cat filename > /dev/null
Note that you don't need to show the data on screen to read it from disk. That command reads the file, and ignores the content by dumping it in /dev/null, but it still reads all the data.
If the CPU load goes up, that is probably a good thing, meaning that the computer is working hard, and will be finished sooner rather than later. If it crashes, though, there is something else wrong.
If you have some specific reason not to use the "cat" command, you can try "dd" instead, but it is more complicated to write and will not be faster:
dd if=filename of=/dev/null bs=1M
This inspired me to run some tests. On my particular computer both "cat" and "dd" took 24.27-24.31 seconds to read a large file on a mechanical disk when it wasn't already cached, and 0.39-0.40 seconds when it was cached. (Three tests of each case, with very little variability.)
Both these programs contain code to write the data, even if it is dumped to /dev/null, so one could expect that a program specifically written to just read would be slightly faster, but I got the same times when I tried that.

Reading multiple lines from a text file

I need to read a process large text files. I currently read one line at a time and process it synchronously. I need to improve performance and realise the disk access is a bottleneck. I want to refactor to have a disk read thread putting data on a queue waiting to be processed with multiple threads doing the processing. My concern is that by only reading one line at a time I might not be able to supply the data to the processing threads fast enough. Is there a way to read multiple lines on each time? I need to make sure that I don't break any words as the processing is based on words.
Whereas your program is reading one line at a time, the runtime library is reading large blocks of data from the file and then parsing the lines from a memory buffer. So when you read the first line of the file, what really happens is that the runtime library loads a large buffer, scans it to find the end of the first line, and returns that line to you. The next time you ask for a line, the runtime library doesn't have to read, but rather just find the end of the next line.
How large that buffer is depends on the runtime library, and possibly on how you initialize the file.
In addition, the file system likely maintains an even larger buffer. Your runtime library, for example, might have a 4 kilobyte file buffer, and the operating system might be buffering the input file in 64 kilobyte blocks.
In short, you probably don't need to do anything special to optimize reading the text file. You could perhaps specify a larger file buffer, and in some cases I've seen that help. Other than that, it's not worth worrying about.
Unless you have an especially fast disk subsystem, a typical developer's machine will sustain between 50 and 100 megabytes per second if you're sequentially reading line by line. In most text processing applications, that's going to be your limiting factor.

Can file size be used to detect a partial append?

I'm thinking about ways for my application to detect a partially-written record after a program or OS crash. Since records are only ever appended to a file (never overwritten), is a crash while writing guaranteed to yield a file size that is shorter than it should be? Is this guaranteed even if the file was opened in read-write mode instead of append mode, so long as writes are always at the end of the file? This would greatly simplify crash recovery, since comparing the last record's expected size and position with the actual file size would be enough to detect a partial write.
I understand that random-access writes can be reordered by the filesystem, but I'm having trouble finding information on whether this can happen when appending. I imagine an out-of-order append would require the filesystem to create a "hole" at the tail of the (sparse) file, write blocks beyond the hole, and then fill in the blocks in between, but I'm hoping that such an approach would be so inefficient that nobody would ever implement their filesystem that way.
I suppose another problem might be a filesystem updating the directory entry's file size field before appending the new blocks to to the file, and the OS crashing in between. Does this ever happen in practice? (ext4, perhaps?) Is there a quick way to detect it? (And what happens when trying to read the unwritten blocks that should exist according to the file's size?)
Is there anything else, such as write reordering performed by a disk/flash drive, that would get in the way of using file size as a way to detect a partial append? I don't expect to be able to compensate for this sort of drive trickery in my application, but it would be good to know about.
If you want to be SURE that you're never going to lose records, you need a consistent journaling or transactional system for your files.
There is absolutely no guarantee that a write will have been fulfilled unless you either set O_DIRECT [which you probably do not want to do], or you use markers to indicate aht "this has been fully committed", that are only written when the file is closed. You can either do that in the mainfile, or, for example, have a file that records, externally, "last written record". If you open & close that file, it should be safe as long as the APP is what is crashing - if the OS crashes [or is otherwise abruptly stopped - e.g. power cut, disk unplugged, etc], all bets are off.
Write reordering and write caching is/can be done at all levels - the C library, the OS, the filesystem module and the hard disk/controller itself are all ABLE to reorder writes.

Can I get a faster output pipe than /dev/null?

I am running a huge task [automated translation scripted with perl + database etc.] to run for about 2 weeks non-stop. While thinking how to speed it up I saw that the translator outputs everything (all translated sentences, all info on the way) to STDOUT all the time. This makes it work visibly slower when I get the output on the console.
I obviously piped the output to /dev/null, but then I thought "could there be something even faster?" It's so much output that it'd really make a difference.
And that's the question I'm asking You, because as far as I know there is nothing faster... (But I'm far from being a guru having used linux on a daily basis only last 3 years)
Output to /dev/null is implemented in the kernel, which is pretty bloody fast. The output pipe isn't your problem now, it's the time it takes to build the strings that are getting sent to /dev/null. I would recommend you go through the program and comment out (or guard with if $be_verbose) all the lines that are useless print statements. I'm pretty sure that'll give you a noticeable speedup.
I'm able (via dd) to dump 20 gigabytes of data per second down /dev/null. This is not your bottleneck :-p
Pretty much the only way to make it faster is to not generate the data in the first place - remove the logging statements entirely. The cost of producing all the log messages likely exceeds the cost of throwing them away quite a bit.
Unrelated to perl and standard output, but there is null_blk block device, which is even faster than /dev/null. Basically, it bounded by syscall performance and with large blocks it can saturate memory bus.
