convert lat long to CLLocationCoordinate2D - core-location

how do i convert lat long to CLLocationCoordinate2D ??

You can initialize your CLLocation with a lat/long like so
- (id)initWithLatitude:(CLLocationDegrees)latitude longitude:(CLLocationDegrees)longitude;
You can then use the coordinate property to get the CLLocationCoordinate2D value.


Converting geo coordinates Format

i am asked to show a gps device on a google map. i have written a listener and the format looks something like this
how to convert these into degrees, minutes and seconds format like
Apparently google maps recognizes lat lng in the above format only.
My listener is written in nodejs, so a javascript way to convert is more appreciated.
javascript way to convert lat and long to degree,minute and second is as follows:
//to convert pass lat or long to this function
function DECtoDMS(dd)
var vars = dd.split('.');
var deg = vars[0];
var tempma = "0."+vars[1];
tempma = tempma * 3600;
var min = Math.floor(tempma / 60);
var sec = tempma - (min * 60);
return deg+"-"+min+"-"+sec;
//call the function
var inDeg = DECtoDMS(72.8479400);

Scroll MKMapView Underneath Circle Drawn MKMapView

I need to draw a circle onto a MKMapView, something where I can get the radius of the circle and it's center coordinate. However, I would also like the circle to be a subview of the MKMapView, so that the map view can scroll underneath the circle, updating its center coordinate as the map moves and updating its radius as the map is zoomed in and out.
Does anyone know how I might be able to accomplish this?
This is the original wording of the question
I've drawn a circle onto a MKMapView using the code below:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
self.locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
self.locationManager.delegate = self;
self.region = [MKCircle circleWithCenterCoordinate:self.locationManager.location.coordinate radius:kViewRegionDefaultDistance];
[self.mapView addOverlay:self.region];
- (MKOverlayPathRenderer *)mapView:(MKMapView *)map viewForOverlay:(id <MKOverlay>)overlay
MKCircleRenderer *region = [[MKCircleRenderer alloc] initWithOverlay:overlay];
region.strokeColor = [UIColor blueColor];
region.fillColor = [[UIColor blueColor] colorWithAlphaComponent:0.4];
return region;
This works and produces a circle on the map view. However, when I scroll the map view, the circle moves with it. I would like the circle to remain stationary and have the map view scroll underneath the circle.
Is is important to note that I will need to get the center coordinate and radius of the circle in order to create a region. For that reason, I cannot simply draw a UIView on top of the MKMapView, as I would have no way to get the radius in meters of the UIView.
I solved it!
Step 1:
I created a UIView and added it as a subview to the map view. It is important to note that I made sure to center the UIView on the map view. This is important because you will use the centerCoordinate property of the MKMapView to calculate the radius.
self.region = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:centerOfMapViewFrame];
self.region.contentMode = UIViewContentModeRedraw;
self.region.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
self.region.alpha = 0.5;
self.region.layer.cornerRadius = widthOfView/2;
self.region.backgroundColor = [UIColor blueColor];
[self.mapView addSubview:self.region];
The image below shows the circular UIView added as a subview to the mapView.
Step 2:
Calculate the radius based off of the center coordinate of map view and the edge coordinate of the UIView.
CLLocationCoordinate2D edgeCoordinate = [self.mapView convertPoint:CGPointMake((CGRectGetWidth(self.region.bounds)/2), 0) toCoordinateFromView:self.region]; //self.region is the circular UIView
CLLocation *edgeLocation = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:edgeCoordinate.latitude longitude:edgeCoordinate.longitude];
CLLocation *centerLocation = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:self.mapView.centerCoordinate.latitude longitude:self.mapView.centerCoordinate.longitude];
CGFloat radius = [edgeLocation distanceFromLocation:centerLocation]; //is in meters
The image below shows an annotation on the edgeLocation and on the centerLocation.
Swift 4.2/5 adaptation
let edgeCoordinate = self.mapView.convert(, toCoordinateFrom: overlayView)
let edgeLocation: CLLocation = .init(latitude: edgeCoordinate.latitude, longitude: edgeCoordinate.longitude)
let centerLocation: CLLocation = .init(latitude: mapView.centerCoordinate.latitude, longitude: mapView.centerCoordinate.longitude)
let radius = edgeLocation.distance(from: centerLocation)
// do something with the radius
Where overlayView is the custom circle you created to represent radius

Find points within a distance using CQL3

I have a cassandra table with user name, latitude and longitude. I would like to get a list of users who are inside the circle with a given latitude, longitude and distance.
For example: my input Lat= 78.3232 and Long = 65.3234 and distance = 30 miles.
I would like to get a list of users who are within 30 miles distance from the point 78.3232 and 65.3234. Is it possible to solve this with single CQL3 query? Or can anyone give me a hint start solving this query?
There was no geospatial support for cassandra so I found a way to Implement it mathematically to generate box coordinates around the point (That was good enough for my work) and use query to get coordinates within boundary.
I'll post the code for others reference.
public class GeoOperations {
public static final int UPPER_LATITUDE = 0;
public static final int LOWER_LATITUDE = 1;
public static final int UPPER_LONGITUDE = 2;
public static final int LOWER_LONGITUDE = 3;
private static final double KM_TO_MILES = 0.621371;
private final double Latitude;
private final double Longitude;
double Boundary[];
public GeoOperations(double init_latitude, double init_longitude) {
Latitude = init_latitude;
Longitude = init_longitude;
Boundary = new double[4];
public void GenerateBoxCoordinates(double Distance) {
Distance = Distance * KM_TO_MILES;
double Lat_Factor = (Distance) / 69;
Boundary[UPPER_LATITUDE] = Latitude + Lat_Factor;
Boundary[LOWER_LATITUDE] = Latitude - Lat_Factor;
double Long_Factor = (Distance) / (3960 * 2 * Math.PI / 360 * Math.cos(Latitude));
Boundary[UPPER_LONGITUDE] = Longitude + Long_Factor;
Boundary[LOWER_LONGITUDE] = Longitude - Long_Factor;
for (double x : Boundary) {
And then Used Simple CQL to find coordinates within ranges
if values are like this
Query will be something like this (actually I used kundera with Hibernate and used a JPA query. So I havent tested it but it should work)
SELECT * FROM Points_Tablle
If you're using DataStax enterprise, you get Geospatial out of the box. Check out Patrick's Demo:

Arc menu item style like in tumblr app for Android

I tweaked library to make it work from my purpose and that is working fine. Is there anyway I can build a menu like as in tumblr app or is it possible by tweaking the ArcMenu project or ? I have doubts on the mathematical functions to be applied to create the style.
I am looking for a animation similar to tumblr app's animation.
try to use , Arc Menu
implement RayMenu and modify RayLayout
and modify the private static AnimationcreateExpandAnimation()` method with your specific coordinate.
There are many ways I do this in iOS. In iOS we have Views similar to that of Android and we can specify coordinates (frame of view) to place them in their superview.
Assumptions :
1)Assume you have a locus i.e circle with equation x^2 + y^2 = c
( Hint : All views are on this locus i.e center of all views coincide with this circle)
2) You need select a value of C depending on the curve you need and initial point which is
(0,HEIGHT_OF_SCREEN) as stating point for placing views.
Algorithm :
int angularDisplacementBetweenEachView = 10; // distance between two views in radians
// coordinates of X button in your screen
int startPositionOfViewX = 0;
int startPositionOfViewY = HEIGHT_OF_SCREEN;
// constant to decide curve
int C = 125;
-(void) main (){ // this is generally done in view controller
for(int i = 1; i< menu_items.count; i++){
Rect position = getCoordinatesForView(menu_item.get(i),menu_item.get(i-1).rect.x,menu_item.get(i-1).rect.y);
// method returns the coordinates (x,y) at which the view is required to be
-(Rect)getCoordinatesForView(View currentView, int prevViewX, int prevViewY){
// convert to polar cordinates
// refer diagram
// this is also the radius of the virtual circle
float r = sqrt(pow(x,2),pow(y,2));
float theta = atan(y,x);
//r & theta are polar coordinates of previous menu item
float theta2 = (angularDisplacementBetweenEachView + r*theta)/r;
// convert back to cartesian coordinates
int x2 = r * cos (theta);
int y2 = r * sin (theta);
return new rect(x2,y2);
try this for Arc menu. u can use this sattelite menu

Raphael -- object rotation at arbitrary position

I'm using Raphael_2.01 and would like to rotate an object at arbitrary position.
(WindowsXP, Firefox3.6)
This rectangle (rect0) rotates thirty degrees at its lower right point.
The parameters are:
var rectX = rect0.getBBox().x;
var rectY = rect0.getBBox().y;
var rectW = rect0.getBBox().width;
var rectH = rect0.getBBox().height;
var rot = 30;// rotation
var rotX, rotY;// arbitrary position
What code should I use ? I can't image suitable method.
If I understand the question correctly, it's rect0.rotate(30, rotX, rotY);.
