Trying to set up a .ka domain name - dns

I'm trying to set up a domain with the .ka suffix for a URL shortener for a project I'm working on. Similar to for example. I've checked online and this suffix doesn't seemed to registered to any country yet or appear of any domain name service. Any ideas on how to fix this up, or if its even possible?

There is no .ka TLD. So you'll have to pick a different one.
Full TLD List:

Here is a list of all top-level domains. Since .ka is not on that list, you cannot register a domain ending in .ka.
In terms of having that domain added, refer to the IANA procedure for establishing new country-code TLDs. The short version is: pick a new suffix.

As the others have said, the .ka domain extension does not exist.
It's quite difficult to get a new domain extension approved. ICANN, which accepts applications for making new TLDs, opens this registration process only every few years and it is also quite expensive.
Here's more info on getting your own TLD:
If you're only after domain hacking and are not too particular about the spelling (as long as it sounds the same), then you might want to consider a .ca domain instead.
If you're interested, you can check if your domain hack is still available here:


Domain Name Transfer: How to?

I don't know anything about it, so I have to ask ...
I have a domain name registered with dotster:
Maybe I will get a new domain name:
The search engine rating is quite high, so I don't want to loose Right now it is pointing to my old shared webhost. But I found a new webhost. What do I have to do?
Change to settings in dotster to point to the new host? Of course I will have to inform my new webhost, too.
If I keep the pages, description and keyword the same, the search engine should not have too much of a problem. Right?
Is it possible to point two domain names to the same IP? and to the same new webhost?
This depends on your webhost. Many have a DNS service that will set the authoritative web servers for you. Otherwise you can just set the CNAME on the domain to that of your new webhost.
Changing the underlying host should have no discernable impact on your search engine rank,etc.
Yes! Absolutely.

Subdomain or a different domain ? What should I use

I have my personal website at, now I am planning to setup a website for interview related questions and answers,
Now for this I have two options
Using sub domain
using a completely different domain
Now I wanted to which of the above two methods is better.
Will using sub domain hurt my SEO result ? and google ranking ?
Also I was looking for sub domain as my current site is hosted by a very good service provider and at very resonable rate, so in that way I wont have to shell out again for another domain.
Please guide me on this.
Thanks in advance
Using a subdomain should not affect your google ranking. A sub domain is cheaper, provided you have a way to host the DNS records without paying somebody else anything extra. Keep in mind that you can also use -- you don't need the leading www. As a matter of fact, you don't even need a subdomain; all you need is another hostname. Right now you have an 'A' record, a hostname, at You can create another 'A' record at, and use that. Google doesn't care whether your host is named,, or -- you can have a bunch of them, all directly under the domain.

Is there a way I can find the canonical domain name for a list of websites?

I'm working on a page tracking web app and I'd like to get the canonical domain for a list of sites. As far as I know there is no good way of telling where a site's ownership of subdomains and top level domains starts and ends. I'm not sure the best way to describe that, so here is an example:
If I own a personal URL,, I am able to set up subdomains such as,, and so forth.
If my "group" has a website at a university, such as, I might have also have control over, but not
If I am a huge business and and need to spread web traffic out, I might even have,,, etc.
So nothing is certain but if I'm given a URL I can probably strip of www., ww2., and cdn., and maybe secure. from the front, but are there any other common "subdomains" that I'm not thinking of that are fairly common and generally not used to serve up a different website?
I'm guess I'm just trying to figure out the best way to get the real "canonical" domain name for a site.
First of all, you should make the distinction between Domain Names and Websites/URLs.
I don't think there was any efficient way to identify easily a website owner but concerning the domain name, it can be deduced through its structure.
Roughly, a Fully Qualified Domain Name is composed by the subdomain(s), the name and the suffix, and in your case, you are looking to find the canonical domain name (name + suffix).
Since the Domain Name System is hierarchical, a FQDN like should be read from the end to beginning: .com.example.www and could be decomposed this way:
Suffix: com
Name: example
Subdomain(s): www
For your identification, you should proceed in the same order:
Suffix: Find the suffix under which the name has been registered (.com, .net,,
Name: Identify the first name just after the dot
Subdomain(s): strip the rest of the string.
There is no official Database listing all the public suffixes, however at the initiative of the Mozilla Foundation an unofficial one has been created. The project is named Public Suffix, which aim is to record suffixes, under which people could register domain names and have several implementations to parse the database.
I wrote an article on my personal blog introducing the domain name system, if you are interested, where I describe the domain name structure in more details: What's a domain name and what's behind the scene

Universal list of domain endings?

Does anyone know where I could find a list of all publicly available domain endings? By "domain endings", I'm not necessarily referring to TLDs as I'm not interested in the .uk part of since (AFAIK) individuals cannot register sites without having the .co preceding it.
If it helps to make things more concrete, here's my specific problem: given a domain name I want to return both the version of the domain preceded by www and the version not preceded by www. The input domain may or may not contain www.
The complication comes from the existence of domain names such as "" or ""; what I initially implemented would take and return info and
I don't think you actually need to have a list of domain names:
given a domain name I want to return both the version of the domain preceded by www and the version not preceded by www
input name
does it begin with "www."?
if yes, strip out "www."
there's your domain name, save it
prepend "www." to domain name
save the result
lookup in DNS both the saved entries
if they exist, output them
You can get the list of current TLDs in many ways, slightly differently.
For example:
Going to IANA website at (this is frequently updated after a new TLD got delegated in root zone)
Or just download the root zone file through the appropriate links: or
You could also just query one of the current root nameservers that allow AXFR requests to just download the current root zonefile, such as dig . AXFR with the added benefit that this is protected by DNSSEC (where the previous HTTP URL has no protection against tampering)
Of course this gives you only "Top Level Domains" not all "suffixes" under which a registry exists to allow the public (in general or part of it) to register domain names.
Having the list of those is currently still an unsolved problems, if you take into account the needs of automated process, freshness, decentralization of updates, etc.
The best solution is to use the Public Suffix List at but first make sure to go to main site at to learn in details about what it is, how to use it and its shortcomings.
You will find there.
But as for your:
in the .uk part of since (AFAIK) individuals cannot register sites without having the .co preceding it.
This is not true anymore, showing that eligibility requirements in TLDs, or even structure, change over time. .UK is open to direct registrations now, see
And also, side rant, when you work with domain names/TLDs please do not forget about IDNs, that could happen in any label in the DNS.

DNS two domains one server

Greetings All,
Long time reader first time poster.
I work for a small school district. We are our own SOA so we can pretty much do what we want.
In the state of Washington all educational institutions are given a name like I've recently purchased a new and hopefully easier to remember domain and I'd like to use both domains and have them point to the same information and subdomains i.e. would equal I'd also like this to work with e-mail but I think this is a bit more complicated.
I'm sure this has been done, but I'm not entirely sure I'm asking the question in a way that can be easily answered.
Any and all help is appreciated.
To do this, you'll have multiple DNS record entries (A-Recs) pointing to the same IP Address. You may also need to tweak IIS (or your web server software) to accept requests coming from both domains. your DNS manager (e.g. in or whereever you manage your domains) change the A-Rec to point (your domain) to the same server IP address where is currently pointed (I take it that you told them where to point the subdomain).
If you are using IIS then setting up multiple domains on one web site is easy. You'll create just one web site (or use the one to which points). Next, right-click the web site in IIS and choose Properties. On the "Web Site" tab, click "Advanced" and in the resulting dialog, use the "Add" button to add your additional domains/subdomains. That's all you'll need to do.
Hope this helps!
If you want lots of subdomain entries to map from one domain to the other then you'll need to either add A or CNAME records in the new domain pointing to the old domain.
In most cases I'd recommend a CNAME, however if you want the unadorned "" domain to respond to HTTP requests that would have to be an A record, because you can't put in a CNAME at the top level of a zone.
Alternatively, there's a relatively new DNS record type called DNAME which can map an entire domain to another in one fell swoop. Unfortunately it's not widely supported yet.
All you should do is create two 'A' records, one of host-type '#' and the other one of host-type 'www' both should point to the IP address of your server.
It could be a bit confusing, here's an example of how to set it up #GoDaddy's:
