Drupal autocomplete fails to pull out data as a subdomain - drupal-6

I managed to pull out data using autocomplete at my local (http://mysite.dev/swan/autocomplete). The json data is displayed.
But when I applied the same module at live (now a subdomain: http://test.mysite.com/swan/autocomplete with different drupal installs), this autocomplete fails to pull out data. No json data is displayed.
Do you have any idea if this is related to cross domain issue, or any possible cause I might not be aware of?
This is the callback:
* Callback to allow autocomplete of organisation profile text fields.
function swan_autocomplete($string) {
$matches = array();
$result = db_query("SELECT nid, title FROM {node} WHERE status = 1 AND type='organisation' AND title LIKE LOWER ('%s%%')", $string, 0, 40);
while ($obj = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$title = check_plain($obj->title);
//$matches[$obj->nid] = $title;
$matches[$title] = $title;
//drupal_json($matches); // fails at safari for first timers
print drupal_to_js($matches);
Any hint would be very much appreciated.

It's the conflict with password_policy.module. Other similar modules just do the same blocking. These modules stop any autocomplete query.


Check URL exists in ApplicationContentUriRules

I have an app that is loading URLs into a WebView (x-ms-webview). When the user makes the request, I would like to compare the URL they are trying to load with the "whitelisted" URLs in the ApplicationContentUriRules and warn them if it is not there. Any ideas how I might accomplish this?
There isn't a direct API for pulling information out of the manifest, but there are options.
First, you can just maintain an array of those same URIs in your code, because to change them you'd have to change the manifest and update your package anyway, so you would update the array to match. This would make it easy to check, but increase code maintenance.
Such an array would also let you create a UI in which the user can enter only URIs that will work, e.g. you can offer possibilities from a drop-down list instead of letting the user enter anything.
Second, you can read the manifest XML into a document directly and parse through it to get to the rules. Here's some code that will do that:
var uri = new Windows.Foundation.Uri("ms-appx:///appxmanifest.xml");
var doc;
Windows.Storage.StorageFile.getFileFromApplicationUriAsync(uri).then(function (file) {
return Windows.Storage.FileIO.readTextAsync(file);
}).done(function (text) {
doc = new Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument();
var acur = doc.getElementsByTagName("ApplicationContentUriRules");
if (acur !== null) {
var rules = acur[0].getElementsByTagName("Rule");
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
console.log(rules[i].getAttribute("Match") + " - " + rules[i].getAttribute("Type"));
You could probably just get "Rule" tags directly from the root doc, because I don't think anything else in the manifest uses that kind of node, but to future-proof it's better to get the ApplicationContentUriRules first. As you can see, the "Match" attribute is what holds the URI for that rule, but you also need to make sure that "Type" is "include" and not "exclude".

Chunk is called with unique data, but renders duplicate content

Guess my problem is closely related to this one : Snippet duplicates content when used multiple times on page
The elements of my problem are the following ...
$modx->loadedResources : an (empty) array registered in the main $modx object via a snippet on page load. The array holds resource id's of the resources fetched from the DB randomly, so the same resource isn't shown twice on the same page.
loadRandomResource : a snippet using XPDO-style querying to load a random resource from the DB. It uses $modx->parseChunk() to fill the placeholders in the chunk with the resource data. With each call, it appends the id of the fetched resource being fetched to the $modx->loadResources array.
I used some debugging to check if the resource id's were properly being stored in my array, each time I fetch a new random resource, which happens to be the case. I then checked if the db returns different results, each time I call the loadRandomResource snippet, and it does. I can also confirm that it doesn't return duplicate results (I exclude the already loaded resource ID's in my XPDO query).
However, when calling the snippet at 3 various locations throughout my page template, all 3 snippet calls render the same resource, which is weird, since my debug shows that unique data is being loaded from the DB, and being sent to the chunk for rendering.
Please find below both the snippet code, as well as the chunk mark-up.
Does anyone have any ideas? Any help is much appreciated!
loadRandomResource snippet
$criteria = $modx->newQuery('modResource');
$whereOptions = array(
'parent' => 2,
'deleted' => false,
'hidemenu' => false,
'published' => true
if (!empty($modx->loadedResources)) {
$whereOptions['id:NOT IN'] = $modx->loadedResources;
$resources = $modx->getCollection('modResource', $criteria);
$output = '';
foreach ($resources as $resource) {
$fields = $resource->toArray();
$fields['tv.tvPersonalPicture'] = $resource->getTVValue('tvPersonalPicture');
$fields['tv.tvJobTitle'] = $resource->getTVValue('tvJobTitle');
$output .= $modx->parseChunk('cnkTeamListItem', $fields);
$modx->loadedResources[] = $fields['id'];
return $output;
cnkTeamListItem chunk
<img src="[[+tv.tvPersonalPicture]]" alt="[[+pagetitle]]" />
<h2>[[+pagetitle]]<br /><span>[[+tv.tvJobTitle]]</span></h2>
I found the answer myself, solution is a bit odd though ...
I was calling my custom snippet 3 times in my template, uncached. Each call though exactly looked the same ...
[[!loadRandomResource? &type='teammember']]
Even though I had the exclamation mark in place, still ModX was caching the call, within the same page request.
So when I added a random unique value to each of the 3 calls, the issue was solved.
Call 1 : [[!loadRandomResource? &type='teammember' &unique='123465']]
Call 2 : [[!loadRandomResource? &type='teammember' &unique='987654']]
Call 1 : [[!loadRandomResource? &type='teammember' &unique='666666']]
Don't know if this is a bug or a feature, but I thought that the exclamation mark prevented caching, both across different pageviews, as well as within the same page view. Anyhow, thx for helping.
I use this code for rendering chunks in snippents:
// get chunk or template
$tplRow = $modx->getOption('tplRow', $scriptProperties, '');
// get template
if (substr($tplRow, 0, 6) == "#CODE:") {
$tplRow = substr($tplRow, 6);
} elseif ($chunk = $modx->getObject('modChunk', array('name' => $tplRow), true)) {
$tplRow = $chunk->getContent();
} else {
$tplRow = false;
// render template
$field = array(); // your fields
if ($tplRow) {
$chunk = $modx->newObject('modChunk');
$output[]= $chunk->process($fields);
} else {
$output[]= '<pre>' . print_r($fields, 1) . '</pre>';
You do realize you could have done this with getResources, don't you?

Accessing current user information for a netsuite html form using suitescript

I've been trying to figure auto-complete some values from netsuite onto our custom html form.
After a bit of researching, I found this gem: nlapiGetContext (http://www.netsuite.com/portal/developers/resources/APIs/Dynamic%20HTML/SuiteScriptAPI/MS_SuiteScriptAPI_WebWorks.1.1.html)
which should do exactly what it says,
However, when doing a console.log dump of nlapigetcontext()
the following information is displayed, not my current logged in user information
Here is my current test script:
if (window.addEventListener) { // Mozilla, Netscape, Firefox
window.addEventListener('load', WindowLoad, false);
} else if (window.attachEvent) { // IE
window.attachEvent('onload', WindowLoad);
function WindowLoad(event) {
Any help or guidance is appreciated!
Thank you!
Where is this form located? Context will only work if you are logged into the system, so this won't apply for online customer forms, those are considered to be "outside the system".
You can write a Suitelet to retrieve data from an external form if you are only retrieving values.
I use this to get campaign information on an external landing page.
function getCamData(request, response){
if ( request.getMethod() == 'GET' ){
response.setHeader('Custom-Header-CamID', 'CamID');
var camid = request.getParameter('camid');
var rec = nlapiLoadRecord('campaign', camid);
var o = new Object();
o.thisid = camid;
o.promocode = rec.getFieldValue('campaignid');
o.phone = rec.getFieldValue('custevent_cam_1300num');
o.family = rec.getFieldValue('family');
var myString = JSON.stringify(o);
response.write (myString);
You request something like this:
And returns something like this:
{"thisid":"8020","promocode":"CAM999","phone":"1800 111 222","family":"12"}
Also you can do server-side posting from an external site to a NetSuite customer online form, it will capture and validate the data as far as it has the entry fields set in NS, this is a great way to avoid using those horrible iframes.
Use these functions
For details check http://suitecoder.appspot.com/static/api.html

Paginator (Migration from Cake 1.3 to 2.0)

I am struggling with the paginator in Cakephp 2.0. While I am trying to migrate my application to 2.0 I cant find any solution to jump directly to the last page. In 1.3 it was quiet to do that from outside like this:
echo $this->Html->link(__('Flights'), array('controller' => 'flights',
'action' => 'index','page' => 'last'));
but this little trick putting 'page:last' in does not work anymore in 2.0. Of course there is a Paginator function called last, but this would only help if I would be already inside the app. My Problem is to access from an outside link directly the last page of the paginator.
This is the simple way:
echo $this->Paginator->last('Any text');
Other way to get the number of the last page is:
echo $this->Paginator->counter(array('format' => '{:pages}'));
Then you can use it to generate your link.
For more info:
Shortly after creating a bounty for this question I found the solution to MY problem using CakePHP 2.2.4. I was trying to accomplish the same task but instead using version 2.2.4 instead instead of 2.0. Basically if I had a link that looked like http://www.domain.com/articles/page:last that the controller's pagination method would know what page to go to and display the correct results (articles) for that page. For example, if I have 110 articles and the pagination limit is set to 25, by going to that URL it would display page 5 of 5, showing records 101-110. I also wanted the same capability if I go to “page:first”.
I needed to change my library file lib/Cake/Controller/Component/PaginatorComponent.php.
I changed
if (intval($page) < 1) {
$page = 1;
if ((intval($page) < 1 && $page != "last") || $page == "first") {
$page = 1;
I also added
if($page == "last"){
$page = $pageCount;
After the line
$pageCount = intval(ceil($count / $limit));
Christian Waschke, with this solution, you can use the same link helper exactly how you wrote it in your question. For me, the link helper looked like this
<?php echo $this->Html->link('Go to Last Page', array('controller' => 'articles', 'action' => 'index', 'page' => 'last')); ?>
You can 'calculate' the last page yourself if 'last' is passed as the page number;
I would discourage making modifications in the CakePHP library files as this will make it hard to perform upgrades in the future.
Basically, the PaginatorHelper uses viewVars that are calculated and set by the PaginatorComponent, as seen here: https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/lib/Cake/Controller/Component/PaginatorComponent.php#L212
You can replicate this in your action; for example:
public function index()
if (!empty($this->request->params['named']['page'])) {
switch($this->request->params['named']['page']) {
case 'first':
// replace the 'last' with actual number of the first page
$this->request->params['named']['page'] = 1;
case 'last':
// calculate the last page
$limit = 10; // your limit here
$count = $this->Flight->find('count');
$pageCount = intval(ceil($count / $limit));
// replace the 'last' with actual number of the last page
$this->request->params['named']['page'] = $pageCount;
// then, paginate as usual
$this->set('data', $this->paginate('Flight'));
To improve this, this logic should be moved to a separate method, or to a behavior. However; as seen above, it is not required to make modifications in the PaginatorComponent!
Also note that the 'find(count)' in my example does not take additional conditions, they should be added if required
If you have a look in the CakePHP 1.3 source for paginate(), the code above is comparable; https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/1.3/cake/libs/controller/controller.php#L1204

How does one get Drupal's current view/page identifier?

What I am looking for is a page_id/view_id that I can use to identify and style specific pages. I would use the title or the url, but there is a chance that it could change if the a higher-up decides that the page should no longer be called Golf, but rather Tee-Time because he likes it better.
Presumably this identifier would not change if the current page were to be a paged view (page 1,2,3,4...).
One way of solving this is the following. It's depending on the url, so if it changes, so does the class-name.
In my themes template.php I implemented hook_preprocess_page:
function mytheme_preprocess_page(&$vars, $hook) {
$body_classes = array();
$body_classes[] = 'page-' . _get_page_name($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$vars['body_classes'] = implode(' ', $body_classes);
function _get_page_name($request_uri) {
static $numeric_subsection = array(
'/node/' => 'node',
$preAlias = $request_uri;
$alias = substr(strrchr($preAlias, "/"), 1);
if (strpos($alias, '?') > -1) {
$alias = substr($alias, 0, strpos($alias, '?'));
$page_name = $alias;
if (empty($alias)) {
$page_name = 'start';
else if (is_numeric($alias)) {
foreach ($numeric_subsection as $section => $pn) {
if (strpos($preAlias, $section) > -1) {
$page_name = $pn;
return $page_name;
Then in the main page-template:
<body class="<?php print $body_classes; ?>">
This isn't a generic solution. So you'll probably have to customize this for your specific needs. It will for example need som tweaking to play nicely with path auto.
This depends a little on how your site is put together (panel pages, view pages, "normal" pages). Essentially, you need to figure out what vars are in scope, and then determine which information in them can be used. To determine what is in scope, you can use print_r(array_keys(get_defined_vars())); and then poke around in the individual vars.
An option is to do something in theme_preprocess_page. One option is to get the page data via page_manager_get_current_page(), poke around in there, and then add body classes as needed. Without knowing what you are doing, you essentially need to print_r the results somewhere, look at what you have, and go from there.
