Vim: replacing text within function body - vim

I have some very useful plugins to find and replace text through files (see EasyGrep vim script - it's very helpful for programmers). I can even replace text only in the current buffer - by using plugins or :%s .... But what if I just want replace text within the current function body?
Consider the following example:
void f0()
int foo = 0;
// ...
// 99 other functions that uses foo as local variable.
void f100()
int foo = 0; // I want to replace foo with bar only in this function
// 1000 lines of code that uses foo goes below
// ...
Of course, I can use :%s ... with c flag for confirmation, but I believe there is a faster way to do this.

You can apply a substitution to the whole file using % or on a selection.
To create a selection :
Go in Visual mode Linewise for example, with Shift+v, select a few line and then type :.
Your prompt will look like :
:'<,'> it means : current selection
Type then s/foo/bar/g and it will replace foo by bar in the current selected line.
The better way to select a function content is to go inside a function with your cursor and type :
vi} it will select everything between { and }.
See :help text-objects for more tips on selection.

You could mark the function with V. Then when you type a command in :, it'll automatically be prefixed by and only be executed in the marked area.
There's probably a command for jumping to beginning of function and end of function, so you could do begin-function, V, end-function, substitute very quickly. Don't know those commands though.

I've always used [[ to jump to the beginning of the function, then use % to jump to the end of the function. I used mt and mb to mark the top and bottom of the function, respectively. Then to search and replace within the marked top and bottom, :'t,'bs/pattern/newpattern/g. This has always worked for me. I'm sure you can create a macro for this.
The visual select (vi}) is much easier and faster. It is aware of the cursor position. So, if the cursor is inside a fucntion sub block, then vi} selects all lines in that block. If you want to select the entire function, one needs to place the cursor outside of the sub blocks then do vi}. This is great for function blocks that fits in the current window. For functions that spans beyond the current window, the selection is lost once scroll up.
I really like the visual select of the vi} because it's so much easier and faster, but I have to resort the old school method on occasion.


Delete till first character on next line

I have code that looks like this:
DataAssociator::Impl::Impl(const VoxelHasherSettings& settings_voxelhasher,
const CameraSettings& settings_camera)
When I position my cursor on the c of the first const and press either + or <CR> I move to the next const.
However pressing d+ / d<CR> deletes too much and leaves this:
Why is that the case?
How do I achieve the effect of deleting till the first character on the next line?
I am using neovim.
Thanks in advance,
When you check out :help +, this mentions linewise. So when you use + in normal mode, it moves (as documented) to the first non-blank, but after an operator (like d or y), all touched lines will be included by default.
You can change that default behavior on a case-by-case basis via :help o_v: So dv+ instead of d+.
Alternatively, you can first go into visual mode; the selection will provide feedback on what text you'll be covering: v+d. A complication here is that depending on your 'selection' setting, this may select one character too much (with the default inclusive selection).
Yet another option for this specific case:

Vim: match next/previous line in search pattern

I'm trying to practice my search patterns for ex commands and trying to do stuff I would usually do with macros using them, and I got stuck with one I'm not sure is possible.
I have some code that looks like this:
public myFunc (): any {
return {};
And I'm trying to yank it with this command (with the cursor after the function):
This works as expected and matches the function that I mentioned up there.
What I would like to do but haven't found a way is to ignore the first line and the last one (I just want the contents of the function). I suspect it is possible to do it somehow (maybe +/- search offsets?), but I haven't had any luck yet.
Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks!
Yes, this is a simple matter of adding the appropriate offsets (:help search-offset). You basically define a range with two searches (one upwards from the current position, one downwards from there): ?...?;/.../. To exclude the targets, you just add / subtract 1; this is done by appending the offset to the search: ?...?+1;/.../-1. Applied to your example:
To insert carriage return (Enter) like below use Ctrl-v Enter
:normal ?public^Mjwyiw
:normal ............ in normal mode
?public ............. search backward for public
^M .................. Enter
j ................... move to the line below
yiw ................. yank inner word

How to provide parameter in vim macro

Is it possible to provide some parameter when recording a macro in vim via prompt or some other ways?
I have such code:
And I would like to surround each with ruby block:
expect do
foo raise_error(CustomClass)
expect do
foo raise_error(OtherCustomClass)
So, it is easy to create a macro that will result with:
expect do
foo raise_error()
expect do
foo raise_error()
But it will be nice to have prompt that will be used to set raise_error method parameter. In each use of macro this parameter will be different.
While I agree with everyone else that if you need this feature, you're probably going about things inefficiently, it is possible to insert a variable text string into a document as part of a macro. The trick is to store the text you want to use in your macro in a register.
yank some text into a named register, for example "xyw to yank a word into the x register
record your macro, qq, when you want to place the variable text, put it, for example "xp to put the text in the x register into the document where the cursor is
now, when you play your q macro, #q, it will use whatever is currently in the x register, so you can yank different text into the x register, play your q macro, and the newly yanked text will be used.
If you are talking about recording a macro with qx...q, this is not possible.
However you could still do : :let #y = substitute(#x, 'old_pattern', 'replacement', 'g') and then use #y.
You could also define a function:
function Play(myArg)
execute 'normal sequence_of_characters' . a:myArg . 'other_sequence_of_characters'
call Play('foo')
Very particularly in the OP's situation, where you really only have precisely two variable pieces of content, I find the easiest method to be a bastardisation of #mkomitee's approach above.
Instead of manually saving the two ‘parameters’ into registers before each usage of the macro, I prefer to type the “first parameter,” visual-select it, evaluate the macro, then type the “second parameter.” To achieve this, I start the macro with a deletion command (a simple d, assuming you're always going to invoke the macro in visual-mode, for instance); then finish it with a command that switches to insert mode (like c or i), and finally, while still in insert mode, a Ctrl-O q to cause the macro to also leave Vim in insert mode when it's done.
As a slightly simple example, if the two “parameters” are single words, here's the keystrokes to create (and then invoke) a macro to manipulate widget.snog() to a parameterised widgetFoo.fooSnog(bar):
foob qq "zdw — we're now recording to the q register, with the first ‘argument’ in z
"aP — prefix-paste from a fixed register used elsewhere in the document
^ea␣Ctrl-rEscb~hx — paste the first arg, and capitalize
2w~b"zP — capitalize existing word, then paste the first arg again‸oSnog()
$Ctrl-Oq — move to the last position, enter insert-mode, and end the macro
After finishing the first instance with bar, we can now use it several times:
obazEscb — set up our first ‘argument’,
#qquuxEsc — invoke the macro, and finish with the second one
ocorgeEscb##graultEsc — repeat a third time
ogarplyEscb##waldoEsc — … and so on
Of course, it looks laborious, typed out in such a long fashion — but it's surprisingly few key-strokes in practice, and very easy to train into your fingers.
tl;dr: type the first argument; enter macro-recording before deleting it into a register; manipulate your text as desired; then leave vim in insert-mode at the position of the second argument with Ctrl-Oq.
If you need to generate a code, which is the case, the best way for this is to use vim snippets. You can configure snippet to put cursor where you need when you [tab].

Enclosing the function call in another function call (retval as parameter)

Having this LOC:
printf("%s (%d)\t(%d)\t%d-%d\t", meta_scanner_token_name($ret['major']), $ret['major'], (string)$ret['dirty'], $ret['start_line'], $ret['minor']);
What is the fastest way in terms of key strokes to enclose the call to meta_scanner_token_name in another function call to foo, yelding:
printf("%s (%d)\t(%d)\t%d-%d\t", foo(meta_scanner_token_name($ret['major'])), $ret['major'], (string)$ret['dirty'], $ret['start_line'], $ret['minor']);
given that
first scenario: my cursor is on 'm' at the beginning of the function?
second scenario: my cursor is somewhere on meta_scanner_token_name?
va)oB would select the entire line, and ys%) would enclose only the m, resulting in:
... (m)eta_sca...
Please answer to both scenarios.
(I am using spf13-vim with default settings except some visual changes, if that has any relevance)
ifoo(<Esc> then f)i)<Esc>
bifoo(<Esc> then f)i)<Esc>
but I'm still a Vim noob
-- EDIT --
I see "Surrounding.vim" is a modified version of "Surround.vim" if it's compatible with Surround you can do:
Scenario 1
vt, to select everything until the first ,
s to launch Surround.vim
f to instruct Surround to input a "function"
foo the identifier
<CR> Enter key.
That's 6 keystrokes not including typing foo which — I think — can't really be avoided.
Scenario 2
It's the same as scenario 1 except that you type b first to go back to the first letter of meta_scanner_token_name.
Using normal vim you could do this (prefix with b for scenario 2)
If your vim plugins add the closing paren for you, you can drop that from the sequence. Depending on where it leaves your cursor, you might need to use p instead of P.

Commenting out a function with NerdCommenter

Is there a way to do this? I know you can do all the obvious ones like ,c and ,cs
But I don't think there's a binding for commenting out an entire function...
From anywhere inside the function, do:
off course, you can map this to something:
:map ,o va{,c<space>
so pressing ,o inside a function will comment it (or uncomment it if it is already commented).
It depends..
It depends on how the function is, and where you are.
public function test()
$name = "whatever";
$data = array(
'name' => $name
return $data;
Scenario 1: Cursor Line 1 at public function test()
Sequence: Vj%
V Start linewise visual mode
j Go down one line
% Go to matching closing bracket
Scenario 2: Cursor Line 3 at $name = "whatever"
Sequence: va{ok
v Start visual mode
a{ Arround bracket
o Exchange cursor from top to bottom of selection
k Go up one line
Then, comment as usual ,,c depending on your Nerd Commenter mapping.
There are no binding for commenting out the whole function (as far as i know). I think there are couple of ways you can achieve this - for example you can place cursor on the closing bracket, go to the visual line mode, press % key (and select additional line if you place opening bracket in new line) and then use \cc for example.
When I want to achieve this i use textobj-user and textobj-rubyblock (I am currently programming mostly in Ruby) plugins, which allow me to easily select block of code with var and expand it with ar. That's quite nice, because I don't need to go to the end keyword (in C that would be closing bracket), but I select whole function without moving cursor from the function's body. I have not tried this, but for you this plugin should work. That's not a solution with one binding, but it's quite quick too. I hope this will be usefull for you. :)
