X11 with window decorations on ubuntu mini distro - linux

Goal: To display an application in the middle of the screen on a solid colour background. This means nothing else showing no gnome-desktop nothing apart from the application and the solid colour background.
Currently I'm using X11 for the background xstart -solid Grey which is great however as a test application I'm running firefox which I see has no window decorations ie: max, min title or boarder neither for that matter does xterm. I was wondering if it is possible to show the decorations without installing gnome possibly by installing just the themes eg: gnome-themes which I have done but have been unable to make the connection, or weather just running X isn't going to work without more gnome modules. I'm new to delving into the inner workings of linux as I've never had to deal with it before. I did ask a question previously which led me to xstart and xsetroot and I've been playing around with them for a bit trying to familiarise myself.
I do recognise that it is possible that I have gone about this all wrong, but if we don't try we don't learn.
If anyone knows of any tutorials or documentation that could help or if anyone has any tips I'd be grateful for the pointers.
Just thought I'd mention that I solved my issue after installing an ubuntu server distro I added xinit via apt-get then added metacity Then I edited the gconf files using gconf-editor then removed the Gnome-panels from /usr/bin However as I may possibly require them in the future I have made a copy of them before I deleted them. Thanks again for the help it was much appreciated.

The window decorations are created/managed by the window manager. If you don't have one running, you won't get window decorations.

Ok... I think I understand what you are asking. Gnome is a "Desktop", and includes with it one of many "Window Managers" called Metacity if I remember correctly. That is the part that adds the title and borders etc. There are many pure window managers(not desktops). A common and popular "Window Manager" is fluxbox although there are many others. Fluxbox does allow you to "undecroate" a window when you launch it. I'm not sure if this is what you are asking. Hopefully it is of some help.


ColorHighlighter is not taking any effect on SBT3

I go to :
and install :
with these settings :
and have no idea why hex is not my SBT3 still not display as its color form. 😥
I've also tried : CSS
Reboot the IDE & even reboot the Mac OS X ... still not working.
Did I forgot to turn on some settings?
Can someone please help me ?
ColorHelper works on the first try, right after install. Huge thanks to : #MattDMo
... but I am still curious if someone really knows what I did wrong.
Over the past few years I began having more and more problems with the different color highlighting packages available for Sublime, including Color Highlighter, which hasn't been updated in at least 3 years, and Color Highlight at 2½ years. Someone recommended ColorHelper, and I've been happy with it ever since. Make sure you completely uninstall Color Highlighter and/or Color Highlight first, as I think I had issues with it before I did that. ColorHelper is in regular development with the release of the new v3, which apparently is a complete rewrite, and is easy to set up and use out of the box. There are a ton of customization options if you want to get into the weeds, and the author has been very responsive with some config issues I had recently. I would highly recommend it.

Emojis not shown in gtk(?) but in kde applications using the same font

I noticed that Emojis like 😀 are not displayed in gvim on my system but they are in terminal vim if that is used in an xterm or konsole. And yes I tried many guifonts capable of displaying them (noto mono, noto color emoji, hack). I also noticed that vim in gnome-terminal doesn't display them either (although using the same fonts in it as in the other terminals). In fact I haven't found a single gnome(?) or gtk(?) application that displays them - not even when I use a gnome X-session. On the other hand no kde app has problems with them. Searching the web I got the impression that, e.g. gnome-terminal should have been able to display emojis for quite some time now. As I use a rolling distribution (openSuse tumbleweed) my software should be pretty recent. So what am I missing? Is there a specific package I need to handle emojis in gtk?
I created test user on my system with default settings. To my big surprise if I log on to the X-system as that user emojis are displayed just fine in gvim. So it must be a configuration issue. Then I went back and logged into my normal account, used su testuser and then opened gvim. I could still see the emojis. I don't want to reset my configuration as I put a lot of effort to have the system behave the way I like it to. But I am at a loss in finding the responsible setting. Any ideas?
Finally, I found the culprit and wanted to share my insight here so that others with similar problems know where to look. In ~/.config/fontconfig/ there were three files I did not put there myself. I guess they were leftovers from some configuration tool. Using a rolling release distribution there are probably many orphaned files in my ~/.config directory. Anyway, after deleting those files and logging out and back on I can now see emojis in gvim etc.

How can one greate grid/tile view of selected parts of windows on xfce/linux

I have a few windows on my linux machine using the xfce4 desktop enviorment.
I wish to have a grid-like view where i can see only the part of each window im intrested in.
An example for the general vision:
see a script running without the window borders on terminal across the header
see work status of F#H client out of the advenced client view in the middle left
see only the turrents status list of qBittorrent at middle right
have another terminal at footer (again without header/borders)
My best way to describe it shortly is to generate a view from selective parts of windows.
Added a picture for illustration
Is there any way of doing such thing in a practical way? Am i missing out on a great software?
There are several tiling helpers for Xfce.
Perhaps try xpytile , which is a tiling add-on for Xfce. It offers
automatic tiling, manual tiling and can simulaneously resize side-by-side windows (like AeroSnap for MS-Windows).

How to use awesome WM with LXSession (LXDE, Lubuntu)

I have Lubuntu. But when i tried to use clean Awesome WM, i thought that can i use awesome WM with GTK themes. I this possible?
I tried to run awesome, but got:
E: awesome: main:463: another window manager is already running
Also, clean Awesome WM works fine without Lubuntu. How to use awesome WM as a Window Manager in Lubuntu?
In some case, you can add --replace to replace the current window manager. LXDE defaults to OpenBox.
Some desktop environment also have settings to replace the window manager (in this case, by AwesomeWM). A quick googling seems to indicate some distribution store this setting in /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/default.
However this is a bit of going in circle around the real issue here. Why run AwesomeWM in LXDE? Their feature set overlap at a rate of almost 100%. If you use lxde only for lxappearance (gtk theme mananger) and PCManFM, note that those 2 applications run just fine from the normal Awesome session. AwesomeWM itself provide the panel, wallpaper and window manager features, which leaves nothing from the original LXDE.

WS_EX_LAYERED, invisible window, and a fresh install of Windows

I would like to share with you this post as I wasted a lot of time to understand why the WS_EX_LAYERED flag did not work on a fresh install of Windows (my test was on a Win7, I don't know if it can be reproduced on a Win8 o.s.).
This was my code:
HWND myWnd=CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_LAYERED|WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW,_T("STATIC"),_T(""), WS_POPUP|SS_BITMAP,position.left,position.top, position.right, position.bottom,hWnd,NULL,hInst,NULL);
Then I wanted to add a transparent layer:
CWnd::FromHandle(myWnd)->SetLayeredWindowAttributes(RGB(0,0,0), 255*0.6, LWA_ALPHA);
Running the code, the window never appeared! And this was not a child window (the WS_EX_LAYERED does not work for a child window), so the WS_EX_LAYERED flag should have worked.
After spending almost a day in searching for the solution, I found that the target PC (the one that hosts the executable) had the Aero Peek theme disabled because it had never run the "Performance Information and Tools"!
So, IMHO, a programmer that is going to use the WS_EX_LAYERED in his code, must determine if the Aero Peek is turned on or not (for example by looking into the \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM key registry and check the EnableAreoPeek registry value), otherwise some windows could not be shown correctly in any PCs.
Hope this makes you to save your time!
I have been through the same issues today (Rosario I feel your pain of 2 years ago!).
I couldn't work out why windows were disappearing completely. I'm sure others may end up at this page for the same reason.
As such I wanted to pick up on one point.
The key factor to this seems to be that "Desktop Window Manager Session Manager" service must be running for transparent layers to function.
That EnableAeroPeek registry value, which relates to whether you see a full-screen preview of the windows as you look through them (eg. with alt-TAB or hovering over task manager mini-previews), can remain off and it not connected to the availability of transparency in tests I have carried out on multiple machines.
Similarly, if that registry setting is on but the DWMSM service being off, it will not give you transparency.
Rosario I'm sorry to contradict your own answer to your own question, but I think it's an important distinction!
So far the only way to test for the availability of transparency on Windows 7 & later before making a call which fails (or turns a window invisible) seems to be by checking for a running dwm.exe process.
