In Orchard CMS, how do I customize the Blog widget? - orchardcms

I'm still new to Orchard and don't quite understand how it fits together.
The home page shows a blog post list, which is what I want. Except that right on top of the list is a summary of the blog. I only want the blog entries to show and not the general blog summary/header.
How do I customize the Blog widgets(?) to not show the summary/header?
I am using a custom derivative of the "TheThemeMachine" theme.


Add layout for all blog posts Orchard CMS

I'm trying to add layout for all blog posts. I have added part Layout for BlogPost content type. Now I can add layout for blog post one by one. So, how I can add existing layout for all blog posts in blog?
You should create a Layout from /Admin/Contents/Create/Layout, save it and then in your blogposts, use the option "Use existing layout: " in order to get your layout.
You can do it by adding new layer with ContentType rule, like this:
Then you can add your blog post special widgets to this layer including a Layout Widget, as you want.

Adding blog to specific page using Orchard CMS

I need to add existing blog to page. How I can do that?
I have page with layout and I need to add blog with pagination for it.
You can create a query with for content type blog posts as a filter and then you can add a projection widget based on this query to your page layout.

HTML Widget on many pages - Orchard CMS

I have an HTML widget in the after-content section which will be displayed on 7 pages out of 12. I was reading up on it but didn't find anything except people mentioning rules, I went through the documentation and looked at using "or" rule with url("~/page1") like url("~/page2") or url("~/page3") so on. Will this not show all widgets on all pages? i just want to show one html widget at the bottom of many pages.
You should create a new layer "MyNewLayer" and then add your rule(s) there. Then, place the widget to be shown on this layer.

How to change orchard blog home page list view/summary view

I have Orchard 1.7 setup with blog recipe.
The home screen display a list of blog posts.
I want to override the way the content is displayed in summary view. I could do this for each parts. But my styling is such that I need to wrap title, body, and meta tags with a special div when ever the display type is summary.
The problem is:
After shape tracing I understood that the template used in the home page (summary) is same as the detailed one.
For detail view I want to use the default core-> Views/Content.cshtml but for summary I need to supply my own. How can I do this?
How to write a driver/widget to the home page. I know how I can do this for parts/fields/modules but I don't have an idea on how to create a driver for Blog home page.
Whenever I add a widget to the homepage the default blog post list still get displayed.
Just create a file called Content.Summary.cshtml in your theme. This will target all summary views, so if you have more than just blog posts on your site you will probably want to have Content-BlogPost.Summary.cshtml.
I wrote a small blog post on Item templates in Orchard if you are interested...

In Sharepoint, what is the actual name of the page layout used for the "Article page with with body only" layout option?

I need to swap out the out-of-the-box rich text editor with the Telerik editor for all article page layouts. Unfortunately, I only see three article layouts in Sharepoint Designer. When creating a new article page from within Sharepoint, however, it shows 4 article layouts. The one I see missing in Designer is the one with no option for article images.
Does anyone know where I can find the layout labeled as "Article page with body only"?
The file you are talking about is PageFromDocLayout.aspx.
