Error while compiling a library in C# - c#-4.0

I am trying to compile a class(sqlAccess) declared as public with few methods related to database connection in it. I am getting the following error ...
Error 1 Friend access was granted to 'SqlAccess, PublicKey=00c8', but the output assembly is named 'SQLAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Try adding a reference to 'SqlAccess, PublicKey=00c8' or changing the output assembly name to match. c:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0\System.Data.dll SQLAccess
What could be the reason? is there already a method of that name? I am new to programming so am unable to understand this clearly. Thank you.

This worked for me:
Open the Properties|Signing Tab. Ensure that you have "Sign the Assembly" checked and the strong name key file referenced. Save and compile the Project/Solution.
(cited from MSDN)

.NET seems to get grumpy if you give your assembly/project a name that isn't unique. In your case, SqlAccess must already exist in .NET or a referenced assembly.
The fix is to rename your assembly.
Similar issue:
Weird error in C#

That's because SqlAccess assembly has a reference which granted internal access to SqlAccess. It must be something like this [you will find it in AssemblyInfo.cs] :
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Name of assembly goes here, PublicKey=")]
During compile time when compiler can not find assembly with specific PublicKey, you will get the error such as 'Friend access was granted to...'.
In order to resolve this problem one solution is to remove above attribute from source assembly, or add new public key and change it in source assembly.

Reason behind this should be either you have reinstall/update that particular dll within your solution and but old dll was not deleted properly from your solution and system.
That's why, it got worked when you change the Assembly name (from sqlAccess to sqlAccessXYZ)

I changed the Assembly name to sqlAccessXYZ and now its working, the problem is with the name. Not sure what exactly the problem, for now the issue is resolved. Thanks.


Error Running Code Analysis in VS2012: Could not resolve type reference

When I click the Run Code Analysis project context menu item. Building starts, but stops with following error:
CA0001 Error Running Code Analysis
CA0001 : The following error was encountered while reading module 'EntityFramework':
Could not resolve type reference:
[System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema.ColumnAttribute. [Errors and Warnings] (Global)
Analysis on other projects works well. How to eliminate this problem?
I tried the solution mentioned by Scott Wylie. I tried adding a reference to System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations in my project but that did not help.
I then tried copying and pasting the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll directly into my bin folder and that did the trick. Add the dll into your local bin folder, publish the solution, then manually add the dll into the bin folder of your published project (if it didn't copy up on its own).
The System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations dll may not be used by your application but it is internally referenced by EntityFramework.dll. Code Analysis will look at all of your referenced dll's and try to resolve their references too. If you add the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll to your application, this error will go away next time you run Code Analysis.

Fail to load manifest error

What does this message means? How to solve this error?
Error 1 general error c1010070: Failed to load and parse the manifest. The system cannot find the file specified. ..\DebugObj\Example1\Example1.exe.intermediate.manifest Example1
I had the same problem on a project I inherited from a pre-2008 Visual studio.
It was not practical for me to add a Main function as sugested by the previous answer. I googled for a while but could not find the root of the problem.
A friend of mine gave me the following solution.
It turns out that the old project included a "example.manifest" file entry in the Resource File Folder in Visual Studio's Solution Explorer for the project. When trying to build the project, VS 2008 was trying to load "example.manifest", which did not exist on the new 2008 folder structor (it was not needed).
So the solution was as simple as removing the entry "example.manifest" from the Resouce Files folder. Rebuilt, and no more errors!. Hope that helps
to fix that error you need to have an entry point in your solution.
just create a main.cpp with a main method... just like this.
in "main.cpp"
void main(){}
then compile and it will get rid of the error.
Had similar issue myself. Converted a VS2005 project to VS2010.
I was using the option, Linker -> Manifest File -> Additional Manifest Dependencies: type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language=''
The conversion garbled it into type=%27win32%27...etc
Fixing this option to the correct format, type='win32'..etc resolved the issue. But not before I accidentally used the format, type=win32...etc and received the same error.

Strange Exception when using Entity Framework with SQLCE

I have used before EF 4 and SQLCE with no such problem.
While I have my assembly containing the edmx file and the context self tracking template and in another assembly the self tracking entities, I keep this strange compile error but the project compiles successfully...
Error 1 Error 175: The specified store provider cannot be found in the configuration, or is not valid.
This just dont go away....but the program runs.
Any idea?
Take a look at this question. Hope this helps.

Compile errors with subsonic 3.0 activerecord?

Note, I have used subsonic 2.2 extensively and love it. This is my first experience with 3.0.
I want to add subsonic to my class library rather than the website. First when I do this, and try and run the custom tool to compile the template files, I get errors saying there is not app.config file. In subsonic 2, I was able to do this and point it to my web.config file. So first question is can I use the web.config file when adding subsonic to an external class library?
The second thing that I'm experiencing are 44 identical compile errors.
This is the error from VS 2008:
Error 44 'krazyCommon.model.atDB' does not contain a definition for 'Provider' and no extension method 'Provider' accepting a first argument of type 'krazyCommon.model.atDB' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C:\dev\krazybuys\krazyCommon\model\StoredProcedures.cs 175 100 krazyCommon
and this is the code that is causing it. The end of the line this.Provider is where the error is being caused. In VS it has a squiggly line under it.
public StoredProcedure aspnet_UsersInRoles_RemoveUsersFromRoles(){
StoredProcedure sp=new StoredProcedure("aspnet_UsersInRoles_RemoveUsersFromRoles",this.Provider);
return sp;
I'm perplexed as I think I'm doing everything correct. Any help would be appreciated.
Many Thanks.
Update, I did find the cause of the compile error. I changed the namespace in the settings file. However, the namespace did not update in the output. It does change for activerecord and content, but not storedprocedures. I manually changed the namespace and it compiled without error.
Is this a bug in the template or subsonic?
Is it possible to change the namespace in settings? And if so, should subsonic pick that up if you right click on activerecord, content and storedprocedures and "Run custom tool" again.
Sorry I forgot to add that I did add an app.config file to the class library and added a conn string before I got the 44 errors.

How can I use classes from VisualBasic-Express in VBA for Excel or Access projects?

I saved my VB-Express code as .dll and registered it with regasm and made a .tlb file.
But when I try to run a function from it in an Excel-modul I get: Run-time error ‘453’: Can’t find DLL entry point RegisterServiceProcess in kernel32
What step did I miss?
or better still try out ExcelDNA ( )
I think you're creating a .Net dll and trying to call it from a COM-oriented environment (VBA), which isn't going to work without help. If I'm guessing right, then you need to investigate the COM Interop elements of .Net: Google throws up lots of promising-looking links, one of which is this article.
It looks a bit unpleasant, but I expect the nastiness can be tucked away somewhere...
Try this Microsoft Knowledge Base article: Can't Run Macro That Calls 16-bit DLL in 32-bit MS Excel.
Do you have the proper rights to access the DLL?
Thanks for the input to everybody, you helped me a big step further.
After following the guides you provided I got: Run-time error: '-2147024894' (80070002)': File or assembly name AssemblyName, or one of its dependencies, was not found.
But I could fix that with this Workaround.
