JSTUN vs PJNATH - node.js

I'm going to be writing my own STUN implementation in JavaScript (server-side with NodeJS), and I'm looking for a library to base my code on.
I have found both JSTUN and PJNATH, and both seem to be supported by members of stackoverflow. I downloaded the source for both, and PJNATH was about 15,000 lines of code whereas JSTUN was less than 3000.
Is one library more complete than the other?
I need both server and client components, and I would like to be as feature-complete as possible because I do NOT want to implement TURN (too hardware intensive).
Is there a better library that I should be looking at? Ultimately I want to make a completely ICE complient solution, but STUN is enough for now.

as far as I know, JSTUN is not a complete solution. This is what they have mentioned in their site.They want to add support for RFC 5389.Please check their web site(http://jstun.javawi.de/).


How to integrate Node.js Server in My cocod2d-x (C++) Game

I am new in Multiplayer Game Development, I have already developed a offline game and now I want to make it a multiplayer, so with help of my friend we create a server side script in node.js, but I don't know how to integrate this in my c++ project,
I've googled but, can't find anything helpful.
anybody can suggest any tutorial.
You've asked a big open-ended question. As Allern suggests there are a lot of things that you can do with networked programs that can extend it well beyond that of a single user game. For instance in my current game there is an access to a version welcome page in html. There are file downloads for campaign/user maps and there are connections to Firebase for leaderboards and other networked resources like ads.
However, I suspect you are referring to the communications between a number of separate user machines all synchronized to keep them coordinated. For this you will need to write some serialization code to transmit to and receive packets from the central server. Typically a serialization package like flatbuffers will be needed to move information from your data structures to a packet and the reverse.
You might also require communication/network software to asynchronously send and receive those packets (this may be included in whatever game engine you might be using). Boost.asio might help otherwise. There are numerous other networking packages and libraries all the way down to the bare-bones unix/POSIX calls (or Windows OS calls).
You will also need software on the server side to log users in, deal with players disconnecting and doing the main work of passing the game packets around. This software may also implement the logic of your game (game rules) and might do saves on the data if you want users to be able to play the game in multiple sessions (like a big dungeon crawl). There might be packages out there that do most of the server side stuff. If so, please post what you find out.
Cocos2dx does have some networking software built in but it isn't very functional as far as I'm concerned. It does have facilities to display web pages and download files fairly easy but the async communication seems a little weak. You can try the Network module in the API Docs which may have what you are looking for.
Since the type of game and how you want to implement your player interaction will dictate how the software is to be built I'm afraid this answer is a little vague. Good luck. Share your insights.
you can use public tools , as a sample is websocket,it can support C++ and javasc

how stable is AirBnB node.js rendr?

I wanted to know if anyone has been using AirBnB Rendr and is it stable and ok to use in commercial projects or is it still changing a lot?
I'm developing a website which can run both client and server based, this mean I need to be able to render pages and widgets server and client based.
The server is running Node.js, dust.js and has custom server based code to render the pages and widgets on the server side. I need to pick how to handle it on the client side.
Naturally I want to try and not repeat code, but obviously the client is different I can:
Keep my current page based server rendering and develop custom
client side code.
Use backbone.js on client side and keep my server based code the
Use AirBnB rendr that is based on Node.js and backbone to use the
same code on client and o server. AirBnB Rendr Library
I like the 3rd idea very much, but I'm looking for some input from you guys.
Has anyone used it? any experience with it in terms of stability and/or how often their api changes etc?
I've just started playing around with Rendr. If I ignore the learning curve and oboarding friction, I like it a lot and I plan to write my next large production app using Rendr.
Unfortunately, as bababa listed above, the documentation needs a lot of work. There is an explanation of how Rendr works in its README and the example app's README but beyond that you'll need to source dive in order to figure out how the gears are turning. Currently, there is no forum for questions (other than stack overflow :D) and I've had a hard time figuring out its idioms on my own.
Despite all the struggles, I finally see the light and I'm starting to understand why Rendr is so powerful.
tl;dr - If you're willing to source dive and figure out your own workflow, I would suggest using Rendr. Otherwise, I would recommend going old school by writing a traditional client app with a more mature library. (is it too early to say that? =X)
Well given AirBnb is a successful commercial enterprise, there's some validation that the library works well enough for them. This question is probably best answered by watching their github commit log for breaking changes. Given backbone is 1.0 and essentially stable at this point, rendr will probably quickly stabilize, but honestly your fear of instability is probably unjustified. I think rendr looks compelling and although my current project is using a very similar home-grown solution, I would consider using rendr in a future project or even porting our code to rendr. "Stability" per say is much less important to the web development community compared to other situations like packaged or embedded software.
I used (tried to use) and Rendr on a project and gave up. There are just to many limitations (currently) and the lack of documentation doesn't help. I ended up need to rewrite the source code to accomplish some things I would consider trivial with other frameworks, such as passing multiple collections to a view. It just wasn't possible (at the time I used it) and that was a deal breaker. Not being able to pass a collection of categories and results to a page was to much of a limitation.
I have no doubt it will eventually be ready for production use, but right now I would say unless you are an engineer at AirBnb and know how to hack the source then no, it's not ready.
If you really want to know if it will work for your needs, take a look at the issue list on github. That will give you a good idea where the projects at.

Experience with MonoTorrent or alternative to use BitTorrent on C#

I've been using the MonoTorrent library for a couple of weeks now and am looking for any kind of feedback or recommended alternatives.
The only issue I have with the library so far is that it is MUCH slower than uTorrent, I am not sure if this is a configuration issue or whether it doesnt support a required feature etc, but I require higher speeds for my needs and I found that for the exact same file I can get a major difference (times 100) in terms of the numbers of seeders and speeds.
I wanted to give libtorrent a try as well but have not been able to even compile the windows dll, let alone write the required code to use it :-)
I probably don't know much about the history of the torrent protocol but found it strange to find so little support in the C#/.Net world.
Was even considering wrapping the uTorrent client somehow, but it might be 'frowned upon' lol
Ended up using the libtorrent C++ library (running on a seperate process with added REST api to communicate with the main program) it works well and the torrent performance is excellent.

deploying node.js in compiled form

We are considering node.js for our next server side application. But we don't want our client to be able to look into our application's code. Can we deploy application written in node.js in compiled form? If yes, then how?
Maybe you could obfuscate all your code... I know this is not like compiling, but at least, it will avoid the 99% of the clients of looking at the code :D
Here is another topic: How can I obfuscate (protect) JavaScript?
good luck
But we don't want our client to be able to look into our application's code.
If you are shipping code to your client, they will be able to "look into your application's code". Technically, the process of "running your code" is "looking into your application's code".
Having a fully compiled version of your code can definitely feel "more safe", but they still have a copy of the code in some usable form. They can still reverse engineer pieces or do other things. This stuff really comes down to the license.
Here's a related answer. His quote is:
Write a license and get a lawyer to go after violators
Otherwise, you should host the stuff yourself and allow for public access.
Any form of obfuscation, minification, compilation is just going to be a speed bump on the way to "stealing your code". It's probably much better to simply have legal recourse.
I don't believe this is possible. I mean, technically I guess you could write everything as native C++ extensions, but that would defeat the purpose of using node.
As mentioned before, there is no true compilation in Node.js because the nod executable basically compiles javascript code on the fly.
A lot of developers use Google's Closure Compiler which really just "minify" -- removes comments, whitespaces, etc. -- and "optimize" -- converts javascript code to more efficient javascript. However, the resultant code is generally still parsable javascript code (albeit rather hard to read!). Check out this related stream for more info: Getting closure-compiler and Node.js to play nice
A couple of options that might be helpful:
Develop a custom module for "proprietary" business logic and host it on your secure servers
Wrap "proprietary" business logic into a java class or executable that is called as an external process in Node.js
Code "proprietary" business logic as compiled web services available on a separate application server that is called by Node.js.
It's up to you to define what part of your application should be considered "proprietary", but as a general rule I would not classify HTML and related javascript -- sent to the we browser -- as "proprietary". My advice is to be judicious here.
Lastly, I found the following stream with an interesting approach that might be helpful, but it is rather advanced and likely to be rather buggy: Secure distribution of NodeJS applications
Hope that helps...

Are there any building blocks for a search engine that will scrape other sites?

I want build a search service for one particular thing. The data is freely available out there, via free classified services, and a host of other sites.
Are there any building blocks, e.g. open-source crawlers that I would customize - rather than build from scratch, that I can use?
Any advice on building such a product? Not just technical, but any privacy/legal things that I might need to take into consideration.
E.g. do I need to 'give credit' where the results are from and put a link to the original - if I get them from many places?
Edit: By the way, I am using GWT with JS for the front-end, haven't decided on the language for the back-end. Either PHP or Python. Thoughts?
There are few blocks in python you can use.
beautifulsoup [http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/] for parsing HTML. It can handle bad code too, and its API is veeery easy... way better than any DOM-like tool for me. My friend used it to scrape his old phpbb forum with success. It has pretty good docs.
mechanize [http://wwwsearch.sourceforge.net/mechanize/] is a webbrowser-simulating http client library. It handles cookies, filling forms and so on. Also easy to use, but it helps if you understand how does http work.
http://dev.scrapy.org/ -- this is a relatively new thing: a whole scraping framework based on twisted. I haven't played with it much.
I use first two for my needs; f.e. it needs 20 lines of code to get an automatic testing tool for a 3-stage poll, with simulation of waiting for user entering data and so on.
I made a screen-scraper in Ruby that took like five minutes. Apparently this dude has it down to 60 seconds! I'm not sure if Ruby is as scalable or fast as what you're looking for, but I've never seen a faster route to a proof-of-concept or a prototype.
The secret is a library called "hpricot", which was built for exactly this purpose.
I don't know anything about PHP or Python or what's available for those development systems/languages.
Good luck!
