Dynamic Action in JSF page - jsf

I have a JSF page. My CommandButton action method value is dependent on the bean variable value.
Bean headerBean has varaible actionValue with value "someBean.doAction1()"
When I use , It says headerBean.actionValue is not a method which is right.
How can I get the action value as "someBean.doAction1" instead of headerBean.actionValue.

You can use the brace notation for that.
<h:commandButton value="submit" action="#{someBean[headerBean.actionValue]}" />
When the #{headerBean.actionValue} returns a String of for example doAction1, then this will effectively invoke #{someBean.doAction1}.
If the bean name to be called is currently actually in the actionvalue (headerBean.actionValue returning someBean.doAction1), you need to split it into a field that returns the bean name and one that returns the method name and then use
<h:commandButton value="submit" action="#{requestScope[headerBean.beanName][headerBean.actionValue]}" />
If headerBean.beanName returns 'someBean' and headerBean.actionValue returns doAction1 the above will call #{somebean.doAction1}.


javax.el.PropertyNotWritableException when using EL conditional operator in value of UIInput

I get this error message:
javax.el.PropertyNotWritableException: /u/editProfile.xhtml #64,140 value="#{empty userProfile.cfg.gpu or userProfile.cfg.gpu == '' ? usernavmsg.EditMe: userProfile.cfg.gpu}": null
The problem is that when the value of a bean property is null the value of an inputText field switches from my ManagedBean property, to a resource string. So I cannot persist that value.
I request the profile of the user from my database in my managed bean. If a property of the said profile is null, the inplace text holder value is "Edit Me". If it's not null it's the value of that property. Which is working ! However when I submit the form and try to persist a new value or no value at all the error appears. The error only appears for the field that are null to begin with (when I requested them from the db). So the problem is that when the value is null it switch from my ManagedBean property, to a resource string.
I just have a form with this:
<h:outputLabel value="#{usernavmsg.GPU}: "/>
<p:inplace styleClass="lessDark">
<p:inputText value="#{empty userProfile.cfg.gpu ? usernavmsg.EditMe: userProfile.cfg.gpu}" />
when I submit the form I want to persist userProfile.cfg in the database which doesn't happen.
Can I work around this ? Is it even possible ?
Conditional statements in EL are indeed not writable. They are read-only. End of story. The same applies to method references in EL as in #{bean.property()}. It must really be a true value expression as in #{bean.property}.
Your approach of using a (HTML5) "placeholder" is actually wrong. For that you should be using the placeholder attribute, not the value attribute. In older versions of PrimeFaces that do not have a placeholder attribute you'll need passthrough.
<html ... xmlns:a="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/passthrough">
<p:inputText value="#{userProfile.cfg.gpu}" a:placeholder="#{usernavmsg.EditMe}" ... />
Nowadays PrimeFaces offers a placeholder attribute.
<p:inputText value="#{userProfile.cfg.gpu}" placeholder="#{usernavmsg.EditMe}" ... />

h:button not passing f:param from a JSF component

I have a JSF 2 page with an <h:button>. I want to pass two <f:param> to the outcome page.
Value of <f:param> pOne comes from the page bean.
Value of <f:param> pTwo comes from an input field on the page.
pTwo's value is not stored on the page bean.
pTwo's input field value is set by javascript when user clicks on an image map within same page.
The problem is that the request passes null for param pTwo.
If I set the value of pTwo to a static value, value="12345", then 12345 is passed.
So, why does <f:param> not pass the value of a input field from the source page?
<input type="text" id="pTwo"/>
<h:button value="Go" outcome="destPage">
<f:param name="pOne" value=#{myBean.pOne}"/>
<f:param name="pTwo" value=#{pTwo}"/>
You cannot reference the value of the input field in an EL expression like this. Not even if you use h:inputText.
Furthermore, JSF calculates the link for the button including the parameters when the page is rendered on server side. So when the user sees the page and enters something in the input field, the URL for the link is already fixed and won't change.
To solve this in a similar way, you could use h:commandButton instead of h:button, submit the form including the value for pTwowith h:inputText and return a redirect to the new page. The XHTML for this could look like this:
<h:inputText value="#{bean.pTwo}"/>
<h:commandButton action="#{bean.goToDest}" value="Go"/>
The referenced action method could look like this:
public String goToDest() {
return "destPage?faces-redirect=true&pOne=" + pOne + "&pTwo=" + pTwo;
try use the following code:
<h:commandButton action="#{bean.goToDest}" value="Go" >
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{yourDestinyManagedBean.pOne}" value="#{yourManagedBean.pOne}" />
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{youDestinyManagedBean.pTwo}" value="#{yourManagedBean.pTwo}" />
You can see an example here.

JSF PrimeFaces inputText inside dataTable

JSF-2.0, Mojarra 2.1.19, PrimeFaces 3.4.1
Summary of the problem: Have a p:inputText inside p:dataTable and inputText action fired by p:remoteCommand which passes the dataTable row index as a parameter with f:setPropertyActionListener. But it always passes the last row of the dataTable, not the index of the row which includes currently clicked p:inputText.
As it can be seen from my previous questions, I am trying to use p:inputText as a comment taker for a status like in Facebook or etc. Implementation includes a p:dataTable. It's rows represents each status. Seems like:
<p:dataTable id="dataTable" value="#{statusBean.statusList}" var="status"
<p:panel id="statusRepeatPanel">
<p:remoteCommand name="test" action="#{statusBean.insertComment}"
<p:inputText id="commentInput" value="#{statusBean.newComment}"
onkeypress="if (event.keyCode == 13) { test(); return false; }">
Upper code says when the press enter key, fire p:remoteCommand which calls the insert method of the managed bean.
public class StatusBean {
List<Status> statusList = new ArrayList<Status>();
public int indexStatusList;
public String newComment
//getters and setters
public void insertComment() {
long statusID = findStatusID(statusList.get(indexStatusList));
Let's debug together; assuming there are three statuses shown in the p:dataTable, click in the p:inputText which in the second status(index of 1), type "relax" and press the enter key.
In the debug console, it correctly shows "relax", but it finds the wrong status because indexStatusList has the value of 2 which belongs the last status in the p:statusList. It must be 1 which is the index of p:inputText that clicked on the dataTable row.
I think problem is about p:remoteCommand which takes the last index on the screen.
How it works?
Let's imagine there is a p:commandLink instead of p:remoteCommand and p:inputText:
<p:commandLink action=#{statusBean.insertComment>
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{statusBean.indexStatusList}"
This component successfully passes the indexStatusList as currently clicked one.
Conceptual problem in this solution lies in way how p:remoteCommand works. It creates JavaScript function whose name is defined in name attribute of p:remoteCommand. As you putted this in dataTable it will iterate and create JavaScript function called test as many times as there is rows in this table, and at the end last one will be only one. So, solution can be in appending index at the name of the remoteCommand but that is bad, because you will have many unnecessary JavaScript functions. Better approach would be to create one function an pass argument to it. So define remoteCommand outside of datatable:
<p:remoteCommand name="test" action="#{statusBean.insertComment}" update="statusRepeatPanel">
and call test function like this in your onkeypress event:
test([{ name: 'rowNumber', value: #{indexStatusList} }])
This will pass rowNumber parameter in your AJAX request. In backing bean's insertComment() method you can read this parameter and do with it anything you want:
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Map map = context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
Integer rowNumber = Integer.parseInt(map.get("rowNumber").toString());
NOTE: as you are updating panel in each row, maybe you can change update attribute of remoteCommand to #parent so this will work for all rows.
EDIT: You can update the specific panel in specific row with following code in Java method:
RequestContext.getCurrentinstance().update("form:dataTable:" + rowNumber + ":statusRepeatPanel")

How to save h:inputText values of a h:dataTable? My attempt only saves the value of last row

I'm having trouble making a dataTable where each row has a inputText and a commandLink. When the link is clicked, only it's row's inputText's data is submitted.
Something like this?
<h:dataTable value="#{bean.items}" var="item">
<h:inputText value="#{bean.value}"/>
<h:commandLink action="#{bean.save}" value="save">
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{bean.item}" value="#{item}" />
public class Bean {
private Item item;
private String value;
Right now, as it is, it's using the last row's inputText to fill the value. I wrapped another h:form, but it broke other things and I've learned that nested h:form is not the right way to do it hehe
What's the correct way to do this?
You're binding the value of all HTML input elements to one and same bean property. This is of course not going to work if all those HTML input elements are inside the same form. All values are subsequently set on the very same property in the order as the inputs appeared in the form. That's why you end up with the last value. You'd like to move that form to inside the <h:column> (move; thus don't add/nest another one).
The usual approach, however, would be to just bind the input field to the iterated object.
<h:inputText value="#{item.value}"/>
An alternative, if you really need to have your form around the table, is to have a Map<K, V> as bean property where K represents the type of the unique identifier of the object behind #{item} and V represents the type of value. Let's assume that it's Long and String:
private Map<Long, String> transferredValues = new HashMap<Long, String>();
// +getter (no setter necessary)
<h:inputText ... value="#{bean.values[item.id]}" />
This way you can get it in the action method as follows:
String value = values.get(item.getId());
By the way, if you happen to target Servlet 3.0 containers which supports EL 2.2 (Tomcat 7, Glassfish 3, etc), then you can also just pass the #{req} as a method argument without the need for a <f:setPropertyActionListener>.
<h:commandLink ... action="#{bean.save(item)}" />
See also:
How and when should I load the model from database for h:dataTable
How can I pass selected row to commandLink inside dataTable?
How to dynamically add JSF components

how to pass object from richface Datatable to actionlistener

I am passing an object from richface datatable like:
value="Transfer inside Group"
value="#{Machineassg3}" />
What i am expecting from above code, when command link is clicked:
assign object (Machineassg3) to bean's variable (adminBean.machineToChange)
then invoking actionlistener (init_machineTransferInsideGroup)
after that richmodal panel
But steps that are happening is :
Invoking actionlistener (init_machineTransferInsideGroup)
assign object (Machineassg3) to bean's variable (adminBean.machineToChange)
after that richmodal panel
How to do expected steps (means assigning first and then invoking actionlistener)
You should do the business job in action instead of actionListener. The action listener is intented to hold self-contained logic to prepare/preprocess the real business action and/or to log something, not to do the business job.
So, replace
and remove the ActionEvent argument from the init_machineTransferInsideGroup() method. The action will be invoked after all action listeners (also the <f:setPropertyActionListener> one) have done its job.
See also:
Differences between action and actionListener
You could get the rows variable with a ValueExpression.
Lets say you have in the dataTable declaration the attribute var="machine", then in the managed bean's action method you could get like so
FacesContext fCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ELContext elCtx = fCtx.getELContext();
ExpressionFactory ef = fCtx.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
ValueExpression ve = ef.createValueExpression(elCtx, "#{machine}", Machineassg3.class);
machineassg3 = (Machineassg3)ve.getValue(elCtx);
I don't know the actual class of the machineassg3 variable and so I just had it like Machineassg3.
I hope it helps.
