getting standard input and storing it as a string in lisp - string

I realize this is probably a really stupid question but i have no idea why this isnt working and i pretty much gave up. basically i tried:
(setq answer (string (read)))
(setq answer 0)
(format answer "~s" (read))
(setq answer (read))
when i try to evaluate
(if (stringp answer)
(princ "works")
(princ "failed"))
on any of the above tries it always comes out failed.
what am i doing wrong?

Or you could just do:
(setq answer (read-line))
That gives you a string right there.
[1]> (setq answer (read))
[2]> (type-of answer)
(INTEGER 0 16777215)
[3]> (setq answer (read-line))
[4]> (type-of answer)

Start a fresh REPL, then try checking the return value of each of your steps:
T1> (read)
T1> (read)
T1> (type-of (read))
T1> (type-of (read))
Now note, that STRING won't work on all input types:
T1> (string 'foo)
T1> (string 1)
Also note that, unlike setq, (format foo ...) won't set foo, but write to it, if it's a stream or a string with a fill-pointer. Take a look at its Documentation, and you'll see:
format destination control-string
&rest args => result
destination---nil, t, a stream, or a
string with a fill pointer.
format is useful for producing nicely
formatted text, producing good-looking
messages, and so on. format can
generate and return a string or output
to destination.
If destination is a string, a stream,
or t, then the result is nil.
Otherwise, the result is a string
containing the `output.'
Try it like this:
T1> (setq *answer*
(with-output-to-string (s)
(format s "~s" (read))))
T1> *answer*
Or like this:
T1> (setq *answer* (make-array 20 :element-type 'character :fill-pointer 0))
T1> (format *answer* "~s" (read))
T1> *answer*
Those are the only relevant errors I could find in your code. This definitely returns "works" in every conforming CL (you could also use prin1-to-string):
T1> (defvar *answer*)
T1> (setq *answer* (format nil "~s" (read)))
T1> (if (stringp *answer*)
(princ "works")
(princ "failed"))
Unless you are in a messed-up package (try (in-package cl-user) before evaluating your code), or redefined basic functionality, this will work. Give some more exact error descriptions, if it still won't.
Having read Bill's answer, who correctly pointed at read-line as a shorter solution, I should maybe mention that I didn't try to show the best, most succinct, or most idiomatic approaches in my answer, and that those will vary depending on what you are really trying to do. (The shortest possible solution would have been "works" :) They are just examples that should help explaining why your code failed.
Another thing I forgot to say is that you should keep in mind, that toplevel setqs on variables not defined with defvar or defparameter are generally to be avoided in anything but dabbling at the REPL, since the consequences are undefined. Also, those variables are, by convention, wrapped in asterisks (also called earmuffs) in order to prevent bugs caused by confusing specials with lexically scoped variables.


How to convert a list of strings to symbols in elisp

The high-level goal is to use org-mode for handling package configuration using the pretty formatted lists which is passed in as a list of strings. package-installed-p and package-install both take symbols though.
i.e: with company installed
(if (package-installed-p 'company)
(print "yes")
(print "no"))
would output "yes"
Then from a string
(if (package-installed-p (intern "company"))
(print "yes")
(print "no"))
still outputs "yes"
It seems like I should be able to
(mapcar 'intern company)
to get a list of symbols defined from the strings in the list.
Instead, I get the error: 'Wrong type argument: stringp, ("company")'
The issue is that the string is wrapped inside a container.
(mapcar (lambda (x) (intern (car x))) packages)
appears to do the trick.

Switch statement in Lisp

Switch statement with Strings in Lisp.
(defun switch(value)
(case value
(("XY") (print "XY"))
(("AB") (print "AB"))
I want to compare if value is "XY" then print "XY" or same for "AB".
I have tried this code but it gives me nil. Can some please tell me what i am doing wrong?
You can use the library alexandria, which has a configurable switch macro:
(switch ("XY" :test 'equal)
("XY" "an X and a Y")
("AB" "an A and a B"))
print("XY") looks more like Algol (and all of its descendants) rather than LISP. To apply print one would surround the operator and arguments in parentheses like (print "XY")
case happens to be a macro and you can test the result yourself with passing the quoted code to macroexpand and in my implementation I get:
(let ((value value))
(cond ((eql value '"XY") (print "XY"))
((eql value '"AB") (print "AB"))))
You should know that eql is only good for primiitive data types and numbers. Strings are sequences and thus (eql "XY" "XY") ;==> nil
Perhaps you should use something else than case. eg. use cond or if with equal.
The Hyperspec on CASE says:
These macros allow the conditional execution of a body of forms in a clause that is selected by matching the test-key on the basis of its identity.
And strings are not identical in CL, i.e. (EQ "AB" "AB") => NIL.
That is why CASE wouldn't work for strings. You either need to use symbols (they are interned once only, thus guaranteeing identity) or use COND with EQUAL or even EQUALP if the letters case to be ignored.

Is there a single function that concat a string to every entry in a list?

(setq a '("bar" "baz" "barz"))
(setq prefix "foo")
;; Expected result
==> ("foobar" "foobaz" "foobarz")
I have been doing this by dolist or iterating through car. Is there a single function doing the same job?
Not a single function, but I would use:
(mapcar (apply-partially #'concat prefix) a)
There are lots of ways you could do this, though, and there's probably nothing particularly wrong with what you were doing.

Importing strings to Scheme without using open-input-string

I am trying to have my Scheme program import strings without needing to use open-input-string before the string. So for example, right now I can do the following:
> (scheme_lexer (open-input-string "3+4*2"))
However, is there a way for my program to work if I input the string this way?:
> (scheme_lexer ("3+4*2"))
Thank you!
Is there any particular reason you can't just make a scheme_lexer_string function that does this for you when dealing with strings? The extra parentheses just seem like clutter, and they make a macro the only real solution. If you dropped that requirement and made something like (scheme_lexer "3+4*2") acceptable, you can make an ordinary function for handling strings:
(define (scheme_lexer_string s)
(scheme_lexer (open-input-string s)))
If what you want is a function that handles both input ports and strings, you can make a general function that dispatches based on the type of the argument to the specific functions. In this case, your original scheme_lexer would be renamed to scheme_lexer_input_port and you would have these functions:
(define (scheme_lexer_string s)
(scheme_lexer_input_port (open-input-string s)))
(define (scheme_lexer in)
(if (string? in)
(scheme_lexer_string in)
(scheme_lexer_input_port in)))
Now scheme_lexer works for both strings and ports and dispatches to the correct function as desired.
> (scheme_lexer some-input-port)
... evaluates the content in the port
> (scheme_lexer "abcd")
... evaluates the string "abcd"
Here is one option. I have used a testing function lexer just to show the macro. You can adjust it to your needs.
(define (lexer sp) (read sp))
(define-syntax scheme_lexer
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (input))
(lexer (open-input-string input)))))
And to test:
> (scheme_lexer ("3+4*2"))

Emacs Lisp search-backward

Using VTK library with C++, quite often I have to write something like this:
vtkInteractorStyleRubberBandZoom *isrbz = vtkInteractorStyleRubberBandZoom::New();
Furthermore, every time I need to use a new VTK class in my program, I have to go somewhere up the source file and add #include "vtkInteractorStyleRubberBandZoom.h"
How do I automate it, so I have to type each of the excruciatingly long class names one time instead of three?
I tried writing an Emacs minor mode for it. There are probably existing solutions out there already (YaSnippet?), but I thought that writing it myself would be a good excercise, too.
;add to .emacs:
;(load "vtk-mode")
;(global-set-key [(control =)] 'expand-vtk)
(defun expand-vtk ()
(setq now (point))
(setq vtkstart (search-backward "vtk"))
(setq vtkend (- (search-forward " ") 1))
(setq vtkname (buffer-substring vtkstart vtkend))
;check for #include "vtkBlah.h"
(setq includename (format "#include \"%s.h\"\n" vtkname))
(search-backward includename nil (append-include-vtk includename))
(goto-char (+ now (length includename)))
(insert (format "= %s::New();" vtkname)))
(defun append-include-vtk (incname)
(goto-char 0)
(insert incname))
Basically, it works, except that searching for an include name always fails, e. g.:
vtkSomething *smth /*press C-= here, it looks backward for
#include "vtkSomething.h", can't find it and
calls append-include-vtk, adding it to the beginning
of the file, then comes back here and expands this line into: */
vtkSomething *smth = vtkSomething::New();
//and let's add another instance of vtkSomething...
vtkSomething *smth2 /*press C-= again, it looks backward for
#include "vtkSomething", and fails, despite the fact
that it was added by the previous command. So it adds it again."*/
What am I doing wrong here with search-backward?
(there's another (at least one) bug in the code, I shouldn't add the (length includename) if the search-backward for it was successful, but for now I am more interested in how to make it successful, in the first place)
OK, I got it. Somehow I got an idea that the third argument of search-backward (noerror) is a callback, which it isn't. Therefore it is evaluated every time, not just when the search fails. It should be something like this instead:
(defun expand-vtk ()
(setq now (point))
(setq vtkstart (search-backward "vtk"))
(setq vtkend (- (search-forward " ") 1))
(setq vtkname (buffer-substring vtkstart vtkend))
;check for #include "vtkBlah.h"
(setq includename (format "#include \"%s.h\"\n" vtkname))
(if (search-backward includename nil t)
(goto-char now)
(progn (append-include-vtk includename)
(goto-char (+ now (length includename)))))
(insert (format "= %s::New();" vtkname)))
(defun append-include-vtk (incname)
(goto-char 0)
(insert incname))
A command that's built into Emacs and will help you avoid typing excruciatingly long class names is dabbrev-expand (bound to M-/):
(dabbrev-expand ARG)
Expand previous word "dynamically".
Expands to the most recent, preceding word for which this is a prefix.
If no suitable preceding word is found, words following point are
considered. If still no suitable word is found, then look in the
buffers accepted by the function pointed out by variable
Having typed vtkInteractorStyleRubberBandZoom once, the next time you need it you just type vtkI M-/.
