Categorized Random Questions in Quiz 4.x module of Drupal 6 - drupal-6

What is the flow to create questions for a quiz that allows Categorized Random Questions in Quiz 4.x module? I cannot find any documentation at all in this regard.
Saving a quiz with that option takes me to the 'Manage Questions' page with an 'Add a category' option. Trying to add any new category (that I intend to associate with my questions later) throws a 'The term name you entered doesn't match any registered question terms'error. What are the registered question terms and where do I see them/create them?

You need to go in Drupal (i use v6.19, Quiz v4.0) to Administer/Content management/Taxonomy and create a vocabulary (eg Question Category), within that you can create terms (eg simple, medium, hard).
Then in question Edit, you should see a new drop down - question category, and select simple, med, or hard for that question.
once you have done that for a few questions, go to your quiz and select Categorized random questions under Randomize Questions. Then you will be asked to allocate the no of simple questions etc
it looks very flexible to me and is exactly what we need.


How to handle drag and drop lists in mongodb/express? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm building a kanban board like spa with user boards that contain lists, and lists that contain cards all with drag and drop functionality using vue.js in front-end and express.js with mongoose in back-end.
I'm currently stuck on how to set up my models and sorting correctly.
Could anyone give me an example of a 3 simple mongoose models for a board, a list and a card that would work for a drag and drop functionality for lists and cards, together with sorting, routes would be awesome too?
I'm completely lost if I should use embedding or referencing, I've tried both ways but it doesn't seem right.
I know how trello/wakan/kanbanflow does it, I know about the websockets way, but for now I just need a very simple, basic set-up without realtime updates.
From what I gather -
Board model - contains members array with id's of users
List model - contains board id and list of cards (refs or embedded?), or just board id?
Card model - contains board id and list id?
How would I query the cards for the board view, as they have to be in their own respected lists?
I get a board by id, then use aggregation and lookup/fill boards lists, then for each of those lists i should look up/fill with cards? Sounds like a lot of querying going on, not really efficient?
For board I only really need to add members, change the title.
For list - I need to be able to re-order them and change title.
For cards - Alot of stuff going on here: title, description, card members, activities, comments etc.. I think I'll use referenced activities,comments, card members etc, but my main concern is how to handle the re-ordering and creating/deleting cards/lists with drag and drop?
Here's an example app sandbox to get a better understanding of what functionality i want to achieve. This is where I am so far. With this logic, I have 3 collections - boards lists and cards and earch are refereced to its parent by id.
The decision for embedding vs referencing is often influenced by the way you want to query a data.
It is also an interesting question if cards would also contain discussions. (<- but that is another discussion) because it would bring another nesting level.
What about
var schema = new mongoose.Schema({bucket:'string', position:'number', title: 'string', body: 'string',isDone:'boolean'});
var card = mongoose.model('Card', schema);
the board would be all cards grouped by bucket and ordered by position within the bucket. (For Grouping it is recommended to use the aggregate function).
Dragging within a bucket (changing) the position would be to update the positions of the cards. Moving the cards between buckets would be to update the bucket field.
When you look at trello I think they worked with websockets which pushes changes to the clients and the client reacts to the updates.
This would mean a total different model. So, the server contains all changes for a board. So you would need to model all changes as commands/events. "CARD_CREATED", CARD_MOVED_TO_BUCKET with its corresponding payload. With this, you would be able to push changes to the server and back to the client. You want to look at eventsourcing, cqrs, redux, to get more information about storing the state as a series of changes. Think about your bank account. The total is an aggregated result of all debits and credits.
So while the first approach will work for you, the second one could be interesting to look into it.

Filtering SharePoint List by Another SharePoint List

I posted this question on Stack Exchange here: (, but just realized I should have posted it to Stack Overflow instead. Hope it's not bad form to cross-post (I'll add a link to this post in the other post).
I've been searching the forums and doing research online with no luck- apologies if this has been answered before.
I have a list with several thousand items in it. I often receive bulk update requests where I need to update several hundred of these items at a time (let's say for this example that we're using a field called "Case ID").
Here's what I've tried:
Searching cases individually, or up to three at a time in datasheet view; this is not time effective
Exporting the list and manually manipulating the data in Excel, then pasting in (and writing over) the data in the column that needs to be updated; this approach is not user friendly, is not necessarily time effective, and has potential side effects (causing errors for users currently modifying items that I am changing in bulk)
Lastly- I know I can create custom views that isolate this data; the problem is that the lists of cases I need to modify generally do not have enough commonalities to isolate them using the view filter logic
So- my guess is that I need two lists, likely connected with a web part. The first list would exist solely for the purpose of querying the second list. I would enter the Case IDs I wanted to filter by in the first list, and the second list would filter to show only the Case IDs in the first list. All items would be deleted from the first list between queries.
I'm not married to this approach- it's just my best guess. I'm open to creative and alternative approached, but the final process needs to be user friendly (business partners will be using it).
Does anyone know how I can accomplish this? I've tried to get something implemented several times over the past few years and have never been successful; posting here is my last resort before I throw in the towel.
I have SP 2013, and have SharePoint Designer; please let me know if I need to add any other information.
Thanks in advance for the support,
I'd suggest to create a JSOM application that will do all updates. It can query only items for update and do item-by-item update.

What is a 'type of user' in a User story? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I work as a UX-designer and have some experience with user stories from agile development projects where they were used to document functional requirements on the form:
As a [type of user] I want to [goal] so that [reason]
After a discussion with some colleagues we identified three different interpretations of what a [type of user] is supposed to be.
For me as a UX-designer the [type of user] would represent a persona, an
archetypical end user or customer built from user research on real
One of the developers said the [type of user] was a role in the
software, for example a medic or a sniper in a war game.
A project leader said the [type of user] represented team roles
in the development project, for example a tester or a developer.
Who is right? If all of us are right, wouldn't this be a common source of confusion?
User stories are written in the language and from the viewpoint of end users of the product.
So the user's are exactly that: they are users of the system.
Examples include:
A doctor using some medical software
A shopper using an online shop
A product manager using a product report
To answer as short as possible: the person is a "stake holder".
Now what is that stake holder? It is the person having the (biggest) benefit of the story tasks to be performed.
Most general it's the app user. It can use a new feature.
It could be a developer, e.g. the story could intend to make an app more resilient
It could be your manager, maybe there is a risk to be closed
And many many more. As long as it's getting benefit of this story to be finished.
(side note: I never liked this way of story writing. too many boilerplate, but also our agile coach urges us to write stories in this format)
1 and 2 are very common in use. I've worked with many teams who created a number of persona's for their product, say Jane the elderly lady, Daphne the hipster who does everything with her smartphone and John the executive who lets everything be arranged by his personal assistant.
These personas have very different requirements of a piece of software even though they may be performing the same function in the system or are acting from the perspective of the same role.
The value statement for one may even conflict with the value statement for another. Where Jane might want a large font and only the information relevant t her current action, John ('s assistant) may want to have a broader view and doesn't mind visualizations and small fonts if it means she can cram more information on the same screen.
So see the personas as a way to further scope down specific roles and make your user stories more "human" by staying away from tightly scoped roles. Remember, the user story is meant to really tell the story of a user and what the functionality will help him/her accomplish and what that would bring to these people. The roles "administrator", "customer", "gold customer" tend to be empty of emotion and often don't lead to the right discussions.
I remember some team discussions where people remarked mid-discussion: "While John would love that, we'd have lost Jane 3 steps ago". Which lead to a change in the proposed functionality.
As for option 3, I see quite a few teams do that, and for certain roles it may make sense... As a operations engineer I need thorough logging in order to analyze production incidents quickly. could be an example. But teams taking it to As a requirements analyst I need the requirements for story 27 is taking it too far. Often these items fall in the non-functional requirement bucket and do not provide true end-user functionality. For these types of Product Backlog Items you may need to check whether a User Story is the best format to describe them.
The first and second are right but they are not different, rather are complementary.
Type of user can be:
Joe a person.
A banker, some rol.
Joe the banker, a person that have a rol.
In resume you can use any context for a type of user, so you can use one of them or a mix.
Hope my english can be undertand =).
All are useful, none are wrong and none are the only way. Read more on a blog post I wrote to follow up this answer.
The 3 nuances you describe are each valid and provide useful information. Consider trying each to see which works best for you. My advice would be to avoid restricting what 'user' can mean as it may cut you off from useful insight and deeper meaning into what you're building
The goal of a user story (originally, Kent Beck wanted them to be just called 'stories') is not to write better user stories; it is to go beyond requirement and into true understanding. For this, you need to who who the software is for, what problem it is solving for them and why that problem is valuable to be solved.
Consider this as an experiment to know if you have the right type of user. Answer the question, "Do I know how this thing I'm building will change the world of those who will use it?" If not, you may not understand yet who it is for.
User stories best used to describe the requirements from the product backlogs so that how the end user or stakeholder will see and use the product from his point of view. And PO should be the best person who can comment about the correctness of the user story. If PO is taking input from team for the development of user stories, the one should visualize more on the usage of the product rather
than simply classifying the type of user. Though the type of user are important, but the emphasis needs to be given to usage such as,
1. the doctor accessing the medical website to know the content of the drug and its manufacturer so what kind of access needs to be given to him on the other hand
2. if the druggist is looking for the particular drug, available quantity, shipment time then according access and workflow needs to be provided.
From the above given usages, I find the 1st one as appropriate i.e. persona and its the usage of the system from his point of view. For each usage of the system, one can create user stories and accordingly the workflow can be developed.

Are these tasks all doable in sharepoint 2010 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm not all that familiar with sharepoint. A client of ours asked if the following can be setup in sharepoint. I believe the following is all achievable, however he had a few questions, which I've included at the bottom. Here's the description:
Client wants to catalog all of his images in sharepoint. These images are used for marketing, annual reports, etc. Here are some features they need:
We’ll setup a subsite and make this guy an admin. He can edit a couple of group memberships to define who can have full access and who has read only.
Let him upload pictures…this is a photo library. Probably in a document library. He’ll need metatags, or custom fields. Description, expiration date, some others.
Give them some views grouping by some of this metadata. Like country.
Send out a weekly report of images nearing expiration.
When images have expired, delete them automatically
General search that will search all metatags and return hits
And here are his questions:
Couple of questions (not sure if these are possible):
- They would like to have a low quality image with a watermark over top of it for read only people. And they would have to click to ask for permission for the full version. The manager would get an email when this permission is asked for. Not sure what is the easiest way after that. Maybe the manager clicks something that will email the full image to that person. If this is doable, write up for me how it would work. So people with full permission see the full image, people with read only see the watermark version.
Is it possible to have it search by only one field, like country. Or give them to the choice to do a general search for all.
In sharepoint, is it possible to show a thumbprint image in the list of pictures? So if they search and get 10 results, they see the thumbnail and they don’t have to click on each one to even see a basic picture.
Are these all doable in sharepoint?
Let him upload pictures…this is a photo library. Probably in a
document library. He’ll need metatags, or custom fields. Description,
expiration date, some others.
Give them some views grouping by some of this metadata. Like country.
Send out a weekly report of images nearing expiration.
When images have expired, delete them automatically
General search that will search all metatags and return hits
Everything in the first section SharePoint provides out of the box. The email may be the hardest part but even then it is likely a simple timer job.
a low quality image with a watermark over top of it for read only
Showing different images based on user security may be tricky. There is the ability for each item in a library to have its own security but it can be hard to maintain and slow down performance so I would recommend storing them in two lists. One for the watermark images and one for the full image. Linking the two is easy.
Is it possible to have it search by only one field, like country. Or
give them to the choice to do a general search for all.
Searching on one field and general search is also provided out of the box and you can create custom pages with any kind of search you could need.
In sharepoint, is it possible to show a thumbprint image in the list
of pictures? So if they search and get 10 results, they see the
thumbnail and they don’t have to click on each one to even see a basic
I know the 2013 search provides a preview but I do not know about 2010.

When should user stories be combined and separated? [closed]

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This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 5 years ago.
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As a school project, we are rolling out our initial set of user stories. Should a user story record the original idea from a user, without combining them or separate them?
For example, John added that "I want to post multiple choice questions.", and Mike added that "Except multiple questions, I want to post true/false questions." David added that "I want a confirmation box before I add questions"
Do you leave those 3 user stories as it is, or you want to combine John's and Mike's as "I want to post multiple choice and true/false questions." and within this new user story a detail like "show a conformation box before clicking the add buttion"?
What do you choose?
From User Stories Applied book (Mike Cohn), he talked about a "Good user story" which should have these characteristics:
I.N.V.E.S.T (Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, Testable)
Your question falls to "Independent" characteristic. The reason to combine OR separate is depending on how to make them "independent".
The reason to split/separate story cards
The story is bigger than one sprint
story combine with high and low priority sub stories
The reason to combine story card
When we see they have "dependency". And after combining, it's not gonna take more than 5 days to implement.
After combining and it would take more than 5 days, you should find another way to split the story.
About your example:
I want to post multiple choice questions.
I want to post true/false questions.
show a conformation box before clicking the add button
In my opinion, I will leave them as 3 stories because they look independent. Even for "confirmation box", you can implement just a box with add button that can show alert box for confirmation without any questions. Three of them look valuable and independent by themselves. Anyway, Product Owner or Customer is the one who can tell you if the stories are valuable for them or not. So, after splitting or combining, you have to confirm with Product Owner to make sure the stories are still correct.
I agree with Natty that I would leave them as independent stories. Just because they are related, does not mean they have the same business priority.
For example, it is entirely possible that the client decides that multiple choice questions are the highest priority, followed by true-false questions, but the confirmation box is so low on their priority scale that they would not want it implemented should budget not cover all stories in the backlog.
For this reason alone, I would keep them independent so that I could capture that business priority on each feature.
However, if I noticed that the client was always talking about them as "one story" and prioritizing them as a group, then I might consider making a combined story for prioritization purposes that would then be broken into multiple sub-stories for the development team to estimate and deliver.
