Why the command button is not being displayed in my emulator? - java-me

I have already added 5 cammands in a form and I want to add a sixth but It does not display the sixth?
I am posting my codes below.
public Command getOk_Lastjourney() {
if (Ok_Lastjourney == null) {
// write pre-init user code here
Ok_Lastjourney = new Command("Last Journey", Command.OK, 0);
// write post-init user code here
return Ok_Lastjourney;
public Form getFrm_planjourney() {
if (frm_planjourney == null) {
// write pre-init user code here
frm_planjourney = new Form("Plan journey", new Item[] { getTxt_From(), getTxt_To(), getCg_usertype(), getCg_userpref(), getCg_searchalgo() });
// write post-init user code here
System.out.println("Append completed...");
return frm_planjourney;

Given System.out.println I assume you were debugging with emulator, right? in that case it would be really helpful to provide a screen shot showing how exactly does not display the sixth looks like.
Most likely you just got too many commands to fit to area allocated so that some of them are not shown until scrolled. There is also a chance that sixth command was reassigned to some other soft-button and you didn't notice that. Or there's something else - hard to tell with details you provided.
A general note - handling six actions with commands might be not the best choice in MIDP UI. For stuff like that, consider using lcdui List API instead. IMPLICIT kind of lists allow for more reliable and user friendly design than commands.


Is it possible to recolor a lottie animation programmatically?

If I have a lottie animation in the form of a json file, is there a way to recolor it in code or even within the json itself?
(To be clear, I hope there's a way to do it without involving After Effects. For instance if I decide to change my app's primary color, the whole app will change except the animation unless there's a way to do that.)
I figured it out. For this example, let's say I want to recolor a specific layer to Color.RED.
You'll need your LottieAnimationView, a KeyPath, and a LottieValueCallback
private LottieAnimationView lottieAnimationVIew;
private KeyPath mKeyPath;
private LottieValueCallback<Integer> mCallback;
Then in your onCreate (or onViewCreated for a fragment) you'll get the animation with findViewById, as well as "addLottieOnCompositionLoadedListener" to the lottieAnimationView, in which you will setup the "mKeyPath" and "mCallback":
lottieAnimationVIew = findViewById(R.id.animationView);
lottieAnimationView.addLottieOnCompositionLoadedListener(new LottieOnCompositionLoadedListener() {
public void onCompositionLoaded(LottieComposition composition) {
mKeyPath = getKeyPath(); // This is your own method for getting the KeyPath you desire. More on that below.
mCallback = new LottieValueCallback<>();
checkBox.addValueCallback(mKeyPath, LottieProperty.COLOR, mCallback);
The argument "LottieProperty.COLOR" specifies which property I am changing.
There's probably a better way to do this, but here's my "getKeyPath" method for finding the specific thing I want to change. It will log every KeyPath so you can see which one you want. Then it returns it once you've supplied the correct index. I saw that the one I want is the 5th in the list, hence the hard-coded index of 4.
private KeyPath getKeyPath() {
List<KeyPath> keyPaths = lottieAnimationView.resolveKeyPath(new KeyPath("Fill", "Ellipse 1", "Fill 1"));
for (int i = 0; i < keyPaths.size(); i++) {
Log.i("KeyPath", keyPaths.get(i).toString());
if (keyPaths.size() == 5) {
return keyPaths.get(4);
else {
return null;
Note that the "Fill", "Ellipse 1", "Fill 1" are strings I supplied to narrow the list down to just the ones that have those keys, because I know that the layer I want will be among those. There's likely a better way to do this as well.
There is another thread on this topic with the same approach but a bit simplified:
How to add a color overlay to an animation in Lottie?
Here's directly an example (Kotlin):
KeyPath("whatever_keypath", "**"),
) {
You can find the names of the keypaths also in the Lottie editor.

Docuemt postopen event not operating on profile document

I need to save serial number of the document in a profile document and here is a code of action Execute Script:
if (document1.isNewNote()){
var pdoc:NotesDocument=database.getProfileDocument("LastNumber","")
var lnm=pdoc.getItemValue("lastNumber")[0];
var inputText6:com.ibm.xsp.component.xp.XspInputText = getComponent("inputText6");
This code is not opening profile document at all. Any thing wrong in the code?
"LastNumber" is the name of the form used to create Profile Document ?
this profile document already exist ?
there are no reader fields in this profile document ?
you have an error on this line : var pdoc:NotesDocument=database.getProfileDocument("LastNumber","") ?
or you have debug it and see that pdoc is null ?
instead of pdoc.getItemValue("lastNumber")[0] you can use pdoc.getItemValueInteger("lastNumber") to get a typed result
I supposed that this field contains a number and you want to increment it
instead of using inputText field you can set value directly with document1.setValue("NumberField", lnm);
I second the caution Per is suggesting. Profile documents can be a beast. You should abstract access to the "next number" into a SSJS function call. Btw. in your code snippet you don't actually increment the last number. Also: if your input text control is bound, go after the data source, not the UI.
A crude way (I would use a managed application bean for better isolation) for a better function could be this:
if(document1.isNewNote() {
Then in a SSJS library you would have:
var applicationTools = {
"getNextNumber" : function() {
var pdoc:NotesDocument=database.getProfileDocument("LastNumber","");
if (!applicationScope.lastNumber) {
applicationScope.lastNumber = pdoc.getItemValueInteger("lastNumber");
pdoc.save(); //Make sure pdoc is writeable by ALL!!!!
return applicationScope.lastNumber;
"someOtherUtility" : function(nameToLookup, departments) {
// more stuff here
Which, in some way has been asked before, but not for a profile field. Someone still could simply go after the applicationScope.lastNumber variable, which is one of the reasons why I rather use a bean. The other: you could do the saving asynchronously, so it would be faster.
Note: in any case the number generation only works when you have a non-replicating database. But abstracting the function opens the possibility to replace fetching the number from the profile with a call to a central number generator ... or any other mechanism ... without changing your form again.

Using a Textfield to switch to a displayable in Java Me

I'm working with java me, I built an app using forms displayables. I'm trying to switch to other forms, based on the user's input in a textfield item. For example, I want the user to be able to type in the number "1" in the textfield and then be taken to form1 or type in "2" and be taken to form2 etc.
What's the code to do this?
Here's what I did but it's not working as expected:
form.setItemStateListener(new ItemStateListener() {
public void itemStateChanged(Item item) {
if (item == TextField) {
if ("1".equals(TextField.getString())) {
switchDisplayable(null, form1);
I've done as adviced. I added a command to the textfield item and listen on it to read textfield contents and then compare the contents as a string, to switch forms. See my code below, still not working. I think maybe there's something I'm missing or my logic is not right.
form.setCommandListener(new CommandListener() {
public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable) {
if (command == getTextFieldItemCommand()) {
if ("1".equals(TextField.getString())) {
switchDisplayable(null, form1);
} else if ("2".equals(TextField.getString())){
switchDisplayable(null, form2);
It looks like you expect method itemStateChanged to be invoked when it feels convenient to you, like at every character entry in the text field.
Above expectation is wrong, specified behavior is explained in API javadocs:
It is up to the device to decide when it considers a new value to have been entered into an Item... In general, it is not expected that the listener will be called after every change is made...
Given above, using itemStateChanged the way you want makes very little sense, consider changing design of your MIDlet.
I for one would probably just add a command Go and command listener to the form or text field and read text field contents when user invokes that command to find out which displayable they want to switch to.

Groovy help... About def edit and controllers

What does def edit = {} contain by default? You see, I was following a book but it turns out to be using an older version that's why some of the code don't work. I have this piece of code:
def edit= {
def user = User.get(params.id)
if (session?.user?.id == null){
flash.message = "You have to login first before editting your stuff."
}else if(session?.user?.id != params.id) {
flash.message = "You can only edit yourself."
//What should I put here?
It's already functional. If the user clicks on edit without logging in, then he's redirected to a login page. Otherwise, if he did login, then he's only allowed to edit himself. What should I put on the "else" clause? It should already should already allow the user to edit his stuff, but I don't really know how to implement what I want. :(
It would be great if someone could share the default edit snippet.
I'm a bit new to all these, so go easy on me.
If you're talking about Grails, back up your UserController and try grails generate-controller - it will give you the complete text of default actions.
I also suggest that you look through scaffolding chapter - it's a great point to start.
the default edit action should look like this (pseudo-code, it depends on the actual domain class you create the code upon):
def edit = {
redirect(action: "show", id: params.id)
return true
def <domain>Instance = <DomainClass>.get(params.id)
if (!<domain>Instance) {
flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.not.found.message', args: [message(code: '<DomainClass>.label', default: '<DomainClass>'), params.id])}"
redirect(action: "list")
else {
return [<domain>Instance: <domain>Instance]
btw: most of the time you don't have to do the security checks by programming these explicitly in the controller code, check out the Grails Spring Security Plugin for that purpose.

Implementing a blocking modal view/dialog like in Windows Forms - is it possible?

In short:
I want to show a view or action sheet and only continue code execution after the user has dismissed the view / sheet. So: line one shows the view, line two reads some result variable.
In detail why I would need this:
I'm porting a Windows Forms application over to the iPad. The original implementation has a communication class which uses a web service to communicate with the server. It offers a couple of methods to get data. Conveniently it checks prior to each call if the user still has a valid connection or if he has to re-enter his password for security reasons.
If the password is required, the .NET class shows a modal dialog which blocks any further code executio and if the password was entered, retries the last call it has made before showing the dialog.
Now using CocoaTouch I'm facing a problem. I replaced the code that shows the dialog with a UIActionSheet. Works great but code execution continues immediately, whereas in Windows Forms it is blocked (the next line in Windows Forms after showing the dialogs is to read the entered password from the dialog) until the dialog has been closed.
I tried a Thread.Sleep() until the user dismisses the UIActionSheet but the Thread.Sleep() also blocks the main loop and my view won't even be drawn.
The alternative I currently see is to change all methods in the already working class and give them a return value: if password required, handle it, then retry.
But this means that all over my code I will have to add these checks because at any given moment the password might be needed. That's why it is nested in communication class in Windows Forms.
Any other ideas?
Yes, it is possible.
To do this, what you can do is to run the mainloop manually. I have not managed to stop the mainloop directly, so I instead run the mainloop for 0.5 seconds and wait until the user responds.
The following function shows how you could implement a modal query with the above approach:
int WaitForClick ()
int clicked = -1;
var x = new UIAlertView ("Title", "Message", null, "Cancel", "OK", "Perhaps");
x.Show ();
bool done = false;
x.Clicked += (sender, buttonArgs) => {
Console.WriteLine ("User clicked on {0}", buttonArgs.ButtonIndex);
clicked = buttonArgs.ButtonIndex;
while (clicked == -1){
NSRunLoop.Current.RunUntil (NSDate.FromTimeIntervalSinceNow (0.5));
Console.WriteLine ("Waiting for another 0.5 seconds");
Console.WriteLine ("The user clicked {0}", clicked);
return clicked;
I think this approach using async/await is much better, and doesn't suffer from freezing the app when rotating the device, or when the autoscrolling interferes and leaves you stuck in the RunUntil loop forever without the ability to click a button (at least these problems are easy to reproduce on iOS7).
Modal UIAlertView
Task<int> ShowModalAletViewAsync (string title, string message, params string[] buttons)
var alertView = new UIAlertView (title, message, null, null, buttons);
alertView.Show ();
var tsc = new TaskCompletionSource<int> ();
alertView.Clicked += (sender, buttonArgs) => {
Console.WriteLine ("User clicked on {0}", buttonArgs.ButtonIndex);
return tsc.Task;
