Node.js and V8 garbage collection - garbage-collection

Here's what's I've read so far, and correct me if I'm wrong:
Node.js is based on V8 JavaScript engine.
V8 JavaScript engine implements stop-the-world garbage collection
Which..causes Node.js to sometimes completely shutdown for a few seconds to a few minutes to handle garbage collection.
If this is running for production code, that's a few seconds for 10,000 users.
Is this really acceptable in production environment?

Whether it is acceptable depends on your application and your heap size. Big Gc is around 1.3ms per Mbyte. YMMV. About half that for a compacting GC. Around 1 GC in 10 is big. Around 1 big GC in 3 is compacting. Use V8 flag --trace-gc to log GCs. We have done some work on reducing pauses. No promises, no timetables. See branches/experimental/gc in V8 repo.


How to tweak the NodeJS Garbage Collector to schedule fewer Scavenger rounds?

I have a real-time application in NodeJS that listen to multiple websockets and reacts to its events by placing HTTPS requests; it runs continuously. I noticed that the response time, at many many times during execution, was much higher than merely the expected network latency, which led me to investigate the problem. It turns out that the Garbage Collector was running multiple times in a row adding significant latency (5s, up to 30s) to the run time.
The problem seems to be related to the frequent scheduling of a Scavenger round to free up resources, due to allocation failure. Although each round takes less than 100ms to execute, executing thousands of times in a row does add up to many seconds. My only guess is that at some point in my application the allocated heap is close to its limit and little memory is actually freed in each GC round which keeps triggering GC in a long loop. The application seems not to be leaking memory because memory allocation never indeed fails. It just seems to be hitting an edge that triggers GC madness.
Could someone with knowledge/experience shed some tips on how to use the GC options that V8 provides in order to overcome such situation? I have tried --max_old_space_size and --nouse-idle-notification (as suggested by the few articles that tackle this problem) but I do not fully understand the internals of the node GC implementation and the effects of the available options. I would like to have more control over when Scavenger round should run or at least increase the interval between successive rounds so that it becomes more efficient.

NodeJS, PM2, GC, Grafana - better understanding

I would like to unterstand the GC Process a little bit better in Nodejs/V8.
Could you provide some information for the following questions:
When GC is triggered, does this block the event loop of node js?
Is GC running in it's own process or is just a submethod of the event-loop ?
When spawning nodejs process via Pm2 (clustered mode) does the instance
really have it's own process or is the GC shared between the
instances ?
For Logging Purposes I am using Grafana
(, can someone
explain the differences \ more details about these gauges:
gc.size the size of the JavaScript heap in bytes.
gc.used the amount of memory used on the JavaScript heap in bytes.
Are there any scenarios where GC is not freeing memory (gc.used) in relation with stress tests?
The questions are related to an issue that I am currently facing. The used memory of GC is rising and doesn't release any memory (classical memory leak). The problem is that it only appears when we a lot of requests.
I played around with max-old-space-size to avoid pm2 restarts, but it looks like that GC is not freeing up anymore and the whole application is getting really slow...
Any ideas ?
ok some questions, I already figured out:
gc.size = Total Heap Size ( -> getHeapStatistics),
gc.used = used_heap_size
it looks ok that when gc_size hits a plateu that it never goes down again =>
Memory usage doesn't decrease in node.js? What's going on?
Why is garbage collection expensive? The V8 JavaScript engine employs a stop-the-world garbage collector mechanism. In practice, it means that the program stops execution while garbage collection is in progress.

Java 7 G1GC strange behaviour

Recently I have tried to use G1GC from jdk1.7.0-17 in my java processor which is processing a lot of similar messages received from an MQ (about 15-20 req/sec). Every message is processed in the separate thread (about 100 threads in stable state) that serviced by Java limited thread pool. Surprisingly, I detected the strange behaviour - as soon as GC starts the full gc cycle it begins to use significant processing time (up to 100% CPU and even more). I was doing refactoring of the code several times having a goal to optimizing it and doing it more lightweight. But without any significant result - the behaviour is the same. I use the 4-core 64-bit machine with Debian OS (2.6.32-5 kernel). May someone help me to understand and resolve the situation?
Below are depicted some illustrations for listed above issue.
Surprisingly, I detected the strange behaviour - as soon as GC starts
the full gc cycle...
Unfortunately, this is not a surprise because for the G1 GC implemented within the JVM uses just one hardware thread (vCPU) to execute the Full GC so the idea is to minimize the number of Full GCs. Please, you should keep in mind this collector is recommended for configurations with several cores (of course it does not impact on the Full GC, but impacts on allocation and parallel collections) and big heaps I think bigger than 8GB.
According to Oracle:
The Garbage-First (G1) garbage collector is a server-style garbage
collector, targeted for multiprocessor machines with large memories.
It attempts to meet garbage collection (GC) pause time goals with high
probability while achieving high throughput. Whole-heap operations,
such as global marking, are performed concurrently with the
application threads. This prevents interruptions proportional to heap
or live-data size.
In this article there is an explanation about the Full GC single thread in this collector.
Finally and unfortunately, G1 also has to deal with the dreaded Full
GC. While G1 is ultimately trying to avoid Full GC’s, they are still a
harsh reality especially in improperly tuned environments. Given that
G1 is targeting larger heap sizes, the impact of a Full GC can be
catastrophic to in-flight processing and SLAs. One of the primary
reasons is that Full GCs are still a single-threaded operation in G1.
Looking at causes, the first, and most avoidable, is related to
By the way, it seems to be the newest version of Java (10) is going to include a G1 with the capability of executing Full GCs in parallel.
Java 10 reduces Full GC pause times by iteratively improving on its
existing algorithm. Until Java 10 G1 Full GCs ran in a single thread.
That’s right - your 32 core server and it’s 128GB will stop and pause
until a single thread takes out the garbage.
Perhaps, you should tune the metaspace or increase the heap or you can use other collector such as the parallel GC.

Garbage collector in Node.js

According to google, V8 uses an efficient garbage collection by employing a "stop-the-world, generational, accurate, garbage collector". Part of the claim is that the V8 stops program execution when performing a garbage collection cycle.
An obvious question is how can you have an efficient GC when you pause program execution?
I was trying to find more about this topic as I would be interested to know how does the GC impacts the response time when you have possibly tens of thounsands requests per second firing your node.js server.
Any expert help, personal experience or links would be greatly appreciated
Thank you
"Efficient" can mean several things. Here it probably refers to high throughput. When looking at response time, you're more interested in latency, which could indeed be worse than with alternative GC strategies.
The main alternatives to stop-the-world GCs are
incremental GCs, which need not finish a collection cycle before handing back control to the mutator1 temporarily, and
concurrent GCs which (virtually) operate at the same time as the mutator, interrupting it only very briefly (e.g. to scan the stack).
Both need to perform extra work to be correct in the face of concurrent modification of the heap (e.g. if a new object is created and attached to an already-scanned object, this new reference must be noticed). This impacts total throughput, i.e., it takes longer to actually clean the entire heap. The upside is that they do not (usually) interrupt the program for very long, if at all, so latency is low(er).
Although the V8 documentation still mentions a stop-the-world collector, it seems that an the V8 GC is incremental since 2011. So while it does stop program execution once in a while, it does not 2 stop the program for however long it takes to scan the entire heap. Instead it can scan for, say, a couple milliseconds, and let the program resume.
1 "Mutator" is GC terminology for the program whose heap is garbage collected.
2 At least in principle, this is probably configurable.

Is anybody making a Node-optimized V8?

Is there an optimized version of V8 for server-side JavaScript (Node, primarily)? I ask because I assume normal V8 is optimized for Chrome, thus client side JavaScript.
It used to be the case that V8's memory management was not optimized for very big heaps. However with the new GC starting in V8 version 3.7 that should be history. Run with the --max-old-space-size=8192 flag. Now you can have an 8Gbyte heap instead of the normal 1.4Gbyte limit.
If short pauses are very important to you you can also use the --max-new-space-size=2048 flag. This will reduce peak performance, but shorten the pauses from somewhere around 100ms to more like 20ms. On the other hand if you only care about peak performance and do not care about long pause times you can use the --noincremental-marking flag. With this flag you can expect pause times of around 1 second per gigabyte, so it would mainly be useful for small heaps or batch processing tasks.
