looking for a proper way to implement my generic factory - c#-4.0

I'm struggling with implementing a factory object. Here's the context :
I've in a project a custom store. In order to read/write records, I've written this code in a POCO model/separated repository:
public class Id { /* skip for clarity*/} // My custom ID representation
public interface IId
Id Id { get; set; }
public interface IGenericRepository<T> where T : IId
T Get(Id objectID);
void Save(T #object);
public interface IContext
TRepository GetRepository<T, TRepository>()
where TRepository : IGenericRepository<T>
where T:IId;
IGenericRepository<T> GetRepository<T>()
where T:IId;
My IContext interface defines two kind of repositories.
The former is for standard objects with only get/save methods, the later allows me to define specifics methods for specific kind of objects. For example :
public interface IWebServiceLogRepository : IGenericRepository<WebServiceLog>
ICollection<WebServiceLog> GetOpenLogs(Id objectID);
And it the consuming code I can do one of this :
MyContext.GetRepository<Customer>().Get(myID); --> standard get
MyContext.GetRepository<WebServiceLog, IWebServiceLogRepository>().GetOpenLogs(myID); --> specific operation
Because most of objects repository are limited to get and save operations, I've written a generic repository :
public class BaseRepository<T> : IGenericRepository<T>
where T : IId, new()
public virtual T Get(Id objectID){ /* provider specific */ }
public void Save(T #object) { /* provider specific */ }
and, for custom ones, I simply inherits the base repository :
internal class WebServiceLogRepository: BaseRepository<WebServiceLog>, IWebServiceLogRepository
public ICollection<WebServiceLog> GetByOpenLogsByRecordID(Id objectID)
/* provider specific */
Everything above is ok (at least I think it's ok). I'm now struggling to implement the MyContext class. I'm using MEF in my project for other purposes. But because MEF doesn't support (yet) generic exports, I did not find a way to reach my goal.
My context class is looking like by now :
public class UpdateContext : IContext
private System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Type, object> m_Implementations;
public UpdateContext()
m_Implementations = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Type, object>();
public TRepository GetRepository<T, TRepository>()
where T : IId
where TRepository : IGenericRepository<T>
var tType = typeof(T);
if (!m_Implementations.ContainsKey(tType))
/* this code is neither working nor elegant for me */
var resultType = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().SelectMany(
(a) => a.GetTypes()
var result = (TRepository)resultType.InvokeMember("new", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, new object[] { this });
m_Implementations.Add(tType, result);
return (TRepository)m_Implementations[tType];
public IGenericRepository<T> GetRepository<T>() where T : IId
return GetRepository<T, IGenericRepository<T>>();
I'd appreciate a bit of help to unpuzzle my mind with this quite common scenario

Not sure if I've understood you correctly, but I think you're perhaps over complicating things. To begin with, make sure you've designed your code independent of any factory or Dependency Injection framework or composition framework.
For starters lets look at what you want your calling code to look like, this is what you said:
MyContext.GetRepository<Customer>().Get(myID); --> standard get
MyContext.GetRepository<WebServiceLog, IWebServiceLogRepository>().GetOpenLogs(myID);
You don't have to agree with my naming choices below, but it indicates what I undertand from your code, you can tell me if I'm wrong. Now, I feel like the calling would be simpler like this:
Line 1:
Because the type here is IRepository it's clear what the return type is, and what the T type is for the base IRepository.
Line 2:
The return type here from the factory is IWebServiceLogRepository. Here you don'y need to specify the entity type, your interface logically already implements IRepository. There's no need to specify this again.
So your interface for these would look like this:
public interface IRepository<T>
T Get(object Id);
T Save(T object);
public interface IWebServiceLogRepository: IRepository<WebServiceLog>
List<WebServiceLog> GetOpenLogs(object Id);
Now I think the implementations and factory code for this would be simpler as the factory only has to know about a single type. On line 1 the type is IRepository, and in line 2, IWebServiceLogRepository.
Try that, and try rewriting your code to simply find classes that implement those types and instantiating them.
Lastly, in terms of MEF, you could carry on using that, but Castle Windsor would really make things much simpler for you, as it lets you concentrate on your architecture and code design, and its very very simple to use. You only ever reference Castle in your app startup code. The rest of your code is simply designed using the Dependency Injection pattern, which is framework agnostic.
If some of this isn't clear, let me know if you'd like me to update this answer with the implementation code of your repositories too.
and here's the code which resolves the implementations. You were making it a bit harder for yourself by not using the Activator class.
If you use Activator and use only one Generic parameter as I've done in the method below, you should be ok. Note the code's a bit rough but you get the idea:
public static T GetThing<T>()
List<Type> assemblyTypes = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
.SelectMany(s => s.GetTypes()).ToList();
Type interfaceType = typeof(T);
var gens = interfaceType.GetGenericArguments();
List<Type> narrowed = assemblyTypes.Where(p => p.IsGenericType && !p.IsInterface).ToList();
var implementations = new List<Type>();
var imp = t.MakeGenericType(gens);
return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(implementations.First());
List<Type> implementations = assemblyTypes.Where(p => interfaceType.IsAssignableFrom(p) && !p.IsInterface).ToList();
return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(implementations.First());


Using one Validator for multiple request DTOs? or multiple Validators for a single request DTO?

I have several ServiceStack request DTOs that implement an interface called IPageable. I have a validator that can validate the two properties that are on this interface. I think I'm going to end up having one validator per request type, but I'm trying to avoid having to duplicate that IPageable-related validation logic in all of them.
public class PageableValidator : AbstractValidator<IPageable>
public PageableValidator()
RuleFor(req => req.Page)
RuleFor(req => req.PageSize)
.When(req => req.Page > 1);
Some ideas I've had about this include:
It appears I can't just have container.RegisterValidators() apply
this to all request types that implement IPageable, but that was my
first thought.
can I specify multiple <Validator> attributes on all the request
definitions, so that both a request-specific validator runs, as well
as my IPageable validator?
can I specify at validator registration time that for all types
implementing IPageable, my IPageable validator should run?
can I write a base class for my request-specific validators that
gets the rules from my PageableValidator and includes / runs them?
I can make something sort of work by subclassing AbstractValidator<T> where T : IPageable , but I'd like to be able to do validation on more than one interface in more of an aspect-oriented way.
I don't know the answers to your questions but a few options came to mind to after reading your question.
I am not familiar with the <Validator> attribute, but in regards to question 2, you could create a Filter attribute that would run your paging validation. This allows you to use many attributes on your request and set their priority.
public class PageableValidator : Attribute, IHasRequestFilter
public void RequestFilter(IHttpRequest req, IHttpResponse res, object requestDto)
if (requestDto is IPageable)
var validator = new PageableValidator(); //could use IOC for this
validator.ValidateAndThrow(requestDto as IPageable);
public IHasRequestFilter Copy()
return (IHasRequestFilter)this.MemberwiseClone();
public int Priority { get { return -1; //setting to negative value to run it before any other filters} }
Another option would be creating an abstract class for Paging validation. This would require a subclass for every Request and requires a bit more code and some repetition*. Though, depending on how you want to handle your error messages you could move the code around.
public abstract class PagerValidatorBase<T> : AbstractValidator<T>
public bool ValidatePage(IPageable instance, int page)
if (page >= 1)
return true;
return false;
public bool ValidatePageSize(IPageable instance, int pageSize)
if (pageSize >= 1 && instance.Page > 1)
return true;
return false;
public class SomeRequestValidator : PagerValidatorBase<SomeRequest>
public SomeRequestValidator()
//validation rules for SomeRequest
RuleFor(req => req.Page).Must(ValidatePage);
RuleFor(req => req.PageSize).Must(ValidatePageSize);
IMO, the repetition makes the code more explicit (not a bad thing) and is okay since it isn't duplicating the logic.

Add behavior to existing implementation - C# / Design Pattern

My current implementation for service and business layer is straight forward as below.
public class MyEntity { }
// Business layer
public interface IBusiness { IList<MyEntity> GetEntities(); }
public class MyBusinessOne : IBusiness
public IList<MyEntity> GetEntities()
return new List<MyEntity>();
public static class Factory
public static T Create<T>() where T : class
return new MyBusinessOne() as T; // returns instance based on T
//Service layer
public class MyService
public IList<MyEntity> GetEntities()
return Factory.Create<IBusiness>().GetEntities();
We needed some changes in current implementation. Reason being data grew over the time and service & client cannot handle the volume of data. we needed to implement pagination to the current service. We also expect some more features (like return fault when data is more that threshold, apply filters etc), so the design needs to be updated.
Following is my new proposal.
public interface IBusiness
IList<MyEntity> GetEntities();
public interface IBehavior
IEnumerable<T> Apply<T>(IEnumerable<T> data);
public abstract class MyBusiness
protected List<IBehavior> Behaviors = new List<IBehavior>();
public void AddBehavior(IBehavior behavior)
public class PaginationBehavior : IBehavior
public int PageSize = 10;
public int PageNumber = 2;
public IEnumerable<T> Apply<T>(IEnumerable<T> data)
//apply behavior here
return data
.Skip(PageNumber * PageSize)
public class MyEntity { }
public class MyBusinessOne : MyBusiness, IBusiness
public IList<MyEntity> GetEntities()
IEnumerable<MyEntity> result = new List<MyEntity>();
this.Behaviors.ForEach(rs =>
result = rs.Apply<MyEntity>(result);
return result.ToList();
public static class Factory
public static T Create<T>(List<IBehavior> behaviors) where T : class
// returns instance based on T
var instance = new MyBusinessOne();
behaviors.ForEach(rs => instance.AddBehavior(rs));
return instance as T;
public class MyService
public IList<MyEntity> GetEntities(int currentPage)
List<IBehavior> behaviors = new List<IBehavior>() {
new PaginationBehavior() { PageNumber = currentPage, }
return Factory.Create<IBusiness>(behaviors).GetEntities();
Experts please suggest me if my implementation is correct or I am over killing it. If it correct what design pattern it is - Decorator or Visitor.
Also my service returns JSON string. How can I use this behavior collections to serialize only selected properties rather than entire entity. List of properties comes from user as request. (Kind of column picker)
Looks like I don't have enough points to comment on your question. So, I am gonna make some assumption as I am not a C# expert.
Assumption 1: Looks like you are getting the data first and then applying the pagination using behavior object. If so, this is a wrong approach. Lets say there are 500 records and you are showing 50 records per fetch. Instead of simply fetching 50 records from DB, you are fetching 500 records for 10 times and on top of it you are adding a costly filter. DB is better equipped to do this job that C# or Java.
I would not consider pagination as a behavior with respect to the service. Its the behavior of the presentation layer. Your service should only worry about 'Data Granularity'. Looks like one of your customer wants all the data in one go and others might want a subset of that data.
Option 1: In DAO layer, have two methods: one for pagination and other for regular fetch. Based on the incoming params decide which method to call.
Option 2: Create two methods at service level. One for a small subset of data and the other for the whole set of data. Since you said JSON, this should be Restful service. Then based on the incoming URL, properly call the correct method. If you use Jersey, this should be easy.
In a service, new behaviors can be added by simply exposing new methods or adding new params to existing methods/functionalities (just make sure those changes are backward compatible). We really don't need Decorator or Visitor pattern. The only concern is no existing user should be affected.

How does one extend MEF to create objects based on a factory type provided as an attribute?

Consider the following existing classes which uses MEF to compose Consumer.
public interface IProducer
void Produce();
public class Producer : IProducer
public Producer()
// perform some initialization
public void Produce()
// produce something
public class Consumer
public IProducer Producer
public Consumer(IProducer producer)
Producer = producer;
public void DoSomething()
// do something
However, the creation of Producer has become complex enough that it can no longer be done within the constructor and the default behavior no longer suffices.
I'd like to introduce a factory and register it using a custom FactoryAttribute on the producer itself. This is what I have in mind:
public class Producer : IProducer
public Producer()
// perform some initialization
public void Produce()
// produce something
public class ProducerFactory
public Producer Create()
// Perform complex initialization
return new Producer();
public class FactoryAttribute : Attribute
public Type ObjectType
private set;
public FactoryAttribute(Type objectType)
ObjectType = objectType;
If I had to write the "new" code myself, it may very well look as follows. It would use the factory attribute, if it exists, to create a part, or default to the MEF to create it.
public object Create(Type partType, CompositionContainer container)
var attribute = (FactoryAttribute)partType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (FactoryAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault();
if (attribute == null)
var result = container.GetExports(partType, null, null).First();
return result.Value;
var factoryExport = container.GetExports(attribute.ObjectType, null, null).First();
var factory = factoryExport.Value;
var method = factory.GetType().GetMethod("Create");
var result = method.Invoke(factory, new object[0]);
return result;
There are a number of articles how to implement a ExportProvider, including:
MEF + Object Factories using Export Provider
Dynamic Instantiation
However, the examples are not ideal when
The application has no dependencies or knowledge of Producer, only IProducer. It would not be able to register the factory when the CompositionContainer is created.
Producer is reused by several applications and a developer may mistakenly forget to register the factory when the CompositionContainer is created.
There are a large number of types that require custom factories and it may pose a maintenance nightmare to remember to register factories when the CompositionContainer is created.
I started to create a ExportProvider (assuming this would provide the means to implement construction using factory).
public class FactoryExportProvider : ExportProvider
protected override IEnumerable<Export> GetExportsCore(ImportDefinition definition,
AtomicComposition atomicComposition)
// What to do here?
However, I'm having trouble understanding how to tell MEF to use the factory objects defined in the FactoryAttribute, and use the default creation mechanism if no such attribute exists.
What is the correct manner to implement this? I'm using MEF 2 Preview 5 and .NET 4.
You can make use of a property export:
public class ProducerExporter
public IProducer MyProducer
var producer = new Producer();
// complex initialization here
return producer;
Note that the term factory isn't really appropriate for your example, I would reserve that term for the case where the importer wants to create instances at will, possibly by providing one or more parameters. That could be done with a method export:
public class ProducerFactory
public IProducer CreateProducer(Type1 arg1, Type2 arg2)
return new Producer(arg1, arg2);
On the import side, you would then import a Func<Type1,Type2,IProducer> that you can invoke at will to create new instances.

Register component based on parameter name on requestor in windsor

I have this interface for using AutoMapper:
public interface IMapper
object Map(object source, Type sourceType, Type destinationType);
Then for each type of data, I have a different mapper class , for example:
public class UserMapper : IMapper
static UserMapper()
Mapper.CreateMap<User, UserViewModel>();
Mapper.CreateMap<UserViewModel, User>();
public object Map(object source, Type sourceType, Type destinationType)
return Mapper.Map(source, sourceType, destinationType);
Then I have IMapper as one of the parametter in my controller class like this:
public UsersController(IUsersRepository repo, IMapper userMapper)
I am using Windsor as the IOC for my application and the problem is that I want to register the components, so that when running in UsersController , it use the UserMapper class and if running on ProductsController it will use my ProductMapper class.
My registration code looks something along the line of this:
I have done my homework on google and stackoverflow, and i know that I need to use ServicesOverride but I am still stuck on this, could anyone give me a hand please?
While svick's solution looks correct to me (I haven't attempted to compile it, though), this scenario is an excellent case for convention-based configuration.
Let's introduce this convention: Each consumer of IMapper will signal the intended role of the mapper by its name. By default, that name will be matched with a type of the same name - only with different casing.
So, constructor parameters could be mapped like this:
userMapper -> UserMapper
productMapper -> ProductMapper
In Castle Windsor, such a configuration might look like this:
new MapperConvention(container.Kernel));
And the Sub Resolver (where the magic really happens) looks like this:
public class MapperConvention : ISubDependencyResolver
private readonly IKernel kernel;
public MapperConvention(IKernel kernel)
this.kernel = kernel;
public bool CanResolve(CreationContext context,
ISubDependencyResolver contextHandlerResolver,
ComponentModel model,
DependencyModel dependency)
return typeof(IMapper).IsAssignableFrom(dependency.TargetType);
public object Resolve(CreationContext context,
ISubDependencyResolver contextHandlerResolver,
ComponentModel model,
DependencyModel dependency)
var representativeMapperType = typeof(UserMapper);
var concreteMapperType = representativeMapperType.Assembly
.Where(t =>
return this.kernel.Resolve(concreteMapperType);
This registration works for me:

How to dynamically create collections of derived objects?

This question may appear to have been answered before but I have been unable to find exactly what I need. Here is my situation:
// Base class
interface IAnimal {};
public abstract class Animal : IAnimal{}
// Derived classes
interface IDog {}
public class Dog : Animal, IDog { }
interface ICat { }
public class Cat : Animal, ICat { }
interface ITiger { }
public class Tiger : Animal, ITiger { }
interface ILion { }
public class Lion : Animal, ILion { }
// Collection Classes
interface IPets { }
public class Pets
IDog dog = new Dog();
ICat cat = new Cat();
interface ICircus { }
public class Circus
ITiger tiger = new Tiger();
ILion lion = new Lion();
I would like to create the collections at run time in an generic Event class by reading in a list animals from xml that would make up the collection. What would be the correct way to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance.
This is kind of an answer to my own question. Maybe this will help others.
I chose a very generic example to illustrate my situation because I have uses for this in many places in Windows Forms, XNA and Silverlight that are all very different.
When I used the Activator, I found out that it assumes the executing assembly. My method is in a library so I had to load a different assembly. Next I had to make sure that I had the right namespace. My base class is in a library and the derived classes are in another namespace so this will require refactoring to properly create the list.
Another problem I found was that the Activator assumes a constructor with no parameters. In my test case all my derived classes are XNA game components with a parameter of type Game.
Have to do some refactoring to test out the interfaces and how the game objects are to interact.
Will be back to this list when I have something further.
Does this sort of example help? (It's from some of my code I happened to have handy.) The key point here is the use of reflection in Activator.CreateInstance(...).
public static List<dynamic> LoadChildEntities(XElement entityElt)
var children = new List<dynamic>();
foreach(XElement childElt in entityElt.Elements("entity"))
// Look up the C# type of the child entity.
string childTypename = "MyNamespace." + Convert.ToString(childElt.Attribute("type").Value);
Type childType = Type.GetType(childTypename);
if(childType != null)
// Construct the child entity and add it to the list.
children.Add(Activator.CreateInstance(childType, childElt));
throw new InvalidOperationException("No such class: " + childTypename);
return children;
If you want a list of IAnimal instead, it wouldn't be too tricky to change.
