JSF: ui:include param for "for"-attribute - jsf

I have swapped out a composition to re-use it. The composition contains tags like this:
<t:radio for=":someForm:someComponent" index="#{index}" />
I include the composition like this:
<ui:include src="/theComposition.xhtml">
<ui:param name="someParam" value="#{someBean}" />
But how can I parameterize the "someForm" part of the composition? Because that will differ depending on where I include it. I could pass a string... but how should I concatenate it? Or is there any other way?

You can just inline EL in the attribute value.
<t:radio for=":#{someParam}:someComponent" index="#{index}" />


jsf el expression to build methodname

Is something like that possibile to build the MethodName with a variable value?
<c:forEach value="#{db.pojo.classList}" var="v">
<c:forEach items="#{db.pojo.methodNamesList}" var="o">
<c:set var="superman" value="#{o}" />
</c:forEach >
... database.entity.list is a List of Generic classes.
List<?> list..
I can use the generic class if i know the Methodname.
<c:forEach value="#{db.pojo.classList}" var="v">
</c:forEach >
Punch that period.
That <c:set> is unnecessary, by the way.
I would only use more self-documenting variable names though. E.g.
See also:
Our EL wiki page

jsf make ui:param result static

I am using templating and pass some values by to use them in the template:
<ui:repeat var="entry" value="#{showEntriesBean.entries}" id="repeatId">
<ui:include src="/templates/entryTemplate.xhtml">
<ui:param name="prePath" value="/" />
<ui:param name="allowedToSee" value="#{bean.calcRandom(0, 10)}" />
<br />
I found out, that everytime I use the "allowedToSee" variable in my entryTemplate.xhtml, it recalculates its value.
Is there any way to pass the result of calcRandom in a static way? So it is ONCE calculated (when the allowedToSee value is calculated) and performs like a final number? I don't want it to be calculated everytime #{allowedToSee} is used
If you want the value to be held, you should held it somewhere.
What I would do:
1) Create a List<Integer> property.
2) When the values of the entries properties are set, call a method (preRenderEvent? #PostConstruct?) that introduces in your list as many items as there are in entries.
3) Consult that list using the varStatus attribute of ui:repeat
Little more of less, like:
<ui:repeat var="entry" value="#{showEntriesBean.entries}" id="repeatId" varStatus="status">
<ui:include src="/templates/entryTemplate.xhtml">
<ui:param name="prePath" value="/" />
<ui:param name="allowedToSee" value="#{bean.getPrecalculedRandomAt(status.index)}" />
<br />
More on the varStatus attribute: http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/javaserverfaces/2.0/docs/pdldocs/facelets/ui/repeat.html

How to assign more than one parameter for one a4j:jsFunction?

Is there a way to declare more than one "assignTo" attribute to one a4j:jsFunction? Or can i set more than one value to one "assignTo" attribute of one a4j:jsFunction?
This for example:
<a4j:jsFunction name="newJsFunc" ajaxSingle="true" id="arrJsFunc">
<a4j:actionparam name="param1" assignTo="#{bean.value}" assignTo="#{bean.value}"
actionListener="#{bean.actionListenerMethod}" />
Use a4j:param inside a4j:jsFunction instead of a4j:actionparam. In assignTo you can assign value for only 1 bean property. See description of assignTo attribute in VDL doc:
EL expression for updatable bean property. This property will be updated if the parent command component performs an actionEvent.
You can include as many <a4j:param> tags as you need. See book Practical RichFaces Chapter 3 (Listing 3-20). Pseudocode:
<a4j:param name="param1" assignTo="#{someBean.value1}" />
<a4j:param name="param2" assignTo="#{someBean.value2}" />
<a4j:param name="param3" assignTo="#{someBean.value3}" />

Concatenating strings in EL

The following keeps returning null any idea why
<ui:param name="dialogName" value="#{index.toString().concat('Overlay')}" />
Just do this:
<ui:param name="dialogName" value="#{cc.attrs.xProd.product.productId}Overlay" />
See also:
Concatenating Strings within EL expression

Concatenating strings within EL expression defined in an attribute of a facelets tag

I need to write an EL expression for an attribute which goes something like this:
#{cc.attrs.appreciatedByCurrentUser ? (cc.attrs.count +'<br/>'+ (cc.attrs.count-1)) : ((cc.attrs.count+1) +'<br/>'+ cc.attrs.count)}
Now the problem is that this gives an error as strings cannot be concatenated, the way I am doing it. So how can I rectify this?
I'm using JSF 2.0 with facelets.
I'm resolving the issue using the following inline javascript
<script type="text/javascript">
var count=#{cc.attrs.count};
document.write(#{cc.attrs.appreciatedByCurrentUser} ? (count-1) +'<br/>'+count : count+'<br/>'+ (count+1));
Can you think of any issue with this?
It is possible to concatenate Strings in EL using the java.lang.String.concat(String) method. Thus your code could look like:
<h:outputText value="#{cc.attrs.appreciatedByCurrentUser ? (''.concat(cc.attrs.count).concat('<br/>').concat(cc.attrs.count-1)) : (''.concat((cc.attrs.count+1)).concat('<br/>').concat(cc.attrs.count))}" escape="false" />
In this particular case however I would go with one of the options that Mr BalusC had suggested because the code above doesn't look quite elegant. In some cases knowing this technique could be useful, though.
I would hardly recommend using javascript as a workaround here.
String concatenation in EL is only possible by just inlining in the expression. The + operator is in EL exclusively a sum operator. Further, < and > are invalid characters in XML attributes, so you have to escape them (and instruct <h:outputText> to not escape them once again by escape="false"):
<h:outputText value="#{cc.attrs.count}<br/>#{cc.attrs.count-1}" escape="false" rendered="#{cc.attrs.appreciatedByCurrentUser}" />
<h:outputText value="#{cc.attrs.count+1}<br/>#{cc.attrs.count}" escape="false" rendered="#{!cc.attrs.appreciatedByCurrentUser}" />
Alternatively, you can also use <c:set> to alias the expression:
<c:set var="appreciated" value="#{cc.attrs.count}<br/>#{cc.attrs.count-1}" />
<c:set var="notAppreciated" value="#{cc.attrs.count+1}<br/>#{cc.attrs.count}" />
<h:outputText value="#{cc.attrs.appreciatedByCurrentUser ? appreciated : notAppreciated}" escape="false" />
This is the only thing i can come up with.
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{cc.attrs.appreciatedByCurrentUser}">
<h:outputText value="#{(cc.attrs.count)}" style="display:block;" />
<h:outputText value="#{(cc.attrs.count-1)}" />
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{not cc.attrs.appreciatedByCurrentUser}">
<h:outputText value="#{(cc.attrs.count+1)}" style="display:block;" />
<h:outputText value="#{(cc.attrs.count)}" />
Putting <br> in a value attribute will always throw errors in JSF, so you'll have to use display:block.
