How to control "Browser mode" in Internet Explorer 9 by commandline - browser

I still haven't been able to find a solution to this problem. We have an application that launches a browser window but the underlying third party addin that we are using doesn't support IE9 yet. I know that I can switch to Browser mode for IE8 by tapping F12 and select this.
Is there a way to control this on the startup in the command line? Cause as it is now we have problem when running the application when it opens new windows and automatically tries to execute this third party addin that is required.
And no we haven't an option, we are forced to use this third party addin but would like to support that installation of IE9 as well.

I don't know if you have any control over the content being rendered in the browser, but if you do, IE lets you use META tags to force the browser into a rendering mode of a specific IE version. More info at MSDN right here
Also, further down the page there are instructions on how to set up your web server to tell IE which mode to use when it's requesting the page. (If that is of any use to you)
Unfortunately all information I can find on the subject (and I did a comprehensive search for my own project) indicates that there is no such option, or at least not in the general release
of IE.
Here's Microsoft's "official"
list of currently supported IE command line options


Relatve URL in distant file (XLS)

I have a problem at my job.
I am totally dependent on a website which must certainly date from the eighties ...
In one of the web pages, there is a link to download an excel file (xls). Let's say for example http://example.excel.xls
In this file, there are hyperlinks to other files (sometimes i think the death penalty is a good thing! ^^).
These links are relative :'( (for example \myfile.pdf)
Internet explorer, strangely, are correcting these links by transforming them in absolute path (http://example.myfile.pdf)
Other browsers (chrome, firefox, even the old edge) don't do it natively. By clicking on the link, we arrive in the local cache, where of course there arenot my files ...
I will soon have to remove IE from computers.
I had considered sending a bombshell on the administrators of this website, but afraid of legal repercussions :)
Is it possible, via settings, an addon or whatever, to make one of the browsers behave in the same way as IE?
I am very grateful for the help you will give me
You had asked,"Is it possible, via settings, an addon or whatever, to make one of the browsers behave in the same way as IE?"
I suggest you make a test with the MS Edge (Chromium) browser.
The MS Edge (Chromium) browser comes with the IE mode feature.
IE mode on Microsoft Edge makes it easy to use all of the sites your organization needs in a single browser. It uses the integrated Chromium engine for modern sites, and it uses the Trident MSHTML engine from Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) for legacy sites.
To configure IE mode, I suggest you refer to Configure IE mode policies. You can refer to the document and configure the necessary policies to enable the IE mode.
It can help you to load your legacy site in the Edge browser using the IE mode which can help you to fix the said issue.

IE11: open jquery dialog to load external url in standards mode when the root html page is in quirks mode

This requirement is on SAP Portal. The current version of Portal doesn't allow me to integrate SAP UI5 application on IE, primarily due to SAP Portal runs on Quirks mode, and UI5 runs on standards mode. We are on IE11, so no issues in Chrome/FF. So, the solution SAP proposes is to open the UI5 application in a new window, and the customer is not happy with this solution. So I was looking for ways to handle this using JQuery. As the Portal runs on Quirks mode (root) when I open the UI5 application (iframe/div) on a jquery dialog its resulting in opening in Quirks mode only.
I've read few posts in SO in similar context, so checking with the experts here to see if there is a way or solution to open/load ui5 application in standards mode using JQuery or JS, as it can't run in quirks mode in IE while on Portal.
Let me know if i need to provide any more details, as my earlier post was put on hold.
Unfortunately, the solution that SAP proposes is the only one available to you.
IE absolutely cannot render standards mode and quirks mode in the same page, not even if they are in different frames or iframes.
The only way you can mix between the two is by having them in separate windows.
It's worth adding here that anything still running in quirks mode is living on borrowed time. Quirks mode is not supported in Microsoft's new Edge browser. For now, you can still run IE11, but there will come a time when support for IE11 is dropped and Edge will become the only MS browser. At that point, you will not be able to use anything that requires quirks mode. I would urge you to plan to make the upgrade now while the transition will be easy, rather than waiting till it is forced on you.

Way to launch a browser w/ specific webpage without using ShellExecute? (Visual C++)

I want to add a button to my visual C++ form that will open with a specific browser. So far for links I've been using:
Which, as standard, opens with whatever your default browser is.
I'm wondering what the process would be to force the URL to open with a specific browser and if it's possible without the use of ShellExecute?
Edit - You are correct, this is C++/CLI. Removed the C++ Tag.
Edit Edit - Apologies if it came across as misleading. Some slight elaboration;
The buttons will launch to application URL's, some of which can only be used in Internet Explorer, others that CAN (and should) be used in Chrome. This is why I need to avoid using the default browser and have different buttons using different browsers when launching URLs
Before answering the 'how', I'd like to ask the question "should you be implementing this?"
By not launching the user's default browser, you are subverting the user's decision.
Perhaps the user prefers a particular interface, and is willing to live with the incorrect renderings that come with it.
Perhaps the user has a browser addon that they really need, such as a screen reader for the blind.
You are requiring additional software installed that the user may or may not want.
Perhaps the user doesn't want Chrome. Perhaps the user prefers FireFox.
You are saying that you know which browser is best, now and forever.
What if the next version of IE makes it work with the sites that are currently Chrome-only? What if the next version of Chrome fixes the sites that are currently IE-only?
What if the site changes so that it works in more browsers?
Do you go back and release a new version of your software that changes the browser for particular sites?
You're trying to solve a problem that may already be fixed.
Both Chrome and Firefox support a addon that will render a tab using the IE engine. It can be set to automatically activate when certain URLs are seen.
Perhaps there is a browser that already works with all your sites, that you don't know about.
Therefore, my recommendation is no, do not do this. The user has decided which browser they want to use, respect that decision and use the default browser.
That said, here's how you would do it: You could use the CreateProcess method, but you're in managed-land, so you might as well use it. Use the Process class to launch the new process for you.
Process^ browserProcess = gcnew Process();
browserProcess->StartInfo->UseShellExecute = false;
browserProcess->StartInfo->FileName = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe";
browserProcess->StartInfo->Arguments = "";

Embedded Signing with Safari on Mac not working as intended

I successfully (with much frustration) got our c# embedded signing to work on our site, however, that was before I tested with Safari on a Mac. Safari does not allow Third party sites to open in an iframe without already having a cookie for that site stored. If you either open the site beforehand or allowing all cookies, the document will show embedded. However, even messing around with that, the redirection after completion is not working. The please wait popup does not redirect back to my site. I am looking for any embedded solution that supports mac.
The process works great on windows, but does not work on Safari for Mac and is intermittent with Firefox and Chrome on mac.
I am looking for any non-iFrame embedded solutions that I could implement that should work on all platforms and browsers.
Since you have embedding working in terms of generating a URL token, it's up to you how to access that URL. We've seen developers write their own programs to view where they have complete control over the iFrame and can do whatever they like with it, and another solution we've seen is to use a web browser control.
see this SO link
The only workaround that I know of is to pop up a new browser window. I know there is work being done to make it work without cookies, but at this time the new browser window is your only choice.
Sorry about that.

Force a web page to open up in the Lotus Notes client web browser regardless of user preference

We need to force a particular web application to launch in the Notes browser regardless of the browser option the user has chosen. This also ideally needs to be launched from some LotusScript code.
I haven't been able to find a way of doing it so any suggestions would be appreciated.
There's unfortunately no way to force the Notes browser via LotusScript. However, you could look into using policies to restrict the user's default browser:
If it is possible, I suggest taking a different approach. This likely can't be solved via a technical solution (i.e. the user could always find a way to open the URL in a non-Notes browser if they are motivated to do so). Therefore I would make the recommendation to the user that the application only works via the Notes browser, and leave it up to them to do the right thing. Do that either by training, or putting a message on the web application, etc.
Another idea, if you have control over the web application, is that you could check the browser's User Agent for the keyword "Lotus Notes", and disallow anyone non-Notes browsers from using the application.
Oddly enough I have the issue you want to emulate happening on a Mac. I am not sure at this time if this is expected behavior though (still investigating).
I have a database rendering an XPage on the client. The link is in a rich text field. When the link is clicked it opens in the same tab in the Notes client, instead of the system browser (which is set in the Notes client).
Using Call notesUIWorkspace.URLOpen( Url$, reload%, urlList%, charset$, webusername$, webpassword$, proxywebusername$, proxywebpassword$, notesRetriever )
specifying true for notesRetriever, will open the browser page IN notes (whatever user config).
Don't expect too much of this since this will require the retriever process to run on the Domino server.
I bet your application won't work using a reriever.
