Do Azure table services entities have an equivalent of NonSerializedAttribute? - azure

If I'm trying to serialize a normal CLR object, and I do not want a particular member variable to be serialized, I can tag it with the
attribute. If I am creating a table services entity, is there an equivalent attribute I can use to tell Azure table services to ignore this property?

For Version 2.1 there is a new Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table.IgnoreProperty attribute. See the 2.1 release notes for more information:

There's no equivalent I know of.
This post says how you can achieve the desired effect -
Alternatively, if you can get away with using "internal" rather than "public" on your property then it will not get persisted with the current SDK (but this might change in the future).

For version 2.0 of the Table Storage SDK there is a new way to achieve this.
You can now override the WriteEntity method on TableEntity and remove any entity properties that have an attribute on them. I derive from a class that does this for all my entities, like:
public class CustomSerializationTableEntity : TableEntity
public CustomSerializationTableEntity()
public CustomSerializationTableEntity(string partitionKey, string rowKey)
: base(partitionKey, rowKey)
public override IDictionary<string, EntityProperty> WriteEntity(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.OperationContext operationContext)
var entityProperties = base.WriteEntity(operationContext);
var objectProperties = this.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo property in objectProperties)
// see if the property has the attribute to not serialization, and if it does remove it from the entities to send to write
object[] notSerializedAttributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NotSerializedAttribute), false);
if (notSerializedAttributes.Length > 0)
return entityProperties;
public class NotSerializedAttribute : Attribute
Then you can make use of this class for your entities like
public class MyEntity : CustomSerializationTableEntity
public MyEntity()
public string MySerializedProperty { get; set; }
public List<string> MyNotSerializedProperty { get; set; }


Mapping "long" to create an object

iam trying to map just a long field coming from my url route to create a Query Object from my controller, can i use auto mapper
Source :-long id
public class GetPlanQuery : IRequest<PlanDto>
public long Id { get; }
public GetPlanQuery(long id)
Id = id;
internal sealed class GetPlanQueryHandler : IRequestHandler<GetPlanQuery, PlanDto>
//Logic will go here
Map i am using is as below
CreateMap<long, GetPlanQuery>(MemberList.None);
i am getting an exception while executing as
needs to have a constructor with 0 args or only optional args.'
As Lucian correctly suggested you can achieve this kind of custom mapping by implementing ITypeConverter:
public class LongToGetPlanQueryTypeConverter : ITypeConverter<long, GetPlanQuery>
public GetPlanQuery Convert(long source, GetPlanQuery destination, ResolutionContext context)
return new GetPlanQuery(source);
then specify it's usage in AutoMapper configuration:
configuration.CreateMap<long, GetPlanQuery>()
Alternatively, you can just use a Func:
configuration.CreateMap<long, GetPlanQuery>()
.ConvertUsing(id => new GetPlanQuery(id));

Passing dynamically generated value to NUnit Custom Attribute

For our test scenarios - based on configuration of the application, we may want to either enable or disable a scenario. For this purpose, I created a custom IgnoreIfConfig Attribute like this :
public class IgnoreIfConfigAttribute : Attribute, ITestAction
public IgnoreIfConfigAttribute(string config)
_config = config;
public void BeforeTest(ITest test)
if (_config != "Enabled") NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore("Test is Ignored due to Access level");
public void AfterTest(ITest test)
public ActionTargets Targets { get; private set; }
public string _config { get; set; }
Which can be used as follows :
[Test, Order(2)]
[IgnoreIfConfig("Enabled")] //Config.Enabled.ToString()
public void TC002_DoTHisIfEnabledByConfig()
Now This attribute would only take a constant string as an input. If I were to replace this with something generated dynamically at the runtime, Such as a value from Json file - How can I convert it to a Constant. Constant Expression, TypeOf Expression or Array Creation Expression of Attribute parameter type ? Such as Config.Enabled ?
You can't do as you asked but you can look at the problem differently. Just give the attribute the name of some property in the JSON file to be examined, e.g. "Config".
As per Charlie's suggestion : I implemented it like this -
PropCol pc = new PropCol(); // Class where the framework reads Json Data.
public IgnoreIfConfigAttribute(string config)
if(config = "TestCase") _config = PropCol.TestCase;
// Here TestCase is a Json element which is either enabled or disabled.

Unity Container resolve a Dictionary of objects with same Interface

I got the following block
container.RegisterType<IService, ServiceA>("a");
container.RegisterType<IService, ServiceB>("b");
I want to have a Dictionary of type Dictionary<string,IService>.
I will receive service name by parameter in an API rest and my idea is based on that parameter get the implementation I need from the Dictionary.
I can't figure out how to inject the Dictionary (with the resolved classes inside) into my business class.
I want to do something like this.
private readonly IDictionary<string,IService> serviceDictionary;
public ClassConstructor (IDictionary<string,IService> dictionary)
this.serviceDictionary = dictionary;
You should not inject IDictionary<string,IService> into your component, but instead an application-tailored abstraction:
public interface IServiceProvider
IService GetService(string key);
This way you can create an implementation for Unity as follows:
public class UnityServiceProvider : IServiceProvider
public IUnityContainer Container { get; set; }
public IService GetService(string key) => Container.Resolve<IService>(key);
Now you can complete your registration as follows:
container.RegisterType<IService, ServiceA>("a");
container.RegisterType<IService, ServiceB>("b");
container.RegisterInstance<IService>(new UnityServiceProvider { Container = container });

unable to deserialise odata to Dataset using JSON.NET due to odata.metadata

I'm trying to get some help on deserializing a JSON reponse to a DataSet.
in theory this should be easy as using this example
DataSet dataSet = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DataSet>(json);
DataTable dataTable = dataSet.Tables["Table1"];
However the JSON I am getting back is supplemented / decorated using "odata.metadata"
see below.
{"odata.metadata":"$metadata#NP_Customer","value":[{"No":"01121212","Name":"Spotsmeyer's Furnishings","City":"Miami","Amount":"0","Customer_Posting_Group":"FOREIGN","Balance_LCY":"0","Sales_LCY":"0","Profit_LCY":"0","Balance_Due_LCY":"0","Payments_LCY":"0","Inv_Amounts_LCY":"0","Cr_Memo_Amounts_LCY":"0","Outstanding_Orders":"0","Shipped_Not_Invoiced":"0","No_of_Quotes":0,"No_of_Blanket_Orders":0,"No_of_Orders":6,"No_of_Invoices":0,"No_of_Return_Orders":0,"No_of_Credit_Memos":0,"No_of_Pstd_Shipments":0,"No_of_Pstd_Invoices":0,"No_of_Pstd_Return_Receipts":0,"No_of_Pstd_Credit_Memos":0,"No_of_Ship_to_Addresses":0,"Outstanding_Orders_LCY":"0","Shipped_Not_Invoiced_LCY":"0"},{"No":"01445544","Name":"Progressive Home Furnishings","City":"Chicago","Amount":"0","Customer_Posting_Group":"FOREIGN","Balance_LCY":"1499.02","Sales_LCY":"1499.02","Profit_LCY":"305.12","Balance_Due_LCY":"1499.02","Payments_LCY":"0","Inv_Amounts_LCY":"1499.02","Cr_Memo_Amounts_LCY":"0","Outstanding_Orders":"0","Shipped_Not_Invoiced":"0","No_of_Quotes":0,"No_of_Blanket_Orders":0,"No_of_Orders":0,"No_of_Invoices":0,"No_of_Return_Orders":0,"No_of_Credit_Memos":0,"No_of_Pstd_Shipments":1,"No_of_Pstd_Invoices":1,"No_of_Pstd_Return_Receipts":0,"No_of_Pstd_Credit_Memos":0,"No_of_Ship_to_Addresses":0,"Outstanding_Orders_LCY":"0","Shipped_Not_Invoiced_LCY":"0"},{"No":"01454545","Name":"New Concepts Furniture","City":"Atlanta","Amount":"0","Customer_Posting_Group":"FOREIGN","Balance_LCY":"222241.32","Sales_LCY":"0","Profit_LCY":"0","Balance_Due_LCY":"222241.32","Payments_LCY":"0","Inv_Amounts_LCY":"222241.32","Cr_Memo_Amounts_LCY":"0","Outstanding_Orders":"15609","Shipped_Not_Invoiced":"0","No_of_Quotes":0,"No_of_Blanket_Orders":0,"No_of_Orders":1,"No_of_Invoices":0,"No_of_Return_Orders":0,"No_of_Credit_Memos":0,"No_of_Pstd_Shipments":0,"No_of_Pstd_Invoices":0,"No_of_Pstd_Return_Receipts":0,"No_of_Pstd_Credit_Memos":0,"No_of_Ship_to_Addresses":0,"Outstanding_Orders_LCY":"8702.82","Shipped_Not_Invoiced_LCY":"0"},{"No":"01905893","Name":"Candoxy Canada Inc.","City":"Thunder Bay","Amount":"0","Customer_Posting_Group":"FOREIGN","Balance_LCY":"0","Sales_LCY":"0","Profit_LCY":"0","Balance_Due_LCY":"0","Payments_LCY":"0","Inv_Amounts_LCY":"0","Cr_Memo_Amounts_LCY":"0","Outstanding_Orders":"0","Shipped_Not_Invoiced":"0","No_of_Quotes":0,"No_of_Blanket_Orders":0,"No_of_Orders":0,"No_of_Invoices":0,"No_of_Return_Orders":0,"No_of_Credit_Memos":0,"No_of_Pstd_Shipments":0,"No_of_Pstd_Invoices":0,"No_of_Pstd_Return_Receipts":0,"No_of_Pstd_Credit_Memos":0,"No_of_Ship_to_Addresses":0,"Outstanding_Orders_LCY":"0","Shipped_Not_Invoiced_LCY":"0"},{"No":"01905899","Name":"Elkhorn Airport","City":"Elkhorn","Amount":"0","Customer_Posting_Group":"FOREIGN","Balance_LCY":"0","Sales_LCY":"0","Profit_LCY":"0","Balance_Due_LCY":"0","Payments_LCY":"0","Inv_Amounts_LCY":"0","Cr_Memo_Amounts_LCY":"0","Outstanding_Orders":"0","Shipped_Not_Invoiced":"0","No_of_Quotes":0,"No_of_Blanket_Orders":0,"No_of_Orders":0,"No_of_Invoices":0,"No_of_Return_Orders":0,"No_of_Credit_Memos":0,"No_of_Pstd_Shipments":0,"No_of_Pstd_Invoices":0,"No_of_Pstd_Return_Receipts":0,"No_of_Pstd_Credit_Memos":0,"No_of_Ship_to_Addresses":0,"Outstanding_Orders_LCY":"0","Shipped_Not_Invoiced_LCY":"0"}]}
I have for certain scenarios created a POCO to deal with the returned json for the properties
public class RootObject2
public string odatametadata { get; set; }
public string NextLinkUrl { get; set; }
public class RootObject
public string odatametadata { get; set; }
public string NextLinkUrl { get; set; }
public List<UrlItem> Value { get; set; }
These are used in instances where I know the returned JSON will contain certain structures and can be safely dealt with.
The problem is that the VALUE part of the JSON will be dynamic in many instances and I wanted to take advantage of the dynamic nature of the JSONConvert functions to build DataSets that I can then pass through as a source for an Excel table. It should be noted that the data coming back will never be definable.
When i use the code:
DataSet dataSet = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DataSet>(json);
I get an error, because I need to be passing the sting / contents of the VALUE node/element to the DeserialseObject.
Is there a setting on the JSON converter that allows this?
I have tried to create a POCO with a string field and then after mapping the VALUE node to the POCO passing the string to the JSONConverter but this errors out.
A solution to this would be most helpful.
You can create your own custom subclass of DataSetConverter that strips out non-array-valued properties from the root DataSet object:
public class DataSetConverter : Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.DataSetConverter
public override bool CanConvert(Type valueType)
if (!base.CanConvert(valueType))
return false;
return typeof(DataSet).IsAssignableFrom(valueType);
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null)
return null;
var token = JObject.Load(reader);
// Strip non-array-valued properties
foreach (var property in token.Properties().Where(p => p.Value.Type != JTokenType.Array).ToList())
using (var subReader = token.CreateReader())
while (subReader.TokenType == JsonToken.None)
return base.ReadJson(subReader, objectType, existingValue, serializer); // Use base class to convert
Then use it as follows:
var dataSet = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DataSet>(json, new JsonSerializerSettings { Converters = new JsonConverter[] { new DataSetConverter() } });
var dataTable = dataSet.Tables["value"];
Prototype fiddle.

"Lambda Parameter not in scope" exception using SimpleRepository's Single method

I'm attempting to use the SimpleRepository to perform a fetch based on a non-ID property. Here's the Customer class I'm using:
public class Customer : IEntity<Guid>
public Guid ProviderUserKey { get; set; }
public Guid ID
get; set;
I'm using SimpleRepository with migrations turned on. The code that throws the "Lambda Parameter not in scope" is below:
public class CustomerRepository :
private readonly IRepository _impl;
public CustomerRepository(string connectionStringName)
_impl = new SimpleRepository(connectionStringName,
public Customer GetCustomer(string userName)
var user = Membership.GetUser(userName);
// Code to guard against a missing user would go here
// This line throws the exception
var customer = _impl.Single<Customer>(c => c.ProviderUserKey.Equals(user.ProviderUserKey));
// Code to create a new customer based on the
// ASP.NET Membership user would go here
return customer;
I'm not sure at what point in the LINQ expression compilation this throws, but I am running this example on an empty database. The schema generations gets far enough to create the table structure, but can't evaluate the expression.
Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
I've had reports of this - can you add this (and your code) as an issue please?
