Node.js event handler infinite loop - node.js

If I understand node.js correctly, then a single event handler that does not release the cpu (infinite loop for example) can freeze the whole system. Is this correct?


Node.js synchronous and blocking demultiplexer

I'm trying to understand the internals of node.js and how it works under the hood
So if I've understood correctly,
The event loop is executing on a single thread, when app generates a new I/O task it makes a non blocking call to the event demultiplexer, the call immediately returns without any data, allowing the event loop to continue with other tasks. When data is ready the demultiplexer pushes an event (or more) in the event queue. Event loop takes out this event (handler with data)...
As I understand it, the demultiplexer is executing in the os(epoll in Linux) not in the application's main thread (in which event loop executes) and by definition demultiplexer is synchronous and blocking that's because the watch() call is blocking and this is exactly where my question stands.
I know that the demultiplexer is watching until one or more events are ready but:
If Watch() is executed in the os and not in the event loop what does blocking mean? It blocks what?
(Sorry for my English, I'm not a native)

Event loop in Node.js

We all know that in Node.js, the functions are handled by worker thread for execution and then send to the event queue and then the event loop looks into the call stack.
If the call stack is empty then the event loop takes the function's context environment to call stack, and then call stack process it and give it as a response.
My question is if we have multiple functions with same timeout function and then all the function is given to worker thread then worker thread sends their context environment to the event queue,
and if the timeout of all the functions are same then they all come into the event queue at the same time and then if the call stack is empty then the event loop will send all the functions to call stack, and we all know the property of stack is FILO.
so if this happened resulting the last function should be sent in response first but this is not happening the first function is coming in response first if all the timeouts are the same?
There are lots of things wrong in how you describe things in your question, but I'll speak to the timeout issue that you ask about.
nodejs has its own timer system. It keeps a sorted list of timers and the ONLY Javascript timeout that has a physical system timer is the next one to fire. If multiple Javascript timeouts are set to fire at the same point in time, then they all share that one OS timer.
When that OS timer fires and when the main JS thread is free and able to pull the next event from the event loop, it will see a JS timer is ready to call its callback. If there are more than one ready to go, all for the same time, then the interpreter will call each of their callbacks one after the other, in the order the timers were configured (FIFO).
We all know that in Node.js, the functions are handled by worker thread for execution and then send to the event queue and then the event loop looks into the call stack. If the call stack is empty then the event loop takes the function's context environment to call stack, and then call stack process it and give it as a response.
My question is if we have multiple functions with same timeout function and then all the function is given to worker thread
That part is wrong. They aren't given to a worker thread.
Then worker thread sends their context environment to the event queue, and if the timeout of all the functions are same then they all come into the event queue at the same time
As I described above, timers are a special type of event in the event loop code. They use only one system timer at a time to schedule the next timer to fire. Multiple timers set to fire at the same time are all stored in the same list (a list element for that particular time) and all share the same OS timer when it's their turn to be next. So, they don't all come into the event queue at the same time. Nodejs has set one system timer for the group of timers set to fire at the same time. When that system timer fires and when the interpreter is free to pull the next event from the event loop, then it will call each callback for each timer set for that time one after another in FIFO order.
and then if the call stack is empty then the event loop will send all the functions to call stack, and we all know the property of stack is FILO.
I don't know what "send all the functions to that call stack" means. That's not how things work at all. node.js runs your Javascript in a single thread (except for WorkerThreads which are not in play here) so it calls the callback for one timer, runs that to completion, then calls the callback for the next timer, runs it to completion and so on...
so if this happened resulting the last function should be sent in response first but this is not happening the first function is coming in response first if all the timeouts are the same?
As I've said a couple times above, multiple timers set to fire at the same use one system timer and when that system timer fires, the callbacks for each of those timers are called one after the other in FIFO order.
You can learn more about the node.js timer architecture here: How does Node.js manage timers.
And, here's some more info about the node.js timer architecture taken from comments in the source code: How many concurrent setTimeouts before performance issues?.
Looking for a solution between setting lots of timers or using a scheduled task queue
Six Part Series on the Node.js Event Loop and How It Works
My question is if we have multiple functions with same timeout
poll phase controll the timer
First read here
I highly recommend this
So the main question is how does Node decide what code to run next?
As we know the Event Loop and the Worker Pool maintain queues for pending events and pending tasks, respectively.
don't confuse with Worker thread
Worker threads is different concept Read
But In realtiy the Event Loop does not actually maintain a queue. Instead, it has a collection of file descriptors that it asks the operating system to monitor, using a mechanism like epoll (Linux), kqueue (OSX), event ports (Solaris), or IOCP (Windows). These file descriptors correspond to network sockets, any files it is watching, and so on. When the operating system says that one of these file descriptors is ready, the Event Loop translates it to the appropriate event and invokes the callback(s) associated with that event
The Worker Pool uses a real queue whose entries are tasks to be processed. A Worker pops a task from this queue and works on it, and when finished the Worker raises an "At least one task is finished" event for the Event Loop.
timer callback is called depends on the performance of the system (Node has to check the timer for expiration once before executing the callback, which takes some CPU time) as well as currently running processes in the event loop.

does user defined callback function uses thread pool in node.js?

This question is to understand how event loop calls thread pool to process task.
I want to create a function (say to process small task) not any i/o operation, i want that to process using a callback function, so that it can call thread pool and task can be concurrent with my main thread, and return result in callback after completion. I have understanding that it can be done by creating child processes(forking etc),
but, I am little confused and want to understand how exactly is process executes concurrently in single threaded node in i/o operation and not in user defined operation. What exactly happens in event loop, will all event be passed to thread pool or how it identifies if it is I/O operation??
I am new at node.js and totally confused.
Help would be appreciated :)
“Node.js manages its own threads for I/O” by using libuv for operations involving the network, file system, etc. libuv essentially creates a thread pool for I/O that varies in size based on platform. The V8 event loop is a separate thread that processes events in the queue. Those events map to a JavaScript function to execute with the event data. This is how asynchronous I/O is handled by Node.js.
So each I/O operation executes outside V8 event loop thread, that's why it runs concurrently.
I/O operations run efficiently because, as you mentioned, a thread pool is used - a group of threads that "wait" for incoming tasks from V8 event loop, execute them, and return data to JavaScript callback functions.
As you already stated Node runtime is single threaded.
Node is well suited for IO bound operation. It's less recommended for CPU bound because it will block Node's event loop.
If you really want to do CPU bound work async with node you can achieve that using a nodes cluster but you'll have to manage the communication between them. (A simple example here - or using chiled process -

NodeJS Synchronous IO Implementation

Node.JS has synchronous versions for file operations:
fs.writeFileSync(file, data, ...)
According to this blog, the underlying OS call is still asynchronous (verified with DTrace), and all the sync version does is "block the event loop".
What does it mean to block the event loop (in purpose)? Is it something like continuous setImmediate() or something more low level?
What does it mean to block the event loop (in purpose)?
It just means v8 doesn't run any userland javascript code while waiting for the IO to complete. Normally v8 would be executing javascript while waiting for the IO, both your javascript and any libraries your application is using, but in this case it doesn't. One way to think of it is your entire program is paused while the IO happens, whereas normally your program continues to execute.

Node.js, process and threads question

Does process have at least one thread running?
If so, then the Node.js will by default have 1 main thread and 1 event loop thread running?
No, node.js runs only with one thread. There is no "main thread" and "event loop thread". First run the initialzation code then the event loop is entered. The event loop runs the event and timeout handlers. Exactly as in the browser: first run the initialization code in the <script> tags, then the handlers.
Except the workers, but also here it is the same as in the browser (HTML5 workers). A worker thread or process is started separately to offload long-running calculations and a handler is run when the worker finished its task.
