JSF 2 Issues in Application Servers? - jsf

I am familiar with the classloading trouble when using JSF 2 in Websphere 7. I'd like to know if there are similar problems on other fullstack application servers. What about JBoss 5+, WebLogi 10+, etc? Are there any known issues with JSF 2 and if so, what needs to be done to get JSF 2 running on these servers?

On WebSphere 5.x up to with the current 8.x you need to set the WAR and EAR classloader to PARENT_LAST in the WAS admin console whenever you want to bundle and use your own JSF impl in /WEB-INF/lib.
On JBoss 4.x up to with the current 6.x it's sufficient to add the following context param to /WEB-INF/web.xml to suppress JBoss' builtin JSF deployer.
On Glassfish 2.x up to with the current 3.x you need to add the following entries to the /WEB-INF/sun-web.xml (Eclipse with Glassfish plugin should autogenerate the template file if you create a web project with target runtime set to Glassfish).
<class-loader delegate="false" />
<property name="useBundledJsf" value="true" />
On Weblogic, sorry I have no idea, I have never used it.

In WebLogic there is a shared Java EE library that is included with WebLogic for JSF 2.0. It is easy to use and referenced through a deployment descriptor.

Here is a brief how-to for the library concept Jeff mentioned.
Seeing the latest WLS 12c it still is in place but AFAIK you will end up having to revert the web-app classloader in the future in favor of this concept.


Custom JSF Implementation With Custom DI Framework

As JSF 2.3, #ManagedBean and other javax.faces.bean.* annotations are deprecated and replaced with JavaEE 6 CDI.
I successfully made a sample JSF project and deployed it to WebLogic using server implementations 'glassfish.jsf.jar' and with no implementation of JSF nor CDI in the WEB-INF/lib.
But I am afraid to be stuck with Server implementation that may be out of date in sometimes + my application behave differently during work in different application servers so I think it would be better if I have control over JSF implementation.
I spent the last 4 days for searching for a way to use a custom JSF implementation (Mojarra or MyFaces) using new CDI annotations or any other DI framework but with no luck.
I got that I must use JavaEE server implementation of JSF and CDI if I want to get rid of #ManagedAnnotations.
My question: is there a way to include my preferred implementation of JSF and CDI in my WAR that will be deployed to different application servers like WebLogic and WildFly.
Note: I found an old question from 2013 with No as an answer but I want to know is this answer still valid
Edit 02/11/2018:
I successfully install a project with embedded JSF (Mojarra) and CDI (Weld) without any problem on Tomcat Server. I think it's because Tomcat is Servlet Container so there are no conflicts.
I think my problem because of the conflict between my embedded CDI and Server implementation version of Weld. I can not find a solution to make my application is as blackbox.
I used this weblogic.xml
The other answer is sort of still valid. But there are sort of other (better) options
1 Also provide the full java-ee container as part of your app.
2 Require a minimal version of specific app servers
3 Tell customers they need at least specific versions of certain libraries

How to use JSF version specified in POM (and not app server one)?

My application server is Glassfish 3.1.1, using Mojarra 2.0.3 FCS (as far as I know). I want my application to use JSF 2.1.2. I've already found the correct artifact to use in my maven build.
Now, how can I make sure the JSF classes are loaded from this artifact, instead of following "classical" delegation to Glassfish libvrary classloader (which will load JSF 2.0.3 and generate ClassNotFoundException for my omnifaces/richfaces additional components) ?
In general, how to override a specific Java EE artifact from an archive is application server specific. In case of GlassFish, if I'm not mistaken you can use the following in WEB-INF/glassfish-web.xml:
<glassfish-web-app error-url="">
<class-loader delegate="false" />
<property name="useBundledJsf" value="true" />
What also works is replacing the jar in [glassfish home]/glassfish/modules. This is exactly what the JSF build script does as well, so it should be guaranteed to work.
Do note that if you go from something as low as 2.0.3 to a current version, you'll see that there has been a change from 2 jars to 1 jar. So in that case in [glassfish home]/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/default-web.xml and [glassfish home]/glassfish/lib/templates/default-web.xml remove the entries jsf-api.jar and jsf-impl.jar and replace them by a single javax.faces.jar.
Perhaps an even easier alternative is to download the latest version of GlassFish (

JSF annotations ignored when deploy other then to JBoss

My simple JSF app is running on JBoss 7 but when I deploy it to Jetty - JSF annotations are ignored, and I have to define ManagedBean in faces-config.xml to make it work because managedBean resolved to null when I submit the form. JBoss is not mentioned in pom.xml dependencies, so looks like JSF by default tied up with JBoss.
How to make project stop being close friends with JBoss?
JSF 2.0 is part of the Java EE specification so it is definitely not bound to an application server in particular.
You should check out that the version of the Web container (Jetty) supports JSF 2.0 and that you have added all the required dependencies.
Hope it helps

Flash scope not working in glassfish with jsf2.1

When I am using flash scope in glassfish it lives longer than one request but works fine with jetty8 and even tried the latest version of glassfish but its not working. The JSF has a jira about it and they have solved it in the next version, I have even tried that version of jars for JSF but still same problem persists in Glassfish but works fine for Jetty8. Facing this problem from many days can anyone throw some light on this??
Jetty as being a barebones servletcontainer doesn't come with any JSF implementation bundled and the one supplied along with the webapp will always be used.
Glassfish as being a fullfledged Java EE applicationserver comes with a JSF implementation bundled and the one supplied along with the webapp will by default always be ignored. If you'd like to upgrade the Glassfish-bundled JSF implementation, then you should be replacing the JAR in /glassfish/modules folder. Or, if you'd like to force Glassfish to use the webapp-supplied JSF implementation, then you should add the following entries to /WEB-INF/glassfish-web.xml (or sun-web.xml, depending on GF version used):
<class-loader delegate="false" />
<property name="useBundledJsf" value="true" />
I had the same issue. The problem was caused by Mojarra (even 2.1.11) not able to cope with HTTP chunking. By disabling it the flash was emptied as expected.
You can disable it in the admin console
Network Config
HTTP tab

How to override server jar with ones from WEB-INF/lib or use them instead?

i have Web Application which should use JSF 2.0 libraries included in WEB-INF/lib... but it does not... instead of i'm getting exception because my server (JBoss 4.2) also provides JSF libraries...
How can i force my application to use .jar's from WEB-INF/lib ?
Note: When i removed JSF libs from server, my application runs as it should.
Tell JBoss that your WAR already bundles JSF by the following entry in your webapp's web.xml.
Why can't you use the server versions of those JARs?
You should be writing and testing your application using the same versions of the JARs that the server you deploy to is using. Synch up....I'd either upgrade JBOSS or downgrade your app.
But, if you must, perhaps this document can tell you how:
