Indent with conditions - vim

I would like to indent every line with 5 spaces when all the next conditions are matched:
1) after an empty line
2) when line starts with a Uppercase letter
3) when the line has more then 80 characters when the file has no textwidth set
4) when the line has more then (textwidth-10) characters when the file has a textwidth set
and the next line must not start with a Uppercase letter.
Can anyone help me?

This is completely untested, and I'm sure there are more elegant methods, but this should give you a rough idea. I scan every line in the file one at a time, and indent it if one of your conditions is met.
function! Indenter()
let winview=winsaveview()
let this_line_num=1
let tw = &textwidth
while this_line_num <= line("$")
let thisline=getline(this_line_num)
let lastline=getline(this_line_num-1)
let firstchar=substitute(matchstr(thisline,"^ *.")," ","","g")
if ( matchstr(lastline,"^.") == "" && this_line_num > 1 )
\ || firstchar =~# "[A-Z]"
\ || ( tw == 0 && strlen(thisline) > 80 )
\ || ( tw != 0 && strlen(thisline) > tw-10
\ && firstchar !~# "[A-Z]" )
sil exe this_line_num . "s#^# #"
let this_line_num+=1
call winrestview(winview)
I am assuming that "empty lines" means no whitespace (hence matchstr(lastline,"^.")) and that lines containing text can have leading whitespace (hence the substitute(matchstr()) command to get the first non-whitespace character.
Hope this helps. Let me know if it falls flat on its face.


How to cycle through vim marks

To go to the next line with a (lowercase) mark, I can do:
And to go to the previous mark I can do:
However, let's say I have 10 marks in the file and I am at the last one. Is there a way to cycle through to the first mark from the last one (like how search does "Search hit bottom. Continuing from Top".)?
Is there a way to cycle through to the first mark from the last one
Supply big count. E.g. 26['. To wrap it into a script:
" our mappings with counter support
nnoremap <silent>[' :<C-U>call NextMark(-v:count1)<CR>
nnoremap <silent>]' :<C-U>call NextMark(v:count1)<CR>
function! NextMark(incr) abort
" save current line number
let l:lnum = line('.')
" go to the next lowercase mark
execute printf("normal! %d%s'", abs(a:incr), a:incr > 0 ? ']' : '[')
if l:lnum == line('.')
" no move, assume it's the last (or the first) one
if stridx(&shortmess, 's') < 0
" print message as with n/N
echohl WarningMsg
echo printf("search hit %s, continuing at %s",
\ a:incr > 0 ? 'BOTTOM' : 'TOP', a:incr > 0 ? 'TOP' : 'BOTTOM')
echohl NONE
" jump to the first (or last) lowercase mark
execute printf("normal! 26%s'", a:incr > 0 ? '[' : ']')

How to Extend AutoComplPop filename Completion?

Based on AutoComplPop documentation it uses text before the cursor to selects the completion method. for example if the text before cursor is a filename character + a path separator + 0 or more filename character the filename completion is used, i. e. <c-x><c-f> is feeded.
What if we want to extend this behaviour to when text before the cursor is for example href=" or src="?
I think AutoComplPop uses the following function to match text before the cursor and triggers filename completion :
function acp#meetsForFile(context)
if g:acp_behaviorFileLength < 0
return 0
if has('win32') || has('win64')
let separator = '[/\\]'
let separator = '\/'
if a:context !~ '\f' . separator . '\f\{' . g:acp_behaviorFileLength . ',}$'
return 0
return a:context !~ '[*/\\][/\\]\f*$\|[^[:print:]]\f*$'

vim: complete depending on previous character

I want to create a mapping that will changed the ins-completion depending on the character just before the cursor. If the character is { then I want tag completion, if its : i want normal completion (that depends on the complete option) and if the characters is a backslash plus some word (\w+) I want dictionary completion. I have the following in my ftplugin/tex/latex_settings.vim file:
setlocal dictionary=$DOTVIM/ftplugin/tex/tex_dictionary
setlocal complete=.,k
setlocal tags=./bibtags;
function! MyLatexComplete()
let character = strpart(getline('.'), col('.') - 1, col('.'))
if character == '{'
return "\<C-X>\<C-]>"
elseif character == ':'
return "\<C-X>\<C-N>"
return "\<C-X>\<C-K>"
inoremap <C-n> <c-r>=MyLatexComplete()<CR>
This doesn't work and I don't know how to fix it.
Edit: This seems to work but I'm want a conditional that checks for \w+ (backslash plus any word) and a final one that gives a message "No match found".
function! MyLatexComplete()
let line = getline('.')
let pos = col('.') - 1
" Citations (comma for multiple ones)
if line[pos - 1] == '{' || line[pos - 1] == ','
return "\<C-X>\<C-]>"
" Sections, equations, etc
elseif line[pos - 1] == ':'
return "\<C-X>\<C-N>"
" Commands (such as \delta)
return "\<C-X>\<C-K>"
In your original function you have mistakes:
strpart() takes string, offset and length arguments, while you supplied two offsets.
col('.') is one character past the end-of-line. I.e. len(getline('.'))==col('.')+1 meaning that strpart(getline('.'), col('.')-1) is always empty.
You have fixed these issues in the second variant. But if you want conditional check for \command you need not just last character. Thus I would suggest matching slice
let line=getline('.')[:col('.')-2]
if line[-1:] is# '{' || line[-1:] is# ','
return "\<C-X>\<C-]>"
elseif line[-1:] is# ':'
return "\<C-X>\<C-N>"
elseif line =~# '\v\\\w+$'
return "\<C-X>\<C-K>"
echohl ErrorMsg
echomsg 'Do not know how to complete: use after {, comma or \command'
echohl None
return ''
. Note some things:
Never use == for string comparison without # or ? attached. This does not matter in this case, but you should make yourself used. ==# and ==? both ignore value of 'ignorecase' setting (first acts as if 'noignorecase' was set, second as if 'ignorecase' was set). I use even stricter is#: a is# b is like type(a)==type(b) && a ==# b.
Same for =~: use =~#.
Due to backwards compatibility string[-1] (string[any_negative_integer]) is always empty. Thus I have to use line[-1:].
Never use plain :echoerr. It is unstable: in terms that you cannot say for sure whether or not this will break execution flaw (:echoerr breaks execution if put inside :try block and does not do so otherwise). echohl ErrorMsg|echomsg …|echohl None never breaks execution, throw … and try|echoerr …|endtry break always.
To spot preceding LaTeX commands you can use the following regular expression on your line variable:
line =~ '\\\w\+$'
(as you can see, the regex is similar to the Perl expression you guessed at, but requires some the characters to be escaped).
To echo a "No match found" message, you could return an appropriate :echoerr command:
return "\<C-o>:echoerr 'No match found'\<CR>"
But this has the side-effect of hijacking insert-mode for a moment... maybe it's cleaner just to return no matches as an empty string?
So your final function would look something like this:
function! MyLatexComplete()
let line = getline('.')
let pos = col('.') - 1
" Citations (comma for multiple ones)
if line[pos - 1] == '{' || line[pos - 1] == ','
return "\<C-X>\<C-]>"
" Sections, equations, etc
elseif line[pos - 1] == ':'
return "\<C-X>\<C-N>"
elseif line =~ '\\\w\+$'
" Commands (such as \delta)
return "\<C-X>\<C-K>"
" Echo an error:
return "\<C-o>:echoe 'No match found'\<CR>"

Yanking all marked lines in vim

Often times when reviewing log files in vim, I'll highlight interesting lines using marks. At some point, I'd like to be able to copy all of the interesting lines (either all marked lines, or a list of marks) to either a register or another file (it doesn't really matter which; the goal is to facilitate writing a summary). I haven't been able to find any built in way to do this; is it possible in vim?
I suppose it's probably a fairly straightforward function; probably looking something like this, but my vimscript abilities are very weak:
for cur_mark in list_of_marks
goto mark
yank current line and append to register
Has anyone ever written anything similar that they can point me to?
EDIT: I posted the accepted solution at
As always, there are few things that are more motivating than asking for help. Here's what I came up with; feedback welcome.
function! Yankmark()
let save_cursor = getpos(".")
let n = 0
" I should really make this a parameter...
let marks_to_yank="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
let nummarks = strlen(marks_to_yank)
" Clear the a register
let #a=''
while n < nummarks
let c = strpart(marks_to_yank, n, 1)
" Is the mark defined
if getpos("'".c)[2] != 0
" using g' instead of ' doesn't mess with the jumplist
exec "normal g'".c
normal "Ayy
let n = n + 1
call setpos('.', save_cursor)
Mikeage had a great idea; here's a more refined version of his function turned into a command:
":YankMarks [{marks}] [{register}]
" Yank all marked (with [a-z] / {marks} marks) lines into
" the default register / {register} (in the order of the
" marks).
function! s:YankMarks( ... )
let l:marks = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
let l:register = '"'
if a:0 > 2
echohl ErrorMsg
echomsg 'Too many arguments'
echohl None
elseif a:0 == 2
let l:marks = a:1
let l:register = a:2
elseif a:0 == 1
if len(a:1) == 1
let l:register = a:1
let l:marks = a:1
let l:lines = ''
let l:yankedMarks = ''
for l:mark in split(l:marks, '\zs')
let l:lnum = line("'" . l:mark)
if l:lnum > 0
let l:yankedMarks .= l:mark
let l:lines .= getline(l:lnum) . "\n"
call setreg(l:register, l:lines, 'V')
echomsg printf('Yanked %d line%s from mark%s %s',
\ len(l:yankedMarks),
\ len(l:yankedMarks) == 1 ? '' : 's',
\ len(l:yankedMarks) == 1 ? '' : 's',
\ l:yankedMarks
\) . (l:register ==# '"' ? '' : ' into register ' . l:register)
command! -bar -nargs=* YankMarks call <SID>YankMarks(<f-args>)
A different way of accomplishing this might be using the :global command. The global command takes the form :g/{pattern}/{cmd}. The command, {cmd}, will be executed on all lines matching {pattern}.
Append lines matching a pattern to a register:
:g/pattern/yank A
Append matching line to a log file:
:g/pattern/w >> file.log
Of course if you want to find line matching a mark you can match it in your pattern. The following pattern matches a line with mark m.
:g/\%'m/w >> file.log
To do something like this. (Note: I am using \v to turn on very magic)
:g/\v(%'a|%'b|%'m)/yank A
Of course if a pattern won't work you can do this by hand. Instead of marking the lines just build up the lines as you go. Just yank a line to an uppercase register to append.
Or do a write append with a range of a single line
:.w >> file.log
For more help see
:h :g
:h :w_a
:h /\%'m
:h /\v
You can do something like:
:redir #a
:silent marks XYZN
:redir END
That way the output of the :marks command will be redirected to the a register. Note, that it will only lists (in the above case) the X, Y, Z and N marks (as the arguments), and if there was an a register, it will be deleted/overwritten.
Also note, that it might not give the desired output, but gives you a starting point...
I like the solution from Mikeage, though I would probably solve this with the multiselect - Create multiple selections and operate plugin. This also has the benefit that you don't run out of marks.
With the plugin, you can select lines with <Leader>msa or :MSAdd. Finally, yank all lines with:
:let #a=''
:MSExecCmd yank A
If you use an upper-case register name when yanking into a specific register, Vim will append the yanked content instead of overwriting the register's value.
So, for example:
"ayy - yank current line to register a, overwriting
"Ayy - append this line to register a
"ap - paste all yanked material
See :help quotea for more details.

How do I search the open buffers in Vim?

I'd like to search for text in all files currently open in vim and display all results in a single place. There are two problems, I guess:
I can't pass the list of open files to :grep/:vim, especially the names of files that aren't on the disk;
The result of :grep -C 1 text doesn't look good in the quickfix window.
Here is a nice example of multiple file search in Sublime Text 2:
Any ideas?
:bufdo vimgrepadd threading % | copen
The quickfix window may not look good for you but it's a hell of a lot more functional than ST2's "results panel" if only because you can keep it open and visible while jumping to locations and interact with it if it's not there.
ack and Ack.vim handle this problem beautifully. You can also use :help :vimgrep. For example:
:bufdo AckAdd -n threading
will create a nice quickfix window that lets you hop to the cursor position.
Like the answer of Waz, I have written custom commands for that, published in my GrepCommands plugin. It allows to search over buffers (:BufGrep), visible windows (:WinGrep), tabs, and arguments.
(But like all the other answers, it doesn't handle unnamed buffers yet.)
I really liked romainl's answer, but there were a few sticky edges that made it awkward to use in practice.
The following in your .vimrc file introduces a user command Gall (Grep all) that addresses the issues that I found irksome.
funct! GallFunction(re)
cexpr []
execute 'silent! noautocmd bufdo vimgrepadd /' . a:re . '/j %'
command! -nargs=1 Gall call GallFunction(<q-args>)
This will allow case-sensitive searches like this:
:Gall Error\C
and case-insensitive:
:Gall error
and with spaces:
:Gall fn run
It will only open the Quickfix window, nothing else.
It will clear the Quickfix window first before vimgrepadd-ing results from each buffer.
The Quickfix window will contain the locations of all matches throughout the open buffers, not just the last visited.
Use :Gall repeatedly without any special housekeeping between calls.
Doesn't wait on errors and displays results immediately.
Doesn't allow any autocmd to run, speeding up the overall operation.
Ambivalent features
Doesn't preemptively jump to any occurrence in the list. :cn gets second result or CTRL-w b <enter> to get to the first result directly.
If there's only one result, you'll have to navigate to it manually with CTRL-w b <enter>.
To navigate to a result in any buffer quickly:
E.g. :6cn to skip 6 results down the list, and navigate to the correct buffer and line in the "main" window.
Obviously, window navigation is essential:
Ctrl-w w "next window (you'll need this at a bare minimum)
Ctrl-w t Ctrl-w o "go to the top window then close everything else
Ctrl-w c "close the current window, i.e. usually the Quickfix window
:ccl "close Quickfix window
If you close the Quickfix window, then need the results again, just use:
to get it back.
I made this function a long time ago, and I'm guessing it's probably not the cleanest of solutions, but it has been useful for me:
" Looks for a pattern in the open buffers.
" If list == 'c' then put results in the quickfix list.
" If list == 'l' then put results in the location list.
function! GrepBuffers(pattern, list)
let str = ''
if (a:list == 'l')
let str = 'l'
let str = str . 'vimgrep /' . a:pattern . '/'
for i in range(1, bufnr('$'))
let str = str . ' ' . fnameescape(bufname(i))
execute str
execute a:list . 'w'
" :GrepBuffers('pattern') puts results into the quickfix list
command! -nargs=1 GrepBuffers call GrepBuffers(<args>, 'c')
" :GrepBuffersL('pattern') puts results into the location list
command! -nargs=1 GrepBuffersL call GrepBuffers(<args>, 'l')
An improved (on steroids) version of Waz's answer, with better buffer searching and special case handling, can be found below (The moderators wouldn't let me update Waz's answer anymore :D).
A more fleshed out version with binds for arrow keys to navigate the QuickFix list and F3 to close the QuickFix window can be found here:
(When i feel like figuring out how to make a plugin i'll update this answer. I wanted to expedite sharing it for now)
" Looks for a pattern in the buffers.
" Usage :GrepBuffers [pattern] [matchCase] [matchWholeWord] [prefix]
" If pattern is not specified then usage instructions will get printed.
" If matchCase = '1' then exclude matches that do not have the same case. If matchCase = '0' then ignore case.
" If prefix == 'c' then put results in the QuickFix list. If prefix == 'l' then put results in the location list for the current window.
function! s:GrepBuffers(...)
if a:0 > 4
throw "Too many arguments"
if a:0 >= 1
let l:pattern = a:1
echo 'Usage :GrepBuffers [pattern] [matchCase] [matchWholeWord] [prefix]'
let l:matchCase = 0
if a:0 >= 2
if a:2 !~ '^\d\+$' || a:2 > 1 || a:2 < 0
throw "ArgumentException: matchCase value '" . a:2 . "' is not in the bounds [0,1]."
let l:matchCase = a:2
let l:matchWholeWord = 0
if a:0 >= 3
if a:3 !~ '^\d\+$' || a:3 > 1 || a:3 < 0
throw "ArgumentException: matchWholeWord value '" . a:3 . "' is not in the bounds [0,1]."
let l:matchWholeWord = a:3
let l:prefix = 'c'
if a:0 >= 4
if a:4 != 'c' && a:4 != 'l'
throw "ArgumentException: prefix value '" . a:4 . "' is not 'c' or 'l'."
let l:prefix = a:4
let ignorecase = &ignorecase
let &ignorecase = l:matchCase == 0
if l:prefix == 'c'
let l:vimgrep = 'vimgrep'
elseif l:prefix == 'l'
let l:vimgrep = 'lvimgrep'
if l:matchWholeWord
let l:pattern = '\<' . l:pattern . '\>'
let str = 'silent ' . l:vimgrep . ' /' . l:pattern . '/'
for buf in getbufinfo()
if buflisted(buf.bufnr) " Skips unlisted buffers because they are not used for normal editing
if !bufexists(buf.bufnr)
throw 'Buffer does not exist: "' . buf.bufnr . '"'
elseif empty(bufname(buf.bufnr)) && getbufvar(buf.bufnr, '&buftype') != 'quickfix'
if len(getbufline(buf.bufnr, '2')) != 0 || strlen(getbufline(buf.bufnr, '1')[0]) != 0
echohl warningmsg | echomsg 'Skipping unnamed buffer: [' . buf.bufnr . ']' | echohl normal
let str = str . ' ' . fnameescape(bufname(buf.bufnr))
execute str
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E\%(683\|480\):/ "E683: File name missing or invalid pattern --- E480: No match:
" How do you want to handle this exception?
echoerr v:exception
execute l:prefix . 'window'
"catch /.*/
let &ignorecase = ignorecase
