C# Excel Chart Change color - excel

I am trying to change the line color of the chart series to None. I tried setting the color and the marker property but the program errors out.
My code:
Excel.ChartObjects _ChartObjects = (Excel.ChartObjects)(oSheet1.ChartObjects(Missing.Value));
Excel.ChartObject _ChartObject = _ChartObjects.Add(170, 0, 400, 300);
Excel.Chart _Chart = _ChartObject.Chart;
Excel.Range oRng1;
oRng1 = oSheet1.get_Range("A1","E55");
_Chart.SetSourceData(oRng1, Excel.XlRowCol.xlColumns);
_Chart.ChartType = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlChartType.xlLineMarkers;
oWB.ShowPivotChartActiveFields = true;
//_Chart.ChartTitle.Font.Size = 12;
_Chart.DataTable.Font.Size = 6;
oWB.ShowPivotChartActiveFields = false;
_Chart.Location(Excel.XlChartLocation.xlLocationAsNewSheet, "Tax Weekly Term-Chart");
Excel.SeriesCollection seriesCollection = (Excel.SeriesCollection)_Chart.SeriesCollection(Type.Missing);
Excel.Series series = (Excel.Series)seriesCollection.Item(4);
Need code to set the color of the series to None.Any suggestions would be useful.

This code can set the colours of the slices of all the pie charts in my spreadsheet based on each slice's legend's label:
Sub SetPieChartColours()
' Iterates through all pie charts in the dashboard and apply colours to the appropriate legends
' Colour indices:
' Passed (Green) 10
' Not Completed (Yellow) 19
' No run (Blue) 37
' Failed (Maroon) 18
' Failed Issue (Pink) 24
' Failed Defect (Red) 3
Dim savePtLabel As String
Dim ThisPt As String
Dim NumPoints As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim pie As ChartObject
For Each pie In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
' Check that the current chart object is a pie chart
If pie.Chart.ChartType = xlPie Then
NumPoints = pie.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Points.Count
For x = 1 To NumPoints
' Save the label currently attached to the current slice
If pie.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(x).HasDataLabel = True Then
savePtLabel = pie.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(x).DataLabel.Text
savePtLabel = ""
End If
' Assign a new data label of just the point name
pie.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(x).ApplyDataLabels Type:= _
xlDataLabelsShowLabel, AutoText:=True
ThisPt = pie.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(x).DataLabel.Text
' Based on the label of this slice, set the color
Select Case ThisPt
Case "Failed-Defect"
pie.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(x).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
Case "Failed-Issue"
pie.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(x).Interior.ColorIndex = 24
Case "Failed"
pie.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(x).Interior.ColorIndex = 18
Case "No Run"
pie.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(x).Interior.ColorIndex = 37
Case "Not Completed"
pie.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(x).Interior.ColorIndex = 18
Case "Passed"
pie.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(x).Interior.ColorIndex = 10
Case Else
' Aroo! The label of the current slice doesn't match any expected labels
pie.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(x).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
End Select
' Return the label to it's original state
pie.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(x).ApplyDataLabels Type:=xlDataLabelsShowNone, AutoText:=True
Next x
End If
End Sub
And this code can set barchart colours:
Sub SetBarChartColours()
Dim savePtLabel As String
Dim ThisPt As String
Dim NumPoints As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim bar As ChartObject
For Each bar In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
If bar.Chart.Name = "Dashboard Chart 5" Then
NumPoints = bar.Chart.SeriesCollection.Count
For x = 1 To NumPoints
MsgBox bar.Chart.Legend.LegendEntries(x).LegendKey.Interior.ColorIndex
Next x
End If
End Sub
Maybe could help you!


Find textbox in a group of shapes (VBA 6.3)

I am using VBA 6.3. In Excel I have a chart - left y axis on it and numbers. When I copy the Chart to powerpoint and degroup it, I leave the y axis only with the TextBoxes and the axis alone. Now I would like to obtain the minimum and maximum numbers beside the axis. First I tried to detect the TextBoxes it should be msoTextBox value 17. But when I checked the type number is 378*... I could not find out what is it (using google search). I need to obtain the two numbers and length of the axis line (so I can calculate the ratio y_length/(max-min) ).
This is the code sofar.
Sub GetMinMax()
Dim YAxisMinMax() As Integer
With ActiveWindow.Selection
If (.Type = ppSelectionShapes) And (.ShapeRange.Type = msoTextBox) Then
MsgBox "Failed"
Exit Sub
End If
End With
End Sub
Rhe result - The Message is Failed. It did not found the TextGroup with number.
*Edit: I have found, that the type is different for every "text box". However the name of the shape is "rectangle", not a text box". It looks like text box, because it has text inside it.
So far, this what I have done:
Option Explicit
ShortLineLeft As Integer
ShortLineTop As Integer
Length As Integer
isFound As Boolean
End Type
ShortLineLeft As Integer
ShortLineTop As Integer
Length As Integer
isFound As Boolean
End Type
Sub LookForAxis()
Dim YAxisMinMax(2) As Integer
Dim OldMinMax(2) As Integer
Dim Value As Integer
Dim Ratio As Single
Dim Text As String
Dim Sh As Shape
With ActiveWindow.Selection
If (.Type = ppSelectionShapes) And (.ShapeRange.Type = msoGroup) Then
For Each Sh In .ShapeRange.GroupItems
If Sh.Type = msoLine Then
If (Axis.isFound) And (Horizontal.isFound) Then
ElseIf (Sh.Width < Sh.Height) And (Not Axis.isFound) Then
Axis.Length = Sh.Height
Axis.ShortLineLeft = Sh.Left
Axis.ShortLineTop = Sh.Top
Axis.isFound = True
ElseIf (Sh.Width > Sh.Height) And (Not Horizontal.isFound) Then
Horizontal.Length = Sh.Width
Horizontal.ShortLineLeft = Sh.Left
Horizontal.ShortLineTop = Sh.Top
Horizontal.isFound = True
End If
ElseIf (Sh.Type = msoAutoShape) And (Sh.HasTextFrame = msoTrue) Then
Text = Sh.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
Value = CInt(Text) ' Possibly: CLng()
If Value < OldMinMax(1) Then
OldMinMax(1) = Value
ElseIf Value > OldMinMax(2) Then
OldMinMax(2) = Value
End If
End If
Next Sh
Ratio = Axis.Length / (OldMinMax(2) - OldMinMax(1)) ' Axis length div. axis range
MsgBox "You have not selected an OBJECT in PowerPoint to dimension."
Exit Sub
End If
End With
End Sub
Notice: I have first placed all the axis lines and rectangles with TextFrame to one group to make it easy.

How to copy chart from excel to word and embed chart data in word file

I have excel with data that I'm writing in word, it is open and I try to copy chart from excel to word, without linking it, so that any other user can open it without static link to original excel file.
Sub Make4Segment(Wapp As Object)
Dim Sheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim MyChart As ChartObject
Set Sheet = Excel.ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DOC")
Set MyChart = Excel.ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DOC").ChartObjects("C1")
With Wapp.Application.Selection.Range
.PasteAndFormat Type:=wdChart
End With
End sub
I'm getting error 4605 on paste line.
.PasteAndFormat Type:=wdChart
.PasteSpecial Link:=False, DataType:=26
That should paste the Object correctly with Data and Without Link
You can Try with these different datatypes if this one is not what you need.
To reader in future: I was unable to find easy copy/paste solution to copy chart form excel to word. So I created this monstrosity. It creates chart in word, copies data for chart form excel file and embeds data in word file. Loads chart settings from excel files cells for ease of changing chart appearance. Resulting word document is independent and with chart data, and can be sent to anyone.
Sub GenerateReport()
Dim Wapp As Object
'Launches word application
Set Wapp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Wapp.Visible = True
Call CreateChart(Wapp)
End Sub
'Procedure, that creates chart in Word
Sub CreateChart(Wapp As Object)
Dim Ch4y As Word.InlineShape
Dim EmChData As Excel.Worksheet
Dim SrDataSh As Excel.Worksheet
Dim FomtCh As Excel.ChartObject
Dim DbWidth As Double
Dim DbHeight As Double
Dim DbIndentCh As Double
Dim DbLineWeight As Double
Dim DbDegrees As Double
Dim DbChLeHeight As Double
Dim DbChLeWidth As Double
Dim DbChLeLeft As Double
Dim DbChLeTop As Double
Dim LnChType As Long
Dim LnXLabelSpace As Long
Dim LnYMayorUnit As Long
Dim LnYMinimumScale As Long
Dim LnChBorder As Long
Dim LnChFontSize As Long
Dim BoLegend As Boolean
Dim BoTitle As Boolean
Dim In1 As Integer
Dim In2 As Integer
Dim In3 As Integer
Dim In4 As Integer
Dim In5 As Integer
Dim In6 As Integer
Dim In7 As Integer
Dim In8 As Integer
Dim In9 As Integer
Dim StChFont As String
'Creates new chart in word
Set Ch4y = Wapp.ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.AddChart2
'Embed data in chart, to make it independent form excel
'Creates reference to place where data will be stored
Set EmChData = Ch4y.Chart.ChartData.Workbook.Worksheets(1)
'Creates reference to source data sheet
Set SrDataSh = Excel.ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DOC")
'Loads data from Excel sheet for customizability
DbWidth = SrDataSh.Range("A159").Value '490
DbHeight = SrDataSh.Range("A160").Value '180
DbIndentCh = SrDataSh.Range("A161").Value '0
LnChType = SrDataSh.Range("A162").Value '4
BoLegend = SrDataSh.Range("A163").Value 'True
BoTitle = SrDataSh.Range("A164").Value 'False
In1 = SrDataSh.Range("A166").Value '139
In2 = SrDataSh.Range("A167").Value '231
In3 = SrDataSh.Range("A168").Value '246
In4 = SrDataSh.Range("A170").Value '0
In5 = SrDataSh.Range("A171").Value '133
In6 = SrDataSh.Range("A172").Value '155
DbLineWeight = SrDataSh.Range("A173").Value '1.75
DbDegrees = SrDataSh.Range("A174").Value '90
LnXLabelSpace = SrDataSh.Range("A175").Value '1
LnYMayorUnit = SrDataSh.Range("A176").Value '10
LnYMinimumScale = SrDataSh.Range("A177").Value '70
LnChBorder = SrDataSh.Range("A178").Value '-4142
StChFont = SrDataSh.Range("A179").Value 'Open Sans
LnChFontSize = SrDataSh.Range("A180").Value '9
In7 = SrDataSh.Range("A182").Value '151
In8 = SrDataSh.Range("A183").Value '151
In9 = SrDataSh.Range("A184").Value '151
DbChLeHeight = SrDataSh.Range("A185").Value '18
DbChLeWidth = SrDataSh.Range("A186").Value '200
DbChLeLeft = SrDataSh.Range("A187").Value '140
DbChLeTop = SrDataSh.Range("A188").Value '155
'Clears range
'Copy data
EmChData.Range("A1:C49").Value = SrDataSh.Range("B109:D157").Value
'Set Source data
Ch4y.Chart.SetSourceData Source:="'Sheet1'!$A$1:$C$49", PlotBy:=xlColumns
'Create reference to excel chart
Set FomtCh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Doc").ChartObjects(1)
With Wapp
With .Selection
'This line change position of chart that will be created to left or to right
.ParagraphFormat.LeftIndent = DbIndentCh
End With
End With
'Creates needed formating
With Ch4y
'Set size for chart
.Width = DbWidth
.Height = DbHeight
With .Chart
'Sets chart type
.ChartType = LnChType
'Sets chart legend to visible/unvisable
.HasLegend = BoLegend
'Sets chart title visible/unvisable
.HasTitle = BoTitle
'Sets color back to original for data series lines (for some reason it is not pasted in previous line)
.SeriesCollection(1).Format.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(In1, In2, In3)
.SeriesCollection(2).Format.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(In4, In5, In6)
'Sets line thicknes
.SeriesCollection(1).Format.Line.Weight = DbLineWeight
.SeriesCollection(2).Format.Line.Weight = DbLineWeight
'Works with x-axis
With .Axes(xlCategory)
'Sets orientation of x axis labels
.TickLabels.Orientation = DbDegrees
'Force to show all month under x-axis
.TickLabelSpacing = LnXLabelSpace
End With
'Works with y-axis
With .Axes(xlValue)
'Sets unit size for y-axis
.MajorUnit = LnYMayorUnit
'Sets value on y-axis from where values will start (Changes y=0 to value specified)
.MinimumScale = LnYMinimumScale
End With
With .ChartArea
'Sets border to none
.Border.LineStyle = LnChBorder
'Sets font
.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Name = StChFont
'Sets font size
.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Size = LnChFontSize
'Sets chart font color
.Font.Color = RGB(In7, In8, In9)
End With
'Checks if Legend for chart is enabled
If .HasLegend = True Then
With .Legend
'Sets height of legend
.Height = DbChLeHeight
'Sets width of legend
.Width = DbChLeWidth
'Sets distance from left side of chart
.Left = DbChLeLeft
'Sets distance from top side of chart
.Top = DbChLeTop
End With
End If
End With
End With
End Sub

Can I reference an object using a string?

So my code looks like this:
Dim i As Integer
Dim labelnum As String
For i = 1 To 81
labelnum = "Label" & i
If "labelnum".Caption = Label1.Caption Then
"labelnum".BackColor = Label1.BackColor
End If
Next i
I want to loop through 81 labels to check to see if the caption in that one is the same as the one I have selected. Is there something else I can put where it says "labelnum"?
I'm practicing and trying to make sudoku through VBA. I want to highlight the box I have selected and highlight all other squares on the board that have the same number.
In a Worksheet, a Label is a Shape Object, so you can use the Shapes collection:
Dim i As Integer
Dim shpLabel As Shape
For i = 1 To 81
Set shpLabel = Sheet1.Shapes("labelnum" & i)
If shpLabel.Caption = Label1.Caption Then
shpLabel.BackColor = Label1.BackColor
End If
Set shpLabel = Nothing
Next i
In a UserForm, a Label is a Control Object, so you can use the Controls collection:
Dim i As Integer
Dim ctrlLabel As Control
For i = 1 To 81
Set ctrlLabel = Me.Controls("labelnum" & i)
If ctrlLabel.Caption = Label1.Caption Then
ctrlLabel.BackColor = Label1.BackColor
End If
Set ctrlLabel = Nothing
Next i

Excel-VBA : Run-Time error in Referring and modifying axes scale in Excel Charts

I am having two charts in an excel sheet ("DesiredData"), and my purpose is to determine the chart having a greater value of Maximum Scale on Y-axis and then changing the value of Maximum Scale in the other chart. My code is :
Sub reArrange()
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DesiredData")
Dim maxScale1 As Long
Dim maxScale2 As Long
'runtime error at this line
ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).Activate
maxScale1 = .ChartObjects(1).Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).MaximumScale
ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).Activate
maxScale2 = .ChartObjects(2).Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale
If maxScale1 > maxScale2 Then
.ChartObjects(2).Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale = maxScale1
.ChartObjects(1).Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale = maxScale2
End If
End With
End Sub
It is giving Run-Time error the specified line, please help me out.
something like this
Dim c As ChartObject
Dim c2 As ChartObject
Dim a1 As Axis
Dim a2 As Axis
Set c = Worksheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects(1)
Set c2 = Worksheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects(2)
Dim x As Chart
Set x = c.Chart
Set a1 = x.Axes(XlAxisType.xlValue, xlPrimary)
Set x = c2.Chart
Set a2 = x.Axes(XlAxisType.xlValue, xlPrimary)
a1.MaximumScale = a2.MaximumScale
Your code almost works, if you remove some unnecessary .Activate commands. First of all, you can't activate an axis, only select it. Second of all, there's no need to select an axis or activate a chart to do what you want. You do need to insert .Chart between .ChartObjects(i) and .Axes(xlValue).
The following ought to work as expected:
Sub reArrange()
Dim maxScale1 As Long
Dim maxScale2 As Long
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DesiredData")
maxScale1 = .ChartObjects(1).Chart.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).MaximumScale
maxScale2 = .ChartObjects(2).Chart.Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale
If maxScale1 > maxScale2 Then
.ChartObjects(2).Chart.Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale = maxScale1
.ChartObjects(1).Chart.Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale = maxScale2
End If
End With
End Sub

How to apply ShapeStyle to a specific Series of a Chart in Excel using VBA?

How do I programatically apply a ShapeStyle to a set of Points from a single Series of a Chart using vba? It seems I need a "Shapes" object that contains only the points from the series I am trying to format?
Some information is here: http://peltiertech.com/WordPress/programming-excel-2007-2010-autoshapes-with-vba/ under the "Setting Border and Fill Styles" section
I have pseudocode but I have no idea how to create the Shapes object with only the items I want in it
' Applies desired shapestyle to a specific series of a chart
Sub ApplyShapeStyle(ch As Chart, sr As Series, ss As ShapeStyle)
' Somehow create a "Shapes" object that
' contains all the points from the series as Shape objects
Dim shps as Shapes
shps.Add(<all points from series>)
shps.ShapeStyle = ss
End Sub
Like I mentioned in my comment (And I could be wrong) there is no shape property available for the DataLabel which will let you change the .ShapeStyle. However I managed to achieve what you want using a complex routine.
Insert a temporary shape, say a rectangle in the worksheet
Apply the .ShapeStyle to this shape
Individually set the properties of DataLabel like Fill, Border color, Border Style, Shadow etc with that from the shape.
Once done, delete the shape.
Sub Sample()
Dim myChart As ChartObject
Dim chrt As Chart
Dim shp As Shape
Dim sr As Series
Set myChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1")
Set chrt = myChart.Chart
'º·. Add a temporary Shape with desired ShapeStyle
Set shp = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 100, 100, 100, 100)
shp.ShapeStyle = msoShapeStylePreset42
Set sr = chrt.SeriesCollection(1)
'º·. Fill
Dim gs As GradientStop
Dim i As Integer
If shp.Fill.BackColor.ObjectThemeColor <> msoNotThemeColor Then
sr.Format.Fill.BackColor.ObjectThemeColor = shp.Fill.BackColor.ObjectThemeColor
End If
If shp.Fill.ForeColor.ObjectThemeColor <> msoNotThemeColor Then
sr.Format.Fill.ForeColor.ObjectThemeColor = shp.Fill.ForeColor.ObjectThemeColor
End If
Select Case shp.Fill.Type
Case msoFillGradient
' Have to set the gradient first otherwise might not be able to set gradientangle
sr.Fill.TwoColorGradient shp.Fill.GradientStyle, shp.Fill.GradientVariant
sr.Format.Fill.GradientAngle = shp.Fill.GradientAngle
'Removes pre-existing gradient stops as far as possible...
Do While (sr.Format.Fill.GradientStops.Count > 2)
sr.Format.Fill.GradientStops.Delete sr.Format.Fill.GradientStops.Count
For i = 1 To shp.Fill.GradientStops.Count
Set gs = shp.Fill.GradientStops(i)
If i < 3 Then
sr.Format.Fill.GradientStops.Insert gs.Color, gs.Position, gs.Transparency, i
' ...and then removes last two stops that couldn't be removed earlier
sr.Format.Fill.GradientStops.Delete 3
sr.Format.Fill.GradientStops.Insert gs.Color, gs.Position, gs.Transparency, i
End If
Next i
Case msoFillSolid
Case msoFillBackground
Case msoFillMixed
Case msoFillPatterned
Case msoFillPicture
Case msoFillTextured
End Select
sr.Format.Fill.Transparency = shp.Fill.Transparency
'º·. Line
If shp.Line.Visible Then
sr.Format.Line.ForeColor = shp.Line.ForeColor
sr.Format.Line.BackColor = shp.Line.BackColor
sr.Format.Line.DashStyle = shp.Line.DashStyle
sr.Format.Line.InsetPen = shp.Line.InsetPen
sr.Format.Line.Style = shp.Line.Style
sr.Format.Line.Transparency = shp.Line.Transparency
sr.Format.Line.Weight = shp.Line.Weight
' Some formatting e.g. arrowheads not supported
End If
sr.Format.Line.Visible = shp.Line.Visible
'º·. Glow
If shp.Glow.Radius > 0 Then
sr.Format.Glow.Color = shp.Glow.Color
sr.Format.Glow.Radius = shp.Glow.Radius
sr.Format.Glow.Transparency = shp.Glow.Transparency
End If
sr.Format.Glow.Radius = shp.Glow.Radius
'º·. Shadows are a pain
' see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10178990/turn-off-marker-shadow-on-vba-generated-excel-plots
If shp.Shadow.Visible Then
sr.Format.Shadow.Blur = shp.Shadow.Blur
sr.Format.Shadow.ForeColor = shp.Shadow.ForeColor
sr.Format.Shadow.OffsetX = shp.Shadow.OffsetX
sr.Format.Shadow.OffsetY = shp.Shadow.OffsetY
sr.Format.Shadow.Size = shp.Shadow.Size
sr.Format.Shadow.Style = shp.Shadow.Style
sr.Format.Shadow.Transparency = shp.Shadow.Transparency
sr.Format.Shadow.Visible = msoTrue
' Note that this doesn't work as expected...
sr.Format.Shadow.Visible = msoFalse
' ...but this kind-of does
sr.Format.Shadow.Transparency = 1
End If
'º·. SoftEdge
sr.Format.SoftEdge.Radius = shp.SoftEdge.Radius
sr.Format.SoftEdge.Type = shp.SoftEdge.Type
'º·. 3d Effects
If shp.ThreeD.Visible Then
sr.Format.ThreeD.BevelBottomDepth = shp.ThreeD.BevelBottomDepth
sr.Format.ThreeD.BevelBottomInset = shp.ThreeD.BevelBottomInset
sr.Format.ThreeD.BevelBottomType = shp.ThreeD.BevelBottomType
sr.Format.ThreeD.BevelTopDepth = shp.ThreeD.BevelTopDepth
sr.Format.ThreeD.BevelTopInset = shp.ThreeD.BevelTopInset
sr.Format.ThreeD.BevelTopType = shp.ThreeD.BevelTopType
sr.Format.ThreeD.ContourColor = shp.ThreeD.ContourColor
sr.Format.ThreeD.ContourWidth = shp.ThreeD.ContourWidth
sr.Format.ThreeD.Depth = shp.ThreeD.Depth
sr.Format.ThreeD.ExtrusionColor = shp.ThreeD.ExtrusionColor
sr.Format.ThreeD.ExtrusionColorType = shp.ThreeD.ExtrusionColorType
sr.Format.ThreeD.FieldOfView = shp.ThreeD.FieldOfView
sr.Format.ThreeD.LightAngle = shp.ThreeD.LightAngle
sr.Format.ThreeD.Perspective = shp.ThreeD.Perspective
sr.Format.ThreeD.ProjectText = shp.ThreeD.ProjectText
sr.Format.ThreeD.RotationX = shp.ThreeD.RotationX
sr.Format.ThreeD.RotationY = shp.ThreeD.RotationY
sr.Format.ThreeD.RotationZ = shp.ThreeD.RotationZ
sr.Format.ThreeD.Z = shp.ThreeD.Z
End If
sr.Format.ThreeD.Visible = shp.ThreeD.Visible
'º·. Cleanup
End Sub
Just Setting some of the .Fill properties gives me this for msoShapeStylePreset38
