Best practice in building outlook layout in asp.NET & telerik radpanelbar as a page arch? - user-controls

I am working on enterprise apps, I am using telerik controls to make life easier ;)
The layout of my application on the left radpanelbar used for the navigation menu, on the right side is the content.
I want to make this navigation menu to navigate to a usercontrol (.ascx file) instead of a page (.aspx file)
The navigation control is in the master page.
I have multiple reasons to make this kind of navigation:
I have many user controls, and do not want to make pages (.aspx) as many user controls as I have.
Which is the most important I want to make this happen on the fly with out post pack (AJAX).
So please could any one tell about the best practice to do it.

One possible solution might be to load the navigation user control programmatically via AJAX when the user clicks a panelbar item. Still positioning this user control on the master page and loading it from the content page is quite odd to me and I personally do not approve it as a good architectural decision.


In XPages Mobile App, can you clear viewScope variables between page changes?

I'm working on an XPages Mobile app using mobile controls from Extension Library.
My hope page is a menu leading to 4 different mobilePages.
I get this this is 1 XPage and we're dealing with "Virtual Pages". But is there a way to clear viewScope variables and document bindings as you go back and forth between virtual pages?
For instance. In one of my pages I ask the user for some data. 3 Fields stored in viewScope Variables. Using that I then have a button to Create a new document which gets bound to a panel and then I do things with it.
If the user hits "back" from the menu bar, to go to the Home screen and then goes back to the same page I want to clear everything and start all over.
setting resetContent= true doesn't do anything here.
My virtual page is a custom control and I tried to clear everything on beforePageLoad but that wiped it all during a manual refresh.
I tried hooking into the rendered property of the back button but that fired during a full page refresh. Possibly I could live with partial refreshes but someone might still manually refresh it.
Any way to get this ability inside the single page app mobile context?
See the following XSnippet on for your answer and a worked example - have fun! BTW: this is something we want to support on the Mobile App Page in an upcoming release - for now you can use the worked example I provide on XSnippets!
Have you tried using requestScope for the virtual page bindings? From your description, it sounds like this would be the correct scope to use.

Are there any possible ways to implement typeahead or name picker capability in an XPages mobile app?

I've an XPages Web app and want to mobilize it. However, I'm encountering difficulty in finding a suitable control to let users for selecting a name from Domino Directory.
In my Web app, I use the built-in typeahead and xe:namePicker for that purpose. However, these two items would not work nicely on a mobile page. Are there any alternative solutions?
The standard typeahead will work if you include the dojo tundra.css in your mobile app, this will be modified to be included in the future.
The name picker doesn't work as the type of control used doesn't support mobile devices well, currenty there is no in built solution, An idea that comes to mind is click a button and open a page to a dataview / repeat control that has all the names in it and a textbox to filter the list.

Master View in Iphone

I had back ground and now developing apps for Iphone. I have been wondering is there some thing master view or theme for app as we had master pages for website designing in asp dotnet which make the whole website design generic
No you really don't have anything similar. You do get two great application templates, the Tab based view or the Navigation based. In the navigation controller certain things follow each view like the style of the navigation bar but that is it.
If you want to use something like PhoneGap and drop that into XCode then use a web based UI framework like jqTouch, then you can have a template :) but that is a completely different application model.
Master View? I'm not sure what you mean by this. You have a Window (UIWindow) that you add Views to (UIView). You only have one window, but are free to have as many Views as you like.
So it depends what you want to add, for example i have a banner that i want at the tope of evert screen. I added the ImageView to the window and scaled the Views so they left the top of the window showing.
If you wanted to add some default behaviour to your Views and or add an image view to every view. You could simply subclass UIViewController and go from there?
If you give a touch more detail about what you want to achieve I'll gladly go into more detail.

how to develop application like LifeRay Control panel

I want to develop an application like LifeRay control panel which has right navigation menu and a page that renders the clicked menu.
My question is how to develop at for example as one portlet or multi portlet taking into considaration (portlet communication)? and how to handle navigation inside portlet?
I'm using Icefaces(JSF) for portlet development and there is a section repeated for other pages(template)
Is there an example in liferay source for this?
Can't you just adjust a theme to have the navigation at the side as opposed to the default (at the top)? This way you'd be developing a plain portal application without any special magic - probably the most intuitive way to go.
Also, others will likely be able to quickly understand what you did and are able to add functionality.

Sharepoint: Web Part vs. ASP.NET User Control

When creating web parts for Sharepoint, is it better to create an actual web part, or is using and ASP.NET User Control (.ascx) just as good?
I already know how to create the user controls that I need, so it seems like the extra effort of creating a web part is just unnecessary leg work.
What are the advantages of using a web part over just creating and ASP.NET user control?
I am a big fan of user controls except for the simplest web parts. I create a webpart that instantiates and loads the user control. There are other tools out there that you can use to expose your user control, like smartpart, but I would suggest you wrap it up yourself, as it is a good learning experience. Once you have done it once, you basically have a template for any other webpart you want to create.
Good Luck!
A bare ASP.NET ascx control would have to be added to a custom layout page. This limits the utility of the control a little as it cannot be added "just anywhere".
Having a webpart gives the flexibility of the control being added to the site multiple times in different locations or even multiple times on the same page with different properties.
As has been mentioned it is good to use CreateChildControls() to create the controls in the webpart and it is not that much of a big deal to code and package a webpart into a solution, making it worth the extra effort.
Webparts are also able to accept connections from "filter" webparts on the same page, giving additional flexibility to webparts compared to hosting ascx controls on the site.
When it comes to editors using the site, it makes a lot of difference for them to be able to add a webpart compared to editing a page layout, publishing it and then creating pages based on that page layout, so from the perspective of a site editor, the difference in usability is really quite large.
I recommend going even further and coding your webpart to use an xslt file to display the contents and making the location of that xslt a configurable property of the webpart. This really adds to the flexibility of your control.
Look at the Dataview webpart to see how much can be done with the addition of custom rendering.
