Root Entity reference to another root - domain-driven-design

I'm facing a typical DDD problem. It must be very basic. I have an order and customer.
A customer can create multiple orders. Customer is the root of its own aggregate. Order is the root of its own aggregate. But when a customer creates an order, we display some portion of the customer information on the order. Should Order aggregate hold reference to customer?
When it holds it then when the Order Repository gets the order, we are able to retrieve some portion of customer information as well for display. But when we involve the order in a transaction, customer also gets into it which is creating problem if the customer is also getting updated at the same time. Please advise guys ! My gut feeling says I MUST not hold reference to customer from order.
Question 2: (NEW)
Can I get and hold a reference to the Customer (from Customer Repository) for a given Order while creating an Order (using Order Factory) and safely save the Order (without updating the Customer inside in anyway, Customer is there only for information/query?) without creating contention if the same Customer is getting modified else where? Lets assume NHibernate as ORM.

A simple answer will be that you hold the ID of the customer or, if needed for your domain some ValueObject with a minimal set of information about the customer ( ID, Name ).
A more complex answer is to think about Bounded Context. See Eric Evans's presentation where he wishes he had put the BC chapter as the first chapter in the book.
The idea is that in your Customer Management Bounded Context, your Customer entity can be the AR of the Customer Aggregate and the Orders can be entities in the Customer Aggregate. In the Billing Bounded Context you can have an Order AR with a Customer entity inside.


DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing, Aggregates, Related Aggregates, and persistence

I am just getting into DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing and am having trouble with the concept of related aggregates and how much data can be shared between the two when publishing events that involve both. My issue... I have a customer aggregate that has a collection of address aggregates and an event that is published when an address is added to the customer. Both address and customer aggregates maintain relationships with phone numbers/sales people and contacts.
My understanding is I can only reference an aggregate from another aggregate by id. Am I allowed to pass more data about the address than just the address aggregate id to the customer when the address is added as long as I only reference the address id from the customer aggregate?
I think that I need extra data so when I publish the event I can eventually persist that data/relationship to the read side into a customer addresses table.
When you find yourself trying to access data that belongs to another aggregate, you should double check to make sure that your aggregate boundaries are aligned with your needs.
That said, it is reasonable to copy information from one aggregate to another. For instance, in a shipping domain, we're probably going to copy a shipping address into each shipment, but we probably don't manage the lifetime of the shipping address within the shipment entity itself.
So we tend to pay attention to which entities hold the authoritative information, and which are using stale immutable copies. See Pat Helland Data on the Outside....

DDD Customer, Contacts, and Addresses (aggregate root)

I'm building an application that manages most of the LOB stuff at my company. I'm trying to wrap my head around DDD... starting with customer management. Many examples are very, very simple in regards to the domain model which doesn't help me much.
My aggregate root is a Customer class, which contains a collection of Addresses (address book), a collection of Contacts, and a collection of communication history.
Seems like this aggregate root is going to be huge, with functions to modify addresses, contacts (which can have x number of phone numbers), and communication.
SetCustomerType(...) // Business or individual
SetProspect(...) // if the customer is a prospect
SetDefaultPaymentTerms(...) // line of credit, etc. for future orders
SetPreferredShippingMethod(...) // for future orders
SetTaxInfo(...) // tax exempt, etc.
I've read that value objects don't have identity. In this system, each address (in the database) has an ID, and has a customerId as the foreign key. If Address is it's own aggregate root, then I wouldn't be able to have my business logic for setting default billing / shipping. Many examples have value objects without an ID... I Have no idea how to persist the changes to my Customer table without it.
Anywho, feels like I'm going down the wrong path with my structure if its going to get this ginormous. Anyone do something similar? Not sure how I can break down the structure and maintain basic business rules (like making sure the address is assigned to the customer prior to setting it as the default billing or shipping).
The reason that you're butting up against the issue of where business logic should lie is because you're mixing bounded contexts. LoB applications are one of the typical examples in DDD, most of which show the application broken up into multiple bounded contexts:
Customer Service
Each bounded context may require some information from your Customer class, but most likely not all of it. DDD goes against the standard DRY concept when approaching the definition of entities. It is OK to have multiple Customer classes defined, one for each bounded context that requires it. In each bounded context, you would define the classes with properties and business logic to fulfill the requirements within that bounded context:
Customer Service: Contact information, contact history
Billing: Billing address, payment information, orders
Shipping: Line items, shipping address
These bounded contexts can all point to the same database, or multiple databases, depending on the complexity of your system. If it is the same database, you would set up your data access layer to populate the properties required for your bounded context.
Steve Smith and Julie Lerman have a fantastic course on Pluralsight called Domain-Driven Design Fundamentals that covers these concepts in depth.

Where to place this invariant?

I'm working on a side project to learn and apply DDD within the "Daily Deal' domain. In my purchasing context, i have an invariant where a user can only purchase 'x' amount of deals per deal.
so it seems wasteful for my deal aggregate to load all purchases from all users just to check and see how many times (if any) the user has purchased this deal. I see two ways i could go about this.
Put this logic within a domain service which would allow a pre-condition to already have been met when the Purchase method on the Deal aggregate is invoked.
My repository implementation could always populate the purchases collection of the deal for the purchasing user. hmm...not sure about this one.
any guidance would be great!
I would take the second approach, but with one important change. I would instead create a value object called PurchasedDeal, that consists of just a DealID and Quantity field. The User aggregate could instead load a collection of this more lightweight purchase history object. Performance should be good with this approach, since I'm guessing that the average user will only have a few dozen purchase records.
Also remember that with DDD, you can and probably should have different models per bounded context. So you might design your User aggregate like this in the context of deals/purchasing. However, your User aggregate in another context would look different and not have a purchase history if it's not needed.

DDD How to fetch a list of value objects

I have a domain model
Customer - Aggregate root - because an order can't exist without a customer
Order - entity
OrderStatus - value object
In my form I need a list of all OrderStatuses.
Should I fetch an empty customer entity(AR) from repository with an empty order entity which is containing a list of all OrderStatuses? This is awkward.
Well, it always depends on your problem domain, but lacking further info, I would say you probably need to break your modeling a little bit.
Even though an Order can't exist without a Customer, it will not be a child entity under the Customer AR. You need to introduce the notion of Bounded Contexts.
Customer would be the AR of one BC, while Order would be the AR of its own BC.
In that case, you would reference Customer from Order with a CustomerId property (not with an object reference) because they belong to different contexts, and as such they could even live in separate microservices, in separate databases.
You see where I'm going: it makes no sense to fetch an empty Customer, with an empty Order (or list of Orders) just to reach a list of Order Statuses.
Even if Order and Customer did belong to the same BC, OrderStatus is Reference Data, and would be better represented by an enum type (or better, with the Enumeration Pattern).
Have a look at this additional info:
Reference data as code
Entities, Value Objects, Aggregates and Roots

What Belongs to the Aggregate Root

This is a practical Domain Driven Design question:
Conceptually, I think I get Aggregate roots until I go to define one.
I have an Employee entity, which has surfaced as an Aggregate root. In the Business, some employees can have work-related Violations logged against them:
Since not all Employees are subject to this, I would think that Violations would not be a part of the Employee Aggregate, correct?
So when I want to work with Employees and their related violations, is this two separate Repository interactions by some Service?
Lastly, when I add a Violation, is that method on the Employee Entity?
Thanks for the help!
After doing even MORE research, I think I have the answer to my question.
Paul Stovell had this slightly edited response to a similar question on the DDD messageboard. Substitute "Customer" for "Employee", and "Order" for "Violation" and you get the idea.
Just because Customer references Order
doesn't necessarily mean Order falls
within the Customer aggregate root.
The customer's addresses might, but
the orders can be independent (for
example, you might have a service that
processes all new orders no matter who
the customer is. Having to go
Customer->Orders makes no sense in
this scenario).
From a domain point of view, you can
even question the validity of those
references (Customer has reference to
a list of Orders). How often will you
actually need all orders for a
customer? In some systems it makes
sense, but in others, one customer
might make many orders. Chances are
you want orders for a customer between
a date range, or orders for a customer
that aren't processed yet, or orders
which have not been paid, and so on.
The scenario in which you'll need all
of them might be relatively uncommon.
However, it's much more likely that
when dealing with an Order, you will
want the customer information. So in
code, Order.Customer.Name is useful,
but Customer.Orders[0].LineItem.SKU -
probably not so useful. Of course,
that totally depends on your business
In other words, Updating Customer has nothing to do with updating Orders. And orders, or violations in my case, could conceivable be dealt with independently of Customers/Employees.
If Violations had detail lines, then Violation and Violation line would then be a part of the same aggregate because changing a violation line would likely affect a Violation.
The wrinkle here in my Domain is that Violations have no behavior. They are basically records of an event that happened. Not sure yet about the implications that has.
Eric Evan states in his book, Domain-Driven Design: Tackling the Complexity in the Heart of Software,
An AGGREGATE is a cluster of associated objects that we treat as a unit for the purpose of data changes.
There are 2 important points here:
These objects should be treated as a "unit".
For the purpose of "data change".
I believe in your scenario, Employee and Violation are not necessarily a unit together, whereas in the example of Order and OrderItem, they are part of a single unit.
Another thing that is important when modeling the agggregate boundaries is whether you have any invariants in your aggregate. Invariants are business rules that should be valid within the "whole" aggregate. For example, as for the Order and OrderItem example, you might have an invariant that states the total cost of the order should be less than a predefined amount. In this case, anytime you want to add an OrderItem to the Order, this invariant should be enforced to make sure that your Order is valid. However, in your problem, I don't see any invariants between your entities: Employee and Violation.
So short answer:
I believe Employee and Violation each belong to 2 separate aggregates. Each of these entities are also their own aggregate roots. So you need 2 repositories: EmployeeRepository and ViolationRepository.
I also believe you should have an unidirectional association from Violation to Employee. This way, each Violation object knows who it belongs to. But if you want to get the list of all Violations for a particular Employee, then you can ask the ViolationRepository:
var list = repository.FindAllViolationsByEmployee(someEmployee);
You say that you have employee entity and violations and each violation does not have any behavior itself. From what I can read above, it seems to me that you may have two aggregate roots:
EmployeeViolations (call it EmployeeViolationCard or EmployeeViolationRecords)
EmployeeViolations is identified by the same employee ID and it holds a collection of violation objects. You get behavior for employee and violations separated this way and you don't get Violation entity without behavior.
Whether violation is entity or value object you should decide based on its properties.
I generally agree with Mosh on this one. However, keep in mind the notion of transactions in the business point of view. So I actually take "for the purpose of data changes" to mean "for the purpose of transaction(s)".
Repositories are views of the domain model. In a domain environment, these "views" really support or represent a business function or capability - a transaction. Case in point, the Employee may have one or more violations, and if so, are aspects of a transaction(s) in a point in time. Consider your use cases.
Scenario: "An employee commits an act that is a violation of the workplace." This is a type of business event (i.e. transaction, or part of a larger, perhaps distributed transaction) that occurred. The root affected domain object actually can be seen from more than one perspective, which is why it is confusing. But the thing to remember is behavior as it pertains to a business transaction, since you want your business processes to model the real-world as accurate as possible. In terms of relationships, just like in a relational database, your conceptual domain model should actually indicate this already (i.e. the associativity), which often can be read in either direction:
Employee <----commits a -------committed by ----> Violation
So for this use case, it would be fair that to say that it is a transaction dealing with violations, and that the root - or "primary" entity - is a Violation. That, then would be your aggregate root you would reference for that particular business activity or business process. But that is not to say that, for a different activity or process, that you cannot have an Employee aggregate root, such as the "new employee process". If you take care, there should be no negative impact of cyclic references, or being able to traverse your domain model multiple ways. I will warn, however, that governing of this should be thought about and handled by your controller piece of your business domain, or whatever equivalent you have.
Aside: Thinking in terms of patterns (i.e. MVC), the repository is a view, the domain objects are the model, and thus one should also employ some form of controller pattern. Typically, the controller declares the concrete implementation of and access to the repositories (collections of aggregate roots).
In the data access world...
Using LINQ-To-SQL as an example, the DataContext would be the controller exposing a view of Customer and Order entities. The view is a non-declarative, framework-oriented Table type (rough equivalent to Repository). Note that the view keeps a reference to its parent controller, and often goes through the controller to control how/when the view gets materialized. Thus, the controller is your provider, taking care of mapping, translation, object hydration, etc. The model is then your data POCOs. Pretty much a typical MVC pattern.
Using N/Hibernate as an example, the ISession would be the controller exposing a view of Customer and Order entities by way of the session.Enumerable(string query) or session.Get(object id) or session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Customer)).List()
In the business logic world...
Customer { /*...*/ }
Employee { /*...*/ }
Repository<T> : IRepository<T>
, IEnumerable<T>
//, IQueryable<T>, IQueryProvider //optional
{ /**/ }
BusinessController {
Repository<Customer> Customers { get{ /*...*/ }} //aggregate root
Repository<Order> Orders { get{ /*...*/ }} // aggregate root
In a nutshell, let your business processes and transactions be the guide, and let your business infrastructure naturally evolve as processes/activities are implemented or refactored. Moreover, prefer composability over traditional black box design. When you get to service-oriented or cloud computing, you will be glad you did. :)
I was wondering what the conclusion would be?
'Violations' become a root entity. And 'violations' would be referenced by 'employee' root entity. ie violations repository <-> employee repository
But you are consfused about making violations a root entity becuase it has no behavior.
But is 'behaviour' a criteria to qualify as a root entity? I dont think so.
a slightly orthogonal question to test understanding here, going back to Order...OrderItem example, there might be an analytics module in the system that wants to look into OrderItems directly i.e get all orderItems for a particular product, or all order items greater than some given value etc, does having a lot of usecases like that and driving "aggregate root" to extreme could we argue that OrderItem is a different aggregate root in itself ??
It depends. Does any change/add/delete of a vioation change any part of employee - e.g. are you storing violation count, or violation count within past 3 years against employee?
