What happens if memory leaks on rootfs? - memory-leaks

I have a linux totally on rootfs ( which as I understand is an instance of ramfs ). There's no hard disk and no swap. And I got a process that leaks memory continuously. The virutal memory eventually grows to 4 times the size of physical memory, shown with top. I can't understand what's happening. rootfs is supposed to take RAM only, right ? If I have no disk to swap to, how does the Virtual Memory grows to 4 times the physical memory ?

Not all allocated memory has to be backed by a block device; the glibc-people consider this behavior a bug:
By default, Linux follows an optimistic memory allocation
strategy. This means that when malloc() returns non-NULL
there is no guarantee that the memory really is available.
This is a really bad bug. In case it turns out that the
system is out of memory, one or more processes will be killed
by the infamous OOM killer. In case Linux is employed under
circumstances where it would be less desirable to suddenly
lose some randomly picked processes, and moreover the kernel
version is sufficiently recent, one can switch off this
overcommitting behavior using a command like:
# echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
See also the kernel Documentation directory, files
vm/overcommit-accounting and sysctl/vm.txt.


What is memory reclaim in linux

I am very new to Linux memory management. While reading some documents on the topic, I had some basic questions.
Below is my config:
My understanding is, if free memory falls below vm.min_free_kbytes, then the OS will reclaim memory.
Is Memory reclaim a deletion of unwanted files or copying to Swap memory from RAM?
If it's copying to Swap memory from RAM, then if I am not using Swap memory, what will happen?
Is swappiness always greater than the vm.min_free_kbytes?
What is the significance of vm.vfs_cache_pressure?
Memory reclaim is the mechanism of creating more free RAM pages, by throwing somewhere else the data residing in them. It has nothing to do with files. When more RAM is needed, data is dropped from RAM (trashed away, if it can be refetched) or copied to the swap file (so the data will be refetchable).
If there is not a swap file, but some data should be saved to the (non existent) swap area, then an out-of-memory error happens. Typically, this is notified to the process which is trying to get the memory (via alloc() and similar) - the alloc() fails and returns NULL. The process can choose what to do, or even crash. If the memory is needed by the kernel itself (normally quite rare), a PANIC happens and the system locks completely.
swappiness is, in percentage, the tendency of the kernel to use the swap, even if not strictly needed, in order to have plenty of ram ready for memory requests. Simply put, a 100% swappiness means the kernel tries to always swap, a swappiness of 0 means the kernel tries to not do swap (there are some special values however). min_free_kbytes indicates real kilobytes, it is not a percentage, and it is the minimum amount that should always be free in order to let the kernel to work well. Even starting a memory reclaim could require some more ram to do the job: it would be catastrophic if, to get some memory, you need just a little memory but you don't have it! :-)
vfs_cache_pressure is again a percentage. It indicates how much the kernel tries to get rid of (memory) cache used for the file system (vfs=virtual file system). The cache for the filesystem is quite a good candidate to throw away, because it keeps information easily readable from the disk. Unfortunately, if the computer needs frequently to use the file system, it has to read, and read again, and read again always the same data. Caching is a big performance boost. Of course, if a system does little disk I/O, then this cache is the best candidate to throw away when memory hungry.
All this things are succintly explained here: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/sysctl/vm.txt

linux kernel and user address spaces

In 4GB RAM system running linux, 3gb is given to user-space and 1gb to kernel, does it mean that even if kernel is using 50MB and user space is running low, user cannot use kernel space? if no, why? why cannot linux map their pages to user space?
The 3/1 separation refers to VIRTUAL memory. The virtual memory, however, is sparse. Meaning that even though there is "on paper" 1 GB, in practice a LOT less than that is used. Whenever possible, the "virtual" memory is backed by physical pages (meaning, if your virtual memory footprint is 50MB, then you're using 50 MB of physical memory), up until the point where there is no more physical memory, in which case you either A) spill over to swap or B) the system encounters a low memory condition and frees memory the hard way - by killing processes.
It gets more complicated. Virtual memory is not really used (committed) until actually used. THis means when you allcoate memory, you get an "IOU" or "promise" for memory, but the memory only gets consumed when you actually use the memory, as in write some value to it. Overall, however, you are correct in that there is segregation - at the hardware level - between kernel and user mode. In other words, of the 4GB addressable (assuming 32bit), the top 1GB, even though it is in your address space, is not accessible to you, and in practice belongs to the kernel. (The limit of 4 GB stems from 32-bit pointers - for 64 bits, it's effectively 48, which means 256TB, btw, 128TB user, 128TB kernel). Further, this 1GB of your space that is the kernel's is identical in other processes, too. So it doesnt matter which process you are in, when you "call kernel", (i.e. a system call), you end up in the top 1GB, which is shared in between all processes.
Again, the key point is that the 1GB isn't REALLY used in full. The actual memory footprint of the kernel is a lot smaller - in the tens of MB. It's jsut that theoretically, the kernel can use UP to 1GB, but that is assuming it can be backed up either by RAM or (rarely) swap. You can look at /proc/meminfo. As for the answer above, about changing 3/1 - it actually CAN be changed (in Windows it's as easy as a kernel command line option in boot.ini, in Linux it requires recompilation).
The 3GB/1GB split in process space is fixed. There is no way to change it regardless of how much RAM is actually in use.

Different between memory usage in WHM/Cpanel and Linux

If I go to WHM and see my server's memory usage, it says that only 16% of memory is in use.
But when I connect to server using SSH and run command "free -m" then it shows that 80% is in use. Why is that? I want to know exact memory usage of all applications running like MySQL, Apache e.t.c.
How do I view that?
As they say, "It's Complicated".
Linux uses unused memory for disk buffering and caching. It speeds things up. But you may need to look at the -/+ buffers/cache line of free.
'ps' can show you, for any given process, or for all processes, the %cpu, %mem, cumulative cpu-time, rss (resident set size, the non-swapped physical memory that a process is using), size (very approximate amount of swap space that would be required if the process were to dirty all writable pages and then be swapped out), vsize (virtual memory usage of entire process (vm_lib + vm_exe + vm_data + vm_stack)), and much much more.
For any given process, you can cat /proc/$PID/status -- it's human readable -- and check out the VmSize, VmLck, VmRSS, VmData, VmStk, VmExe, VmLib, and VmPTE values, along with others...
But that's just for starters... Processes can allocate memory but not use it. (Memory can be allocated, but the memory pages are not created/issued until they're actually used. That whole on-demand thing.)
Processes can map in hardware space, showing up as using a large quantity of memory that's not actually coming from system RAM. (X-servers are known to sometimes do this. It's some wonky stuff involved kernel drivers...)
There's the executable, which is usually a memory-mapped file. Meaning that parts that are swapped-in are taking up RAM, but when swapped out it never takes up swapfile space.
Processes can have other memory-mapped files...
There's shared-memory libraries, where the same RAM pages are used by multiple programs concurrently.
So we have to ask, as far as memory goes, what exactly counts and what doesn't?

ARM/Linux memory leak: Can a user program retain memory after terminating?

I've got a memory leak somewhere, but it doesn't appear to be related to my program. I'm making this bold statement based on the fact that once my program terminates, either by seg-faulting, exitting, or aborting, the memory isn't recovered. If my program were the culprit, I would assume the MMU would recover everything, but this doesn't appear to be the case.
My question is:
On a small Linux system (64 Mb Ram) running a program that uses only stack memory and a few calls to malloc(), what causes can I look too see memory being run down and stay down once my program terminates?
A related question is here:
This all started when after code in question was directing its stdout, stderr to a file. After a few hours it aborted with a "Segmentation Fault". A quick (naive?) look at /proc/meminfo showed that there wasn't much available memory, so I assumed something was leaking.
It appears I don't have a memory leak (see here) but it does lead me to some new questions...
It turns out that writing to block devices can use a quite a pile of physical memory; in my system there was only 64 Meg, so writing hundreds of Megs to a USB drive was increasing the cached, active and inactive memory pools quite a bit.
These memory pools are immediately released to the Free memory pool when the device is dismounted.
The exact cause of my segmentation fault remains a small mystery, but I know it's occurence can be reduced by understanding the virtual memory resources better, particularly around the use of Block devices.

Calculating % memory used on Linux

Linux noob question:
If I have 500MB of RAM, and 500MB of swap space, can the OS and processes then use 1GB of memory?
In other words, is the total amount of memory available to programs and the OS the total of the physical memory size and swap size?
I'm trying to figure out which SNMP counters to query, but need to understand how Linux uses virtual memory a little better first.
Actually, it IS essentially correct, but your "virtual" memory does NOT reside beside your "physical memory" (as Matthew Scharley stated).
Your "virtual memory" is an abstraction layer covering both "physical" (as in RAM) and "swap" (as in hard-disk, which is of course as much physical as RAM is) memory.
Virtual memory is in essention an abstraction layer. Your program always addresses a "virtual" address, which your OS translates to an address in RAM or on disk (which needs to be loaded to RAM first) depending on where the data resides. So your program never has to worry about lack of memory.
Nothing is ever quite so simple anymore...
Memory pages are lazily allocated. A process can malloc() a large quantity of memory and never use it. So on your 500MB_RAM + 500MB_SWAP system, I could -- at least in theory -- allocate 2 gig of memory off the heap and things will run merrily along until I try to use too much of that memory. (At which point whatever process couldn't acquire more memory pages gets nuked. Hopefully it's my process. But not always.)
Individual processes may be limited to 4 gig as a hard address limitation on 32-bit systems. Even when you have more than 4 gig of RAM on the machine and you're using that bizarre segmented 36-bit atrocity from hell addressing scheme, individual processes are still limited to only 4 gigs. Some of that 4 gigs has to go for shared libraries and program code. So yer down to 2-3 gigs of stack+heap as an ADDRESSING limitation.
You can mmap files in, effectively giving you more memory. It basically acts as extra swap. I.e. Rather than loading a program's binary code data into memory and then swapping it out to the swapfile, the file is just mmapped. As needed, pages are swapped into RAM directly from the file.
You can get into some interesting stuff with sparse data and mmapped sparse files. I've seen X-windows claim enormous memory usage when in fact it was only using up a tiny bit.
BTW: "free" might help you. As might "cat /proc/meminfo" or the Vm lines in /proc/$PID/status. (Especially VmData and VmStk.) Or perhaps "ps up $PID"
Although mostly it's true, it's not entirely correct. For a particular process, the environment you run it in may limit the memory available to your process. Check the output of ulimit -v as well.
Yes, this is essentially correct. The actual numbers might be (very) marginally lower, but for all intents and purposes, if you have x physical memory and y virtual memory (swap in linux), then you have x + y memory available to the operating system and any programs running underneath the OS.
