XDebug and VIM. Browsing array values - vim

Is there any way to browse the data inside an array?
Currently I can only see $data[0] = (array) with no way knowing what's inside the array.
I can the values inside normal variables fine.
Is there a way to see inside the arrays? Maybe a command I'm not aware of?
I found out I can use the command keys ,e to evaluate an array or object.
After I type ,e an /*{{{1*/ => eval: prompt shows up then I can type /*{{{1*/ => eval: $data[0] to see the values.
Except I get it in the following output format:
/*{{{1*/ => eval: $data[0]
$command = 'eval';
EVAL_RESULT = (array) ;
EVAL_RESULT = (string) 'stringfromdata0-1' ;
EVAL_RESULT = (string) 'stringfromdata0-2' ;
EVAL_RESULT = (array) 'stringfromdata0-3' ;
This only does half of what I want it to do. Is there any way to output the keys of the array? It only shows me the values, but the keys are shown as "EVAL_RESULT" instead of the their perspective key names of the array.

Edit debugger.vim file (~/.vim/plugin/debugger.vim) and find a line similar to
let g:debuggerMaxDepth = 1
increase the depth varibale to a reasonable amount (5 should be enough)
save and restart vim.

Also, you can wrap your expression in var_export(<expr>, true), and it will show you the full object.

You can enter the vim command ,e in a xdebug session.
From there you can evaluate any php line you want; for example
and submit it with Enter
Note: This will output to your php-cli stdout, or possibly output buffer if you are inside a ob_start block; Or if you are accessing from a browser, it may not output until the entire php request is completed. You may be able to flush a partial output buffer to a browser, but you'll have to Google that one for yourself.
I Posted this as an answer even though its posted in the OP's question because I don't read the OP's question if I'm looking for an answer and I want to make sure people can find it! If the OP posts his answer as an answer and ping's me I'd be happy to delete this one.

Never got it the way I wanted it to work. Instead I found something way better.
Using Vundle I installed the VIM debugger for xdebug below:
I'll post a screenshot whenever I get a chance.
Works like a charm though.


What is the Lua "replacement" for the pre_exec command in Conky files?

I'm not great at programming, but I was trying to fiddle around with a conky_rc file I liked that I found that seemed pretty straight-forward.
As the title states, I have now learned that the previous command of pre_exec has been long removed and superseded by Lua.
Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find anything directly related to this other than https://github.com/brndnmtthws/conky/issues/62. The thread https://github.com/brndnmtthws/conky/issues/146 references it, and its "solution" states: Basically, there is no replacement and you should use Lua or use a very large interval and execi.
I have found a few more threads that all include the question as to why this function was discontinued, but with no actual answers. So, to reiterate mine, I have absolutely no knowledge of Lua (I've heard of it before, and I've now added a few websites to look at tomorrow since I have spent most of the evening trying to figure out this Conky thing), and I'll probably just give up and do the execi option (my computer can handle it but, I just think it's so horribly inefficient).
Is there an appropriate Lua option? If so, would someone please direct me to either the manual or wiki for it, or explain it? Or is the "proper" Lua solution this?
#Vincent-C It's not working for your script is because the function
ain't getting call. from the quick few tests I did, it seem
lua_startup_hook need the function to be in another file that is
loaded using lua_load, not really sure how the hook function thingy
all works cause I rather just directly use the config as lua since it
is lua.
Basically just call the io.popen stuff and concat it into conky.text
conky.text = [[ a lot of stuff... ${color green} ]];
o = io.popen('fortune -s | cowsay', 'r') conky.text = conky.text ..
The comment by asl97 on the first page you cited appears to provide an answer, but a bit of explanation would probably help.
asl97 provides the following general purpose Lua function to use as a substitute for $pre_exec, preceded by a require statement to make io available for use by the function:
require 'io'
function pre_exec(cmd)
local handle = io.popen(cmd)
local output = handle:read("*a")
return output
Adding this block of code to your conky configuration file will make the function available for use therein. For testing, I added it above the conky.config = { ... } section.
Calling the Lua pre_exec function will return a string containing the output of the command passed to it. The conky.text section from [[ to ]] is also a string, so it can then be conactenated to the string returned by pre_exec using the .. operator, as shown in the usage section provided by asl97.
In my test, I did the following silly bit, which worked as expected, to display "Hello World!" and the output of the date function with spacing above and below each at the top of my conky display:
conky.text = pre_exec("echo; echo Hello World!; echo; date; echo")..[[
-- lots of boring conky stuff --
More serious commands can, of course, be used with pre_exec, as shown by asl97.
One thing that asl97 didn't explain was how to provide how to concatenate so that the pre_exec output is in the middle of the conky display rather than just the beginning. I tested and found that you can do it like the following:
conky.text = [[
-- some conky stuff --
-- more conky stuff --

NodeJS: how disable auto output after every line in console?

As u can see on the image, after every line, an automatic output appears. I want do disable this. I do not intend to use it as a workaround editor, the problem is that on some functions this output is more than some screens big and is hard to look at the expected result.
The default CLI, IIRC, uses the standard Node REPL, but does not provide a trivial way to customize it.
You could start your own REPL and provide options as described in the REPL docs, specifically focusing on:
The easiest solution is to append something to whatever is returning the long value, e.g., if there's a function called foo that returns an object that spans pages, like:
> foo()
// countless lines of output
Tack on something to the command, like:
> foo(); null

Executing functions stored in a string

Lets say that there is a function in my Delphi app:
and there is a string which has MsgBox in it.
I know what most of you are going to say is that its possible, but I think it is possible because I opened the compiled exe(compiled using delphi XE2) using a Resource Editor, and that resource editor was built for Delphi. In that, I could see most of the code I wrote, as I wrote it. So since the variables names, function names etc aren't changed during compile, there should a way to execute the functions from a string, but how? Any help will be appreciated.
What I want to do is to create a simple interpreter/scripting engine. And this is how its supposed to work:
There are two files, scr.txt and arg.txt
scr.txt contains:
arg.txt contains:
And now let me explain what that 0 is:
First, scr.txt's first line is function name
second line tells that at which line its arguments are in the arg.txt, i.e 0 tells that "Message" is the argument for msg_show.
I hope my question is now clear.
I want to make a simple scripting engine.
In order to execute arbitrary code stored as text, you need a compiler or an interpreter. Either you need to write one yourself, or embed one that already exists. Realistically, the latter option is your best option. There are a number available but in my view it's hard to look past dwscript.
I think I've already solved my problem! The answer is in this question's first answer.
But with that, as for a workaround of the problem mentioned in first comment, I have a very easy solution.
You don't need to pass all the arguments/parameters to it. Just take my example:
You have two files, as mentioned in the question. Now you need to execute the files. It is as simple as that:
read the first line of scr.txt
check if it's a function. If not, skip the line
If yes, read the next line which tells the index where it's arguments are in arg.txt
pass on the index(an integer) to the "Call" function.
Now to the function which has to be executed, it should know how many arguments it needs. i.e 2
Lets say that the function is "Sum(a,b : integer)".It needs 2 arguments
Now let the function read the two arguments from arg.txt.
And its done!
I hope it will help you all.
And I can get some rep :)

Same for loop, giving out two different results using .write()

this is my first time asking a question so let me know if I am doing something wrong (post wise)
I am trying to create a function that writes into a .txt but i seem to get two very different results between calling it from within a module, and writing the same loop in the shell directly. The code is as follows:
def function(para1, para2): #para1 is a string that i am searching for within para2. para2 is a list of strings
with open("str" + para1 +".txt", 'a'. encoding = 'utf-8') as file:
#opens a file with certain naming convention
n = 0
for word in para2:
if word == para1:
print(para2[n-1]) #intentionally included as part of debugging
function("targetstr". targettext)
#target str is the phrase I am looking for, targettext is the tokenized text I am
#looking through. this is in the form of a list of strings, that is the output of
#another function, and has already been 'declared' as a variable
when I define this function in the shell, I get the correct words appearing. However, when i call this same function through a module(in the shell), nothing appears in the shell, and the text file shows a bunch of numbers (eg: 's93161), and no new lines.
I have even gone to the extent of including a print statement right after declaration of the function in the module, and commented everything but the print statement, and yet nothing appears in the shell when I call it. However, the numbers still appear in the text file.
I am guessing that there is a problem with how I have defined the parameters or how i cam inputting the parameters when I call the function.
As a reference, here is the desired output:
PS: Sorry if this is not very clear as I have very limited knowledge on speaking python
I have found the solution to issue. Turns out that I need to close the shell and restart everything before the compiler recognizes the changes made to the function in the module. Thanks to those who took a look at the issue, and those who tried to help.

How to make this Groovy string search code more efficient?

I'm using the following groovy code to search a file for a string, an account number. The file I'm reading is about 30MB and contains 80,000-120,000 lines. Is there a more efficient way to find a record in a file that contains the given AcctNum? I'm a novice, so I don't know which area to investigate, the toList() or the for-loop. Thanks!
AcctNum = 1234567890
if (testfile.exists())
lines = testfile.readLines()
words = lines.toList()
for (word in words)
if (word.contains(AcctNum)) { done = true; match = 'YES' ; break }
chunks += 1
if (done) { break }
Sad to say, I don't even have Groovy installed on my current laptop - but I wouldn't expect you to have to call toList() at all. I'd also hope you could express the condition in a closure, but I'll have to refer to Groovy in Action to check...
Having said that, do you really need it split into lines? Could you just read the whole thing using getText() and then just use a single call to contains()?
EDIT: Okay, if you need to find the actual line containing the record, you do need to call readLines() but I don't think you need to call toList() afterwards. You should be able to just use:
for (line in lines)
if (line.contains(AcctNum))
// Grab the results you need here
When you say efficient you usually have to decide which direction you mean: whether it should run quickly, or use as few resources (memory, ...) as possible. Often both lie on opposite sites and you have to pick a trade-off.
If you want to search memory-friendly I'd suggest reading the file line-by-line instead of reading it at once which I suspect it does (I would be wrong there, but in other languages something like readLines reads the whole file into an array of strings).
If you want it to run quickly I'd suggest, as already mentioned, reading in the whole file at once and looking for the given pattern. Instead of just checking with contains you could use indexOf to get the position and then read the record as needed from that position.
I should have explained it better, if I find a record with the AcctNum, I extract out other information on the record...so I thought I needed to split the file into multiple lines.
if you control the format of the file you are reading, the solution is to add in an index.
In fact, this is how databases are able to locate records so quickly.
But for 30MB of data, i think a modern computer with a decent harddrive should do the trick, instead of over complicating the program.
