How to add a finalizer on a TVar - haskell

In response to a question, I built and uploaded a bounded-tchan (wouldn't have been right for me to upload jnb's version). If the name isn't enough, a bounded-tchan (BTChan) is an STM channel that has a maximum capacity (writes block if the channel is at capacity).
Recently, I've received a request to add a dup feature like in the regular TChan's. And thus begins the problem.
How the BTChan looks
A simplified (and actually non-functional) view of BTChan is below.
data BTChan a = BTChan
{ max :: Int
, count :: TVar Int
, channel :: TVar [(Int, a)]
, nrDups :: TVar Int
Every time you write to the channel you include the number of dups (nrDups) in the tuple - this is an 'individual element counter' which indicates how many readers have gotten this element.
Every reader will decrement the counter for the element it reads then move it's read-pointer to then next element in the list. If the reader decrements the counter to zero then the value of count is decremented to properly reflect available capacity on the channel.
To be clear on the desired semantics: A channel capacity indicates the maximum number of elements queued in the channel. Any given element is queued until a reader of each dup has received the element. No elements should remain queued for a GCed dup (this is the main problem).
For example, let there be three dups of a channel (c1, c2, c3) with capacity of 2, where 2 items were written into the channel then all items were read out of c1 and c2. The channel is still full (0 remaining capacity) because c3 hasn't consumed its copies. At any point in time if all references toc3 are dropped (so c3 is GCed) then the capacity should be freed (restored to 2 in this case).
Here's the issue: let's say I have the following code
c <- newBTChan 1
_ <- dupBTChan c -- This represents what would probably be a pathological bug or terminated reader
writeBTChan c "hello"
_ <- readBTChan c
Causing the BTChan to look like:
BTChan 1 (TVar 0) (TVar []) (TVar 1) --> -- newBTChan
BTChan 1 (TVar 0) (TVar []) (TVar 2) --> -- dupBTChan
BTChan 1 (TVar 1) (TVar [(2, "hello")]) (TVar 2) --> -- readBTChan c
BTChan 1 (TVar 1) (TVar [(1, "hello")]) (TVar 2) -- OH NO!
Notice at the end the read count for "hello" is still 1? That means the message is not considered gone (even though it will get GCed in the real implementation) and our count will never decrement. Because the channel is at capacity (1 element maximum) the writers will always block.
I want a finalizer created each time dupBTChan is called. When a dupped (or original) channel is collected all elements remaining to be read on that channel will get the per-element count decremented, also the nrDups variable will be decremented. As a result, future writes will have the correct count (a count that doesn't reserve space for variables not-read by GCed channels).
Solution 1 - Manual Resource Management (what I want to avoid)
JNB's bounded-tchan actually has manual resource management for this reason. See the cancelBTChan. I'm going for something harder for the user to get wrong (not that manual management isn't the right way to go in many cases).
Solution 2 - Use exceptions by blocking on TVars (GHC can't do this how I want)
EDIT this solution, and solution 3 which is just a spin-off, does not work! Due to bug 5055 (WONTFIX) the GHC compiler sends exceptions to both blocked threads, even though one is sufficient (which is theoretically determinable, but not practical with the GHC GC).
If all the ways to get a BTChan are IO, we can forkIO a thread that reads/retries on an extra (dummy) TVar field unique to the given BTChan. The new thread will catch an exception when all other references to the TVar are dropped, so it will know when to decrement the nrDups and individual element counters. This should work but forces all my users to use IO to get their BTChans:
data BTChan = BTChan { ... as before ..., dummyTV :: TVar () }
dupBTChan :: BTChan a -> IO (BTChan a)
dupBTChan c = do
... as before ...
d <- newTVarIO ()
let chan = BTChan ... d
forkIO $ watchChan chan
return chan
watchBTChan :: BTChan a -> IO ()
watchBTChan b = do
catch (atomically (readTVar (dummyTV b) >> retry)) $ \e -> do
case fromException e of
BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM -> atomically $ do -- the BTChan must have gotten collected
ls <- readTVar (channel b)
writeTVar (channel b) (map (\(a,b) -> (a-1,b)) ls)
readTVar (nrDup b) >>= writeTVar (nrDup b) . (-1)
_ -> watchBTChan b
EDIT: Yes, this is a poor mans finalizer and I don't have any particular reason to avoid using addFinalizer. That would be the same solution, still forcing use of IO afaict.
Solution 3: A cleaner API than solution 2, but GHC still doesn't support it
Users start a manager thread by calling initBTChanCollector, which will monitor a set of these dummy TVars (from solution 2) and do the needed clean-up. Basically, it shoves the IO into another thread that knows what to do via a global (unsafePerformIOed) TVar. Things work basically like solution 2, but the creation of BTChan's can still be STM. Failure to run initBTChanCollector would result in an ever-growing list (space leak) of tasks as the process runs.
Solution 4: Never allow discarding BTChans
This is akin to ignoring the problem. If the user never drops a dupped BTChan then the issue disappears.
Solution 5
I see ezyang's answer (totally valid and appreciated), but really would like to keep the current API just with a 'dup' function.
** Solution 6**
Please tell me there's a better option.
I implemented solution 3 (totally untested alpha release) and handled the potential space leak by making the global itself a BTChan - that chan should probably have a capacity of 1 so forgetting to run init shows up really quick, but that's a minor change. This works in GHCi (7.0.3) but that seems to be incidental. GHC throws exceptions to both blocked threads (the valid one reading the BTChan and the watching thread) so my if you are blocked reading a BTChan when another thread discards it's reference then you die.

Here is another solution: require all accesses to the the bounded channel duplicate to be bracketed by a function that releases its resources on exit (by an exception or normally). You can use a monad with a rank-2 runner to prevent duplicated channels from leaking out. It's still manual, but the type system makes it a lot harder to do naughty things.
You really don't want to rely on true IO finalizers, because GHC gives no guarantees about when a finalizer may be run: for all you know it may wait until the end of the program before running the finalizer, which means you're deadlocked until then.


Message passing concurrency in Haskell with multiple senders and receivers

I am trying to solve a problem involving multiple senders and receivers, and would like some feedback on whether my approach is on the right track.
Problem: We have N leaders and M followers, who must all be represented by individual threads. Everyone is a dancer, and has an associated "dance card" with the names of 8 different dances. each leader must ask a follower if they can dance a specific dance. Followers wait for invitations from leaders and accept only if they are not already dancing that dance and if they have not agreed to dance with this leader for 2 other dances. If the leaders hears back that their invite was accepted, they move on trying to secure a match for the next dance. Otherwise, they continue trying to find a match for the same dance. At the end, the leaders "dance card" is printed with each dance and the ID of the follower with whom they are dancing that dance.
Approach: I have created two functions: leader and follower. In main, I use forkIO to call leader n times and follower m times. However, I'm running into the issue of how I will keep state (specifically the dancecard). I was thinking of creating a type class "Dancer" and then two instances of it : Leader and Follower. Each leader and each follower would have a unique ID (anything from 1 to N or M). Each would also need an mvar to serve as its own personal mailbox . Leaders would somehow need to "get" a follower's mvar in order to put something in it so that that same follower can take it out and respond yes or no to the invite. Regarding the dancecard, I think it would it be best to incorporate the state monad. For example, when a leader invites a follower to a dance, a follower should be able to look at their dancecard and verify that they don't already have a partner for that dance.
Wow, you already have a typeclass, two instances, and a state monad, and you haven't even settled on the types of your MVars! Things are getting complicated.
I worry that you may be falling into the Haskell-as-Java trap, where you've come up with an object-oriented solution in your head, and you're now trying to translate that directly into Haskell, thinking about your dancers as stateful objects with shared methods wrapped up in a "class", etc., etc.
I would suggest a different approach. Dancers aren't "things"; they're tasks. Implement them as straightforward functions and use argument passing and recursion in place of "state", as is typical for idiomatic Haskell.
Spoilers follow, but here is a simple way to define a "follower" that has an id, responds to requests via a pair of request/response MVars, and maintains a dance card using a recursive core loop. Note that the Follower data type isn't supposed to be a "follower object" (e.g., it has no dance card); it's just a convenient way of documenting the return value from follower which serves as a "handle" for identifying and communicating with the follower task:
type LeaderId = Int
type FollowerId = Int
type Dance = Int
-- |A dance card for a follower with a list of dance/leader pairs.
data Card = Card { getCard :: [(Dance, LeaderId)] } deriving (Show)
emptyCard = Card []
-- |Follower handle giving its id and request/response MVars
data Follower =
Follower { followerId :: FollowerId
, request :: MVar (Dance, LeaderId)
, response :: MVar Bool
-- |Create a new follower task with given id.
follower :: FollowerId -> IO Follower
follower followerId_ = do
req <- newEmptyMVar
res <- newEmptyMVar
let loop (Card xs) = do
-- get next request
(dance, leaderId_) <- takeMVar req
case lookup dance xs of
-- if dance is free and we haven't danced too often w/ this leader
Nothing | length (filter ((==leaderId_) . snd) xs) < 2
-- then say yes and update dance card
-> do putMVar res True
loop (Card $ (dance, leaderId_) : xs)
-- otherwise, refuse
_ -> do putMVar res False
loop (Card xs)
forkIO $ loop emptyCard
return $ Follower followerId_ req res
You can create and test out a couple of followers by asking them to dance:
> f1 <- follower 1 -- follower #1
> f2 <- follower 2 -- follower #2
> putMVar (request f1) (1, 10) -- dance #1 w/ leader #10
> takeMVar (response f1)
True -- hooray!
> putMVar (request f1) (1, 14) -- dance #1 w/ leader #14
> takeMVar (response f1)
False -- wah! dance is taken
> putMVar (request f2) (1, 14) -- try different follower
> takeMVar (response f2)
True -- hooray!
Note that these particular followers can neither be queried for their dance cards nor told to exit their infinite loops. You don't need that for this application (we only need the dance cards from the leaders and don't care if there are a bunch of stuck lightweight threads when we get the answer), but you could always add a couple of MVars if you did.
Similarly, you should be able to implement a leader as a function with a simple recursive core loop. Note that, if the leader tries to just fill its dance card in order, it doesn't actually need to keep track of the dance card as it goes -- the final dance card (and "core loop") is just a mapM over trying to fill dance slots 1 to 8.
How do you provide the leaders with the ability to request dances from followers? Well, create the full set of followers first and pass a list of follower handles ([Follower]) as an argument to the leader creation function. How do you get dance cards back from the leaders? The leader function should return an MVar for the card, and the main function can mapM takeMVar leadersDanceCards to get the full list of dance cards.

Order of execution within monads

I was learning how to use the State monad and I noticed some odd behavior in terms of the order of execution. Removing the distracting bits that involve using the actual state, say I have the following code:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Debug.Trace
mainAction :: State Int ()
mainAction = do
traceM "Starting the main action"
forM [0..2] (\i -> do
traceM $ "i is " ++ show i
forM [0..2] (\j -> do
traceM $ "j is " ++ show j
someSubaction i j
Running runState mainAction 1 in ghci produces the following output:
j is 2
j is 1
j is 0
i is 2
j is 2
j is 1
j is 0
i is 1
j is 2
j is 1
j is 0
i is 0
Outside for loop
which seems like the reverse order of execution of what might be expected. I thought that maybe this is a quirk of forM and tried it with sequence which specifically states that it runs its computation sequentially from left to right like so:
mainAction :: State Int ()
mainAction = do
traceM "Outside for loop"
sequence $ map handleI [0..2]
return ()
handleI i = do
traceM $ "i is " ++ show i
sequence $ map (handleJ i) [0..2]
handleJ i j = do
traceM $ "j is " ++ show j
someSubaction i j
However, the sequence version produces the same output. What is the actual logic in terms of the order of execution that is happening here?
Haskell is lazy, which means things are not executed immediately. Things are executed whenever their result is needed – but no sooner. Sometimes code isn't executed at all if its result isn't needed.
If you stick a bunch of trace calls in a pure function, you will see this laziness happening. The first thing that is needed will be executed first, so that's the trace call you see first.
When something says "the computation is run from left to right" what it means is that the result will be the same as if the computation was run from left to right. What actually happens under the hood might be very different.
This is in fact why it's a bad idea to do I/O inside pure functions. As you have discovered, you get "weird" results because the execution order can be pretty much anything that produces the correct result.
Why is this a good idea? When the language doesn't enforce a specific execution order (such as the traditional "top to bottom" order seen in imperative languages) the compiler is free to do a tonne of optimisations, such as for example not executing some code at all because its result isn't needed.
I would recommend you to not think too much about execution order in Haskell. There should be no reason to. Leave that up to the compiler. Think instead about which values you want. Does the function give the correct value? Then it works, regardless of which order it executes things in.
I thought that maybe this is a quirk of forM and tried it with sequence which specifically states that it runs its computation sequentially from left to right like so: [...]
You need to learn to make the following, tricky distinction:
The order of evaluation
The order of effects (a.k.a. "actions")
What forM, sequence and similar functions promise is that the effects will be ordered from left to right. So for example, the following is guaranteed to print characters in the same order that they occur in the string:
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
putStrLn str = forM_ str putChar >> putChar '\n'
But that doesn't mean that expressions are evaluated in this left-to-right order. The program has to evaluate enough of the expressions to figure out what the next action is, but that often does not require evaluating everything in every expression involved in earlier actions.
Your example uses the State monad, which bottoms out to pure code, so that accentuates the order issues. The only thing that a traversal functions such as forM promises in this case is that gets inside the actions mapped to the list elements will see the effect of puts for elements to their left in the list.

Simple Generators

This code comes from a paper called "Lazy v. Yield". Its about a way to decouple producers and consumer of streams of data. I understand the Haskell portion of the code but the O'Caml/F# eludes me. I don't understand this code for the following reasons:
What kind of behavior can I expect from a function that takes as argument an exception and returns unit?
How does the consumer project into a specific exception? (what does that mean?)
What would be an example of a consumer?
module SimpleGenerators
type 'a gen = unit -> 'a
type producer = unit gen
type consumer = exn -> unit (* consumer will project into specific exception *)
type 'a transducer = 'a gen -> 'a gen
let yield_handler : (exn -> unit) ref =
ref (fun _ -> failwith "yield handler is not set")
let iterate (gen : producer) (consumer : consumer) : unit =
let oldh = !yield_handler in
let rec newh x =
yield_handler := oldh
consumer x
yield_handler := newh
with e -> yield_handler := newh; raise e
yield_handler := newh
let r = gen () in
yield_handler := oldh
with e -> yield_handler := oldh; raise e
I'm not familiar with the paper, so others will probably be more enlightening. Here are some quick answers/guesses in the meantime.
A function of type exn -> unit is basically an exception handler.
Exceptions can contain data. They're quite similar to polymorphic variants that way--i.e., you can add a new exception whenever you want, and it can act as a data constructor.
It looks like the consumer is going to look for a particular exception(s) that give it the data it wants. Others it will just re-raise. So, it's only looking at a projection of the space of possible exceptions (I guess).
I think the OCaml sample is using a few constructs and design patterns that you would not typically use in F#, so it is quite OCaml-specific. As Jeffrey says, OCaml programs often use exceptions for control flow (while in F# they are only used for exceptional situations).
Also, F# has really powerful sequence expressions mechanism that can be used quite nicely to separate producers of data from the consumers of data. I did not read the paper in detail, so maybe they have something more complicated, but a simple example in F# could look like this:
// Generator: Produces infinite sequence of numbers from 'start'
// and prints the numbers as they are being generated (to show I/O behaviour)
let rec numbers start = seq {
printfn "generating: %d" start
yield start
yield! numbers (start + 1) }
A simple consumer can be implemented using for loop, but if we want to consume the stream, we need to say how many elements to consume using Seq.take:
// Consumer: takes a sequence of numbers generated by the
// producer and consumes first 100 elements
let consumer nums =
for n in nums |> Seq.take 100 do
printfn "consuming: %d" n
When you run consumer (numbers 0) the code starts printing:
generating: 0
consuming: 0
generating: 1
consuming: 1
generating: 2
consuming: 2
So you can see that the effects of producers and consumers are interleaved. I think this is quite simple & powerful mechanism, but maybe I'm missing the point of the paper and they have something even more interesting. If so, please let me know! Although I think the idiomatic F# solution will probably look quite similar to the above.

can xmonad's logHook be run at set intervals rather than in (merely) response to layout events?

I'm using dynamicLogWithPP from XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog together with dzen2 as a status bar under xmonad. One of the things I'd like to have displayed in the bar is the time remaining in the currently playing track in audacious (if any). Getting this information is easy:
audStatus :: Player -> X (Maybe String)
audStatus p = do
info <- liftIO $ tryS $ withPlayer p $ do
ispaused <- paused
md <- getMetadataString
timeleftmillis <- (-) <$> (getCurrentTrack >>= songFrames) <*> time
let artist = md ! "artist"
title = md ! "title"
timeleft = timeleftmillis `quot` 1000
(minutes, seconds) = timeleft `quotRem` 60
disp = artist ++ " - " ++ title ++ " (-"++(show minutes)++":"++(show seconds)++")" -- will be wrong if seconds < 10
audcolor False = dzenColor base0 base03
audcolor True = dzenColor base1 base02
return $ wrap "^ca(1, pms p)" "^ca()" (audcolor ispaused disp)
return $ either (const Nothing) Just info
So I can stick that in ppExtras and it works fine—except it only gets run when the logHook gets run, and that happens only when a suitable event comes down the pike. So the display is potentially static for a long time, until I (e.g.) switch workspaces.
It seems like some people just run two dzen bars, with one getting output piped in from a shell script. Is that the only way to have regular updates? Or can this be done from within xmonad (without getting too crazy/hacky)?
ETA: I tried this, which seems as if it should work better than it does:
create a TChan for updates from XMonad, and another for updates from a function polling Audacious;
set the ppOutput field in the PP structure from DynamicLog to write to the first TChan;
fork the audacious-polling function and have it write to the second TChan;
fork a function to read from both TChans (checking that they aren't empty, first), and combining the output.
Updates from XMonad are read from the channel and processed in a timely fashion, but updates from Audacious are hardly registered at all—every five or so seconds at best. It seems as if some approach along these lines ought to work, though.
I know this is an old question, but I came here looking for an answer to this a few days ago, and I thought I'd share the way I solved it. You actually can do it entirely from xmonad. It's a tiny bit hacky, but I think it's much nicer than any of the alternatives I've come across.
Basically, I used the XMonad.Util.Timer library, which will send an X event after a specified time period (in this case, one second). Then I just wrote an event hook for it, which starts the timer again, and then manually runs the log hook.
I also had to use the XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState library, because Timer uses an id variable to make sure it's responding to the right event, so I have to store that variable between events.
Here's my code:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import qualified XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState as XS
import XMonad.Util.Timer
-- wrapper for the Timer id, so it can be stored as custom mutable state
data TidState = TID TimerId deriving Typeable
instance ExtensionClass TidState where
initialValue = TID 0
-- put this in your startupHook
-- start the initial timer, store its id
clockStartupHook = startTimer 1 >>= XS.put . TID
-- put this in your handleEventHook
clockEventHook e = do -- e is the event we've hooked
(TID t) <- XS.get -- get the recent Timer id
handleTimer t e $ do -- run the following if e matches the id
startTimer 1 >>= XS.put . TID -- restart the timer, store the new id
ask >>= logHook.config -- get the loghook and run it
return Nothing -- return required type
return $ All True -- return required type
Pretty straightforward. I hope this is helpful to someone.
It cannot be done from within xmonad; xmonad's current threading model is a bit lacking (and so is dzen's). However, you can start a separate process that periodically polls your music player and then use one of the dzen multiplexers (e.g. dmplex) to combine the output from the two processes.
You may also want to look into xmobar and taffybar, which both have better threading stories than dzen does.
With regards to why your proposed TChan solution doesn't work properly, you might want to read the sections "Conventions", "Foreign Imports", and "The Non-Threaded Runtime" at my crash course on the FFI and gtk, keeping in mind that xmonad currently uses GHC's non-threaded runtime. The short answer is that xmonad's main loop makes an FFI call to Xlib that waits for an X event; this call blocks all other Haskell threads from running until it returns.

Data value dependencies, updates and memoisation

I'm sorry this problem description is so abstract: its for my job, and for commercial confidentiality reasons I can't give the real-world problem, just an abstraction.
I've got an application that receives messages containing key-value pairs. The keys are from a defined set of keywords, and each keyword has a fixed data type. So if "Foo" is an Integer and "Bar" is a date you might get a message like:
Foo: 234
Bar: 24 September 2011
A message may have any subset of keys in it. The number of keys is fairly large (several dozen). But lets stick with Foo and Bar for now.
Obviously there is a record like this corresponding to the messages:
data MyRecord {
foo :: Maybe Integer
bar :: Maybe UTCTime
-- ... and so on for several dozen fields.
The record uses "Maybe" types because that field may not have been received yet.
I also have many derived values that I need to compute from the current values (if they exist). For instance I want to have
baz :: MyRecord -> Maybe String
baz r = do -- Maybe monad
f <- foo r
b <- bar r
return $ show f ++ " " ++ show b
Some of these functions are slow, so I don't want to repeat them unnecessarily. I could recompute baz for each new message and memo it in the original structure, but if a message leaves the foo and bar fields unchanged then that is wasted CPU time. Conversely I could recompute baz every time I want it, but again that would waste CPU time if the underlying arguments have not changed since last time.
What I want is some kind of smart memoisation or push-based recomputation that only recomputes baz when the arguments change. I could detect this manually by noting that baz depends only on foo and bar, and so only recomputing it on messages that change those values, but for complicated functions that is error-prone.
An added wrinkle is that some of these functions may have multiple strategies. For instance you might have a value that can be computed from either Foo or Bar using 'mplus'.
Does anyone know of an existing solution to this? If not, how should I go about it?
I'll assume that you have one "state" record and these message all involve updating it as well as setting it. So if Foo is 12, it may later be 23, and therefore the output of baz would change. If any of this is not the case, then the answer becomes pretty trivial.
Let's start with the "core" of baz -- a function not on a record, but the values you want.
baz :: Int -> Int -> String
Now let's transform it:
data Cached a b = Cached (Maybe (a,b)) (a -> b)
getCached :: Eq a => Cached a b -> a -> (b,Cached a b)
getCached c#(Cached (Just (arg,res)) f) x | x == arg = (res,c)
getCached (Cached _ f) x = let ans = f x in (ans,Cached (Just (x,ans) f)
bazC :: Cached (Int,Int) String
bazC = Cached Nothing (uncurry baz)
Now whenever you would use a normal function, you use a cache-transformed function instead, substituting the resulting cache-transformed function back into your record. This is essentially a manual memotable of size one.
For the basic case you describe, this should be fine.
A fancier and more generalized solution involving a dynamic graph of dependencies goes under the name "incremental computation" but I've seen research papers for it more than serious production implementations. You can take a look at these for starters, and follow the reference trail forward:
Incremental computation is actually also very related to functional reactive programming, so you can take a look at conal's papers on that, or play with Heinrich Apfelmus' reactive-banana library:
In imperative languages, take a look at trellis in python: or Cells in lisp:
You can build a stateful graph that corresponds to computations you need to do. When new values appear you push these into the graph and recompute, updating the graph until you reach the outputs. (Or you can store the value at the input and recompute on demand.) This is a very stateful solution but it works.
Are you perhaps creating market data, like yield curves, from live inputs of rates etc.?
What I want is some kind of smart memoisation or push-based recomputation that only recomputes baz when the arguments change.
It sounds to me like you want a variable that is sort of immutable, but allows a one-time mutation from "nothing computed yet" to "computed". Well, you're in luck: this is exactly what lazy evaluation gives you! So my proposed solution is quite simple: just extend your record with fields for each of the things you want to compute. Here's an example of such a thing, where the CPU-intensive task we're doing is breaking some encryption scheme:
data Foo = Foo
{ ciphertext :: String
, plaintext :: String
-- a smart constructor for Foo's
foo c = Foo { ciphertext = c, plaintext = crack c }
The point here is that calls to foo have expenses like this:
If you never ask for the plaintext of the result, it's cheap.
On the first call to plaintext, the CPU churns a long time.
On subsequent calls to plaintext, the previously computed answer is returned immediately.
