filter look up in dialog - dialog

I Have created a dialog in a class, the dialog method is as below
static void dialog(Args _args)
Dialog dialog;
DialogField dialogFieldCurrentState;
DialogField dialogFieldNewState;
CustInvoiceTable custInvoiceTable;
custInvoiceTable = _args.record();
dialog = new Dialog("Change State");
dialogFieldCurrentState = dialog.addField(TypeID(State_LT),"Current State: ");
dialogFieldNewState = dialog.addField(TypeID(State_LT),"New State: ");
if (
custInvoiceTable.State = dialogFieldNewState.value();
in my dialog there are two fileds Current State and New State .Now when i select the New State the list of all
states is displayed(irrespective of country) which i dont want. Only the states respective of country has to be shown
in the lookup
. I need to make use of a filter something like e.g. while select while select AddressState
where addressState.CountryRegionId == custInvoiceTable.CountryRegionId; so that only states which
are related to a country is shown.
State_LT here is an string EDT (where i put in the relation of State_LT) State_LT == AddressState.StateId
IN AdressState there is a method lookupStateId(), How to call it from a dialog(code above)

I am answering to your last question: "IN AdressState THERE IS A METHOD lookupStateId(), HOW TO CALL IT FROM A DIALOG(code above) ?" - by the way writing in capital letters doesn't help people understand your point better.
It is not clear why your dialog is a static method, anyway you'd need the following.
Let's say your ClassDeclaration looks something like this:
class TestClass1 extends RunBase
Dialog dialog;
DialogField dialogFieldCurrentState;
DialogField dialogFieldNewState;
// etcetera
Your dialog is something like this:
public Object dialog()
dialog = super();
dialogFieldCurrentState = dialog.addField(TypeID(AddressStateId),"Current State: ");
dialogFieldNewState = dialog.addField(TypeID(AddressStateId),"New State: ");
dialogFieldNewState.lookupButton(FormLookupButton::Always); // If needed
return dialog;
To implement a lookup the way you want it you need to do two things. First, open the dialog, right click on the New State, click Setup, and check the control's System Name. If for example it is Fld2_1 then you need to create the following method:
void fld2_1_lookup()
Object control = dialog.formRun().controlCallingMethod();
AddressState::lookupStateId(control, dialogFieldNewState.value());
Second, it is necessary to override the following method:
public void dialogPostRun(DialogRunbase _dialog)
That should do the trick. I haven't done it for a while but I don't think I forgot something.

Example of looking up customer in dialog:
For example, to have a customer choice dropdown in the dialog,
In report class declaration method --->
DialogField CustomerDlg;
CustAccount customer;
In the reports dialog method: ----->
CustomerDlg = dialog.addField(typeid(CustAccount));
In the getFromDialog method: ---->
customer = CustomerDlg.value();


How to wirte Public Dialog addClickListener write back Form TextField

I’m a beginner, I can’t pass this level, please help.
I have a lot of forms with TextField (cust_no, cust_name), each with a button on the right,
press the button
A dialog can be display custom record, after selecting the required customer,
Write the selected cust_no, cust_name back to the Text_Field of Form.
I hope to write dialog as a public class, so that many class Forms can use this function, and can also smoothly write cust_no and cust_name back to their respective Form TextField.
In addition to backfilling cust_no,cust_name TextField for some Forms, some also need to query the consumption amount and write back the specified cust_amt TextField.
My trouble is that form button.addClickListener open a dialog,
Dialog’s Button_OK.addClickListener cannot know how I want to write back Form TextField and some have special query mechanisms, how to customize
Without seeing exactly how your code is structured, I can only give a quite generic answer. What you need is typically that something associated with the button for opening the dialog can know what to do with the result from the dialog, and it can also configure the dialog's OK button to carry out that action.
public class HelloWorldView extends VerticalLayout {
public HelloWorldView() {
TextField customerNumberField = new TextField("Customer number");
TextField customerNameField = new TextField("Customer name");
Button nameDialogButton = new Button("Open dialog", dialogOpenClick -> {
showDialog(customer -> {
add(customerNumberField, customerNameField, nameDialogButton);
private void showDialog(Consumer<Customer> selectionAction) {
Select<Customer> customerSelect = new Select<>(new Customer("1", "Customer 1"),
new Customer("2", "Customer 2"));
customerSelect.setTextRenderer(customer -> customer.getName());
Dialog dialog = new Dialog();
dialog.add(new Button("Select customer", click -> {
Customer selectedCustomer = customerSelect.getValue();
if (selectedCustomer != null) {

Is there a way to make custom lookup on dialog field on Microsoft Dynamics 365?

I have problems with my dialog field. I have button that opens dialog tab with field. It was supposed to show on that field lookup exact records(i guess i need select there by one field value). Right now i have this code:
DialogField Journal = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(JournalId));
This dialog line adds a field with all values on that EDT. I have 3 journal types - NEW, UPDATE, DELETE. Right now on that field lookup it shows me all 3 journal types. I want to make custom lookup that shows exact type , example - if i click that button on journal that has type "NEW", then it should show only "NEW" type of journal types on lookup. I heard there is something like dialog.addLookup or something. Can someone help me?
You already added your dialog field (in the dialog() method). Now add the dialogRunPost() method that is executed after the form GUI is initialized. At that point you can fetch the underlying FormStringControl behind the dialog field. Subscribing to the FormStringControl.OnLookup event allows you to override the lookup.
I did not have some journal data available, so I created a similar example with customers. My example dialog (MyDialog) takes a source customer (customerCaller) and shows a dialog with a custom lookup that only shows customers with the same customer group.
My example is also a standalone, runnable class and is not called from a form. Comments have been added to indicate where this affects the code.
Full example
public class MyDialog extends Runbase
// fields
protected Args args;
protected CustTable customerCaller;
protected DialogField dfCustomerId;
// construct
public static MyDialog newArgs(Args _args)
MyDialog ret = new MyDialog();
ret.args = _args;
return ret;
// initialize
public boolean init()
boolean ret = super();
// validate and fetch caller
if (args.record() && args.record().TableId == tableNum(CustTable))
//if (args.caller() && args.caller().dataset() == tableNum(CustTable)) --> when called from form
customerCaller = args.record();
//customerCaller = args.caller().record();
throw error(Error::missingRecord('My Dialog'));
return ret;
// build dialog
public Object dialog()
Dialog ret = super();
// optional reference to visualize the input
ret.addText('Caller customer group = ' + customerCaller.CustGroup);
// add field
dfCustomerId = ret.addField(extendedTypeStr(CustAccount)); // default lookup = all CustTable.AccountNum values
return ret;
public void dialogPostRun(DialogRunbase dialog)
// subscribe to lookup event
FormStringControl fscCustomerId = dfCustomerId.control();
fscCustomerId .OnLookup += eventhandler(this.customerId_OnLookup);
// custom lookup for customer id
protected void customerId_OnLookup(FormControl _sender, FormControlEventArgs _e)
// cancel default
FormControlCancelableSuperEventArgs eventArgs = _e;
// define lookup query (list all customers with same customer group as input customer)
Query query = new Query();
QueryBuildDataSource qbds = SysQuery::findOrCreateDataSource(query, tableNum(CustTable));
SysQuery::findOrCreateRange(qbds, fieldNum(CustTable, CustGroup)).value(SysQuery::value(customerCaller.CustGroup));
// do lookup
SysTableLookup lookup = SysTableLookup::newParameters(tableNum(CustTable), _sender);
lookup.addLookupfield(fieldNum(CustTable, AccountNum), true);
lookup.addLookupfield(fieldNum(CustTable, CustGroup));
// run dialog
public static void main(Args _args)
// I am running this dialog directly (not from a form), generating some random input
CustTable customer;
select firstonly customer where customer.CustGroup != '';
// end of random input
MyDialog md = MyDialog::newArgs(_args);
if (md.prompt())

How should one implement a change state dialog with undo/redo support in Catel?

I cannot get Undo and Redo to behave correctly when using a dialog.
I have a simple model with a property indicating the state of the object(running, paused, stopped) which can be altered via a dialog. What happens is that I get actions that seems to do nothing in my undo queue or undo restores the object to an intermediate state.
The model object is registered with memento in the constructor. The dialog has three radio buttons each representing one of the three different states. Each radio button is bind to a command each. Each command performs a change of the property. I have tried two different approaches, either each command sets the property directly in the object or each command sets an instance variable for the view model when called and then I use the Saving event to modify the object.
If using the first approach each property change is put on the Undo queue if the user clicks on more than just one radiobutton before clicking Ok in the dialog. Tried to solve that by wrapping the whole dialog into a batch but that results in undoing the state change the object is restored to the state it had before the final one, i.e. if the property was set to stopped before the dialog opened and the user pressed the pause radiobutton, then start one and finally Ok, undo will set the property to paused instead of the expected stopped.
If using the second approach the user opens the dialog, change the state to paused, click Ok in the dialog the undo/redo behaves as expected but if the dialog is opened again and Cancel is chosen one more action is added to the Undo queue, i.e. the user has to click Undo twice to get back to the initial stopped-state.
So my question is how should this be correctly implemented to get the expected behaviour; that each dialog interaction can be undone and not every interaction in the dialog?
Here is the code for the ViewModel:
namespace UndoRedoTest.ViewModels
using Catel.Data;
using Catel.MVVM;
public class StartStopViewModel : ViewModelBase
Machine.MachineState _state;
public StartStopViewModel(Machine controlledMachine)
ControlledMachine = controlledMachine;
_state = controlledMachine.State;
StartMachine = new Command(OnStartMachineExecute);
PauseMachine = new Command(OnPauseMachineExecute);
StopMachine = new Command(OnStopMachineExecute);
Saving += StartStopViewModel_Saving;
void StartStopViewModel_Saving(object sender, SavingEventArgs e)
ControlledMachine.State = _state;
public Machine ControlledMachine
get { return GetValue<Machine>(ControlledMachineProperty); }
private set { SetValue(ControlledMachineProperty, value); }
public static readonly PropertyData ControlledMachineProperty = RegisterProperty("ControlledMachine", typeof(Machine));
public override string Title { get { return "Set Machine state"; } }
public Command StartMachine { get; private set; }
public Command PauseMachine { get; private set; }
public Command StopMachine { get; private set; }
private void OnStartMachineExecute()
_state = Machine.MachineState.RUNNING;
//ControlledMachine.SecondState = Machine.MachineState.RUNNING;
private void OnPauseMachineExecute()
_state = Machine.MachineState.PAUSED;
//ControlledMachine.SecondState = Machine.MachineState.PAUSED;
private void OnStopMachineExecute()
_state = Machine.MachineState.STOPPED;
//ControlledMachine.SecondState = Machine.MachineState.STOPPED;
First of all, don't subscribe to the Saving event but simply override the Save() method. Note that Catel handles the model state for you when you decorate a model with the ModelAttribute. Therefore you need to get the prestate and poststate of the dialog and then push the result set into a batch.
For example, I would create extension methods for the object class (or model class) like this:
public static Dictionary<string, object> GetProperties(this IModel model)
// todo: return properties
Then you do this in the Initialize and in the Save method and you would have 2 sets of properties (pre state and post state). Now you have that, it's easy to calculate the differences:
public static Dictionary<string, object> GetChangedProperties(Dictionary<string, object> preState, Dictionary<string, object> postState)
// todo: calculate difference
Now you have the difference, you can create a memento batch and it would restore the exact state as you expected.
ps. it would be great if you could put this into a blog post once done or create a PR with this feature

Save values between page navigation in Windows Phone

How do I save values between page navigation in windows phone,
suppose I have two text blocks in my one phone application page, and they contains dynamically changing values every time, now suppose my text block have value "abc" and for some reason I go back to previous page, now when I get back on my page, I want that text block having value "abc". How to do it??
There are several methods available
IsolatedStorageSettings settings = IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings;
// txtInput is a TextBox defined in XAML.
if (!settings.Contains("userData"))
settings.Add("userData", txtInput.Text);
settings["userData"] = txtInput.Text;
if (IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings.Contains("userData"))
txtDisplay.Text +=
IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings["userData"] as string;
PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["param"] = param
and on other page we can get it like this.
var k = PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["param"];
Define two static variable in your App.xaml.cs
public static valueOne = string.Empty;
public static valueTwo = string.empty;
//Assign textbox value to variable on page leaving event
protected override void OnNavigatingFrom(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigatingCancelEventArgs e)
App.valueOne = txtBoxOne.Text;
App.valueTwo = txtBoxTwo.text;
//Get value from page load
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
string valueFirst = App.valueOne;
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(App.valueTwo ))
string valueTwo = App.valueTwo ;
There are various approaches to solve this.
Common thing is using a Static Class, which holds static properties and binding it to your View.

How to do an action when a LWUIT List item clicked

I have a LWUIT application that has a list which involving some items.
The list itself has been added to a Combobox .
1/ How I change the colour of an item of list when I focus on it?
final com.sun.lwuit.List mylist = new com.sun.lwuit.List();
final com.sun.lwuit.ComboBox combo = new com.sun.lwuit.ComboBox (mylist.getModel());
final com.sun.lwuit.Form ff = new com.sun.lwuit.Form();
2/ I want to do an action when I click ( or double click ) on an item ,
ActionListener interface didn't make that for me , can someone guide me?
mylist.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev)
You Should set a renderer to ComboBox and can use both of setRenderer and setListCellRenderer but setListCellRenderer is
deprecated than use setRenderer:
combo.setRenderer(new ListCellRenderer() {
public Component getListCellRendererComponent(List list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected) {
Label l = new Label(String.valueOf(value));
return l;
public Component getListFocusComponent(List list) {
Label l = new Label(String.valueOf(list.getSelectedItem()));
return l;
this working well.
To change the colour of a ComboBox you should modify the ComboBoxFocusstyle from the ResourceEditor.
If you are adding the list to the ComboBox, I think that you should put the ActionListener to the ComboBox not to the List as you are doing. Try this facts.
You can work with ListCellRenderer. Its helpful tool ,
look here for example
You can implement getListCellRendererComponent(..)- this function return the compenents that display on screen and responsible on UI.
If you work with ListCellRenderer you can use actionLisiner like this:
ActionListener chooseItemActionListener = new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
