I need to convert String^ type to hexadecimal string representation. I'm coding on MSVC++'05. Need help with the algorithm, have already tried the strtol function and it is not outputting the result i'm expecting.
String^ str = "993";
I wan str to be converted to hexadecimal which is 0x03E1, how do i go about do this? Any help or directions is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Transforming it into a hexadecimal is in the display portion of it.
String^ str = "993";
int value;
Console::WriteLine("Failed, exiting");
return -1;
This indicates the output should be hex -----^^^
I am coding a small software to send data with an RN2483 transciever, and I have realised that my data is converted to ASCII when I sent it through serial. It is to say, I have the following part in the sender, the data has to be HEX
String aux = String(message.charAt(i),HEX);
dataToBeTx = "radio tx " + aux+ "\r\n";
On the receiver I am reading Serial1 till I get the message, which I receive properly, however it is an ASCII representation of the HEX data, and I would like to have it HEX, I mean, I send HI that is converted to HEX (H I=>0x48 0x49) on the receiver if I translate that value to HEX again I got different things than my H or I , so I guess it is being encoded in ASCII, how can I ride off from that?
Thanks in advance,
It is very unclear what you are trying to achieve. The first line in your code converts a single character into a string in hexadecimal. For example:
void setup ()
Serial.begin (115200);
Serial.println ();
String aux = String('A', HEX);
Serial.print ("aux = ");
Serial.println (aux);
} // end of setup
void loop ()
} // end of loop
aux = 41
So the 'A' in my code (internally represented as 0x41) has now become two ASCII characters: 4 and 1. That is, a string which is two bytes long.
So, in a sense, you can say it is already in hex.
if I translate that value to HEX again I got different things than my H or I
Well, yes, if you translate it "again" then you would get 0x34 and 0x31.
Do you want to send A in this case, 41 or something else?
how to take input of int or double type in C# in console???
i had taken input in C++ and C .But in C# ,i am not able to give user input at the run time. So tell how to take input at the run time in C#.
Try this -
double a;
int b;
a = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); // Value in double
b = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // Value in Int
You need to read a line of textual input using Console.ReadLine(), then parse it as a number using int.Parse() or double.TryParse() or other variants.
Use Console.ReadLine to read input as string and then convert them to your required type, using int.Parse or int.TryParse, or double.Parse, or double.TryParse like:
string input = Console.ReadLine();
int temp;
if (int.TryParse(input, out temp))
//valid int input
//invalid int input
Console.WriteLine(temp); //input number
Its better if you use TryParse family of methods for parsing, since they will not raise an exception in case of failed parsing.
You may also see: How to: Convert a String to a Number (C# Programming Guide)
Use Console.ReadLine() that lets you to put an input and you can assign it to the input you wish, if int then parse it.
Try using
Console.Writeline("1. Do Something");
string input = Console.ReadLine();
I am trying to store some contents into a string variable by passing it as a parameter in various types of Windows API functions which accepts variable like char *.
For example, my code is:-
std::string myString;
GetCurrentDirectoryA( MAX_PATH, myString );
Now how do I convert the string variable to LPSTR in this case.
Please see, this function is not meant for passing the contents of string as input, but the function stores some contents into string variable after execution. So, myString.c_str( ) is ruled out.
Edit: I have a workaround solution of removing the concept of string and replacing it with something like
char myString[ MAX_PATH ];
but that is not my objective. I want to make use of string. Is there any way possible?
Also casting like
GetCurrentDirectoryA( MAX_PATH, ( LPSTR ) myString );
is not working.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Usually, people rewrite the Windows functions they need to be std::string friendly, like this:
std::string GetCurrentDirectoryA()
char buffer[MAX_PATH];
GetCurrentDirectoryA( MAX_PATH, buffer );
return std::string(buffer);
or this for wide char support:
std::wstring GetCurrentDirectoryW()
wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH];
GetCurrentDirectoryW( MAX_PATH, buffer );
return std::wstring(buffer);
LPTSTR is defined as TCHAR*, so actually it is just an ordinary C-string, BUT it depends on whether you are working with ASCII or with Unicode in your code. So do
LPTSTR lpStr = new TCHAR[256];
ZeroMemory(lpStr, 256);
//fill the string using i.e. _tcscpy
const char* cpy = myString.c_str();
_tcscpy (lpStr, cpy);
//use lpStr
See here for a reference on _tcscpy and this thread.
Typically, I would read the data into a TCHAR and then copy it into my std::string. That's the simplest way.
Some body help me regarding to the following problem
strFixFactorSide = _T("0.5");
dFixFactorSide = atof((const char *)(LPCTSTR)strFixFactorSide);
"dFixFactorSide" takes value as 0.0000;
How I will get correct value?
Use _tstof() instead of atof(), and cast CString to LPCTSTR, and leave it as such, instead of trying to get it to const char *. Forget about const char * (LPCSTR) while you're working with unicode and use only const _TCHAR * (LPCTSTR).
int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[])
int nRetCode = 0;
CString s1 = _T("123.4");
CString s2 = _T("567.8");
double v1 = _tstof((LPCTSTR)s1);
double v2 = _tstof((LPCTSTR)s2);
_tprintf(_T("%.3f"), v1 + v2);
return nRetCode;
and running this correctly gives the expected answer.
I think your CString strFixFactorSide is a Unicode (UTF-16) string.
If it is, the cast (const char *) only changes the pointer type, but the string it points to still remains Unicode.
atof() doesn't work with Unicode strings. If you shove L"0.5" into it, it will fetch bytes 0x30 ('0') and 0x00 (also part of UTF-16 '0'), treat that as a NUL-terminated ASCII string "0" and convert it to 0.0.
If CString strFixFactorSide is a Unicode string, you need to either first convert it to an ASCII string and then apply atof() or use a function capable of converting Unicode strings to numbers. _wtof() can be used for Unicode strings.
I've seen lots of answers to this, but I cannot seem to get any to work. I think I'm getting confused between variable types. I have an input from NetworkStream that is put a hex code into a String^. I need to take part of this string, convert it to a number (presumably int) so I can add some arithemetic, then output the reult on the form. The code I have so far:
String^ msg; // gets filled later, e.g. with "A55A6B0550000000FFFBDE0030C8"
String^ test;
//I have selected the relevant part of the string, e.g. 5A
test = msg->Substring(2, 2);
//I have tried many different routes to extract the numverical value of the
//substring. Below are some of them:
std::stringstream ss;
hexInt = 0;
//Works if test is string, not String^ but then I can't output it later.
ss << sscanf(test.c_str(), "%x", &hexInt);
sprintf(&hexInt, "%d", test);
//And a few others that I've deleted after they don't work at all.
this->textBox1->AppendText("Display numerical value after a bit of math");
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Does this help?
String^ hex = L"5A";
int converted = System::Convert::ToInt32(hex, 16);
The documentation for the Convert static method used is on the MSDN.
You need to stop thinking about using the standard C++ library with managed types. The .Net BCL is really very good...
Hope this helps:
the method demonstrates converting hexadecimal values,
which are broken into low and high bytes.
int main(){
//character buffer
char buf[1];
buf[0]= 0x06; //buffer initialized to some hex value
buf[1]= 0xAE; //buffer initialized to some hex value
int number=0;
//number generated by binary shift of high byte and its OR with low byte
number = 0xFFFF&((buf[1]<<8)|buf[0]);
printf("%x",number); //this prints AE06
printf(ā%dā,number); //this prints the integer equivalent