Gnuplot dot dash - gnuplot

Hi guys I'm using Windows and I'm trying to get something done in Gnuplot. I need to set the line style of my graph as dot dash. tells me that:
Differs from x11 to postscript
lt chooses a particular line type: -1=black 1=red 2=grn 3=blue 4=purple 5=aqua 6=brn 7=orange 8=light-brn
lt must be specified before pt for colored points
for postscipt -1=normal, 1=grey, 2=dashed, 3=hashed, 4=dot, 5=dot-dash
What does he mean by postscript here? How can I achieve this? I've been trying many times to plot my graph using the command:
plot 'graph1.txt' with lines lt 5 but I don't get the dot-dash line.
Help would be immensely appreciated!

This means that the values given for lt only work when you are plotting to a Postscript file, and will not work if you plot in a window in the straightforward way. Simplest thing would be to plot to a Postscript file using
set term postscript
set output ""
The plot will be in


gnuplot postscript terminal not showing transparent symbols

Hopefully, this is a stupid question, and easy to fix. When I run this simple gnuplot script:
#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
set term png
set out "out.png"
plot "<jot -r -p 2 500 1 2" not w p pt 7 ps 4 lc rgb "#908DB6CD"
set term post eps enhanced color
set out "out.eps"
The png file looks like this:
And the eps looks like this:
The pdfcairo terminal also gives me transparency. Any clues on how to make the eps files show transparency?
Many thanks in advance!
I think I should respond to my own question, so at least this becomes a case closed.
After some more digging, and from the comments I received, the bottom line is that the gnuplot postscript terminal does not handle transparency, while the pdf and pdfcairo terminals do.
The trick is to generate an .eps file from a .pdf using pdftops:
gnuplot << GNU
set term pdf
set out "out.pdf"
plot "<jot -r -p 2 500 1 2" not w p pt 7 ps 4 lc rgb "#908DB6CD"
pdftops -eps out.pdf
All of my .eps files are generated to be incorporated to LaTeX documents. Then, I could just switch to PDFLaTeX and be over with it. However, at times I like to edit the .eps to tweak the bounding box and other things by hand or using awk/sed. Anyway, hope this is helpful.

Gnuplot Postscript Special Characters Math Equation

I`d like to write the math stuff into a plot using gnuplot 5:
I am using the terminal postscript enhanced because as far as I know this terminal is the only only capable of doing such things.
I used this code:
set label 1 at 400,200 '{/Symbol=50\362#_{/=15 350}^{/=15\154}}' front
This gets me everything except the subscribed averageunder the lambda symbol.
I tried everything with {,}and so on but I think I missing the part where I can escape the /SymbolStyle.
Many terminals support enhanced text, not only the postscript terminal.
In order to use another font than /Symbol for the subscript you could change the font explicitely to a different one for this. However, a better approach is to change the nesting so that /Symbol affects only two parts:
set label 1 at 0,0 '{/=50{/Symbol \362}#_{/=15 350}^{/=15{/Symbol \154}_{/=10 average}}' front
plot x
Output with gnuplot 5.0 with wxt is
If you're using the postscript terminal anyway, you could give a try to the epslatex terminal (or cairolatex):
set terminal epslatex standalone color colortext
set output 'equation.tex'
set label 1 at -5,5 '$\displaystyle\int_{350}^{\lambda_{\mathrm{average}}}$'
plot x
set output
system('latex equation.tex')
system('dvips equation.dvi')

Why doesn't the gnuplot grid extend over this whole plot?

Using gnuplot 4.6 patchlevel 1, with the following commands,
set grid linewidth 1 linecolor rgb"#888888"
set datafile separator ","
plot for [n=2:100] "data.csv" using 1:(column(n)) with lines linewidth 2
and the following example data in the file "data.csv",
the resulting plot looks this:
Question: why does the grid only extend partway from the bottom, and not cover the whole plot? I tried a considerable amount of experimentation with the set xtics and ytics commands, arguments to grid, and more, and have not been able to get the grid to cover the whole plot. What am I missing?
Great question! In fact, the answer is that the grid does cover the whole plot. The problem is that the key is taking over. Try it again, but with an unset key in there before your plot command.
What's happening is that gnuplot is reserving space in the key for all of the columns which have no data. Nothing gets put in the space that was reserved since no reasonable data was found. Ultimately, this pushes the 2 lines that were visible out of the viewable canvas area as well.
I've reproduced this using the x11, png, postscript and pngcairo terminals.
Note that this behavior seems to be version dependent:
With gnuplot 4.4.2 (OS-X, png terminal)
With gnuplot 4.6.0 (OS-X, png terminal)
For those using gnuplot 4.4.4, perhaps there was a bug fix which made it work for gnuplot 4.4.4 and then a regression. It seems to persist into gnuplot 4.7.0 as well. I might file a bug report.

Gnuplot: line opacity / transparency?

I am using Gnuplot to successfully plot some time series data. However, the series are fairly dense (10,000's of samples in about 5 inches of space), and when I plot multiple series, it is hard to see underneath the series that was plotted on top. Is there any way to make the lines have a bit of opacity or transparency (i.e. make the line transparent so underneath lines are visible)?
Excel has this capability, but I would much prefer to use Gnuplot.
Below is a sample of what I'm talking about. You can't see the red lines under the green lines. I would actually like to add a third time series. I am plotting with the command:
plot [][-3:3] 'samples_all.csv' using 1:7 title 'horizontal' w l ls 1, '' using 1:8 title 'vertical' w l ls 2"
Good news! This has been implemented in gnuplot. Example syntax is
plot x lw 10, -x lw 10 lc rgb "#77000000"
This will plot x as a red line and -x as a transparent black line (it looks gray). The first pair of two characters in the rgb specification define the alpha (transparency) channel ("#AARRGGBB"). The normal syntax ("#RRGGBB") still works.
old (gnuplot < 5.0 or so) answer for reference:
If you want to make lines plotted for time series data, the answer is no (see discussion here). You can't set a line style to be transparent. Transparency only works for filling under curves, and it has to be printed to the right terminal type.
I ran into this problem myself recently, I hope this feature will be added in a future version of gnuplot.
This may be what you're looking for.

Is it possible to set the "linetype" in gnuplot while using "linecolor variable"?

I have a tab-separated data file containing a number of (double-blank-line-separated) datasets and I want to plot a line for each of them. I want to be able to set the linetype (by this I'm referring to solid/dashed/dotted). I want each line to be a different color.
I can plot them all different colors using this:
plot 'example.dat' using 1:2:(column(-2)) with lines linecolor variable
And I can set the linetype but plot them all the same color using this:
plot 'example.dat' using 1:2:(column(-2)) with lines linetype 5
But when I combine them, the linetype is not what I set it to (in this case I just get a solid line).
plot 'example.dat' using 1:2:(column(-2)) with lines \
linetype 5 linecolor variable
Is there a way to achieve this?
I'm using gnuplot 4.6, tried with the x11 and postscript terminals.
This looks like a bug to me. Unfortunately, I don't think too many gnuplot devs hang out on StackOverflow, so we might not ever find out. (I would encourage you to submit a bug report though and keep me updated on any progress that might be made)...
If you're really using column(-2) to pick out the colors, the problem becomes a lot easier and you should be able to do that using plot iteration (as long as you know an upper limit on the number of datasets).
NDSET=3 #This will issue a warning if NDSET is too big, but will still work.
plot for [IDX=0:NDSET] 'example.dat' index IDX using 1:2 with lines linetype 5 linecolor IDX+1
The indexing starts from 0 and corresponds to column(-2). Linecolor 0 isn't defined (I don't know why gnuplot uses two different conventions here -- I suppose because in theory the colors corresponding to any particular linestyle are terminal dependent, so it doesn't really matter too much anyway...)
