I post weekly podcast shows that are about an hour long onto my Wordpress-powered website. Normally I give an overview (a table of contents of sorts) on each episode post. I want to be able to link to a certain time in an audio file using Javascript and/or Flash, so the table of contents is interactive.
e.g., [a href="#time=4200"]Click here to go to minute 42 in the podcast.[/a]
I haven't found any audio players that include this functionality... Does anyone know of a web audio players that features linking to times?
I'm afraid you won't get an answer to this question here. The community on this site could help you to program an audio player doing that, but not point at a player that does it. You should try on another forum, not here.
If your comfortable doing javascript programming, you could use SoundJS.
Hope that helps.
just messing around and cant find any answers to this question anywhere.
Is there a way to embed / only play the audio of a youtube video?
The idea is to use less bandwidth from not having to load a video etc.
I have seen people simply change the height of the embed so that only the controls are visible , but thats not what i want.
Im guessing this is impossible since the audio and video are one file that gets loaded.
Just thought would put this out there incase it it was possible or maybe another way of embedding a video and using less bandwidth?
I don't think there is any way to embed only audio of the youtube video. But you can tweak the view of player with CSS. A very good explanation is given at http://rcdewebmasters.wordpress.com/2012/04/19/embed-audio-only-youtube-video/. But that need to be checked for violation of YouTube TOS.
I am working on a site, which airs ads before the real video plays.
The business requirement is that the ads should play before the video plays.
I am Using watir for testing. can you help me in this regard.
You may want to investigate Sikuli I've seen other threads where people were using it in combination with watir to work with things like flash. However, since it works based on visual recognition, I expect it would not work at all with video (a changing image that might only be 'right' for a fraction of a second) while it is playing unless there is some aspect of the screen that is relatively static that could be used to know the video play is in progress. See this blog posting for more info
I am looking for a toolkit or library to search contents of audio files for am audio sample.
For example I have 5 seconds of speech that I know it exists in hundreds of hours of audio, and I want to find exact file and position of this sub-samples.
The sample is %99 similar but maybe converted to different audio format so it may have minor differences in waveform.
I prefer .NET library if there is such an option.
Thank you.
What you are trying to do is not an easy DSP problem to solve, and there is no one foolproof method. There is however an excellent recent article on audio fingerprinting on codeproject which goes into some depth on an algorithm that searches for duplicate MP3s, with code in C#. You may be able to adapt the algorithm to your needs.
I am trying to make an application for listening to podcasts. Each podcast is an mp3 file, around 50MB in size. After reviewing the Using Audio chapter of the Multimedia Programming Guide, I decided to use AVPlayer, as the other options did not seem appropriate. However, the more I work with AVFoundation, the more complicated it seems and I have a feeling that simply streaming an mp3 file should be easier. Plus on the top of this document, there is a note stating:
Important: This document contains
information that used to be in iOS
Application Programming Guide. The
information in this document has not
been updated specifically for iOS 4.0
Does that mean that I have some other options, or that AVFoundation is maybe an overkill for what I need to do? I would really appreciate it if someone could clear things out a bit and let me know if I'm making something wrong here.
Thanks in advance!
You should explore Cocos Denshion.
The audio engine comes with cocos2d, and it is just 5 classes you can include with your project.
It's very simple to use, as you can see from the above link. It's basically just a wrapper for some AVFoundation classes.
The only trick will be to stream your mp3, but it looks like you can simply update the Cocos Denshion CDAudioManager to hand a URL to the AVAudioPlayer, as a start. Whether or not that satisfies your streaming requirement, I don't know.
At the very least, it will give you some AVFoundation code to study.
I just found a pdf with a nice overview of some possible options from this course blog. Together with Julian's suggestion this is all I could find so far.
I use a capture session to coordinate data flow as the apple developer document described.
I want to get the video data to verify if the image is good enough to take.
If the condition is met, I want to immediately take the Full resolution photo.
However full photo resolution is not supported for video output.
So I have to set the AVCapture sessionPreset to AVCaptureSessionPresetLow to capture video image data,
then reconfigure the sessionPreset to AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto when the condition is met.
But the reconfiguration takes about two to three seconds, and does not meet the real-time requirements.
If I use two AVCaptureSessions, one for the video capture, the other for the capture the still image,
then it seemed not work.
Does anybody have more ideas?
Thank you.
Ran into this myself - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3513722/avcapturesession-commitconfiguration-stuck
(As you can see from the question, there are more hardships to come this way)
As I wrote in that question - There's no official supported method for this. Most references I could find were inside Apple Developer Forums, so I won't mention them here, but trust me - Many want what you want and it's currently not supported.
Sorry dude,