WebPICmdLine.exe not working on Windows Azure - azure

I am working on Windows Azure SDK 1.4 version. I have written an sample application having a startp script. Script is as below:
"%~dp0\WebPICmdLine.exe" /Products: WDeploy /xml:https://www.microsoft.com/web/webpi/2.0/RTM/WebProductList.xml /log:webdeploy.txt
net stop wmsvc
net start wmsvc
If application is deployed on Azure along with this script, webrole goes in busy and aborted state. If I remove this script and deploy an application, it works fine, without any error.
Is anyone faced this kind of issue or anyone has an idea about this issue? OR
anyone know how I can see log file /log:webdeploy.txt mentioned in command and where this file wil be located after deploying an application on Windows Azure?
Anykind of suggestion are welcome.

got the answer:
Please refer link
To work command, we need to add paramerer /accepteula
Now, if I run command as mentioned below, its working fine.
"%~dp0\WebPICmdLine.exe" /accepteula /Products: WDeploy /xml:https://www.microsoft.com/web/webpi/2.0/RTM/WebProductList.xml /log:webdeploy.txt


Post-build actions in Python/Linux webapp do not run

I have a Django-based web app deployed from Github, running in Python 3.9. The app deploys and starts successfully.
I need to add post-build actions to complete the deployment; the exceeding common Django task of running "manage.py". Following the general and python-specific docs I have added the an app setting of
There is a shell script, postbuild.sh in the root of my app, which runs fine if I SSH into the running container. The expected behaviour is that after deployment, this should run, and output to the deployment log. Neither of these things happen.
I have tested the app setting POST_BUILD_COMMAND with a very simple echo, and that does nothing either.
Can you tell me either what I need to do to make these app settings work, or suggest an alternative method of running the post-build script?
Please note that this is a Linux app using Oryx, so answers concerning Windows/Kudu like this one aren't related.
I noticed you asked your question over here as well. Your setting needs to be set to a relative path, /postbuild.sh.

Azure Flask web app + Azure SQL + Github | 500 server error every day

I've created Flask web app which is connected to an Azure SQL db. The app works just fine locally and I've pushed it successfully using two methods (i) Github and (ii) External Repository. When it is just pushed, everything works just fine, but for some reason, it will later on within the day (or the next day) crash and provide an 500 internal server error. When I push it again, it works just fine... and so on and so forth.
I've looked at a majority of post related to this issue but I could not find a solution so far. The thing is I don't really know where to look to find a solution. The Azure diagnosies isn't helpful in this case and just tells me :
I thought it might be the connections string with the db, but it works just fine for a day before the app crashed.
Then I though it might be the service plan, but I tried several (test & prod) and the problem remains.
I suspect it might be the app server itself, but I don't know where to look to confirm.
Any ideas on how to resolve such an issue ?
Flask app = Python 3.8
I found a solution that seems to work. I hope it will last and that it'll help someone in the same situation.
I. Kudu :
Go to the Kudo console : myAppName.scm.azurewebsites.net/,
Go to Bash menu (I'm Linux based),
cd LogFiles,
cat 2021_10_08_xxx_docker.log,
I found this :
II. Azure CLI :
After a bit of research, I found this command to modify the WEBSITES_PORT :
az webapp config appsettings set --resource-group <ressource-group> --name <appname> --settings WEBSITES_PORT=8000.

Vague error with Azure DevOps web app deploy

I am attempting to use an Azure App Service Deploy task in Azure DevOps to deploy a file to an app service in Azure. I have been able to use this release pipeline to deploy to the same app service in the past. Two things have changed: I had to re-make the build machine (which exists in Azure), and the source code moved from Azure DevOps to GitLab.
The error I am running into is:
Error: (3/21/2019 4:34:45 PM) An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote computer.
Error: The server experienced an issue processing the request. Contact the server administrator for more information.
Well, I'm the server admin, and I don't have a clue.
Is there some log file I can look at for more information? Can someone please offer some suggestions?
I'm happy to provide additional information, I'm just not sure what would help at this point.
Thank you Tom Sun for directing me to the system.debug variable. That was very helpful. When I turned on the debugging the release worked, witch really doesn't make sense. I started the build machine after it had automatically shut down the day before, but then I had also rebooted the machine eight or nine times before that.
I removed the debug variable and the release still works.
I have no satisfying answer to how this issue was resolved and I don't know how to get the system in a state to reproduce the error.
An additional finding I have is that the artifact produced by the original build was a corrupt war file. Perhaps that had something to do with it?

Why does my Umbraco installation from within the Azure Marketplace always fail?

I am trying to install Umbraco by using the Azure Marketplace. There they offer a template for it. I am always receiving the error below. I tried to install it a couple of times now but I always get the same error.
Does anybody know what this error message means? Is anybody able to install Umbraco by using the template in the Azure Marketplace?
You're asking 2 questions above.
Please see my answers and proposed troubleshooting guide/workaround below:
The error message means that the MSDeploy process failed due to some error which renders it unable to deploy the web deploy package for your Umbraco web app.
Yes I am able to provision a Umbraco web app from the Azure Market successfully (Location: Central US) and couldn't reproduce your issue
Troubleshooting Guide:
Append .scm in front of the azurewebsites.net of your Umbraco Web App as shown below and go to the Url.
Click on the Diagnostic Dump. You will be prompted to download a .zip file
Extract the zip file. You should see 2 folders at root level
Go into
You should see the detail log files for MSDeploy
Detailed MSDeploy log messages are in the appManagerLog.xml file.
If it is related to client side issue which can be resolved by yourself, you can try to resolve it and try again.
If it is related to server side issue, you should create a support ticket for Microsoft to look into with the detailed MSDeploy log which pinpoints the root cause which will help them a lot.
Hope this is useful.
A Microsoft employee confirmed this is a bug in the application currently. I have to wait for a fix.
I have encountered numerous problems with the Azure installer of Umbraco, try setting it up in VS2015 then publishing it to Azure. I have found that this works well.

Azure Worker Role not working properly

I have a Worker Role which isn´t working on Cloud environment.
When I run it locally, it runs perfectly, but, when I deploy it to Azure I´m having some troubles. The deploy, itself, occurs seamlessy, after the VM starts, my app doesn´t run. There is nothing on Event Log, and, even after I setted up the app to flush all Trace Messages to Azure Table, nothing is wrote there too.
How can I check if my app is really running on the VM? Why my app isn´t working there as it works locally?
Have tried to implement diagnostics on your webrole? This is the best way to find any errors in your code. An other solution is to install sysinternals during startup. Patriek van Dorp has made a nu get package thad adds the sysinternal suite as a plugin for your cloud project.
The best way is to enable RDP and remote into the machine. Then you can look at the processes running and ensure that things are running as you expect. It is odd that there is nothing in the event log if it is failing to run. Does the portal show the deployment as Ready?
Maybe too late, but i had similar issue.When i run it locally, it was running.After deploy did not run anything.Problem was that, i deploying into website,where worker not available.You should deploy into CloudService(there are available both roles) or make Sheduler, which will do request on your page, where process job you needed.In your custom intreval, ofcourse.
BTW sorry about my english ...
