recvfrom() timeout with alarm() - linux

I'm debugging the following code:
signal(SIGALRM, testt);
result = recvfrom( listening_socket, buf, maxlen, 0, &from, &fromlen );
As described by man 3 siginterrupt the alarm should interrupt the system call, but in my case it doesn't. Alarm handler is invoked, but recvfrom is not interrupted.
However, when a new signal handler is specified with the signal(2) function, the system call is interrupted by default.
If I add siginterrupt(SIGALRM, 1); after setting the alarm handler then recvfrom is interrupted as expected.
What am I missing? What's wrong with my code?
NOTES: Replacing signal with sigaction is not what I'm looking for.

The siginterrupt(3) manpage was incorrect (version 3.33 of the Linux manpage set corrects the error). The default behavior of glibc's signal is to establish a signal that does not interrupt system calls. You can see this for yourself with strace:
void handler(int unused) {}
int main(void)
signal(SIGALRM, handler);
$ strace -e trace=rt_sigaction ./a.out
{0x4005b4, [ALRM], SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART, 0x7fe732d3d490},
{SIG_DFL, [], 0}, 8) = 0
Note the SA_RESTART in there. You can either keep doing what you're doing -- call siginterrupt(SIGALRM, 1) after establishing the handler -- or you can switch to using sigaction, which will let you set the flags the way you want in the first place. You said you didn't want to do that (why?) but nonetheless that is what I would recommend.


How to make mprotect() to make forward progress after handling pagefaulte exception? [duplicate]

I want to write a signal handler to catch SIGSEGV.
I protect a block of memory for read or write using
char *buffer;
char *p;
char a;
int pagesize = 4096;
This protects pagesize bytes of memory starting at buffer against any reads or writes.
Second, I try to read the memory:
p = buffer;
a = *p
This will generate a SIGSEGV, and my handler will be called.
So far so good. My problem is that, once the handler is called, I want to change the access write of the memory by doing
and continue normal functioning of my code. I do not want to exit the function.
On future writes to the same memory, I want to catch the signal again and modify the write rights and then record that event.
Here is the code:
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#define handle_error(msg) \
do { perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (0)
char *buffer;
int flag=0;
static void handler(int sig, siginfo_t *si, void *unused)
printf("Got SIGSEGV at address: 0x%lx\n",(long) si->si_addr);
printf("Implements the handler only\n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *p; char a;
int pagesize;
struct sigaction sa;
sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
sa.sa_sigaction = handler;
if (sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa, NULL) == -1)
/* Allocate a buffer aligned on a page boundary;
initial protection is PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE */
buffer = memalign(pagesize, 4 * pagesize);
if (buffer == NULL)
printf("Start of region: 0x%lx\n", (long) buffer);
printf("Start of region: 0x%lx\n", (long) buffer+pagesize);
printf("Start of region: 0x%lx\n", (long) buffer+2*pagesize);
printf("Start of region: 0x%lx\n", (long) buffer+3*pagesize);
//if (mprotect(buffer + pagesize * 0, pagesize,PROT_NONE) == -1)
if (mprotect(buffer + pagesize * 0, pagesize,PROT_NONE) == -1)
//for (p = buffer ; ; )
p = buffer+pagesize/2;
printf("It comes here before reading memory\n");
a = *p; //trying to read the memory
printf("It comes here after reading memory\n");
if (mprotect(buffer + pagesize * 0, pagesize,PROT_READ) == -1)
a = *p;
printf("Now i can read the memory\n");
/* for (p = buffer;p<=buffer+4*pagesize ;p++ )
//a = *(p);
*(p) = 'a';
printf("Writing at address %p\n",p);
printf("Loop completed\n"); /* Should never happen */
The problem is that only the signal handler runs and I can't return to the main function after catching the signal.
When your signal handler returns (assuming it doesn't call exit or longjmp or something that prevents it from actually returning), the code will continue at the point the signal occurred, reexecuting the same instruction. Since at this point, the memory protection has not been changed, it will just throw the signal again, and you'll be back in your signal handler in an infinite loop.
So to make it work, you have to call mprotect in the signal handler. Unfortunately, as Steven Schansker notes, mprotect is not async-safe, so you can't safely call it from the signal handler. So, as far as POSIX is concerned, you're screwed.
Fortunately on most implementations (all modern UNIX and Linux variants as far as I know), mprotect is a system call, so is safe to call from within a signal handler, so you can do most of what you want. The problem is that if you want to change the protections back after the read, you'll have to do that in the main program after the read.
Another possibility is to do something with the third argument to the signal handler, which points at an OS and arch specific structure that contains info about where the signal occurred. On Linux, this is a ucontext structure, which contains machine-specific info about the $PC address and other register contents where the signal occurred. If you modify this, you change where the signal handler will return to, so you can change the $PC to be just after the faulting instruction so it won't re-execute after the handler returns. This is very tricky to get right (and non-portable too).
The ucontext structure is defined in <ucontext.h>. Within the ucontext the field uc_mcontext contains the machine context, and within that, the array gregs contains the general register context. So in your signal handler:
ucontext *u = (ucontext *)unused;
unsigned char *pc = (unsigned char *)u->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RIP];
will give you the pc where the exception occurred. You can read it to figure out what instruction it
was that faulted, and do something different.
As far as the portability of calling mprotect in the signal handler is concerned, any system that follows either the SVID spec or the BSD4 spec should be safe -- they allow calling any system call (anything in section 2 of the manual) in a signal handler.
You've fallen into the trap that all people do when they first try to handle signals. The trap? Thinking that you can actually do anything useful with signal handlers. From a signal handler, you are only allowed to call asynchronous and reentrant-safe library calls.
See this CERT advisory as to why and a list of the POSIX functions that are safe.
Note that printf(), which you are already calling, is not on that list.
Nor is mprotect. You're not allowed to call it from a signal handler. It might work, but I can promise you'll run into problems down the road. Be really careful with signal handlers, they're tricky to get right!
Since I'm being a portability douchebag at the moment already, I'll point out that you also shouldn't write to shared (i.e. global) variables without taking the proper precautions.
You can recover from SIGSEGV on linux. Also you can recover from segmentation faults on Windows (you'll see a structured exception instead of a signal). But the POSIX standard doesn't guarantee recovery, so your code will be very non-portable.
Take a look at libsigsegv.
You should not return from the signal handler, as then behavior is undefined. Rather, jump out of it with longjmp.
This is only okay if the signal is generated in an async-signal-safe function. Otherwise, behavior is undefined if the program ever calls another async-signal-unsafe function. Hence, the signal handler should only be established immediately before it is necessary, and disestablished as soon as possible.
In fact, I know of very few uses of a SIGSEGV handler:
use an async-signal-safe backtrace library to log a backtrace, then die.
in a VM such as the JVM or CLR: check if the SIGSEGV occurred in JIT-compiled code. If not, die; if so, then throw a language-specific exception (not a C++ exception), which works because the JIT compiler knew that the trap could happen and generated appropriate frame unwind data.
clone() and exec() a debugger (do not use fork() – that calls callbacks registered by pthread_atfork()).
Finally, note that any action that triggers SIGSEGV is probably UB, as this is accessing invalid memory. However, this would not be the case if the signal was, say, SIGFPE.
There is a compilation problem using ucontext_t or struct ucontext (present in /usr/include/sys/ucontext.h)

Multithreaded Environment - Signal Handling in c++ in unix-like environment (freeBSD and linux)

I wrote a network packet listener program and I have 2 threads. Both runs forever but one of them sleeps 30 sec other sleeps 90 sec. In main function, I use sigaction function and after installed signal handler, I created these 2 threads. After creation of threads, main function calls pcaploop function, which is infinite loop. Basic structure of my program:
(I use pseudo syntax)
only sets a flag (exitState = true)
while 1
sleep 30 sec
check exit state, if so exit(0);
do smth;
while 1
sleep 90 sec
check exit state, if so exit(0);
do smth;
necassary snytax for sigaction ;
sigaction( SIGINT, &act, NULL );
sigaction( SIGUSR1, &act, NULL );
create thread1;
create thread2;
pcaploop(..., processPacket,...); // infinite loop, calls callback function (processPacket) everytime a packet comes.
join threads;
return 0;
check exitState, if true exit(0);
do smth;
And here is my question. When I press CTRL-C program does not terminate. If the program run less than 6-7 hours, when I press CTRL-C, program terminates. If the program run 1 night, at least 10 hours or more, I cannot terminate the program. Actually, signal handler is not called.
What could be the problem? Which thread does catch the signal?
Basically it would be better to remove all pseudo code you put in your example, and leave the minimum working code, what exactly you have.
From what I can see so far from your example, is that the error handling of sigaction's is missing.
Try to perform checks against errors in your code.
I am writing this for those who had faced with this problem. My problem was about synchronization of threads. After i got handle synchronization problem, the program now, can handle the signals. My advice is check the synchronization again and make sure that it works correctly.
I am sorry for late answer.
Edited :
I have also used sigaction for signal handling
and I have change my global bool variable whit this definition :
static volatile sig_atomic_t exitFlag = 0;
This flag has been used for checking whether the signal received or not.

How to handle the Linux socket revents POLLERR, POLLHUP and POLLNVAL?

I'm wondering what should be done when poll set these bits? Close socket, ignore it or what?
A POLLHUP means the socket is no longer connected. In TCP, this means FIN has been received and sent.
A POLLERR means the socket got an asynchronous error. In TCP, this typically means a RST has been received or sent. If the file descriptor is not a socket, POLLERR might mean the device does not support polling.
For both of the conditions above, the socket file descriptor is still open, and has not yet been closed (but shutdown() may have already been called). A close() on the file descriptor will release resources that are still being reserved on behalf of the socket. In theory, it should be possible to reuse the socket immediately (e.g., with another connect() call).
A POLLNVAL means the socket file descriptor is not open. It would be an error to close() it.
It depend on the exact error nature. Use getsockopt() to see the problem:
int error = 0;
socklen_t errlen = sizeof(error);
getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (void *)&error, &errlen);
The easiest way is to assume that the socket is no longer usable in any case and close it.
POLLNVAL means that the file descriptor value is invalid. It usually indicates an error in your program, but you can rely on poll returning POLLNVAL if you've closed a file descriptor and you haven't opened any file since then that might have reused the descriptor.
POLLERR is similar to error events from select. It indicates that a read or write call would return an error condition (e.g. I/O error). This does not include out-of-band data which select signals via its errorfds mask but poll signals via POLLPRI.
POLLHUP basically means that what's at the other end of the connection has closed its end of the connection. POSIX describes it as
The device has been disconnected. This event and POLLOUT are mutually-exclusive; a stream can never be writable if a hangup has occurred.
This is clear enough for a terminal: the terminal has gone away (same event that generates a SIGHUP: the modem session has been terminated, the terminal emulator window has been closed, etc.). POLLHUP is never sent for a regular file. For pipes and sockets, it depends on the operating system. Linux sets POLLHUP when the program on the writing end of a pipe closes the pipe, and sets POLLIN|POLLHUP when the other end of a socket closed the socket, but POLLIN only for a socket shutdown. Recent *BSD set POLLIN|POLLUP when the writing end of a pipe closes the pipe, and the behavior for sockets is more variable.
Minimal FIFO example
Once you understand when those conditions happen, it should be easy to know what to do with them.
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700
#include <fcntl.h> /* creat, O_CREAT */
#include <poll.h> /* poll */
#include <stdio.h> /* printf, puts, snprintf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* EXIT_FAILURE, EXIT_SUCCESS */
#include <unistd.h> /* read */
int main(void) {
char buf[1024];
int fd, n;
short revents;
struct pollfd pfd;
fd = open("poll0.tmp", O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
pfd.fd = fd; = POLLIN;
while (1) {
poll(&pfd, 1, -1);
revents = pfd.revents;
if (revents & POLLIN) {
n = read(pfd.fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
printf("POLLIN n=%d buf=%.*s\n", n, n, buf);
if (revents & POLLHUP) {
pfd.fd *= -1;
if (revents & POLLNVAL) {
if (revents & POLLERR) {
GitHub upstream.
Compile with:
gcc -o poll.out -std=c99 poll.c
sudo mknod -m 666 poll0.tmp p
On another shell:
printf a >poll0.tmp
If you don't modify the source: ./poll.out outputs:
POLLIN n=1 buf=a
POLLIN happens when input becomes available
POLLHUP happens when the file is closed by the printf
close(pfd.fd); and pfd.fd *= -1; clean things up, and we stop receiving POLLHUP
poll hangs forever
This is the normal operation.
You could now repoen the FIFO to wait for the next open, or exit the loop if you are done.
If you comment out pfd.fd *= -1;: ./poll.out prints:
POLLIN n=1 buf=a
and loops forever.
POLLIN and POLLHUP and close happened as before
since we didn't set pfd.fd to a negative number, poll keeps trying to use the fd that we closed
this keeps returning POLLNVAL forever
So we see that this shouldn't have happened, and indicates a bug in your code.
I don't know how to generate a POLLERR with FIFOs. Let me know if there is way. But it should be possible with file_operations of a device driver.
Tested in Ubuntu 14.04.

ptrace: STEPINTO returns breakpoint signal

Yet another ptrace question:
The process is paused for the initial SIGTRAP, then i call ptrace with STEPINTO to step the next instruction. After the ptrace call, i call waitpid(...) and sure enough it does receive a SIGTRAP signal! Great!
however, when i examine the siginfo_t structure by calling
ptrace(PTRACE_GETSIGINFO, pid, 0, &siginfo)
the fields are as follows:
si_signo = SIGTRAP
si_code = 1
however, 1 is the signal code for a breakpoint. No breakpoint was hit in this case:
/* `si_code' values for SIGTRAP signal. */
TRAP_BRKPT = 1, /* Process breakpoint. */
TRAP_TRACE /* Process trace trap. */
What's going on?
All calls involved return success (0) and errno is 0, too.
edit: so what happens when i hit a real 0xCC breakpoint?
A SIGTRAP is fired and the si_code field is 0x80 ! 0x80 isnt even defined for SIGTRAP! :(

SIGSEGV when using pthreads in Stop-and-Wait Protocol implementation

I'm a college student and as part of a Networks Assignment I need to do an implementation of the Stop-and-Wait Protocol. The problem statement requires using 2 threads. I am a novice to threading but after going through the man pages for the pthreads API, I wrote the basic code. However, I get a segmentation fault after the thread is created successfully (on execution of the first line of the function passed to pthread_create() as an argument).
typedef struct packet_generator_args
int max_pkts;
int pkt_len;
int pkt_gen_rate;
} pktgen_args;
/* generates and buffers packets at a mean rate given by the
pkt_gen_rate field of its argument; runs in a separate thread */
void *generate_packets(void *arg)
pktgen_args *opts = (pktgen_args *)arg; // error occurs here
buffer = (char **)calloc((size_t)opts->max_pkts, sizeof(char *));
if (buffer == NULL)
handle_error("Calloc Error");
//front = back = buffer;
return 0;
The main thread reads packets from this bufffer and runs the stop-and wait algorithm.
pktgen_args thread_args;
thread_args.pkt_len = DEF_PKT_LEN;
thread_args.pkt_gen_rate = DEF_PKT_GEN_RATE;
thread_args.max_pkts = DEF_MAX_PKTS;
/* initialize sockets and other data structures */
pthread_t packet_generator;
pktgen_args *thread_args1 = (pktgen_args *)malloc(sizeof(pktgen_args));
memcpy((void *)thread_args1, (void *)&thread_args, sizeof(pktgen_args));
retval = pthread_create(&packet_generator, NULL, &generate_packets, (void *)thread_args1);
if (retval != 0)
handle_error_th(retval, "Thread Creation Error");
/* send a fixed no of packets to the receiver wating for ack for each. If
the ack is not received till timeout occurs resend the pkt */
I have tried debugging using gdb but am unable to understand why a segmentation fault is occuring at the first line of my generate_packets() function. Hopefully, one of you can help. If anyone needs additional context, the entire code can be obtained at I am in a real jam here having spent hours over this. Any help will be appreciated.
You initialize your buffer as NULL:
char **buffer = NULL;
and then in main() without further do, you try to address it:
while (!buffer[pkts_ackd]); /* wait as long as the next pkt has not
Basically my semi-educated guess is that your thread hasn't generated any packets yet and you crash on trying to access an element in NULL.
[162][04:34:17] vlazarenko#alluminium (~/tests) > cc -ggdb -o pthr pthr.c 2> /dev/null
[163][04:34:29] vlazarenko#alluminium (~/tests) > gdb pthr
GNU gdb 6.3.50-20050815 (Apple version gdb-1824) (Thu Nov 15 10:42:43 UTC 2012)
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-apple-darwin"...Reading symbols for shared libraries .. done
(gdb) run
Starting program: /Users/vlazarenko/tests/pthr
Reading symbols for shared libraries +............................. done
Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at address: 0x0000000000000000
0x000000010000150d in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fff5fbffb10) at pthr.c:205
205 while (!buffer[pkts_ackd]); /* wait as long as the next pkt has not
