Are features of programming languages a concept in semantics, syntax or something else? - programming-languages

When talking about features of programming languages, such as in Programming Language Comparison and D Language Feature Comparison Table, I was wondering what aspect of languages the concept "features" belong to or are discussed under?
or something else?
Thanks and regards!

This is just a gut feeling, I'm not a language theory guy or anything. I'd say adding a feature to a programming language means both
adding semantics for certain circumstances or construction (e.g. "Is-expressions return a boolean according whether the type of a template argument matches some type according to the following fifty rules: ...")
defining a syntax that belongs to it (e.g. adding IsExpr : "is" "(" someKindOfExpression ")" in the grammar)

It depends entirely on what you mean by a "feature," and how it's implemented. Some features, like Java's generics, are nothing but syntactic sugar - so that's a "syntax feature." The bytecode generated is unaffected by using Java's generics due to type erasure. This allows for backwards compatibility with pre-generic (e.g. Java 1.5) bytecode.
Other language features go much deeper than the syntactic level, like C#'s generics, which are implemented using reification to provide "first-class" generic objects.

I don't think that there is a clean separation for the concept of programming language "features", as many features like garbage collection (Java) or pattern matching (Haskell) are being provided by the runtime environment. So, generally I would say that the programming language - the grammar - per se provides no features. It just determines the rules of the language (Syntax). As the behaviour is being determined by how the code (produced by the grammar by obeying its rules) is being interpreted, programming language features are a sematic aspect.


Why are most scripting languages loosely typed?

why most of the scripting languages are loosely typed ? for example
javascript , python , etc ?
First of all, there are some issues with your terminology. There is no such thing as a loosely typed language and the term scripting language is vague too, most commonly referring to so called dynamic programming languges.
There is weak typing vs. strong typing about how rigorously is distinguished between different types (i.e. if 1 + "2" yields 3 or an error).
And there is dynamic vs. static typing, which is about when type information is determined - while or before running.
So now, what is a dynamic language? A language that is interpreted instead of compiled? Surely not, since the way a language is run is never some inherent characteristic of the language, but a pure implementation detail. In fact, there can be interpreters and compilers for one-and-the-same language. There is GHC and GHCi for Haskell, even C has the Ch interpreter.
But then, what are dynamic languges? I'd like to define them through how one works with them.
In a dynamic language, you like to rapidly prototype your program and just get it work somehow. What you don't want to do is formally specifying the behaviour of your programs, you just want it to behave like intended.
Thus if you write
foo = greatFunction(42)
in a scripting language, you'll simply assume that there is some greatFunction taking a number that will returns some object you can run. You don't prove this for the compiler in any way - no predetmined types, no IRunnable ... . This automatically gets you in the domain of dynamic typing.
But there is type inference too. Type inference means that in a statically-typed language, the compiler does automatically figure out the types for you. The resulting code can be extremely concise but is still statically typed. Take for example
square list = map (\x -> x * x) list
in Haskell. Haskell figures out all types involved here in advance. We have list being a list of numbers, map some function that applies some other function to any element of a list and square that produces a list of numbers from another list of numbers.
Nonetheless, the compiler can prove that everything works out in advance - the operations anything supports are formally specified. Hence, I'd never call Haskell a scripting language though it can reach similar levels of expressiveness (if not more!).
So all in all, scripting languages are dynamically typed because that allows you to prototype a running system without specifying, but assuming every single operation involved exists, which is what scripting languages are used for.
I don't quite understand your question. Apart from PHP, VBScript, COMMAND.COM and the Unix shell(s) I can't really think of any loosely typed scripting languages.
Some examples of scripting languages which are not loosely typed are Python, Ruby, Mondrian, JavaFXScript, PowerShell, Haskell, Scala, ELisp, Scheme, AutoLisp, Io, Ioke, Seph, Groovy, Fantom, Boo, Cobra, Guile, Slate, Smalltalk, Perl, …

What are the different programming language concepts and which languages show them in a pure way

I am no language expert but I'm recently into languages and trying to get an overview of major concepts and "their" languages. This is similar to another question about books. So first, what are the major programming language concepts, e.g.
object orientated
object orientated - prototype based (e.g. Java Script)
functional (e.g. Haskell)
logic orientated (e.g. Prolog)
meta (if a pure concept of it's own?)
stack based (e.g. Forth)
math based/array oriented (e.g. APL)
concatenative (e.g. PostScript)
(definitely incomplete list...)
and second to get a good crasp of these concepts, what would be the programming language that's based on/implementing its core concept most naturally and pure?
For example Java is OO, but it's not a good example because it's not pure OO due to atoms.
Lisp is a known to be a functional language, but it's multi-paradigm, so it's not pure. But Lisp may be a pure implementation of "list-based" (if it counts as concept).
Is there a language that's structured (no GOTO) but not procedural? (Maybe XSLT v1.x)
The term you're looking for here is "programming paradigm" and there are a whole lot of them out there. You can get a list of languages which support each from that Wikipedia page and its follow-up links.
For "pure" renditions of any of these, that's harder because it depends on what level of purity you're looking for.
For pure structured (under any sufficiently-loose definition of "pure" here) you can look, for instance, at Modula-2.
For pure object-orientation you're looking primarily at Smalltalk and its ilk if you want absolutely everything to be uniformly treated (not actually necessary under the most common definitions!) or you're looking at languages like Java and Eiffel if you'll accept primitive types under that heading.
For functional you're looking most likely at Haskell.
For logic programming the archetypical language is Prolog, but it's not really pure. The only (mostly-)pure logic language I know of is Mercury, and that only if you view its functional chunks as being essentially compatible with its logical chunks.
...and so on and so on. You get the idea.
I think Pascal is the canonical procedural language.
I also think Lisp (ironically not ML) is the canonical "meta" language.
For one, a macro is a program fragment which modifies a data structure that represents a program fragment---so you use the language to tweak the language. Secondly, it's considered common practice to write self-hosting interpretors, traditionally called metacircular evaluators: they are programs which programs and run them.
Of course, any other language can do that. In Python you have access to the python compiler, and PyPy is a python implementation in python. But Lisp has, I think, the strongest tradition of doing this.
But I'm a Lisp outsider, so what do I know... 'hope-this-helps ;-)
Thanks to JUST MY correct OPINION's answer I was pointed in the right direction. I will give the list of paradigms together with their pure languages as far as I found out till now:
non-structured --- early BASIC, Assembly
structured --- ?
procedural --- ?
modular --- Modula-2, maybe Pascal
class-based --- Smalltalk
prototype-based --- Self, maybe Java Script, Lua
declarative --- SQL, Regular Expressions, CSS
logic --- Mercury, maybe Prolog
functional --- Scheme, Haskell
concatenative --- Joy, Cat
On a different "axis" we have
scalar --- most of them
array --- APL
Don't know where to put it:
stack based --- Forth, Postscript

Why are most S-Expression languages dynamically typed?

How come most Lisps and Schemes are dynamically typed?
Does static typing not mix with some of their common features?
Typing and s-expressions can be made to work together, see typed scheme.
Partly it is a historical coincidence that s-expression languages are dynamically typed. These languages tend to rely more heavily on macros, and the ease of parsing and pattern-matching on s-expressions makes macro processing much easier. Most research on sophisticated macros happens in s-expression languages.
Typed Hygienic Macros are hard.
When Lisp was invented in the years from 1958 to 1960 it introduced a lot of features both as a language and an implementation (garbage collection, a self-hosting compiler, ...). Some features were inherited (with some improvements) from other languages (list processing, ...). The language implemented computation with functions. The s-expressions were more an implementation detail ( at that time ), than a language feature. A type system was not part of the language. Using the language in an interactive way was also an early implementation feature.
The useful type systems for functional languages were not yet invented at that time. Still until today it is also relatively difficult to use statically typed languages in an interactive way. There are many implementations of statically typed languages which also provide some interactive interface - but mostly they don't offer the same level of support of interactive use as a typical Lisp system. Programming in an interactive Lisp system means that many things can be changed on the fly and it could be problematic if type changes had to be propagated through whole programs and data in such an interactive Lisp system. note that Some Schemers have a different view about these things. R6RS is mostly a batch language generally not that much in the spirit of Lisp...
The functional languages that got invented later with static type systems then also got a non-s-expression syntax - they did not offer support for macros or related features. later some of these languages/implementations used a preprocessor for syntactic extensions.
Static typing is lexical, it means that all information about types can be inferred from reading source code without evaluating any expressions or computing any things, conditionals being most important here. A statically typed language is designed so that this can happen, a better term would be 'lexically typed', as in, a compiler can prove from reading the source alone that no type errors will occur.
In the case of lisp, this is awkwardly different because lisp's source code itself is not static, lisp is homo-iconic, it uses data as code and can to some extend dynamically edit its own running source.
Lisp was the first dynamically typed language, and probably for this reason, program code itself is no longer lexical in Lisp.
Edit: a far more powerful reason, in the case of static typing you'd have to type lists. You can either have extremely complex types for each lists which account for all elements, of demand that each element has the same type and type it as a list of that. The former option will produce hell with lists of lists. The latter option demands that source code only contains the same type for each datum, this means that you can't even build expressions as a list is anyhow a different type than an integer.
So I dare say that it is completely and utterly infeasible to realize.

In which language did exceptions first appear?

I first came across exceptions with ADA 83. As far as I know, the designers of ADA invented the concept of exceptions. Is this true, or did any programming language that came before use exceptions too?
According to's Ground Breaking Languages page it was PL/I.
It depends on how you define generics. Parametric polymorphism - which allows you to define functions and types that are not tied to particular argument / field types - was there in ML already - and that's 1973. There is a Standard ML sample from Wikipedia:
fun reverse [] = []
| reverse (x::xs) = (reverse xs) # [x]
Note that this function is statically typed, but polymorphic ("generic") on any type of list.
While this example is SML (which is a later thing), so far as I know, the concept was present in earliest ML versions as well.
From Wikipedia:
Generic programming facilities first
appeared in the 1970s in languages
like CLU and Ada, and were
subsequently adopted by many
object-based and object-oriented
languages, including BETA, C++, D,
Eiffel, Java, and DEC's now defunct
Trellis-Owl language. Implementations
of generics in languages such as Java
and C# are formally based on the
notion of parametricity, due to John
C. Reynolds.

Conditions for a meta-circular evaluator

Are there any conditions that a language must satisfy so that a meta-circular evaluator can be written for that language? Can I write one for BASIC, or for Python?
To quote Reg Braithwaite:
The difference between self-interpreters and meta-circular interpreters is that the latter restate language features in terms of the features themselves, instead of actually implementing them. (Circular definitions, in other words; hence the name). They depend on their host environment to give the features meaning.
Given that, one of the key features of a language that allows meta-circular interpreters to be written for them is homoiconicity, that is, that the primary representation of the program is a primitive datastructure of the language itself. Lisp exhibits this by virtue of the fact that programs are themselves expressed as lists.
You can write it for any language that is Turing-complete, however, your mileage may vary.
For Python, it has been done (PyPy). A list of languages for which it has been done can be found at the Wikipedia article.
