How to run a set of dependent groovy scripts without compilation? - groovy

I've got a set of groovy scripts (or should I say a groovy app) which has hierarchical java alike package structure and script names the same as class names. All of them are called from the main script (like a java class with main method). I need to call just that particular main script and get all other scripts executed in sequence when needed (or loaded and executed).
Practically, this can be acieved by having all scripts compiled and .class files obtained and put into classpath while running the main script, but that's quite redundant for a scripting (the idea is to have it working without compilation, even though groovy will do it somwhere behind the scene)
How can I achieve it?

Groovy can be used in a scripting environment quite easily - no compile step required. Read this:
You can write your usual main method etc. and call it like this,
groovy -cp foo/ foo/MyScript.groovy [arguments]
Or if you're in a *nix environment you can give it a shebang like so,
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
println("Hello world")
for (a in this.args) {
println("Argument: " + a)
and run it using ./fileName (provided you've marked it as executable)


How to use #CompileStatic for pure groovy scripts in JMeter environment?

I'd like to take advantage of #CompileStatic annotation in my groovy scripts in jmeter environment. It helps a lot to discover issues in compile time.
I already started to use it in my classes but I don't know how to use it in case of plain groovy scripts. For example, I have the script below and there are the log and vars variables which are kind of global variables in JMeter environment. So, eventually they will be used.
If I add the #CompileStatic annotation to the method below IntelliJ paints red everything and compile will fail because the compiler doesn't know what these variables are.
So, the question is how to tell the compiler in a case of a script these variables has type and what type they have, and how an instance will be provided for the script?
I apologize, I'm not a groovy expert at all.
void checkingInputParameters() {"variable value:" + vars.get("some_variable_name"))
I think you are in the wrong path,
because CompileStatic is a groovy compiler option
let the Groovy compiler use compile time checks in the style of Java then perform static compilation, thus bypassing the Groovy meta object protocol.
JMeter (and I assume your tests in Intellij ) is using a java compiler
I don't think you should mix them for tests.
In JMeter use Cache compiled checkbox/feature
checking Cache compiled script if available

Can I create 'shared library' in Jenkins Pipeline in other language than Groovy?

I have python script which does a REST command and processes the result. I want this script to be used by different Jenkins Pipelines, one way I found through Jenkins official documentation is to use 'Shared library' and that examples(also others example which I found online) they use the Groovy.
My question is, is it possible to create a shared lib in other language than Groovy? For ex. python?
Short answer is no. All Jenkins Pipeline execution (right now) is specialized Groovy that is executed with the Pipeline: Groovy plugin that uses the Groovy CPS library to perform the compilation and runtime transformations. The Jenkins Pipeline ecosystem is very heavily tied to Groovy. That may change in the future, but is not what worth the effort right now.
What you can do, if you really want to use Python code in a Shared Library, is to put it in the resources/ folder of the library and then load and execute it with pipeline steps. Your use case for why you want to use Python is not stated (or what problem you are trying to solve), so below is a contrived example:
In your Shared Library: resources/com/mkobit/sharedlib/
#!/usr/bin/env python
Shared Library Groovy global variable: vars/mkobitVar.groovy
def runMyPython() {
final pythonContent = libraryResource('com/mkobit/sharedlib/')
// There are definitely better ways to do this without having to write to the consumer's workspace
writeFile(file: '', text: pythonContent)
sh('chmod +x && ./')
In a consumer
#Library('mkobitLib') _
node('python') {

How to use Spock from the Command Line

I am writing a set of groovy scripts to be used as part of a Jenkins Pipeline Library. Currently I am using plain old JUnit to test them but would like to switch to Spock. I simply run the tests from the command line by invoking the following groovy script.
import groovy.util.AllTestSuite
import junit.textui.TestRunner
System.setProperty(AllTestSuite.SYSPROP_TEST_DIR, "./tests")
System.setProperty(AllTestSuite.SYSPROP_TEST_PATTERN, "**/*Test.groovy")
I am trying to figure what the equivalent script would be to run Spock specifications. My first attempt was to switch the SYSPROP_TEST_PATTERN to "**/*Spec.groovy. I have one ...Spec.groovy file written and sitting under ./tests that looks like this:
#Grab(group='org.spockframework', module='spock-core', version='1.0-groovy-2.3')
import spock.lang.*
class UtilsSpec extends Specification {
def "Just testing"() {
1 + 1 == 2
When I invoke my groovy script though I get:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Don't know how to treat
/SourcCode/jenkins/pipeline-utils/tests/JustTestingSpec.groovy as a
JUnit test
That makes sense. I need to be using Sputnik but I've looked at the Spock and Sputnik source, and the Spock example project but these all assume you are using maven or gradle. I can't figured out the right way to invoke Sputnik directly. Any ideas?
Even though what you ask is possible and BalRog has already suggested a solution, in the long run it is better if you just use Gradle or Maven to run your tests from command line.
All Jenkins tutorials you will encounter will talk about Maven and/or Gradle and thus it would make much more sense to use a build system than custom scripts.

How reuse groovy scripts in soapui project?

Suppose I write a groovy function. Is it possible to store it to some teststep or another place in soapui project and include it with import in other groovy test steps?
SoapUI offers three options:
You can use the script library, where you store all your scripts in a separate directory and just call the classes.
You can use the run testcase step, where you store your script as a test which you can call from any other test.
You can compile your script into a jar, place it in $SOAPUI_HOME/bin/ext, and then call the classes inside your jar.
Note that the first two options are -Pro only features!

Groovy script classpath issue with SystemClassLoader

I'm writing a Groovy script which uses third party java code that I can't change.
This code uses (badly, I think) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("/hard/file/path/in/jar/file")
and expect to read a file.
Everything goes well from Java when using java -cp "/path/to/jar/file" ...
However, the third-party code is now to be integrated with a bunch of Groovy code we've already written, so we wanted to run it from groovy.
So we wrote a Groovy script, let it call test.groovy, and ran it as groovy -cp "/path/to/jar/file" test.groovy.
The problem is that code can't access the file resource, as it seems Groovy doesn't load its jars in the System ClassLoader directly.
For proof, with Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("/hard/file/path/in/jar/file") within the Groovy Script, I can read the file, but with ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("/hard/file/path/in/jar/file"), I can't.
So, does anyone know how to load the class in System ClassLoader from a Groovy Script without beginning to try some dirty hacks (like metaclassing getSystemClassloader to return the context classloader)?
You could try adding the jar to the system classloader as well when your script runs, like so:
ClassLoader.systemClassLoader.addURL new File( '/path/to/jar/file' ).toURI().toURL()
PS: I assume you mean ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() in your question, rather than System.getSystemClassLoader()
You can try to put your jar into %GROOVY_HOME%\lib folder or make a wrapper around your groovy command and modify %CLASSPATH% variable before you start your Groovy process.
