online reflector without install - reflector

I am looking for a refelector to see the code inside dll, I have a restriction that I can not install the software in the system. Is there any reflector exists which is either online or doesn't require to get installed first?

You don't have to actually install reflector. I will often run it a usb drive. You can simply copy the files to the computer and run it. Delete the files when you are through.


Why are there multiple copies of the same C++ .dll's on my computer?

I notice that Microsoft Visual C++ runtime libraries are duplicated all over my computer, eg: at the following locations:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox
Why is this? I thought a specific .dll could only be registered ONCE with windows? Is that not the case? Can you really register the same .dll from multiple locations?
I uninstalled an old version of Skype which had the C++ .dll's in its own folder. But doing so caused a whole load of other programs to break (eg Adobe Acrobat, etc). I fixed it by repairing the C++ 2015 redistributable from Control Panel's Programs & Features window. But while checking the damaged files were re-created and re-registered, I discovered so many versions. How do I know which one is registered with Windows?
If I wanted to write code that referenced those .dll's, which one would it use?
I found a hint of reason for this in this article.
Consider this scenario: you install program “A” and it uses library
version 1. You then install program “B” and it also uses library
version 1, so it doesn’t need to install it – it can just use the copy
that’s already there courtesy of program “A”. Now you uninstall
program “A”. Three things can happen:
It uninstalls the library because it installed it and it should clean
up after itself, not realizing that another program relies on the library. Program “B” breaks as a result.
It never uninstalls the library because another program might be using it. As a result, libraries check in, but they never leave.
We devise some method of tracking how many installed programs are using the library, and only remove it when the last one is uninstalled. Unfortunately, any single program’s failure – be it a programming error or a failure to install or uninstall properly – breaks this technique. At best, you’re left with copies of the library you no longer need, and at worst, uninstalling one program can cause one or more other unrelated
programs to fail.
It’s a mess. In fact, it’s such a mess that most
programs now don’t bother to try and share at all.
Putting Your Fate in Someone Else’s Hands:
Ultimately, application vendors realized that by relying on shared libraries like this, they were putting their fate into the hands of every other application that happened to use the same version of the same library. If only one of them made a mistake, and the library was accidentally removed or updated when it shouldn’t have been, it put all the others at risk.
So, application vendors typically now install their own copy of the
library that they manage and that they can rely on. Disk space is
cheap – much cheaper than the errors and frustration that were
happening when they tried to share.
So now, on my machine, many different applications all carry with them their own copy of the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime.
And each is more stable as a result, by virtue of being in control of
their own destiny.
However, it remains unclear how dll files can be registered with the same name but from different locations. I did not think this was possible, but perhaps it is.

How to interact with One Drive using C++

I'm looking for a way to interact with OneDrive through C++. I need to log in and download/upload the file from a known location.
I tried to install curl in VS 2019/2017 using vcpkg but could not, it does not inclide to the code.
Have a look into Microsoft's "azure-storage-cpp"-sample under:
All install and build instructions are described there.

Flatpak run external programs

I am using a flatpak version of my favorite game engine, godot. Using it, I need to be able to export to android. To do this, it needs adb.
I tried looking in /usr/bin, where the adb executable is located, but Godot couldn't see it because of the flatpak's sandboxing.
I tried runing the flatpack with the --filesystem option, but it didn't work.
Does anyone know how to get the flatpak to have access to the whole filesystem?
This is a know issue. Snap package has issues too. The best option is to use the official executable from the website. If want auto updates you can use Steam or

How to properly install MS VC++ 9 runtime?

I have an application that uses the ms vc++ runtime. How should I install it on the end-user's system if it is not present? I was thinking of bundling it with the installer... but how would I do that as far as what to include? Is there some silent installer? If so, where can it be found? I can't seem to find it in the Windows SDK.
There is an interesting post about deploying the runtime libraries on the Visual C++ blog. The post is about VC8 so I'm not sure all the recommendations apply to VC9.
Here are your options according to Microsoft:
Use an .msi installer including the .MSM files for the VC
libraries you're using. These MSM
files install the libraries globally.
They also keep a reference count so
that the libraries are removed when
the last application using them gets
Use "app-local"
deployment i.e. copy the
libraries and manifest files in your
application directory. This is a simpler
solution if you don't use an .msi
installer. Your app should still use the
system version of the libraries if they are more
up-to-date than your own.
Link everything statically (and avoid crt usage across dll boundaries)
Another option Microsoft discourage you from using is running the Visual C++ redist installer from your own installer.
I'm not sure what their reasons are. It will take a few extra megabytes and will not be reference counted but it still works very well AFAICT. You can pass the /q option to vc_redist_x86.exe to perform an unattended install (no user interaction).
It has it's own installation program. I've seen it usually run as a prereq step of a larger installer.
One way or the other, you need to list it in your manifest. So you might just as well deliver it as via SxS in your application rather than try to deliver a global copy to the target machine. SxS is a big hard subject, sadly. Hopefully someone will supply an answer with more details and I'll delete this one.

Best approach to writing a generic installer for a Linux application?

We have a Linux server application that is comprised of a number of open-source tools as well as programs we've written ourselves. Ideally we would like to be able to install this application on any common Linux distribution.
In the past, we've written perl scripts to automate installs of this application. Unfortunately, due to idiosyncrasies of different Linux distros, the logic inside these install scripts gets horribly complex, and can change as new versions of each supported distro are released. Maintaining the installer thus becomes one of the most time-intensive parts of the project!
I'm looking for assistance, be it a framework, documentation, code samples, that can make this process less painful. Here are the types of things our installer needs to do:
Create user/group accounts
Create directory trees with specific ownership and permissions
Install open-source applications, potentially compiling them from source during install
Insert pre-compiled binaries, scripts, config files, and docs into specific directories
Register init-type startup and shutdown scripts
Generate encryption keys
Verify connectivity to a central server
Instead of the installer approach, I think a better way than having a single script that does it at install time is to have a build system which generates .deb or .rpm files suitable for installation on each system you have to support.
A poor man's way of going at that might be to use checkinstall, which creates packages from the files installed via 'make install'. So you'd build your app on each system and have the package magically created in the distro's native format.
I believe that most of the tasks which you describe are fairly standardized between Linux distros. In my experience, the following should work the Debian family (including Ubuntu) and the Red Hat family (including Fedora and CentOS):
Create user / group accounts - adduser command
Create directory trees - mkdir or install, or just expand a tarball
Install open source applications - Unless you have particularly esoteric needs, this should probably be left to the distro's package manager.
Install files - install, or just expand a tarball
Startup and shutdown scripts - install to /etc/init.d then symlink to /etc/rc*.d
VMware Server is freely available for Linux and does most of the tasks which you describe. It uses Perl and maybe shell for its installation and configuration, so you might see the approach that it takes.
However, speaking as a Linux admin, I strongly prefer applications that integrate with my package management system. In other words, create .deb and .rpm files, as Vinko Vrsalovic suggested. Building packages is extremely well documented:
Building RPMs for Fedora (or Red Hat or CentOS): draft documentation, RPM Guide
Building .debs for Debian (or Ubuntu): Debian Maintainer's Guide
I tried Autopackage a few years ago, don't know how universal it is but worked quite well (was the only truly universal way back then). Surely you have to provide some LSB-compatible ways of setting up proper directories on your own, but this piece of software should help you.
Though there's probably still too much diversity among linux distributions to do everything in a completely platform-agnostic way but I may be wrong.
You may want to try BitRock InstallBuilder. It is a cross platform installation tool that allows you to do exactly what you are looking for (adding users, installing services, install pre-compiled binaries, etc). Although some of the other posts mention a number of tools that you could use in your scripts, the problem is that every Linux distribution is a bit different and simple tasks like adding an user or installer a service are suddenly non-trivial when you need to do them across Debian, Ubuntu, Mandriva, RedHat, Gentoo, etc. A good cross platform installer should isolate you from all that. Many commercial open source companies like MySQL, SugarCRM, Zenoss, Jaspersoft, Groundwork etc. have built installers based on our technology exactly because of that (in addition to their regular source code tarballs, etc.) We also provide free licenses for open source projects.
Autopackage now merged with Listaller project. Documentation's not really thorough yet but seems to be working.
