How can I perform actions while waiting for vertical sync? - direct3d

I want to be able to load/download a bunch of resources and notify the user of the file that's currently being loaded, but I can't just draw a frame after each file starts loading because v-sync will wait until it can draw a frame before it continues (bottle-necking the loads to less than 60/second).
Is there a way to check whether the device is ready to draw or not (without hacky "has 1/60th of a second passed yet?), so I can perform actions until it's ready? I don't mind if the notification skips over files that finished before it's ready to draw, but I want to maximize the speed of the loads while still being able to notify the user.
Also, I'd like to avoid disabling v-sync even temporarily because I don't want to cause a graphic card crippling 300FPS rate if the computer loads really quickly.

You don't specify which version of Direct3D you're using. With D3D9 you can pass D3DPRESENT_DONOTWAIT to your Present() call and it will return D3DERR_WASSTILLDRAWING if the hardware is busy processing or waiting for a vertical sync interval. This means if you have vsync enabled, in your main loop you can just call Present with the DONOTWAIT flag whenever you've loaded a file and load another if it returns WASSTILLDRAWING.
Note that you need to get the swap chain and call Present() on the swap chain rather than calling Present() directly on the device to be able to pass this flag to present, or you can set it in the D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS structure when you create the device or create an IDirect3DDevice9Ex instead of an IDirect3DDevice9 device and call PresentEx() instead of Present().
This doesn't solve the problem of files that take longer than a frame to load however - your frame rate will drop if you have a file that takes a long time to process. A better solution to this problem in my opinion would be to move as much of your IO as possible to another thread (in D3D9 you will still have to create D3D resources on your main thread however) and just pass the name of the file that's currently being processed to your main / render thread to display each time you present a frame.


Vulkan image layout transition using render pass

I have a Vulkan renderer where a new render pass is started at the beginning of each frame. Then the command buffer is passed to several modules each of which submits some draw calls and other commands. Before the draw calls are submitted, it checks whether any additional textures have to be loaded which it does, at the end of the loading process an image layout transition to VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL is performed.
The problem is that the layout transition uses a vkCmdPipelineBarrier command which only allows same format for input and output ( VUID-vkCmdPipelineBarrier-oldLayout-01181 ) which makes the transition useless for me.
My only solution at the moment is to move the layout transitions to a different command buffer and submit it to the command queue separately, then retrieve the result before continuing building my command buffer, but that means I have to wait for all previous commands in the queue to finish, right?
Can you imagine a cleaner solution for performing layout transitions between different layouts during an active render pass?
My only solution at the moment is to move the layout transitions to a different command buffer and submit it to the command queue separately, then retrieve the result before continuing building my command buffer, but that means I have to wait for all previous commands in the queue to finish, right?
You're not thinking fourth dimensionally.
The order you build the command buffers in is irrelevant. What matters is the order you submit them in.
The code which is building your rendering command buffer can also be building a transfer command buffer. You write your rendering command assuming the images are in the correct layout, and you write transfer commands which put those images into the right layout after the transfer is complete. The order you write these commands is irrelevant; the only order that matters is their submission order. Put one CB before the other in that order, and (barriers willing) they will execute appropriately in that order.
The CPU never needs to wait on anything. No "results" need to be retrieved; that's the GPU's job.
Being able to do this is why you have to tell Vulkan what the layout of each image is anytime you try to use it.

How to make tkinter Canvas update only on-demand?

I'm writing a graphics program in Python and I would like to know how to make a Canvas update only on-demand; that is, stop a canvas from updating every run of the event loop and instead update only when I tell it to.
I want to do this because in my program I have a separate thread that reads graphics data from standard input to prevent blocking the event loop (given that there's no reliable, portable way to poll standard input in Python, and polling sucks anyway), but I want the screen to be updated only at intervals of a certain amount of time, not whenever the separate thread starts reading input.
You can't pause the update of the canvas without pausing the entire GUI.
A simple solution would be for you to not draw to the canvas until you're ready for the update. Instead of calling canvas commands, push those commands onto a queue. When you're ready to refresh the display, iterate over the commands and run them.
You could also do your own double-buffering, where you have two canvases. The one you are actively drawing would be behind the visible one. When you are ready to display the results, swap the stacking order of the canvases.

Unity3D: Smooth Interaction When Loading Asset Via Network?

I'm making a networked computer game using Unity3D version 3.x on Mac. I have a game client and a game server. Whenever data arrives at the client from the server, the client would freeze for a little bit (~0.5 seconds), render the new data, and then continue. Is there any way I can optimize my game so that incoming data does not affect user's interaction with the game client?
Here's what I'm doing now:
I created a new thread to pull data from the server.
When the data arrives I put it in a buffer which is protected by a mutual exclusion lock.
In the Unity thread, on every frame, I check if the buffer is empty. If it is not empty, I wait on the mutual exclusion lock for permission to process the data. Once I got the permission, I parse the data and render it.
I'm doing this because Unity does not allow me to create new GameObjects in the network thread that I created. But I wonder if there's anything I can do to optimize user experience.
It's always best to first profile to know the source of the freezing, i.e. is it due to waiting on the lock? due to parsing? due to GameObject instantiation? all three?
Unity Profiler (Pro only)
General solutions:
If the pause is due to the lock, try splitting up your buffering into
different bins, so that the main thread can access the next non-empty
bin without having to acquire lock, or at least such a coarse-grained lock.
If parsing is the slowdown, you can still do all of that in a
background thread. Perform as much as you possibly can before you finally must instantiate GameObjects.
If it's the final step of instantiating GameObjects, then you
can try to preinstantiate objects you expect, simply reconfiguring
them upon new network data; or divide up the instantation
process into separate, incremental phases, with unnoticeably small
pauses, e.g. a root node first, then next phase its children, and so on, until fully reconstructed.

No OpenGL context found in the current thread

I am using LibGDX to make a game. I want to simultaneously load/unload assets on the fly as needed. However, waiting for assets to load in the main thread causes lag. In order to remedy this, I've created a background thread that monitors which assets need to be loaded (textures, sounds, etc.) and loads/unloads them appropriately.
Unfortunately, I get the following error when calling AssetManager.update() from that thread.
com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: No OpenGL context found in the current thread.
I've tried runing the background thread in the main thread in the beginning and just dealing with the first few screens, and everything works fine. I can also change the algorithm to just load everything into memory from the start in the same thread, and that works as well. However, neither works in the background thread.
When I run this on Android with OpenGL ES 2.0 (which is flexible in odd ways) instead of on Windows, everything runs fine, and I can even get the pixel dimensions of the images - but the textures render black.
My searches have told me that this is an issue of the OpenGL context being bound to a single thread, but not much else. This explains why everything works when I shove it in the main thread, and not when I put it in a different one. How do I fix this context problem?
First things first, you should not access the OpenGL context outside of the rendering thread.
I assume you have looked at these already, but just to make sure read up on the AssetManager wiki article, which talks a bit about how to use the AssetManager for asynchronous managing of assets. In addition to the wiki article, check out the AssetManagerTest to better understand how to use it. The asset manager test is probably your best bet into loading at how to dynamically load assets.
If you are loading a ton of stuff, you may want to look into creating a loading bar to load anything large upfront. It might work to check assets and such from another thread (and set a flag to call update), but at the end of the day you will need to call update() on the rendering thread.
Keeping in mind you have to call update() it from a different thread, I don't see why you would want another thread to check conditions and set a flag. There is probably more overhead using another thread and synchronizing the update() call than to just do it all on the rendering thread. Also, the update() method only pauses for a couple milliseconds at a time as it incrementally loads files. Typically, you would simply call load() for your asset, then check isLoaded() on your asset. If it isn't loaded you would then call update() once per frame until isLoaded() returns true. Once it returns true, you can then call get() and get whatever asset you were loading. This can all be done via the main rendering thread without having the app lag while its loading.
If you really want your other thread to call update(), you need to create a Runnable object and call postRunnable() such as how they have it described in the wiki article on multi-threading with libGDX. However, this defeats the whole point of using other threads because anything you use with postRunnable runs synchronously on the rendering thread.

Delphi: frozen form

There are 2 forms.
Form2 isn't auto-created.
If to do Sleep(10000); inside any forms then another one will be frozen. How to prevent this behavior?
My problem: a big text file (3 Mb) is continuously assigned (Lines.Assign) into a text editor, so a form is frozen.
Can I use another unfrozen form (not modal) to show a progress bar (a style is pbstMarquee)?
All GUI code should be run from the main thread, and it looks like you are following that rule.
If you call Sleep then the calling thread will not execute code until the timeout elapses. If you call Sleep from the main thread, then the message queue will not be pumped until the timeout elapses. Hence the entire app appears frozen.
Why does calling Sleep from one form affect another form? Because all GUI components are served from the single message queue of the main thread. Once you stop pumping that queue, all GUI components stop receiving queued messages like WM_PAINT, WM_KEYDOWN etc.
As I understand it your problem is that your application appears hung when you are loading a 3MB text file into an edit control. That size of file doesn't sound very large to me and one obvious solution would be to find an edit control that performs the load better. For example I'm pretty sure that Notepad, Notepad++ etc. do not take steps like showing progress when loading such files. I rather suspect that those apps don't pump the queue when loading files but you just don't notice because of the short time taken.
What you don't want to happen is for you to pump your queue to keep your GUI responsive and in turn allow the user to start loading another file whilst the first one is still loading. You need to disable your UI whilst processing a load operation. A modal progress dialog is one way to do that.
If you can't switch to a better performing control, you could show a modal progress dialog and use a background thread like this. The background thread would have load the file in small chunks, say into a string list. After each chunk of the file was ready it would then call Synchronize and get the main thread to add the contents of the string list to the edit control, and then clear the string list. The thread would then continue and load the next chunk. Adding to the edit control in small chunks would allow you to keep the message queue serviced.
You could show progress in a status bar rather than a modal dialog which would be less intrusive. But just remember to disable any UI that would cause re-entrant execution.
Better load your file in a separate thread. Or you will have to create your second form in a plain WinAPI, because VCL doesn't support multithreading.
