help with htaccess query strings appending constantly - .htaccess

I have an htaccess rule that goes:
RewriteRule ^Commercial-Units/For-Sale/(([a-zA-Z]+)*/([0-9]+)*/([a-zA-Z]+)*/([0-9]+)*/([a-zA-Z]+)*/([0-9]+)*)*$ pages/index.php?f=quicksearch&cust_wants=1&want_type=2&at=$3&start=$5&limit=$7 [R=302,L]
This is specifically designed for when a page requires paging records.
I have been trying to find solutions over everywhere in Google and
The problem is that everytime someone clicks on, say page 2, the address bar keeps on adding my query strings like so:
notice that the url above containes multiple key-value combinations duplicated and this goes on and on everytime someone clicks on the next page...
Hope someone can point me to the right solution to this...
Thank you very much!

Thats not a problem with your rewrite but with your site code the links are adding /page/2/at/10/limit/7 to the current url you need to remove the previous params using something like ../../../../../../page/2/at/10/limit/7
And if that is for SEO please use parameters for pagination, only use SEO friendly urls for categories and items, no need to index every single pagination option, as that will be duplicated content.


How to redirect a URL?

I have a problem in redirecting a URL on a Silverstripe website. I have a news feed page with a summary of articles in a paginated style. It displays 20 articles initially and switches to the next 20 based on the page number chosen. It is just the standard blog layout. When I click on page 2 then it should navigate to https://*****/news/?count=20 and for page 3 as https://*****/news/?count=40 etc. However upon clicking the blog page number it navigates to https://*****/news/news/?count=20. So the navigation link is not rewriting the parent URL.
All of my other Silverstripe websites work fine with the same blog layout except this and I don't see any reason to tweak the default code. I thought of adding a .htaccess redirect like this
Redirect 301 /news/news/?start=20 https://******/news/?start=20
but I didn't have any luck to make it work. Kindly suggest me a solution for this.
The output I expect is to redirect to the right URL
Here is a simple redirection rule that should fix the symptom you describe:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/?news/news/(.*)$ /news/$1 [R=301,L]
But I doubt that approach is a good idea. Simply because it tries to fix a symptom, not the cause. The cause is that you actually create requests to URLs that contain the /news/news/ issue which should never happen. I assume the cause of that issue is that you hand out relative references (so something like news/...) instead of absolute references (/news/...). I strongly suggest that you handle the cause instead of trying to fix the symptom.

RewriteRule - redirect multi variable URL to multi variable URL

Our old website has a search URL structure like this: States/Region/California/Area/Southern California/City/San Diego/Suburb/South Park/Type/House/Bedrooms/4/Bathrooms/3/
This is currently rewritten to point to the physical page:
The parameters in the URL can be mixed up in different orders, and the URL can include one or more parameters.
We want to 301 redirect these old URLs to a new structure that is ordered in a logical way and more concise:
Is there a way with URL rewriting to interrogate the old URL, work out what parameters are existing and then write out the new URL structure?
Even if we can limit it to just the Country, Region, Area, City and Suburb, that may be good enough to at least return some results even if it's not perfect.
Also, spaces should be turned into hyphens and all text made lowercase.
I already have the RewriteRule to turn the new URL structure into a URL to point to a physical page. It's just transforming the old URL in to the new URL I need help with. I've googled endlessly and it's just beyond me!
Can anyone help? Thanks.
Since you already have the old search page with rewriting rules set up for it and which is capable of parsing all parameters you need, the easiest and most appropriate solution I see here is to issue a redirect you require from this old search page's code. Just put the code that composes new URL with all parameters needed and redirects from this page - this should be a lot easier than trying to parse all these parameters in .htaccess and combine them into the new format.

HTAccess Redirect using main parameter, ignore all others

firstly I know and understand how to redirect based on parameters :)
My issue is that I need to redirect all links based on the supplied MenuID parameter and ignore any other information in the query string, as not all parameters are used in each web page request, e.g. menuid=2738421; is New Products limit=5&page=24
The reason for the redirection is that search-engines have indexed these pages and so I need to prettify the URLs.
Is this actually possible to create a fuzzy redirect criteria?
## 301 Redirects
# 301 Redirect 1 - works for this explicit URL, but need a partial result
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^$
RewriteRule ^new\.html$ [R=301,NE,NC,L]
Any help gratefully taken, thank you in advance
Sorry for the delay, but StackOverflow doesn't seem to have a way to flag answers that have been replied to and need my attention.
OK, if I understand you correctly, you have an incoming "reduced" semi-SEF URL out in the real world (produced by your links), such as
("real" SEF would be something like
and you need to use .htaccess to map it to real files and more Query String information:
You want to detect new.html for example, and replace it by a fixed string shop.php?menuid=2738421&menuref=Ja&menutitle=New+Products&, using the [QSA] flag to append the existing Query String on to the end?
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^new\.html /shop.php?menuid=2738421&menuref=Ja&menutitle=New+Products [QSA]
RewriteRule ^sale\.html /shop.php?menuid=32424&menuref=Ja&menutitle=Products+On+Sale [QSA]
I believe that a & will be stuck on the end of the rewritten address if the user supplied a non-empty Query String, but be sure to test it both ways.
P.S. It probably would have been cleaner to use "comment" to reply to my question, rather than adding another answer.
It's not clear to me what your starting point is and where you're trying to end up. Do you have "pretty" URLs that you want to convert into "non-pretty" Query Strings that your scripts can actually digest?
The reason for the redirection is that search-engines have indexed
these pages and so I need to prettify the URLs.
If the search engines have already indexed the Query String non-pretty version, they'll have to now re-index with pretty URLs. Ditto for all your customers' bookmarks.
If you want to generate "pretty" links within your site, and decode them (in .htaccess) upon re-entry to non-pretty Query Strings, that should work. Your customers' existing bookmarks should even continue to work, while the search engines will replace the non-pretty with the pretty URLs.
and thanks for the interest in my question...
I have rewritten parts of my website and Google still has references to the old MenuID parameter and shop.php configuration, but now I rewriten the Query to a prettier format, e.g.
is now
The pages represent product categories, and so needed to be displayed in a more meaningful manner. Customer bookmarking is not an issue, as long as I can redirect the pages.
I hope that makes sense, best wishes,

.htaccess redirect pagination

At present my url structure of page is like this
I want to change it to
Note that, I have multiple page, i.e. let's say a category have 100 page so I need to redirect all the earlier page number to the new url structure. Writing code of every url will be too tedious. I am not sure but using $ in the code can help.
Please let me know how can it be done via .htacess.
Thanks in advance.
Your URL structure is already with the desired one you have as I can see.

Erase '#' from url

I didn't understand how to make this work so I hope you know because I didn't found more solutions:
I have implemented jquery cycle in wordpress with the window.location.hash to make an individual url from each slide (example here
Now I have an indez with some selected photos of differents categories that works with hashes like localhost/prueba/#men/#work61, localhost/prueba/#women/#work15, etc...the trick is that I have also the category /men/ and the photo #work61 permanetly cause the index may change but not the photo in the category indeed. So what I need is change the url without reloading from /#men/ to /men/ and if they share a link they will always go to the right photo and section (did I explain it well ?)
I have been testing many ways to arrive, with history.js and even with the aisle Pushestate but I didn't found the right solution. Lately I have made this with htaccess and it's closely what I need
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /prueba/
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/([^/]+)/$ $1/#$2 [NE,R]
This changes me from localhost/prueba/men/work61 to localhost/prueba/men/#work61 but if I tried to add a hash to the first folder (#men), an also only work if somebody put the link directly
Any idea? Thanks in advance
I think you need to understand the URI specification, section 3.5 Essentially, in the context of a web browser displaying HTML documents, the URI fragment (after the #) refers to a subset of the resource (page).
Basically if you removed the # from your URL, you will not be referring to a different subset of the same resource, but another resource entirely. So another page will be requested.
