localhost htaccess url rewrite problem - .htaccess

I have already configured my apache(mod_rewrite,alias,allowOverride), and I am trying to rewrite
so that user can simply type in the second url and it would work. But I am getting a 404 not found error.
I am using WAMP on XP, and my .htaccess is in www->b33m
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^b33m/blogs/([^/]*)$ /b33m/view_blog_details.php?post_id=$1 [L]

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^blogs/(\d+)$ view_blog_details.php?post_id=$1 [L]
Note the / in the beginning of each URL have been omitted.

Try the following:
EDIT: I updated the code which hopefully will work better
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /b33m
RewriteRule ^blogs/([0-9]+)$ /view_blog_details.php?post_id=$1 [L]

Since you expect an id I'd rather use:
Moreover shouldn't you put a trailing slash?
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/b33m/blogs/(\d+)$ /b33m/view_blog_details.php?post_id=$1 [L]

Try adding this in your hosts file:
.htaccess sometimes doesn't like localhost


What is wrong htaccess

I have the following htaccess rules but I dont know how to make it work:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^game/([^/]*)$ index.php?cash=$1
The following is the screen shot of my folders structure:
Can someone tell me how to get it to work? I have also tried:
RewriteRule ^index.php([^/]*)$ index.php?cash=$1
The URL that I want to display is: http://localhost/biteep/game/100 while the URL that I want the browser to go to is http://localhost/biteep/game?cash=100
Try to put a rewrite base into your .htaccess:
RewriteBase /biteep/
And this route should be enough:
RewriteRule ^game\/(\d+)$ index.php?cash=$1
So it works when I do this
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)$ index.php?cash=$1

Rewrite URL to get contents from sub-directory

I have edited my /etc/hosts file to link domain.com to my localhost. Now when I visited domain.com I want it to get the site contents from domain.com/site/ but only using the URL domain.com thus removing site/ from the URL.
I have done this once before, so I know it's possible, but I lost the code. Can someone please assist me? .htaccess scripting is not my strong. Apologies if this is a duplicate of something else.
You can use this code in your DOCUMENT_ROOT/.htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^((?!site/).*)$ site/$1 [L,NC]
I have managed to get this working with the following code:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(.*)your_directory
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ your_directory/$1 [L]

Using .htaccess and mod_rewrite

I'm having some mod_rewrite problems with my .htaccess..
RewriteBase /folder
RewriteEngine on
Rewrit­eRule ^(.*)$ basic.p­hp?­url=$1 [L]
Above is what I'm currently using. However, I have no idea what I'm doing to be honest as I'm just cycling through the internet trying to figure this out.
Basically, for my website, if you type in
I want it to basically be www.domain.com/folder/basic.php?url=xxx.
For some reason, all that does is cause a 404 error :/
So can someone please politely point me in the right direction?
Ok, I will explain using your htaccess.
RewriteEngine on
Turn on the Rewrite Module to enable URL rewriting
RewriteBase /folder
Rewrite the Base Directory to directory name folder
RewriteRule ^folder/(.*)$ basic.php?url=$1 [L]
Remap every request make using the folder/***** to basic.php?url=********
Note: RewriteEngine On Should be the first statement on your case
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^folder/(.*)$ folder/basic.php?url=$1 [L]
This is more of a problem with regexs than .htaccess files.

modrewrite website with slash in .htaccess

How can I translate an URL like:
if one parameter is empty it should still work like this:
Extra problem: There is an enter page under index.php and the rewrite should work with index2.php. Best would be if it would work under localhost and on live system without changes.
Currently I'm using: RewriteRule ^([^/.]+)$ index2.php?link=$1 [L]
But that only works for one parameter and I couldn't improve this code for ages ^^
RewriteRule ^([^/.]+)(/([^/.]+))?(/([^/.]+))?$ index2.php?link=$1&sublink=$3&subsublink=$5 [L,QSA]
Note that localhost/mySite/OFFERS/ARTICLE links to localhost/mySite/?link=OFFERS&sublink=ARTICLE&sussublink= and not localhost/mySite/?link=OFFERS&sublink=ARTICLE.
Should not be a big issue, but make sure the PHP code doesn't us isset($_GET['subsublink']).
Try adding the following to your htaccess file in the mysitedirectory of your site.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /mysite/
# rewrite http://localhost/mySite/OFFERS/ARTICLE/DETAIL to
# http://localhost/mySite/?link=OFFERS&sublink=ARTICLE&subsublink=DETAIL
#assumes that index2.php is in the root directory of site
RewriteRule ^([-a-zA-Z0-9])+/([-a-zA-Z0-9])+/([-a-zA-Z0-9])+ index2.php?link=$1&sublink=$2&subsublink=$3 [NC,L]
#redirect index to index2
#if you do not want to redirect, just server rewrite, remove the R=301 below
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ index2.php [NC,L,R=301]

URL rewrite using mod_rewrite in .htaccess

I am trying to rewrite the URL using the mod_rewrite apache module.
I am trying to use it as below :
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^wants/testing.htm wants.php?wantid=$1 [L]
I have created a .htaccess file in the directory from where the files are accessed.
The mod_rewrite is also enabled.
With all these done, i still haven't been able to get it working.
Can someone please help me with this? Please let me know if i am missing something
Thanks in Advance,
As per OP's comment:
The URL shows
mydomain.com/wants.php?wantid=123. I
need to make it look like
This should work for your case:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^wants/([0-9]+)$ /wants.php?wantid=$1 [L]
It will allow you to use http://yoursite.com/wants/123 and will silently rewrite it to wants.php?wantid=123
I think a leading slash (or rather the lack thereof) might be yoru problem:
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^wants/testing.htm /wants.php?wantid=$1 [L]
Otherwise Apache might be looking for the PHP file in /wants/wants.php as it'll be treating it as a relative URL.
Hmm, so I gave it some thought and I guess you could do something like this ( only changed the regexp according to your comment, if I understood correctly ):
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^wants/\d+$ /wants.php?wantid=$1 [L]
But I guess you could also leave out the $1 reference, and still be able to access the id in your wants.php. So
RewriteRule ^wants/\d+$ /wants.php [L]
should work too, and you can then use something like
$request = split('/', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])[1];
in your wants.php where the last element of the array would be your id ( or anything else you ever decide to rewrite and send to the script ).
If you want to use the rule in the .htaccess file in your wants directory, you have to strip the contextual wants/ from the start of the pattern. So just:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)$ /wants.php?wantid=$1 [L]
Otherwise, if you want to use the rule in the .htaccess file in your root directory:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^wants/([0-9]+)$ wants.php?wantid=$1 [L]
