What is the difference between isSameAs() and isEqualTo() in FEST? - fest

What is the difference between the two methods isSameAs() and isEqualTo() ?
The documentation says:
Verifies that the actual value is equal to the given one.
Verifies that the actual value is the same as the given one.

I could give you answer just from my general understanding.
isSameAs - checks if objects are same (e.g. checking if objects point to same reference)
isEqualTo - checks if objects are equal (e.g. checking if objects are equal based on value)
Hope it helps a bit


How to interpret the Result of msat LTL commands of NuXMV

I am using NuXMV for checking LTL properties using msat_check_ltlspec_bmc command on a fairly large model. The result shows no counterexample found within the given bounds. Do I interpret it as that property is True. Or it can alternatively mean that analysis is not complete.
This is because, by changing the property proposition to true or false, the result is always no counterexample. Most of The results are counterintuitive.
Started with real variables based properties but since unable to understand the result, shifted to Boolean based properties on the same model, using the same command.
Bounded Model Checking is a bug-oriented technique which checks the validity of a property on execution traces up to a given lenght k.
When an execution trace violates a property, great: a bug was found.
Otherwise, (in the general case) the model checking result provides no useful information and it should be treated as such.
In some cases, knowing additional information about the model can help. In particular, if one knows that every execution trace of length k must loop-back to one of the k-1 states, then it is possible to draw stronger conclusions from the lack of counter-examples of length smaller or equal k.

Should equals() method of value objects strive to return true by using transformations of attributes?

Assume we have a value object Duration (with attributes numberOfUnits, unit). Would it be a good idea to treat these objects as equal (for example, overriding Object.equals()) if they have the same duration but different units? Should 1 min be equal to 60 sec.
There are many contradicting examples. With java's BigDecimal compareTo() == 0 does not imply equals() == true (new BigDecimal("0").equals(new BigDecimal("0.0")) returns false). But Duration.ofHours(24).equals(Duration.ofDays(1)) returns true.
That's an unfortunately complicated question.
The simple answer is no: the important goal of value objects is to correctly model queries in your domain.
If it happens that equals in your domain has nice properties, then you should model them and everything is awesome. But if you are modeling something weird then getting it right trumps following the rules everywhere else.
Complications appear when your implementation language introduces contracts for equals that don't match the meaning in your domain. Likely, you will need to invent a different spelling for the domain meaning.
In Java, there are a number of examples where equals doesn't work as you would expect, because the hashCode contract prohibits it.
Well... I upvoted #jonrsharpe comment because without knowing the context it is almost impossible to give you an answer.
An example of what #jonrsharpe means could be that if in your domain you are using Duration VO to compare users input (who choose numberOfUnits and unit in a UI) it is obvious that Duration in minutes is not equal to Duration in seconds even if 1 min = 60 sec because you want to know if the users inputs the same things, and in this case they not.
Now, assuming that you will use Duration just for other things in which the format does not matter and ever means the same thing for domain rules (i.e. outdate something):
Why do you need Duration.unit attribute if it gives you nothing of value in your domain?
Why can not you just work with one unit type internally?
If it is just because different inputs/outputs in your system you should transform it to your internal/external(UI, REST API, etc) representation before apply rules, persist the VO (if needed) and/or showing it in a UI. So, separate input/output concerns from your domain. Maybe Duration (with unit attribue) is not a VO is just part of your ViewModel.

NSString compare efficiency

String compares can be costly. There's some statistic floating around that says a very high percent of string compares can be eliminated by first comparing string sizes. So I'm curious to know whether the NSString compare: method takes this into consideration. Anyone know?
According to the sources here (which is just one implementation, others may act differently), compare doesn't check the length first, which actually makes sense since it's not an equality check. As it returns a less-than/equal-to/greater-than return code, it has to check the characters, even if the lengths are the same.
A pure isEqual-type method may be able to shortcut character checks if the lengths are different, but compare does not have that luxury.
It does do certain checks of the length against zero, but not comparisons of the two lengths against each other.
Yes it does. It also checks for pointer equality before that (which covers the constant string case and some others due to string uniquing and the string ROM).
(edit) This answer applies to -isEqualToString:, not -compare:. I misread

How do I access Core Data Attribute validation information from code?

I have a string attribute in a Core Data entity whose Max Length value is 40. I'd like to use this value in code and not have to re-type the value "40." Is this possible?
As #K.Steff says in the comments above, you are better off validating in your code and not setting a max length in your core data model. To add on to that comment, I would also advise you to look at using a custom NSManagedObject subclass for this entity type, and within that subclass overriding the validateValue:forKey:error: or implementing a key-specific validation method for this property.
The value of this approach is that you can do things like "coerce" the validation by truncating strings at validation time. From the NSManagedObject documentation:
This method is responsible for two things: coercing the value into an appropriate
type for the object, and validating it according to the object’s rules.
The default implementation provided by NSManagedObject consults the object’s entity
description to coerce the value and to check for basic errors, such as a null value when
that isn’t allowed and the length of strings when a field width is specified for the
attribute. It then searches for a method of the form validate< Key >:error: and invokes it
if it exists.
You can implement methods of the form validate< Key >:error: to perform validation that is
not possible using the constraints available in the property description. If it finds an
unacceptable value, your validation method should return NO and in error an NSError object
that describes the problem. For more details, see “Model Object Validation”. For
inter-property validation (to check for combinations of values that are invalid), see
validateForUpdate: and related methods.
So you can implement this method to both validate that the string is not too long and, if necessary, truncate it when it is too long.
From NSManagedObject you can access the NSEntityDescription via entity. In there you can grab the array properties and a dictionary propertiesByName, either of which will get you to NSPropertyDescriptions. Each property description has a property, validationPredicates that will return an array of NSPredicates. One of those will be the condition that your string length must be at most 40.
Sadly predicates are a lot of hassle to reverse engineer — and doing so can even be impossible, given that you can create one by supplying a block. Hopefully though you'll just have an NSComparisonPredicate or be able to get to one by tree walking downward from an NSCompoundPredicate or an NSExpression.
From the comparison predicate you'll be able to spot from the left and right expressions that one is string length and the other is a constant value.
So, in summary:
Core Data exposes validation criteria only via the very general means of predicates;
you can usually, but not always, rebuild an expression (in the natural language sense rather than the NSExpression sense) from a predicate; and
if you know specifically you're just looking for a length comparison somewhere then you can simplify that further into a tree walk for comparison predicates that involve the length.
It's definitely not going to be pretty because of the mismatch of the specific and the general but it is possible.

Misuse of a variables value?

I came across an instance where a solution to a particular problem was to use a variable whose value when zero or above meant the system would use that value in a calculation but when less than zero would indicate that the value should not be used at all.
My initial thought was that I didn't like the multipurpose use of the value of the variable: a.) as a range to be using in a formula; b.) as a form of control logic.
What is this kind of misuse of a variable called? Meta-'something' or is there a classic antipattern that this fits?
Sort of feels like when a database field is set to null to represent not using a value and if it's not null then use the value in that field.
An example would be that if a variable's value is > 0 I would use the value if it's <= 0 then I would not use the value and decided to perform some other logic.
Values such as these are often called "distinguished values". By far the most common distinguished value is null for reference types. A close second is the use of distinguished values to indicate unusual conditions (e.g. error return codes or search failures).
The problem with distinguished values is that all client code must be aware of the existence of such values and their associated semantics. In practical terms, this usually means that some kind of conditional logic must be wrapped around each call site that obtains such a value. It is far too easy to forget to add that logic, obtaining incorrect results. It also promotes copy-and-paste code as the boilerplate code required to deal with the distinguished values is often very similar throughout the application but difficult to encapsulate.
Common alternatives to the use of distinguished values are exceptions, or distinctly typed values that cannot be accidentally confused with one another (e.g. Maybe or Option types).
Having said all that, distinguished values may still play a valuable role in environments with extremely tight memory availability or other stringent performance constraints.
I don't think what your describing is a pure magic number, but it's kind of close. It's similar to the situation in pre-.NET 2.0 where you'd use Int32.MinValue to indicate a null value. .NET 2.0 introduced Nullable and kind of alleviated this issue.
So you're describing the use of a variable who's value really means something other than it's value -- -1 means essentially the same as the use of Int32.MinValue as I described above.
I'd call it a magic number.
Hope this helps.
Using different ranges of the possible values of a variable to invoke different functionality was very common when RAM and disk space for data and program code were scarce. Nowadays, you would use a function or an additional, accompanying value (boolean, or enumeration) to determine the action to take.
Current OS's suggest 1GiB of RAM to operate correctly, when 256KiB was high very few years ago. Cheap disk space has gone from hundreds of MiB to multiples of TiB in a matter of months. Not too long ago I wrote programs for 640KiB of RAM and 10MiB of disk, and you would probably hate them.
I think it would be good to cope with code like that if it's just a few years old (refactor it!), and denounce it as bad practice if it's recent.
