CSV files: excel hiding zeros - excel

if I load a csv file into excel, value 123.320000 will become 123.32.
i need to view all contents as they are. any way to stop excel from hiding trailing zeros?
reading other posts, i found that doing something like this could work "=""123.3200000" but that would mean running regex on the file every time i want to view it.. since it comes in xxxx|###|xxx format and i have no control over the generation part.

How exactly are you loading the CSV file?
If you import it as "Text" format then Excel will retain all formatting, including leading/trailing zeros.
In Excel 2010 you import from the "Data" tab and choose "From Text", find your CSV file then when prompted choose to format the data as "Text"

I'm assuming that once the imported values are in the sheet, you want to treat them as numbers and not as text, i.e. you want to be able to sum, multiply, etc. Loading the values as text will prevent you from doing this -- until you convert the values back to numbers, in which case you will lose the trailing zeros, which brings you back to your initial conundrum.
Keeping in mind that there is no difference between the values 123.32 and 123.3200000, what you want is just to change the display format such that the full precision of your value is shown explicitly. You could do this in VBA like so:
strMyValue = "123.3200000"
strFormat = "#."
' Append a 0 to the format string for each figure after the decimal point.
For i = 1 To Len(strMyValue) - InStr(strMyValue, ".")
strFormat = strFormat & "0"
Next i
With Range("A1")
.Value = CDbl(strMyValue)
.NumberFormat = strFormat
'Value now shown with same precision as in strMyValue.
End With


Data extraction from excel with operators is unable to store values

I have a Excel file with two columns. One has a name other has the corresponding mass to it. I have used the corresponding lines to read it and find the position of the name. But when I am trying to find the mass to the corresponding name as shown below it is not able to store it in the memory. In the Excel file, I have the mass values as 1.989*10^30. This seems to affect the code as the same code works fine when the cells in the excel has just numeric values.
majbod = 'Sun';
minbod = 'Earth';
majbodin = readtable("Major_and_Minor_Bodies.xlsx","Sheet",1);
minbodin = readtable("Major_and_Minor_Bodies.xlsx","Sheet",2);
MAJORBODY = table2array(majbodin(:,"Major_Body"));
MINORBODY = table2array(minbodin(:,"Minor_Body"));
mmaj = table2array(majbodin(:,"Mass"));
mmin = table2array(minbodin(:,"Mass"));
selected_majbody = find(strcmp(MAJORBODY,majbod));
selected_minbody = find(strcmp(MINORBODY,minbod));
M = mmaj(selected_majbody);
m = mmin(selected_minbody);
disp([M ;m])
Is there a better way to write the code compared to the way which I wrote?
Excel does it's best to figure out what kind of data is in each cell. Since your data has something besides just numbers, Excel treats it like a string. You have a couple of options for getting around that:
If you put an equals sign in front of it, it will treat it like an equation, and calculate the value of 1.989*10^3 for you. this will be a number.
Since scientific notation is so common, programmers have created a shortcut for representing it. They often use the character 'E' where you use "*10^". This means that if you type "1.989E30", excel will recognize that as a number.
If keeping the current string format is very important, you could probably modify the string during extraction - replace '*10^' with E, and then whatever language you are using will have a string to number parser you can use.
If the real problem is that the real numbers are just too long in Excel, you can always format the cell that they are in. (right click the cell, select format cells, then select scientific.)
Good luck

Excel decimal seperator changes when using VBA

I set my Excel settings for decimal seperators to "."
This seems to work, since when I type 2.5 into a cell it recognizes it as a number and aligns it right.
Now I run the following code
dim string_var as string
string_var = .Cells(row, col).Value
.Cells(row, col).Value = string_var
I get 2,5 as output.
Why and when did the . get replaced with the , and how can it be avoided? Is there a special decimal delimiter setting for VBA?
In the VBA Console I get:
There is a related question without an answer: Decimal Seperator different in VBA and Excel The comments refer to the regional settings.
Just in case you wonder why I need the value in a string variable. I have a large dataset with text and digits and lots of blanks. I need to clean the output and therefore would like to use the string trim function.

How to convert numbers from European format to British in excel (separator commas to dots)?

I have excel files containing data in European format. Thousand separator is a dot, but I want to use a comma. I can easily convert it using =SUBSTITUTE function. However, when I do that I lose zeros at the end of the number.
For instance
11.500 (converts to) 11,5 (eleven thousand five hundred becomes eleven and a half)
After the conversion, I tried to change the custom format, but I had no luck.
Any ideas?
A). Using The Excel Formula
The problem you faced is due to the auto-conversion done by Excel to treat '.' as the DecimalSeparator. The below formula uses '&""' to force Excel to treat the value in the cell as the Text value instead in the Substitute function. The Value function will then force the result of the Substitute (in Text) to a number. You can then apply your desired NumberFormat accordingly.
=VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(<Cell Address>&"",".",""))
B) Using The VBA code
You can use the below to force the system to revert to 'dot' as the decimal separator and ',' as the thousand separator.
Sub OverrideSystemSeparators()
Application.DecimalSeparator = "."
Application.ThousandsSeparator = ","
Application.UseSystemSeparators = False
End Sub
The above code assumes that the excel file is opened using the Europe system with default Decimalseparator (',') and Thousandseparator ('.').
However, if you open it using UK/US system and the data is still in Europe format, do validate if the data is in Number format or Text format.
If it is in Text format, do use the below code instead -- you will need to replace the last 2 statements based on the data range you would like to convert. In brief, it replaces '.' with nothing and then, applies the NumberFormat to add ',' as the thousand separator.
Sub OverrideSystemSeparators()
Application.UseSystemSeparators = True
ActiveCell.Value = Replace(ActiveCell.Value, ".", "")
ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
End Sub

Python 3 Pandas write to CSV format column as string

having an issue with handling oddly formatted excel data and writing to CSV in a string format. In my sample data, the excel table I am importing has a column ('Item_Number') and the odd data in the cell looks like: ="0001", ="00201", 2002AA, 1003B.
When I try to output to csv, the results look like: 1, 201, 2002AA, 1003B.
When I try to output to excel, the results are correct: 0001, 00201, 2002AA, 1003B.
All of the dtypes are objects. Am I missing a parameter in my .to_csv() command?
df = pd.read_excel(filename,sheetname='Sheet1', converters= {'Item_Number':str})
Tried different iterations of replacing the "=" and " " " but no response.
Currently using the excel output but curious if there is a way to preserve string formatting in CSV. Thanks :)
Opening an excel spreadsheet with Python 3 Pandas that has data that looks like ="0001" will go to the dataframe correctly. CSV will turn it back to "1". Keeping the same format to CSV is apparently a known issue (from my comment above). To keep the formatting I have to add =" " back into the data like this:
df['Item_Number'] = '="' + df['Item_Number'] + '"'
Not sure if there is a cleaner version to that will have an Excel opened CSV file show 0001 without the quotes and equals sign.

Change text to specific date format + Excel VBA

I want to change so many dates saved as text in excel sheets to Arabic (Hijri) date format, ie; dd/mm/yyyy to (right to left) yyyy/mm/dd .. it can be done manually be change custom format from Number Format panel ( by choosing the location , calendar type and the right format from list ) then replace the text in cell by same value ..
I need VBA code to automate this replacement process for any ltr date and for existing rtl date just convert the format from general to date ..
another problem , there is some other text around the date in cell like ( dd/mm/yyyy ttt ) . I want the code to remove this text (ttt) ( any text ) and then change to the right format
I found this code but it is not work to my specific need
Changing the date format to yyyy-mm-dd
I appreciate any help , thanks in advance ..
You have a number of separate problems and it is unrealistic to expect someone else to have posted a complete solution to that set of problems or that someone will code a complete solution for you. You need to split your total problem into its components and create or look for a solution to each component.
You have strings that contain CE dates in the format “dd/mm/yyyy”. These dates could be surrounded by text. You give the example “dd/mm/yyyy ttt”. Can ttt contain spaces? Could the “ttt” come before the date? Could the string be as complicated as “aaaa bbbb cccc 12/11/2016 dddd eeee ffff”?
Whatever the situation, I suspect something like:
Dim Part() As String
Part = Split(.Cells(R, C).Value," ")
would be the core of first step. With my complicated example, this would give:
Part(0) = "aaaa"
Part(1) = "bbbb"
Part(2) = "cccc"
Part(3) = "12/11/2016"
: : : :
A loop over the parts of each cell value looking for a string for which IsDate gives True would allow you to find the date so .Cells(R, C).Value = Part(N) would delete the unwanted text.
I would take a copy of your data and try to code a macro that discards the unwanted text. If you can successfully create that macro, you have completed step 1 of your solution. If you have trouble with this macro, you can ask for help here and expect to get it.
The next step is to convert the string “dd/mm/yyyy” to an Excel date. Excel holds dates as the number of dates since 1/1/1900 CE. Replacing:
.Cells(R, C).Value = Part(N)by .Cells(R, C).Value = CDate(Part(N))ought to do the trick. However, Excel sometimes tries to interpret “dd/mm/yyyy” dates as “mm/dd/yyyy”. I think you will be alright but be aware of this possibility.
Your last step is to convert a date from the CE calendar to the Hijri calendar. This is not just a format issue. The two calendars have different year zeroes and different month lengths. There may be a standard conversion function in your country but there does not appear to be one here in the UK. There is help online so you should be able to find a function that will perform the conversion.
You have a number of separate problems and it is unrealistic to expect someone else to have posted a complete solution to that set of problems or that someone will code a complete solution for you. You need to split your total problem into its components and create or look for a solution to each component.
You have strings that contain CE dates in the format “dd/mm/yyyy”. These dates could be surrounded by text. You give the example “dd/mm/yyyy ttt”. Can ttt contain spaces? Could the “ttt” come before the date? Could the string be as complicated as “aaaa bbbb cccc 12/11/2016 dddd eeee ffff”?
Whatever the situation, I suspect something like:
Dim Part() As String
Part = Split(.Cells(R, C).Value," ")
would be the core of first step. With my complicated example, this would give:
Part(0) = "aaaa"
Part(1) = "bbbb"
Part(2) = "cccc"
Part(3) = "12/11/2016"
: : : :
A loop over the parts of each cell value looking for a string for which IsDate gives True would allow you to find the date so .Cells(R, C).Value = Part(N) would delete the unwanted text.
I would take a copy of your data and try to code a macro that discards the unwanted text. If you can successfully create that macro, you have completed step 1 of your solution. If you have trouble with this macro, you can ask for help here and expect to get it.
The next step is to convert the string “dd/mm/yyyy” to an Excel date. Excel holds dates as the number of dates since 1/1/1900 CE. Replacing:
.Cells(R, C).Value = Part(N)by .Cells(R, C).Value = CDate(Part(N))ought to do the trick. However, Excel sometimes tries to interpret “dd/mm/yyyy” dates as “mm/dd/yyyy”. I think you will be alright but be aware of this possibility.
Your last step is to convert a date from the CE calendar to the Hijri calendar. This is not just a format issue. The two calendars have different year zeroes and different month lengths. There may be a standard conversion function in your country but there does not appear to be one here in the UK. There is help online so you should be able to find a function that will perform the conversion.
You have a number of separate problems and it is unrealistic to expect someone else to have posted a complete solution to that set of problems or that someone will code a complete solution for you. You need to split your total problem into its components and create or look for a solution to each component.
You have strings that contain CE dates in the format “dd/mm/yyyy”. These dates could be surrounded by text. You give the example “dd/mm/yyyy ttt”. Can ttt contain spaces? Could the “ttt” come before the date? Could the string be as complicated as “aaaa bbbb cccc 12/11/2016 dddd eeee ffff”?
Whatever the situation, I suspect something like:
Dim Part() As String
Part = Split(.Cells(R, C).Value," ")
would be the core of first step. With my complicated example, this would give:
Part(0) = "aaaa"
Part(1) = "bbbb"
Part(2) = "cccc"
Part(3) = "12/11/2016"
: : : :
A loop over the parts of each cell value looking for a string for which IsDate gives True would allow you to find the date so .Cells(R, C).Value = Part(N) would delete the unwanted text.
I would take a copy of your data and try to code a macro that discards the unwanted text. If you can successfully create that macro, you have completed step 1 of your solution. If you have trouble with this macro, you can ask for help here and expect to get it.
The next step is to convert the string “dd/mm/yyyy” to an Excel date. Excel holds dates as the number of dates since 1/1/1900 CE. Replacing:
.Cells(R, C).Value = Part(N)by .Cells(R, C).Value = CDate(Part(N))ought to do the trick. However, Excel sometimes tries to interpret “dd/mm/yyyy” dates as “mm/dd/yyyy”. I think you will be alright but be aware of this possibility.
Your last step is to convert a date from the CE calendar to the Hijri calendar. This is not just a format issue. The two calendars have different year zeroes and different month lengths. There may be a standard conversion function in your country but there does not appear to be one here in the UK. There is help online so you should be able to find a function that will perform the conversion.
