Using Properties from ResourceBundle in ManagedProperty - jsf

I have a JSF Validator that I'm building that has properties in it that I would like to have loaded from a ResourceBundle. However, I'm not quite sure how to work this, as it isn't loading properly. Any ideas on how I can make this work?
I've tried using a #PostContruct to do it, but I'm getting the following error in Eclipse:
Access restriction: The type
PostConstruct is not accessible due to
restriction on required library
So, I'm not too sure what the best way to work this. A sample of what I'm talking about is below...
The validator...
public class UserNameValidator implements Validator {
private String userNamePattern;
private int minUserNameLength;
private int maxUserNameLength;
public void validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object
value) throws ValidatorException {
//My validations here...
//Setters for the class properties
props_userNamePattern = /^[a-z0-9_-]+$/
props_minUserNameLength = 3
props_maxUserNameLength = 30

The #ManagedProperty works on #ManagedBean classes only. The #PostConstruct will also not be the correct solution for your functional requirement. It is intented to be placed on a method which is to be executed when the class has been constructed and all dependency injections are been finished. The error which you're facing is caused by a specific combination of older Eclipse+JRE versions. If upgrading is not an option, you could disable the warning/error by Window > Preferences > Java > Compiler > Errors/Warnings > Deprecated and restricted API > Forbidden reference > Ignore.
As to your functional requirement, unfortunately no annotation which achieves that comes to mind. You could however get it programmatically.
String bundlename = "settings";
Locale locale = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().getLocale();
ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundlename, locale);
String usernamePattern = bundle.getString("props_userNamePattern");
// ...
You can do that in the constructor of the validator. When used properly a new instance will be created for every view anyway.

Adding to the correct answer of BalusC; In JSF 2.0/2.1 Validators, Converters, PhaseListeners, etc are a kind of 'second-class' citizen as they are not injection targets.
This also means you can't inject an entity manager or an EJB, which can sometimes be used for validation purposes.
In JSF 2.2 this is supposed to change:
All JSF lifecycle artifacts should be
CDI-aware and support
(PhaseListeners, NavHandlers,
Components, ActionListeners,

Perhaps seam-faces might help for this situation?


Override beans from an external library (Quarkus)

I want to override a bean that's used by Quarkus to disable authentication/authorization.
With the following implementation, it works that REST endpoints can be configured at start time to not be secured:
public class CustomOidcAuthController extends TestAuthController {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CustomOidcAuthController.class);
#ConfigProperty(name = "quarkus.oidc.enabled", defaultValue = "false")
boolean quarkusOidcEnabled;
public void check() {"isAuthorizationEnabled(): " + isAuthorizationEnabled());
public boolean isAuthorizationEnabled() {
return quarkusOidcEnabled;
This is with the Bean residing in the same Quarkus module.
However, I want to externalize this class into a separate library and if I do this, it no longer works.
Yes, the #Priority of my bean (1) is higher than the default (3000)
The beans are discovered, if I explicitly inject them.
They are however not used, if I inject the subtype that Quarkus uses internally (either TestAuthController or AuthorizationController).
Therefore the endpoints are always secured
As can be seen here from the IntelliJ debugger
Currently I have an empty beans.xml, but with building a Jandex Index I also observe the same behavior (related How to create a Jandex index in Quarkus for classes in a external module)
I can get the behavior I want, if I use, however this is not preferable, since each Service using the library would need to configure this and this will certainly cause problems, because it can be easily forgotten.
Well, the priority of the TestAuthController is indeed 3000 and therefore it takes precedence. Injection of CustomOidcAuthController works because there's no other bean that has CustomOidcAuthController in its set of bean types.
In other words, it works as expected (and defined by the spec).
Yes, the #Priority of my bean (1) is higher than the default (3000)
According to CDI specification, an alternative with highest priority is selected. See this part of the CDI 2.0 specification.
Here is a CDI TCK test asserting that higher priority 'wins' during typesafe resolution.
Therefore, your approach is correct and you just need to make sure your custom bean is an alternative with priority value higher than that of TestAuthController.

RESTEasy, CDI, embedded Jetty, bean validation is ignored

I've a Groovy project where I use RESTEasy with Weld and deploy to embedded Jetty. What I can't seem to get working is bean validation. RESTEasy documentation says that adding resteasy-validator-provider-11 along with hibernate validator dependencies (hibernate-validator, hibernate-validator-cdi, javax.el-api, javax.el) is enough. But the bean validation is simply ignored by RESTEasy. I curiously also get the following message in the logs:
plugins.validation.ValidatorContextResolver - Unable to find CDI supporting ValidatorFactory. Using default ValidatorFactory
Based on the suggestions on [this][1] post, I tried registering Hibernate InjectingConstraintValidatorFactory in META-INF/validation.xml but it depends on a BeanManager being injected and blows up at runtime.
The code can be found here
A log gist is here:
I've tried everything under the sun without any success. Pls help.
To do this without EE, I believe you'll need to fork the existing InjectingConstraintValidatorFactory but instead of using injection of the bean manager, use the CDI 1.1 class CDI to get a reference to the bean manager, e.g. CDI.current().getBeanManager().
You do need to be on CDI 1.1 to do this (so Weld 2+, 2.1.1 is current I believe). Here's an example impl, based on:
public class InjectingConstraintValidatorFactory implements ConstraintValidatorFactory {
// TODO look for something with better performance (HF)
private final Map<Object, DestructibleBeanInstance<?>> constraintValidatorMap =
Collections.synchronizedMap( new IdentityHashMap<Object, DestructibleBeanInstance<?>>() );
private final BeanManager beanManager;
public InjectingConstraintValidatorFactory() {
this.beanManager = CDI.current().getBeanManager();
Contracts.assertNotNull( this.beanManager, "The BeanManager cannot be null" );
public <T extends ConstraintValidator<?, ?>> T getInstance(Class<T> key) {
DestructibleBeanInstance<T> destructibleBeanInstance = new DestructibleBeanInstance<T>( beanManager, key );
constraintValidatorMap.put( destructibleBeanInstance.getInstance(), destructibleBeanInstance );
return destructibleBeanInstance.getInstance();
public void releaseInstance(ConstraintValidator<?, ?> instance) {
DestructibleBeanInstance<?> destructibleBeanInstance = constraintValidatorMap.remove( instance );
I finally fixed this. Turns out, a validation.xml is not really required, resteasy-cdi module does a fine job of registering the BeanManager. What I was missing and not clearly documented anywhere, is that if an annotation is placed on a method, the validation engine just "decides" what should be validated. I placed a #NotNull on a method and it was validating the return type, not the parameters. One can use validationAppliesTo element in some cases but #NotNull doesn't have it. When I moved it from the method to the parameter, it started working.
Now I ran across what I believe is a Weld bug but I'll post that question separately.

CDI extension, altering processed type

Using Weld 1.1.13.Final in test with Arquillian....
Let's say I inject into a field something volatile. Something like a property subject to change that I want the bean owning the injection point to receive change events. Thought about creating a CDI extension.
Caught ProcessAnnotatedType event and looking for all fields that have an custom annotation on field injection points:
<T> void pat(#Observes ProcessAnnotatedType<T> event, BeanManager bm) {
final AnnotatedType<T> target = event.getAnnotatedType();
for (AnnotatedField<? super T> field : target.getFields())
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Value.class)) { // ignore that I don't check #Inject here for the moment
CtClass wrapper = pool.get(target.getJavaClass().getName());
ConstPool cp = wrapper.getClassFile().getConstPool();
CtMethod m = CtNewMethod.make(....)
Had even grabbed thereafter all the injection points for fields and replaced the underlying WeldField with a new Field corresponding the "wrapper" type. Otherwise bean validation fails.
But this only works for stuff setup during startup not when for example Arquillian uses the Bean Manager to initialize a class that injects one of my "wraps". Things fail since the Bean Resolver uses the Type as a hash key to find beans.
Basically I don't think I can "mask" a class that is annotated (made into a bean) by the CDI with an extra method to receive custom events. Would have been cool but a Type is a Type (i.e. no idea how to proxy or fake the equals/hashCode).
Got it. Turns out the compute value function (google extension) inside the TypeSafeBeanResolver resolver (at least the CDI Weld implementation) is smart. If I just extend the class:
CtClass wrapper = pool.makeClass(target.getJavaClass().getName()+"Proxy");
final AnnotatedType<T> other = bm.createAnnotatedType(wrapper
then everything works fine. Tested capturing an event in a bean. Will post the code on a Gist with a comment.

Accessing an EJB3 bean in a jar from an independently deployed war (not packaged in ear)

For some reasons, I would like to deploy my application as two separate artifacts: Users-ejb.jar and Users-war.war, not packaged in the same ear (but still, deployed in the same JBoss AS 7.1 instance). In the Users-war.war I have a backing bean (annotated as a JSF managed bean) where I wish to inject an EJB3 packaged in the Users-ejb.jar. The simple #EJB injection that worked when everything was packaged in a single ear no longer works when the Users-ejb.jar and the Users-war.war are deployed seperately.
A narrowed-down simplified example of my setup follows:
EJB3 bean
import javax.ejb.*;
public class UserFacade extends AbstractFacade<User> implements IUserFacadeLocal, IUserFacadeRemote {
Backing bean
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped;
import javax.ejb.EJB;
import entities.User;
import facades.IUserFacadeRemote;
import facades.IUserFacadeLocal;
public class IndexBackingBean implements Serializable {
private IUserFacadeLocal userFacade;
I've tried various combinations like declaring the type of the EJB3 bean in the backing bean as IUserFacadeRemote (as opposed to IUserFacadeLocal) but they all fail with the same exception when the Users-war.war module is deployed:
Caused by:
JBAS014543: No EJB found with interface of type 'facades.IUserFacadeLocal' and
name 'userFacade' for binding controllers.IndexBackingBean/userFacade
The Users-ejb.jar is deployed to JBoss AS 7.1 without any complains but when the Users-war.war is deployed, JBoss complains that it can't find the bean he's supposed to inject.
However, I am able to obtain a reference to the EJB3 bean using JNDI using:
String jndiName = "java:global/Users-ejb/userFacade!facades.IUserFacadeRemote";
this.userFacade = (IUserFacadeRemote) new InitialContext().lookup(jndiName);
Despite that, the #EJB injection doesn't seem to work.
I followed the suggestion give below by Tom Anderson and the injection that does work is the:
#EJB(mappedName = "java:global/Users-ejb/userFacade!facades.IUserFacadeRemote")
which if I understand correctly uses the vendor-specific mappedName attribute. I couldn't get the injection to work in a vendor-independent way.
I wish i understood this area of the EE spec well enough to give you a definitive answer, but i don't.
The JBoss EJB documentation has this to say:
The #EJB annotation also has a mappedName() attribute. The specification leaves this a vendor specific metadata, but JBoss recognizes mappedName() as the global JNDI name of the EJB you are referencing. If you have specified a mappedName(), then all other attributes are ignored and this global JNDI name is used for binding.
If you specify #EJB with no attributes defined [...] Then the following rules apply:
The EJB jar of the referencing bean is searched for an EJB with the interface, used in for #EJB injection. If there are more than one EJB that publishes same business interface, then an exception is thrown. If there is only one bean with that interface then that one is used.
Search the EAR for EJBs that publish that interface. If there are duplicates, then an exception is thrown. Otherwise the matching bean is returned.
Search globally in JBoss for an EJB of that interface. Again, if duplicates, an exception is thrown.
#EJB.beanName() corresponds to . If the beanName() is defined, then use the same algorithm as #EJB with no attributes defined except use the beanName() as a key in the search. An exception to this rule is if you use the ejb-link '#' syntax. The '#' syntax allows you to put a relative path to a jar in the EAR where the EJB you are referencing lives. See spec for more details
The "Search globally in JBoss for an EJB of that interface" certainly suggests that an injection like the one you wrote should work. Indeed, that it should work without the beanName. However, my suspicion is that from the point of view of a component in the WAR, a component in the EJB-JAR is remote, and therefore you will need to use the remote interface.
So, the first thing i'd try is:
private IUserFacadeRemote userFacade;
Without a beanName, in case that's making trouble. It sounds like you've tried that, though.
If the normal approach to injection doesn't work, i might fall back to trying an injection via a mappedName, which in JBoss is a global JNDI name. So:
#EJB(mappedName = "java:global/Users-ejb/userFacade!facades.IUserFacadeRemote")
private IUserFacadeRemote userFacade;
This is obviously rather ugly.
Anyway, good luck!
EDIT: Something else you could try is to use a qualified relative beanName which explicitly names the EJB-JAR:
#EJB(beanName = "Users-ejb.jar#userFacade")
private IUserFacadeRemote userFacade;
Because the WAR and EJB-JAR are not packaged in an EAR, this might need to be:
#EJB(beanName = "../Users-ejb.jar#userFacade")
private IUserFacadeRemote userFacade;
But by this point i'm just guessing.
EDIT STRIKES BACK: We may have overlooked something very simple. The lookup attribute of the #EJB annotation lets you specify "A portable lookup string containing the JNDI name for the target EJB component", hence:
#EJB(lookup = "java:global/Users-ejb/userFacade!facades.IUserFacadeRemote")
private IUserFacadeRemote userFacade;
Might work. This is essentially a portable version of the JBoss-specific use of mappedName.
I have been testing this scenario in Wildfly and found that it will work with local interfaces as described above if there is a jboss-deployment-structure.xml inside of the war pointing to the ejb. Otherwise a ClassNotFoundException is thrown as the war above can't really "know" about the ejbs classes due to the modular class loading in JBoss and Wildfly. The content of the file should be:
<module name="deployment.Users-ejb.jar" />
And then the JSF bean can use:
#EJB(lookup = "java:global/Users-ejb/userFacade!facades.IUserFacadeRemote")
private IUserFacadeLocal userFacade;
As #TomAnderson said, the standard way to achieve cross-artifact lookup is the lookup attribute of the #EJB annotation.
Here's a complete Maven project to illustrate how this works:
You don't need to use the name attribute of the EJB class, providing the class name in lookup is sufficient. Quoting from the example above:
// in API JAR
public interface HelloService { ... }
// in EJB JAR
public class HelloServiceImpl implements HelloService { ... }
// in WAR
public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet {
#EJB(lookup = "java:global/service-ear/service-ejb-impl/HelloServiceImpl!" +
private HelloService helloService;
(So, using HelloServiceImpl directly in lookup Just Works™.)

Prevent component tree serialization for certain parts of application

Is it possible to explicitly deny JSF from serializing some component trees? At the moment I am passing a non-serializable object to a <h:inputText>:
<h:inputText value="#{nonSerializableBean.nonSerializableClassInstance}" />
What happens after a few clicks is that I get (during view restoration):
javax.faces.FacesException: Unexpected error restoring state for component
with id configurationForm:j_idt292:j_idt302:field. Cause:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.lang.InstantiationException:
I think this occurs because JSF cannot restore the nonSerializableClassInstance:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.lang.InstantiationException: com.foobar.utils.text.Period
at javax.faces.component.StateHolderSaver.restore(
at javax.faces.component.ComponentStateHelper.restoreState(
at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.restoreState(
at javax.faces.component.UIOutput.restoreState(
at javax.faces.component.UIInput.restoreState(
A bonus question: Is it ok not to make backing beans Serializable? Should this then prevent serialization/deserialization of these?
Some background:
We have a bunch of 3rd party classes that we need to provide forms for in JSF. The problem is that we cannot directly use these classes on JSF pages, because they do not implement Serializable interface, and thus will/should fail if JSF runtime decides to serialize/deserialize the page and the component-tree. The classes are "closed" and we are not allowed to modify them.
Running Mojarra 2.0.2.
Javabeans are by spec supposed to implement Serializable. JSF just follows/adheres this spec.
The classes are "closed" and we are not allowed to modify them.
Your best bet is to wrap it as a transient property of a class which implements Serializable and implement the writeObject() and readObject() accordingly.
public class SerializableClass implements Serializable {
private transient NonSerializableClass nonSerializableClass;
public SerializableClass(NonSerializableClass nonSerializableClass) {
this.nonSerializableClass = nonSerializableClass;
public NonSerializableClass getNonSerializableClass() {
return nonSerializableClass;
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException {
// ...
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
nonSerializableClass = new NonSerializableClass();
nonSerializableClass.setProperty1((String) ois.readObject());
nonSerializableClass.setProperty2((String) ois.readObject());
// ...
Finally use that class instead. You could eventually let it extends NonSerializableClass and then autogenerate delegate methods by a bit decent IDE.
Either way, it's only going to be a lot of opaque and boilerplate code, but since you're not allowed to modify those classes... (I would personally just push that 3rd party stuff to have them their so-called Javabeans to implement Serializable since it are them who's breaking the standards/specs).
I don't know what you expect if the class members (e.g. nonSerializableClassInstance) are not getting serialized.
Of course, you can mark them as transient.
The aim of a managed bean is to hold the application state - you will lose the state if some members are not getting serialized (if the server has the need of doing this).
